"Really, Shanks?"

Gordon grinned and looked at Shanks in disbelief:"Is Uta really going to stay?"

"Is it because of Totumjika? I tell you, this is unnecessary. Tell Uta that it is not her fault. It is because we are blinded by greed. Otherwise,……"

Seeing Uta's change, Gordon suddenly thought of Totumjika, wondering if Uta changed her mind because of this, so he tried to persuade her in a hurry.

It can be seen that Gordon is not a person who does not know right from wrong, otherwise he would not have taken in Uta in the original book, and even vowed to educate her.

Seeing this, Shanks also interrupted with a smile:"It's okay, Gordon! This is just one of the reasons why Uta stayed, but I still ask you to take good care of Uta!"

Shanks looked at Gordon earnestly.

After Gordon hesitated for a moment, he raised his hand and said:"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Uta and will not let her suffer any grievances, and I will do my best to train Uta."

Shanks nodded with satisfaction, he believed in Gordon's character.

At this time, a minister came in and said that the navy had sent a message to ask what happened last night.

Gordon had a headache after hearing this. How should he explain to the navy?

Seeing this, Shanks retreated tactfully.

Just a few steps out of the door, Noah was leaning against the wall and asked,"Shanks, what are your plans now?"

Shanks smiled and replied,"Plans? I think I'll go back to the East China Sea to see some friends."

Noah was very bored. What could he do in the East China Sea now?

But he didn't know how old"Sexy Cat" Nami was, and whether"Dark Queen" Robin had gotten involved with Crocodile now.

No, he had to finish his work here and go find them.

"I'll go with you."

Noah straightened his back and followed.

Shanks narrowed his eyes and joked,"Noah, this is not your character. It's not like you to always sail behind me."

Noah rolled his eyes and said,"Please, it's just on the way. It's time to change my boat. Mr. Tom should have it built by now."

Shanks nodded in realization and said,"No wonder, but it's a good thing that you change boats now. I said you should change your boat a long time ago. After all, it concerns the lives of everyone on your boat."

When Shanks heard Noah talk about going to the New World with a repaired old ship, he actually didn't agree with it. The climate in the New World is no joke.

But Noah said it was okay, and as a friend, he couldn't say much.

When they arrived at the shore, Uta was saying goodbye to Shanks and the others, but she pouted and angrily called Noah a"liar."

Noah was unhappy when he heard this. What a liar, I said I would stay here permanently, but I didn't say I wouldn't leave.

But what's strange is that when the residents of Elegia heard that Uta was staying, their faces were filled with smiles, and some even cheered.

After asking around, I learned that most people didn't know that the monster last night was summoned by Uta. Gordon announced to the public that a monster had descended. When they arrived at the island, fortunately, the Red Hair Pirates helped to destroy the monster.

The reason why Noah was not mentioned was because Gordon thought Noah was avoiding the World Government, so he did not even mention Noah's name.

As for the few people who knew the truth, they all knew that it was not the little girl's fault, but her old father who helped to clean up the mess, so the matter was kept secret by Gordon and others.

Shanks was very happy when he heard it. Although he believed that Gordon would protect Uta, it was also good that others did not know.

Just as Noah and others were about to set off, a main ship flying the Big Mom pirate flag came with two auxiliary ships on the left and right.

Shanks said in a deep voice:"This is the ship of Big Mom's eldest son Perospero."

Beckman said puzzledly:"What are they doing here?" Gordon was a little panicked. Being in the New World, he could not say that he did not understand the three overlord neighbors. He could not help but take a few steps back and said with a slightly trembling voice:"What are they doing in Elegia? There are no desserts or special dessert ingredients here."

"Don't panic, Gordon, we will protect you!"

Shanks put his hand on Griffin's hilt, and shouted with a fierce look in his eyes:"Boys, get ready for battle!""

Ka Ka Clang Clang!"

A group of people drew their swords and loaded their weapons. There were dozens of people, but they gave people the feeling of hundreds of people.

Shanks stared at the ship not far away with a serious look.

No matter what the reason for their coming, it is certain that they are not friendly.

On Noah's ship.

Joanna said in surprise:"That's Big Mom's ship!"

Alyssa nodded and said:"Is there anything here worthy of the Three Emperors' coveting?"

Roland analyzed:"Intelligence shows that Big Mom, one of the Three Emperors, loves desserts the most in his life, but there are no special desserts and raw materials here, so it is ruled out."

Then Roland looked at Noah and said:"Lord Noah, they are not coming for Totemjika's summoning music score."

Noah smiled and shook his head, saying:"How is it possible? This happened last night. The navy only knows that there was a fire here last night, and only the people on the island know the details."

Liya argued:"The people on the island are a mixed bunch. Who knows, there might be spies from some force."

Noah just smiled and said nothing. For some reason, he vaguely felt that the other party seemed to be coming for him.


"Lord Perospero, we have found Noah and his crew and the Red Hair Pirates, and it looks like they are preparing to go out to sea."

A younger brother reported to Perospero excitedly.

As a result,

Perospero slammed a candy cane on his face, and the younger brother was instantly knocked out and fell into the sea.


After knocking him away, Perospero took back the candy cane and licked it, glanced at him gloomily and said,"Perori~, you still need me to tell you when we're here!"

Baron Dandan leaned on his cane sword and said to his men beside him,"Put down the boat, Brother Peros and I will go over to deliver the invitations."


At this time, Charlotte Dave refused and said,"You stay, I will go with Brother Peros."

Then Charlotte Dave showed a somewhat wretched uncle smile on her face, making people know that she is a villain at first glance

"I want to see what Noah is capable of. He was called a"Legendary Hunter" by the Navy, but he just killed a disabled old man with broken legs."

Charlotte Dafu obviously didn't think much of Noah. Golden Lion, isn't he a loser?

He had broken legs and all his crew members died in the Battle of Et-Wol.

What's so great about beating such an old man?

He even thought a little sinisterly, could it be that the World Government deliberately let Garp and Noah fight to a draw in order to build momentum for Noah?


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