
Baron Dandan looked at Perospero with some embarrassment. It goes without saying that Dafu would offend Noah if he was like this, and it would be bad if they fought.

Perospero's eyes were also a little hesitant, and finally he said to Baron Dandan:"In this case, let's go together, Baron Dandan will be responsible for the support."

Baron Dandan's eyes widened when he saw it.

What the hell?

Didn't you see the hint from my eyes?


"No buts!"

Perospero waved his hand to stop Baron Dandan from speaking, and said to Dafu,"Let's go."

"Okay, big brother Peros!"

Daifuku responded happily after hearing that.

Baron Dandan is an outsider after all, so what can his mother do even if she values him?

The Big Mom Pirates are named Charlotte after all!

This incident shows that big brother Peros still loves me, hehe!

Daifuku's inner drama is full of thoughts, but Perospero has different plans in his mind.

Perospero: Anyway, sending invitations will offend people. If a fight breaks out, it is better to bring Daifuku with you, so that you will have a greater chance of retreating safely later.

Baron Dandan could only sigh dejectedly, and ordered his men on both sides:"You guys get ready, if things don't go well, use artillery fire to cover Peros and the others."



Shanks saw Perospero and Charlotte Daifuku approaching Noah's boat in a small boat, and said in surprise:"Are they looking for Noah?"

"But how does Noah know anyone from the Big Mom Pirates?"

Beckman thought of something, hesitated, and said,"Could it be that he is sending an invitation to the tea party to Noah?"

"Huh? No way!"

Shanks and others stared at Beckman with incredible expressions on their faces.

Everyone in the New World knows that receiving an invitation to a tea party from Big Mom is not a good thing. To put it nicely, it is an invitation, but in fact it is a threat.

Those who refuse the tea party will receive the heads of their relatives and friends the next day.

So those who are invited to the tea party will always show up as promised.

But Big Mom never sends invitations to powerful people, such as Whitebeard and Kaido, and even Wang Zhi, who has lived on Beehive Island for a long time, has never received one.

To put it bluntly, it is bullying the weak and fearing the strong!

For some strong people, receiving an invitation to a tea party is actually a shame.

So the faces of Shanks and others immediately turned into gloating, both for Noah and Big Mom.

"Noah was so arrogant, now someone slaps him in the face, how cool!"

Shanks rubbed his waist with a smile, he had been beaten many times before, and they were all beaten with bare hands.

Lakiru laughed and shouted:"Boss, Noah is not going to go to war with Big Mom, is he?" Shanks thought for a moment and nodded, saying:"This possibility cannot be ruled out"

"Are you going to stop him?"

Lakiru nudged Shanks' back with his elbow.


Shanks' body froze instantly.


I'll use my dog's head to stop him!

Shanks could only grab the big bone of Laqiru, take a bite, and said vaguely,"If you want to stop him, you go first."


Noah's side

""Hey! They seem to be coming towards us!"

Michelle pointed at the boat that was slowly rowing towards them and said in surprise.

Elena touched her lips with her index finger and said,"We don't seem to have had any contact with them, right?"

"Could it be that they are here for our bounty? Hehehe!"

Sibel chuckled excitedly, and after relaxing his muscles, he was ready to do something big.

Roland thought,"The King of Shipping? It seems that Big Mom does have business dealings with him."

Leah chuckled and said,"What are you thinking! Do you want Big Mom to attack us with such a small relationship? And there are only so many people coming."

Noah jumped lightly onto the bow, folded his arms and looked down at Perospero and the other man and said,"What do you two cultivators want from me?"

Perospero was delighted to see Noah jumping onto the bow. He had been thinking that he would have to chat for a long time before he could see Noah, and he had even planned to have a fight with his group of women. Unexpectedly, Noah stood up first.

However, before Perospero could even open his mouth, he was choked by Noah's words, and a big cross appeared on his forehead. A miscellaneous cultivator?

How vulgar!

Dafu did not tolerate Noah either. He sneered and said,"I thought you were so powerful! I didn't expect that even your appearance has changed. Are you afraid that the World Government will come to your door?"

