As Noah expected, the two girls did not lose their powers after eating the devil fruit.

However, Elena had some visible changes.

""Wow, sister Elena has really become more beautiful!"

Joanna exclaimed with some envy. Her own Suzaku Fruit only greatly enhanced her temperament, unlike Elena's Shura Fruit, which slightly adjusted her facial features, her"chest muscles" became bigger, and her legs and waist became more perfect.

Sister's legs are not legs, but the spring water on the banks of the Seine.

Sister's waist is not a waist, but the scimitar of the Death-Taker.

Elena's whole temperament has also changed a little. For some reason, her gentle and lovely temperament has become a seductive charm in every move. Anyway, Noah crossed his legs when he saw it.

Elena didn't feel any difference at all, mainly because her facial features and figure made her look a little bit naughty with her usual actions.

Leah pouted and said,"It looks like someone is going to cut in line tonight."

Guina felt the energy flowing in her body, and then curiously moved it. Suddenly, two cat ears grew on both sides of her head, and her hands and feet turned into cat claws. Fortunately, her hands could hold a sword, which made Guina feel relieved.

""Wow, a cat! So cute!"

Sibel jumped towards Kuina, rubbed the cat hair on Kuina's face vigorously, and even buried his head in Kuina's neck and sucked hard.

""Hey, hey, hey, sister Xibel, what are you doing? It’s so itchy!"

Kuina pushed Xibel with a red face, but Xibel’s hand stroked her from behind, and she shuddered suddenly, and felt that all the pores on her body were relaxed.

It was so comfortable!

Even the hand that pushed Xibel seemed weak and powerless.

The memories deep in Noah’s soul began to emerge, and his eyes were shining as he looked at Kuina.

Is this the legendary cat-eared girl?

Although there were fur tribes more than 800 years ago, Noah admitted that he was a little too fond of dragons. He was a little disgusted with the fur tribes who were covered with fur but could not become humans, so he never got his wish.

What a pity...

Noah... Noah looked at Kuina with regret.

Damn it! Why is Kuina only twelve years old?

I am not a lolita, I am not a lolita, I am not a lolita!

Noah repeated it three times in his heart, and the beauty in his mind was suppressed by the kindness of the Emiya template and the soul under the red flag of the previous life.

As for the golden template, it has always been against it. Every world belongs to the king, the king is the law, and the king has stronger desires than ordinary people.

Noah seriously suspected that the beauty in his mind was all caused by the golden template.

Yes, that's right!

Noah blamed the golden template without any guilt.


While everyone was laughing and joking on Noah's ship,

Shanks met an unexpected person.

"Boss, there is a wooden boat ahead, uh... there seems to be a man rowing. I wonder if he is in a shipwreck. Do we need to help him?"

A little brother was patrolling with a monocular telescope and found a man in the distance who was rowing"hard", so he asked Shanks for advice.

Shanks smiled and held down his straw hat,"Of course, everyone has their own difficulties! But be careful, ask before approaching, don't let people suspect that we have bad intentions."

""Okay, boss!"

I smiled and gestured"I understand", then turned the rudder with other friends to change direction.


In the distance, a"distressed" man suddenly said"hmm", looked up and saw a ship approaching in the distance, and quickly put away the supreme sword in his hand, walked quickly to the seat, crossed his legs, and sat down.

When he got closer, he said"hmm" again, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he murmured with a smile:"It's you, Shanks!"

That's right, this person is the future world's number one swordsman - Joracol Mihawk!

But soon he frowned again and said:"Why don't I see the swordsman named Noah?"

When he found that there was only Shanks' ship, he was a little disappointed, but he was soon overwhelmed by the joy of meeting close friends and sparring.


"Hey, Beckman, that seems to be Mihawk!"

Shanks also saw the so-called"wooden boat" at this time. Isn't this the boat of his good friend Mihawk!

Beckman also nodded and said,"Indeed!" It can be seen that Beckman and Mihawk have a good relationship.

