Noah did not say anything, although the morality of his previous life had been almost worn out by himself, and now he was more self-centered and self-righteous.

But now when he saw this scene, he still couldn't help but sigh that the red country in his previous life had such a strong influence on him.

Even though he was already a vested beneficiary, he couldn't help but curse this fucking world.

At this moment, he began to miss his Uruk. Although he was a bit of a bastard sometimes, the people of Uruk were still willing to contribute to the huge kingdom of Uruk.

And the most important thing is that there are not so many bastards in Uruk. The law is very strict for other people except for himself.

Damn Im!

Noah secretly made a note of this in her heart, and hoped that she could stand up a few more times when the time came for settlement.

Because of the shortage of supplies here, Noah and others just collected some fresh water resources, left a sum of money to buy water and left.

In the wind and sand, a woman was looking out, and it took a long time before she looked back


Time passed to the day before yesterday.

Jinbei muttered while holding a newspaper:"How could this happen!"

Aladdin sat under the mast, crossed his arms and said:"It is probably for the honor of Brother Tiger that the kid Arlong lied!"

Aladdin lowered his head with a gloomy face:"After all, if it is said that the hero Tiger was betrayed by humans, because he hated humans, he refused to accept human blood, and he was a slave in the past, this would bring shame to Brother!"

"However, this will widen the gap between the fishmen and humans.……"

Jinbei couldn't believe how sad his brother Tiger would be after seeing this report.

Aladdin shook his head and said,"This is already the best result. The truth is even more cruel."

Jinbei put down the newspaper in his hand. At this moment, he also had the calmness of the captain and said,"You are right. I hope Brother Tiger can recognize this."

Xiaoba stood on the mast and pointed to the distance and shouted,"Captain Jinbei, enemy ships are spotted!"

Jinbei threw away the newspaper in his hand, shouted to gather his brothers, and shouted,"We have no way out! We can't kill anyone!"


Without Aaron, the racist, leading the way, the voices on the ship were more unified than ever before.


In fact, Jinbei's worries are not without reason. In a corner of the world.

A green fishman took the rice ball handed by a fisherman with a forced smile.

This fishman was Jinbei's boss - Fisher Tiger.

He accidentally rescued this fisherman from the sea.

When Tiger saw it, he hesitated again and again and chose to help humans. Although he did not let go of his hatred for humans, he made a promise with a clear mind and vowed to find a way for fishmen and humans to coexist, so he overcame the hatred in his heart and lent a hand.

The fisherman thought he was going to die, but when he woke up, he found a fishman sitting cross-legged opposite him, grilling fish and setting up a pot to stew fish soup.

At first, the fisherman was like an ordinary person, and he had an inexplicable fear of the fishman, but after sorting out his thoughts and knowing that it was this fishman who saved him, he bravely took the first step - he tremblingly gave Tiger a dozou to thank him for saving his life, and then took Tiger home to entertain him.

Tiger was still hesitant at first, but after seeing the sincerity in the fisherman's eyes, he nodded and agreed. However, he still chose to sleep outdoors at night, and when he ate, he would first feed the food given by the fisherman to the wild dogs on the roadside, and finally eat it after confirming that it was non-toxic.

Two days of getting along made Tiger calm down a lot. He thought that maybe this human being could be kind.

Today, he saw this news after taking the newspaper. He unconsciously clenched the newspaper in his hand, closed his eyes and was silent for a moment, and suddenly he heard the fisherman's voice.

"It's such a pity that Fisher Tiger died! Those people refused blood transfusion just because the hero is a murloc. It's so abominable!"

Tiger turned his head and saw the fisherman holding a newspaper and talking indignantly.

Tiger asked in surprise:"Aren't you afraid of murlocs? Fisher Tiger is a murloc!"

The fisherman scratched his head in embarrassment and said:"I was a little scared at first, but you are a good person. I am not afraid after I have met him."


The fisherman looked up at the blue sky and murmured,"I have a friend who grew up with me and was captured by human traffickers. I once tried to train my body and go out to sea to find him, but I am not talented and only have the strength to fish, hehe!"

As he spoke, the fisherman touched his head in embarrassment, but he could not hide the sadness on his face.

"So I think Tiger is a good man, a hero, he rescued so many slaves!"

Tiger lowered his head and said:"Don't think too highly of him, he is just thinking about saving his fellow fishmen, and he is also a racial element who keeps calling for a break with humans!"

The fisherman pouted and said somewhat dissatisfiedly:"But he saved countless human slaves, and there are more humans among the slaves. He must be a good man. Although I am just a fisherman, I have always wanted to go to sea, so I have been reading newspapers. It is no wonder that the human traffickers' behavior has caused a gap in Mr. Tiger's heart."

Hearing a human arguing for himself, Tiger smiled and shook his head, and said:"You should work!"

The fisherman asked Tiger cautiously if he was a peace-loving person among the fishmen.

Tiger just smiled and said nothing, just said:"Peace is what everyone yearns for, so one day the peace between humans and fishmen will be realized. There are countless possibilities in the sea, so if you want to go to sea, don't give up."

"ha?���I've been exercising but there's no effect!"

"Um, maybe it’s because of the training method. I can teach you the secret skills of the murlocs - murloc karate!"

"Wouldn't this be bad?~"

"It’s okay, just consider it a small step towards friendship between humans and fishmen. By the way, you can call me Taiping!"


"Sister Vanessa, what kind of work do I have to do?"

Kerla stood in front of Vanessa and asked about her job. In order not to be kicked off the ship, she asked Vanessa as soon as she got back to the ship without even going to her room.


Vanessa tapped her chin with her finger, scanned Kerla's dress, and said,"Your first priority now is to go back to your room and take a shower. Remember to take a shower every day. Lord Noah is a little obsessed with cleanliness."

Then she asked Kuina to send some clothes to Kerla.

Kerla's age is not much different from Kuina's, but because of the potion, Kuina is only nearly twelve years old, but her height is more than 1.6 meters. Fortunately, the clothes she bought before were not thrown away, so she can give them to Kerla for emergency. At the beginning, when Kuina and Kerla introduced themselves, Kerla was shocked. It was completely impossible to tell that Kuina was not even twelve years old.

After hearing this, Kerla hesitated for a moment and followed Kuina to find her room.

On the way, Kuina smiled and said,"Don't worry, Noah has a good temper. You don't have to do much work on weekdays, but you need to learn some knowledge, such as navigation, cooking, science, medicine, shipbuilding, etc. Pick one or two to learn. You should just follow Michelle to do odd jobs now. After work, go to the library to get books to read. If you don't understand, ask someone. For example, I am learning flower arrangement."

At the end, Kuina blushed shyly. As a girl who grew up with boys, she still felt shy when talking about flower arrangement.

But learning flower arrangement is to adjust one's mood, which is very helpful for sword practice.

Just like Hawkeye usually farms.


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