"But do you think you can hide the truth by changing your appearance? This is the New World, where Big Mom's intelligence is stronger than the World Government's!"

Da Fuku's expression was undoubtedly mocking Noah for being a"coward", and the girls were instantly furious when they heard it.

"How dare you!"

Joanna transformed into the wings and claws of a red bird, and with a cry, she flew up into the sky and swung at Perospero.

"Holy Flame!"

A ball of flame that seemed to cover the sky and the sun rushed towards Perospero and the others.

A sizzling sound was heard in the air, as if even the air was being burned, and the surrounding space seemed to be softened and deformed.

"Hey, a trifle!"

Charlotte Dafu kept rubbing her belt with both hands, and a cloud of smoke gushed out of the belt. In an instant, a demon who looked like the genie in Aladdin's lamp was formed.

He was seen dragging a long-handled broadsword and slashing at the flames in front of him.

""Demon Hunter!"


The knife flashed, and the flame was instantly split in two. Then the lamp demon took advantage of the situation and slashed at Joanna with his knife.

""Vermillion Bird Seal!"

Joanna shouted, her claws brewed a ball of fire, and then she kicked the lamp demon with her wings.


There was a crisp sound of iron colliding in the air.

After a stalemate, the two separated, and Joanna flapped her wings and landed on the boat.

From the ugly look on Joanna's face, it was not difficult to see that she was slightly inferior in the previous fight.


Charlotte Dafu laughed arrogantly, and then controlled the lamp demon to boldly slash at Noah.



A figure passed by Noah, drew his sword and blocked the lamp demon's slash.

""You're quite strong, but not enough!"

She shook her knife with one hand, and the lamp demon was forced back in an instant.

The sun shone, and the figure was Sibel!

After Sibel resisted the attack of the lamp demon, she didn't have any intention of falling back to the boat, but fell straight into the sea.

Charlotte Dafu was sweating on her forehead and her face was a little ugly. It was obvious that she was a little embarrassed that her strength was not as good as a woman, but when she saw Sibel falling into the sea, she laughed and said:

"I thought he was a strong man! Who knew he didn't even know the aerial movement skills."

But Perospero didn't have any mocking expression. He noticed that Noah and the others didn't show any worry.

Sure enough.

Before Sibel landed on the sea, a stream of frost instantly shot out of his hand and shot at the sea. In an instant, the sea froze at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Sibel landed steadily on the ice, drew his sword and attacked the two people without fear.

Perospero hurriedly used the armed color hardened candy stick to meet Sibel's attack.



Perospero's eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and he thought to himself,"What a strong Armament Haki!"

Sure enough, the candy stick in his hand faintly made a crisp sound of"crackling", and cracks like spider webs crawled all over the candy stick, and then there were only"crackling" and"bang".

The candy stick shattered into slag like glass, and at the same time, Sibel's knife fell mercilessly on Perospero.


"Brother Perros! Damn it!"

Da Fu's eyes narrowed, and he quickly called back the lamp demon to slash at Xibel's back, but Xibel retreated to Noah's boat without any reluctance.

Xibel said with a smile:"Huh? It seems that the knife didn't hit me just now. There is no real feeling of cutting flesh."

"You should be wearing armor!"

Xibeier's fighting talent is unquestionable, and as a swordsman, his perception of his sword is absolute.

"Damn it!"

Perospero stood up from the boat unsteadily, his hand covering the knife mark just now. As soon as his hand moved away, everyone saw a layer of dark green armor made of sugar.

Sibel's eyes showed a look of as expected, and then she raised the knife and wanted to continue. Her armed color improved rapidly, and she had already mastered Ryuo, so she was eager to learn the technique of"internal destruction" as soon as possible.

But Perospero saw this and quickly stretched out his hand to stop, saying:"Wait a minute!"


Sibel paused and looked at Perospero in confusion.

After taking a breath, Perospero said:"We are not here to fight, we are here to���The captain sent the invitation"


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