If Shanks and Mihawk have a good relationship because of the sharpening of kendo between each other, then Beckman and Mihawk are like-minded gentlemen and etiquette.

Beckman thought back to the past, I was still a playboy, but unfortunately I was deceived by the fool in front of me to get on the boat.

In this regard, Beckman can only comfort himself that a smart person will always be confused for a while.

Shanks jumped to the bow, waved and smiled:"Mihawk~, long time no see!"

Mihawk just smiled slightly, suddenly stood up, drew his sword and attacked Shanks with an ordinary flat attack. In an instant, a huge green slash came towards Shanks out of thin air.

Shanks was slightly stunned, but then he curled the corners of his mouth, pulled out the Griffin at his waist and slashed forward with the same flying slash.

The two slashes collided in the air, raising layers of air waves, and in an instant the sky seemed to be illuminated a little.

Facing the turbulent sea, except for a few new crew members, the cadres on Shanks' ship just smiled slightly, without any worry on their faces, and their feet were nailed to the spot like nails, without moving at all because of the bumps of the ship. The red light faced the green light, and in a moment the space seemed to produce a trace of microwaves, but it soon disappeared.

Mihawk smiled, put away the night, and replied:"Long time no see, Shanks! Your kendo is improving very fast!"

Mihawk's eyes flashed with a hint of fire. He found that Shanks's swordsmanship had improved very rapidly in recent days. From the perspective of slashing alone, he was no less capable than him.

Originally, in the swordsmanship contest between Shanks and him, although Shanks was strong, he was still inferior to him in swordsmanship.

However, this old guy had no martial ethics. When he couldn't beat him, he used the Conqueror's Haki to entangle him. Afterwards, he decisively bowed and gave a private Marseille (sorry), which made people feel suffocated.

"Is it because of you? Noah!"

Mihawk immediately connected Shanks' abnormality to Noah.

When Shanks' boat approached his own boat, Mihawk skillfully tied his beloved boat to the side of Shanks' boat, and then jumped onto Shanks' deck.

The old man was explaining the friendship between Shanks and Mihawk to the newcomer, and Shanks greeted him with a smile, grabbed Mihawk's arm, raised his hand and smiled:

"Guys, we're having a party to welcome our friends!"


The younger brothers quickly took out the wine and meat from the cabin, and then skillfully moved the grill out.

Before Mihawk could react, the ship turned into a party paradise.

Shanks stuffed the small barrel into Mihawk's hand, smiled and filled it with wine, and said:

"Why is Mihawk in the mood to come to the New World?"

Mihawk was not surprised by the speed at which these strange pirates held a banquet, and said calmly:

"I came to see you to see if your swordsmanship has fallen behind, and I also want to see Noah."

Mihawk clinked glasses with Beckman beside him, and then drank big gulps of wine.

Shanks was stunned when he heard that Mihawk was looking for Noah.

Good guy, is he looking for trouble?

However, Shanks still didn't say it clearly, but said regretfully:"Yesterday they robbed a ship of Big Mom and are packing their belongings, so we left first."


Mihawk paused after hearing this.

He didn't expect Noah to dare to confront Big Mom. It was quite interesting.

However, Shanks' next words broke his defense. He only heard Shanks take a sip of wine, then asked with a slightly red face:

"By the way, Mihawk, my little brother saw you rowing hard. Did you finally buy an oar?

I've said it before, rowing with slashing is too strenuous. What if you encounter something?……"

Just as Shanks blushed and was happy that his friend could row the boat with a paddle, Mihawk lowered his head and a black aura came out of his body.

"By the way, why didn’t I see your paddle just now, is it lost? Mihawk?"

Shanks saw that his friend remained silent, and suddenly felt a murderous intent coming.

Mihawk suddenly put down the wine in the glass and said to Shanks:"Shanks, we haven't fought for a long time, let's have a sparring match."

Seeing this scene, Shanks didn't know why he felt that it seemed to be different from the previous sparring matches.


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