

On a deserted island.

Two figures kept crossing each other, slashing with swords from time to time. The whole deserted island was full of shocking sword marks, the deepest of which had cut the entire island in half, and trees that were as thick as three people hugging fell to pieces.


After a collision, the two figures separated.

A striking red hair revealed the identity of the person.

Shanks complained in confusion:"Mihawk, why are you in such a hurry to spar! There is still wine to drink!" However,

Joracol Mihawk answered the question irrelevantly, and said coldly:"Shanks, your sword has become much sharper, but I have also made progress!"

As he said that, Mihawk held the sword with both hands, and a sharp and domineering aura burst out from his body and rushed into the sky!

Shanks said in surprise:"Hey, hey, hey, I didn't expect you to awaken the Conqueror's Haki!"

Mihawk just sneered and said nothing.

Ever since that competition, Mihawk felt a little depressed because Shanks used Conqueror's Haki to entangle him and take back a city.

Thinking about his determination to become the world's greatest swordsman, how could he not have Conqueror's Haki with such ambition!

As a result, after planting the land, he suddenly awakened while meditating with a sword, and once awakened, he firmly grasped this power.

Mihawk didn't care about Shanks' surprise. It was just Conqueror's Haki. He had killed dozens of such guys. If it was just this, it would not be enough.

So it's not over yet!

Suddenly, dense and dense lightning rose around Mihawk's body, and then this power was instantly restrained to the night.

Shanks' eyes suddenly became solemn.

"Could it be that……"

Shanks also showed a domineering look.

As expected, Mihawk said the name of the move for the first time.

""Eternal Night!"

Instantly, Mihawk's figure disappeared, and the gushing sword intent rendered the whole world dark.

Shanks seemed to have lost the light in his eyes and became a blind man, but as a great swordsman and a kendo genius, he could still sense the source of the sword intent through his sword heart.

This sword intent was carrying supreme tyranny and was attacking Shanks like a stream of light in the dark night.

""Come on!"

Shanks' aura burst forth, creating a world of red light in the dark world. Strands of dark red lightning wrapped around Shanks' Griffin.

""God Bane!"

Shanks rushed forward with a sword, and the God Bane at this time was slightly different from the God Bane at the beginning, but the whole momentum seemed round and natural.

This change may not be visible to those who do not use swords, but Mihawk at the scene sighed that Shanks finally walked out of his own sword path, and the joy in his eyes was even greater.

The two swords slammed into each other, and the strange thing was that they did not touch each other. Instead, a ball of energy appeared in the middle of the collision, constantly bursting out black lightning, shaking the entire void.

At the same time as the collision, a column of energy rose from the two people, breaking through the blockade of darkness and tearing the sky apart.

"It looks like the fight was intense!"

Laqilu murmured while biting the big bone.

"Yes, Mihawk's swordsmanship is too strong. You can feel the unparalleled edge from such a distance. His sword intent is like a lawn mower. A slightly weaker swordsman will be killed instantly by him. If the swordsman of the same level is not sincere enough to the sword, and if his observation Haki is not strong enough, he will probably be slaughtered."Lime

Jones sighed on the side.

Jesus looked at Lem Jones curiously, his eyes were full of curiosity and disbelief.

"Speaking of which, Reme Jones, have you become stronger these days? Your analysis is very logical!"

Even the other crew members cast curious glances at him, which made Reme Jones shudder. He could only raise his hands in surrender and said:

"Uh, this is what the captain said last time when he was drunk"


The people present booed immediately.

Shanks and Mihawk fought for a long time, and in the end, the island was cut into countless pieces like a cake.

Mihawk is still better in kendo of the two, but the gap is smaller than before.

However, Mihawk has awakened the Conqueror's Haki, and he is worthy of the title of the world's greatest swordsman in the future.

He has integrated the Conqueror's Haki entanglement with the sword intent, so even Shanks cannot take advantage of the Conqueror's Haki.

However, the battle is not just about the level on paper.

A momentary negligence may be the beginning of defeat.

Therefore, if you want to really determine the winner, you have to fight to the death to get the result.

However, this kind of battle is meaningless. Even if you win, it does not mean that you are stronger. You won this time, but if you do it again, you may lose.

Moreover, the two are not enemies, but rivals and close friends who respect each other, so the battle between the two came to an end.

At the banquet.

Shanks pulled Mihawk to clink their glasses and said with a smile:"I heard that you are going to challenge various swordsmen to perfect your kendo, right?"

Although Shanks has little power, he has many friends.

In addition to the information provided by various friends, there is also an old lover of the former vice captain who specializes in the intelligence business, so he also heard about Mihawk's plan. Mihawk nodded, glanced at Shanks and said:"I'm not like you. All I do all day is drink and hold banquets. My kendo practice is either not improving or regressing every day. Moreover, I don't conform to the essence of all schools. How can I become the world's number one swordsman?"

However, having said that, Mihawk also knew that strength will not come out of thin air. As the saying goes,"If you want to show off in front of others, you must suffer behind their backs." Shanks' domineering and swordsmanship must have been honed day and night, so Mihawk's words were just a joke between friends.

Shanks laughed without caring at all, and said with a slightly drunk face:"But I still have a mission to complete and I'm very busy. If it's appropriate, I will keep the appointment."

His Nika fruit is still treasured in his bedroom, so he has to choose someone quickly.

Mihawk also vaguely knew that his friend seemed to have something important to do, but he never asked about anything related to kendo.

Maybe this is why Mihawk can become one of Shanks' few friends.

There is no other reason, Mihawk's purpose is only the sword!

Because of the sword, he became friends with Shanks.

Because of the sword, he became a Shichibukai.

Because of the sword, he can teach and train future opponents.


Except for Kendo, everything else is nothing.

"By the way, where will Noah go?"

Mihawk was obsessed with Noah's kendo.

Shanks did not hide it and said,"If you want to see him, you can go to Water Seven Islands or Fishman Island and wait for him."

Mihawk drank a glass of wine with satisfaction after receiving the news, and did not see Shanks' gloating expression.

Hey, I just wonder if Mihawk's kendo will be broken when he meets Noah?

Thinking of this, Shanks couldn't help but add,"Remember to say that you are my friend when you meet him, so it will be convenient to spar with him. Otherwise, he will probably let his crew drive you away for him."

I believe that Noah knows that Mihawk is his good friend, so he should hold back and not beat Mihawk to the point of doubting his life.

Mihawk accepted Shanks' kindness after hearing this. Although he did not rule out defeating all of Noah's men and then sparring with him in kendo, it would be better to spar with him in his prime, and he could gain more.


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