Under the death gaze of the nurse, the three iron triangles of Sengoku could not help but be defeated. Garp also comforted Borsalino cheerfully, and then slapped Borsalino's shoulder with the hand that had just picked his nose, and left after cheering him up.

Crane was different from the other two. As the only woman in the iron triangle, she was more gentle. She comforted Borsalino normally, and then promised to help him approve paid vacation. Finally, she left with Borsalino's grateful eyes. Borsalino sighed secretly: Grandma Crane is still the best. General Sengoku was busy asking for intelligence, and Vice Admiral Garp... let's not talk about it.

Sengoku: You kid, what do you need me to comfort you for the injury that was like a slap?!


It was the second day after Noah and his companions had a good rest.

Noah and his companions went to the island and started to spend money to buy some supplies.

However, when they came up, they found that there were only some islanders gathered here, and there was no town at all.

Seeing a trace of panic in the tired eyes of the islanders, the girls didn't know what to say.

This is the sadness of the weak, they have no idea which will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

The movements on the island in the past few days made them panic, but they have lived in the new world for a long time and knew that all they could do in this situation was to pray and call the navy.

However, the navy said that there were already big men on the island, and asked them to wait with peace of mind.

It can be seen that they are very confident in their own monster admiral.

When the islanders saw outsiders coming to the island, they saw a group of girls and a young man dressed as a young man, so they let down their guard.

It's not anything else, but Noah's young man's dress makes people feel that they can solve even if there is a problem.

They asked with a slightly trembling voice what happened on the other side of the island

"There may be a lot of pits over there, and it may be a little harder to walk than before."

Leah answered truthfully, but did not say it had anything to do with her and the others.

At this time, a little girl ran over and asked tearfully:"This...sister, is Boss Tiger really...really dead?"

Leah was stunned for a moment, and after taking a closer look at the girl, she was a little surprised.

This is probably the little slave girl Kerla that Jinbei mentioned.

After careful inquiry, Leah learned that the World News had publicly reported the day before yesterday:

Captain Fisher Tiger of the Sun Pirates died because humans refused to donate blood!


The girls exclaimed and looked at each other.

Even the planner Vanessa didn't expect it to develop like this.

Vanessa lowered her head and murmured,"Could it be that Aaron lied?"

Liya also found it tricky. This report undoubtedly pushed the conflict between fishmen and humans to another new height.

The reactions of the girls fell into Kella's eyes. Their solemn expressions let Kella know how credible this report is, and her little face turned pale.

At this time, a middle-aged woman ran out and grabbed Kella, and said angrily:"Kella, I told you not to tell outsiders about your relationship with that terrible fishman!"

The day before yesterday, when the people here bought newspapers and learned about Tiger's death, the whole village was jubilant and felt that it was a good thing for the fishman to die. They even wondered whether the navy would give a bounty, after all, there was a bounty when they reported it.

This made Kerla, who was standing aside, pale. She looked at the joyful smiles of the villagers and her mother and felt that this picture was simply a group of devils.

No, they were not worthy of being devils. At most, they were like a group of rats in the gutter. They would kill each other for some food, and even backstab the hero who saved countless slaves.

At that moment, Kerla felt that she was out of tune with this village. Even her mother, who she had reunited with after a long absence, made her feel unexpectedly cold at this moment.

She endured for two days until Noah and others arrived, and she hurried over to seek an answer.

But the answer was not what she wanted.

Kerla struggled to break free from the hand of the one she called"mother". She said angrily:"What fishman! This is your daughter's savior! He did not die in the heavily guarded magic cave, nor did he die in the endless pursuit of these years, but died on the island that sent me, a slave, home!

The reason for his death was to send your daughter home!

He is a hero, but saving me is not worth it!"

For the first time, Kerla regretted being alive. She had worked so hard before, tried so hard to please others, and dared not shed a tear, dared not cry out, all because she was afraid of death!

But because she did not die, she killed another person, and that was a hero who saved countless slaves.


The middle-aged woman slapped Kerla in the face and said with cold eyes:"What are you talking about! Do you want to kill all of us!"

Kerla stared at the woman in front of her, and then looked at the villagers around her who were terrified and showed a hint of murderous intent. She lowered her head and did not speak, but silently patted the dust off her skirt and carefully took care of her clothes.

This was the farewell skirt given to her by everyone.

Then Kerla walked to Noah, knelt down on the ground, and said:"Please accept me, sir, I will work hard!"

The same sentence, but unlike Kerla before, there was light in Kerla's eyes at this moment.

Is it the light lit by Tiger?

Noah thought to himself, and then said:"Have you thought about it? My ship is full of maids, personal maids~"

Noah looked at Kerla meaningfully.

But Kerla didn't understand, but she knew the meaning of"maid", so she nodded and said:"I've thought about it, sir, please accept me!"

Take me away from this hell!

Kerla didn't want to stay in this place for a moment. She had been stranded in Marijoa since she was a child. She was unfamiliar with this home. The people on this island killed Boss Tiger, so she had no choice but to leave.

Noah nodded and said:"Then you follow Vanessa, this big sister who looks a little gentle, but is actually very black-bellied."

Vanessa rolled her eyes at Noah, then smiled slightly and said:"Please advise me!"

She quickly looked Kerla up and down in one second, thinking: What a beauty!

Kerla bowed politely with a firm look in her eyes and said:"Sister Vanessa, please give me more advice, I will work hard!"

At this time, Kerla's mother came over with flattering eyes, first looked at Noah, then looked at the girls, and smiled:

"Sir, do you want to buy my daughter?

That's great. It's a blessing for my daughter to serve you!"

Noah nodded, with an expression of uncertainty on her face.

She continued,"Look, if you take my daughter away, she can help me with some work and ask for a good dowry in the future, so you see……"

Noah looked at this weathered woman, sighed, and waved to Liya.

Liya understood and took out a stack of Baileys worth 10,000 each from her body, and handed it to the woman with a smile.

The woman took the money happily, and then turned away without looking back in the envious eyes of the villagers, without even looking at Kerla.

This scene made Kerla's heart cold.

It reminded her of the transaction scene when she was abducted, but she was just scared at the time because the trader was a human trafficker.

But now she is cold-hearted, as if something important has been cut off.

Vanessa understood the hidden reason, opened her mouth to say something, but then fell silent.

What can be done if she says it?

It will only add to the sadness.


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