"Really, my mother invited your captain to her tea party this month."

Perospero said anxiously, fearing that Sibel would attack again. It's not that he couldn't beat Sibel, but he just underestimated her.

But there are still eight or nine women behind him, who knows what their strength is. If they are ranked according to the bounty order, there are quite a few opponents of this level, not to mention that Captain Noah hasn't made a move yet!

So Perospero hurriedly raised the invitation in his hand. Fortunately, the invitation was not chopped up, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

On the contrary, Charlotte Dafu behind Perospero pursed her lips, looking very unhappy.

""Looking for death!"

But as soon as Perospero opened his mouth, the faces of the girls became even uglier. They simply treated them as newbies entering the new world.

Whenever Liya arrived at an island with a black market, she would spend a lot of money to buy information. She had to be more careful when entering the new world.

The well-known taboos in the new world included touching Whitebeard's son and now rejecting Big Mom's tea party invitation.

This was a threat to Noah's face!

Just when the girls were about to chop them all into pulp, Noah chuckled twice:

"Is it Big Mom's idea that you come here?"

Charlotte Dafu thought Noah was giving in and said arrogantly,"Of course! If you know what's good for you, take the invitation quickly!"

"Oh? Who are you?"

Noah said to Charlotte Dave with a smile, his expression unchanged.

Dave became even more arrogant after hearing that. He stepped on Noah's face just now, but Noah didn't get angry. It seems that he is definitely a fake.

I said, how can there be so many strong people who suddenly appear at the same level as my mother!

"Charlotte Daifuku, mom's third son!"

Noah smiled nonchalantly after hearing this, and said,"That's great, nice to meet you! I didn't expect that the Big Mom Pirates would have people like you."

Daifuku became even more proud after hearing this, and Perospero was also relieved, and at the same time thought to himself, could it be that this Noah is really a fake?

However, when they heard the rest of Noah's words, their faces changed drastically.

Noah's face suddenly turned cold, and he said calmly:"Although the clown is funny, this kind of clown farce is really boring. Ants are ants after all. After all, they can't see the greatness of the dragon. They think that a speck of dust on the dragon's body is all of the dragon, but they don't know that what they see is just a tiny part of the dragon."

As he spoke, Noah suddenly and slowly floated up into the air, his face cold as if he was an emperor, and he declared judgment mercilessly,"When I first entered the new world, it was too calm. Although it is not the time to make a big fuss, I think it's okay to step on a few ants to death. Otherwise, it will be too noisy!"

"You dare! We are……"

Perospero started to threaten with a timid tone, but stopped the next second.

Noah frowned, and disappeared with a whoosh. The next second, he appeared in front of Perospero. He stabbed with one hand like a knife, and there was a sound of"thump".

"Uh~, why?"

Perospero looked at Noah in disbelief, then he lowered his head and saw that one of Noah's hands had sunk into his left chest. At the same time, he felt a piercing pain, but he could only open his mouth. His pupils kept shrinking and sweat kept pouring out.

Not only him, but even Dafu behind him was frightened and his face turned pale. He was stunned for two seconds before he shouted in a miserable voice:"Brother Peros!"

Perospero put a trembling hand on Noah's hand, and cursed with resentment:"Mom...Mom will...not let you go!"

After that, he glared at Noah, tilted his head and died.

"No way! How dare he do that!"

Baron Dandan, who had been maintaining an elegant gentleman not far away, had his sunglasses fall off and murmured in disbelief.

The younger brother behind him covered his head and shouted,"It's over, Lord Perospero is dead! Mom won't let us go!"

"Damn it! Does he know what he did?!"

"He is dead. Even if he runs to the ends of the earth, he cannot escape his fate!"


Baron Dandan was shocked after a brief moment of doubting his life. He quickly ran to the front of the ship and shouted to Charlotte Dave:

"Dafu, run away quickly!"

But Dafu couldn't listen at this moment!

He shouted angrily:

"Damn it! How dare you kill Brother Perospero!"

Dafu screamed and rubbed his belt violently and continuously. For a moment, smoke that covered the sky and the sun poured out from his waist. When his vision became clear, he saw five lamp demons holding long swords appearing in the air.

Noah slowly threw Perospero aside, then pulled out a silk scarf from his arms to wipe the blood on his hands, and murmured:"I forgot, I'm wearing long sleeves now. Hey, this dress is useless. I liked this dress very much."

The voice was not loud, but Dafu was only a few meters away from him, so how could he not hear it.

Dafu roared with an ugly face:"Damn it! There must be a limit to underestimating people!"

As he spoke, his hands kept rubbing together, and a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that controlling five lamp demons at the same time was not an easy task for him. The five lamp demons surrounded Noah in an instant, raised their long knives and were about to chop Noah's head down, and it seemed that they were determined to chop Noah into six equal parts.

However, Noah only raised his head and glanced at the lamp demons in front of him. In an instant, the air around him seemed to condense into substance, and then he gracefully threw away the silk scarf in his hand and slowly walked over.

The five lamp demons froze in the air as if they were frozen in time and space. After a second, they turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated at the same time.

"How... How is this possible?!"

Dafu looked at Noah, who was walking slowly towards him, with a horrified expression. Just now, the lamp demons he created with his power disappeared out of thin air. This strange feeling made him terrified and even helpless.

Even if Noah broke them up, Dafu would not feel anything, at most he would feel unwilling and crazy, but Noah did nothing, just a glance and all his lamp demons disappeared. This was beyond his comprehension.

"What kind of ability is this?!"

Dafu staggered back a few steps and questioned.

Noah did not answer, but said expressionlessly:"Be more careful with your mouth in the next life. You can do this in front of me, which will be enough for you to brag about in the underworld."

As he said that, Noah condensed a long sword and appeared behind Dafu in a flash. At the same time, several sword lights and shadows flashed on Dafu's body.



Several wounds on Dafu's body appeared out of thin air, and several blood arrows spurted out. Then, the whole person showed panic and confusion, and fell straight forward to the ground, and his eyes lost their luster.

"So strong!"

Shanks held down his hat and looked at Noah with a serious expression.

Even his companions behind him were stunned in place, and Lakiru kept holding the big bone in his hand without putting it into his mouth.

Although the original Noah was strong, he could always feel a trace of limit, but for the current Noah, Shanks didn't even know how he did it.

The sight of killing five lamp demons at a glance made Shanks a little scared.

Rather than saying it was annihilation, it gave people a feeling of wiping out. No wonder Daifuku was frightened to the point of losing his combat effectiveness.

As for the women, they cheered and shouted,"Lord Noah is the most powerful!"

"That move was so cool, it killed five lamp demons with just one glance!"

"That’s right, Lord Noah, I want to learn!"

"I think the way Noah pierced his chest with one hand was very handsome, but it's a pity that he didn't take out his heart."

"Oh, Sister Elena is so cruel!"

"What's with those sword lights?"

"Is it just speed?"



A group of women started chattering about it, and the general conclusion was - Lord Noah is so handsome!


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