
Koshiro knelt down, picked up the teapot on the small table and poured two cups of tea, then pointed to the cushion opposite and said,"Sit down."

Noah thanked him, sat down opposite, drank a sip of tea, and seemed to be refreshed.

"The tea is good!"

"Haha, it’s just the coarse tea grown at home." Koshiro smiled gently. He was very happy to hear that the guests liked the tea he grew.

Noah put down the teacup in his hand. He didn’t know what he was thinking about, and he wanted to say something but stopped.

Koshiro was also very perceptive to notice that Noah wanted to say something, and asked:"Is there anything you want to say?"

"Well, I didn't think much about it this morning. In order to comfort Kuina, I did tell her a lot about how to use kendo to make up for physical fitness. But now thinking back on it, it seems a little ridiculous. I don't believe that Master Koshiro doesn't know about the existence of devil fruits."

Noah smiled self-deprecatingly.

Indeed, as a great swordsman, how could he not know about the existence of devil fruits?

Just like you can't raise a thousand-mile horse in a courtyard, it is also impossible to become a great swordsman on a small island.

Without fighting with other strong men, how can you verify what you have learned and how can you hone your own sword intent?

Noah is sure that Koshiro has left the island and fought with countless strong men.

The gentle uncle with a smile in front of him was probably once a Shura on the battlefield.

If Noah knew the future path of Zoro, he would have no doubt about it.

Zoro's future path This is the way of Ashura, the way of the sword is fierce and warlike, and will not stop until the last drop of blood is shed and until death!

In the original work, even if Zoro fell into a deep coma, he would get up as long as he heard the word"swordsman". His warlike spirit is evident.

Koshiro knew that Noah had not finished speaking, and wanted to ask himself why he said that women could not become the world's number one swordsman.

In response, Koshiro just lowered his head and stared at the tea in the cup in his hand, silent.

Noah thought that this topic involved Koshiro's privacy and was unwilling to talk about it anymore, so when he was about to change the subject, Koshiro slowly spoke:

"I believe Noah also saw that Kuina and I are not similar.……"


Indeed, Kuina has big eyes and looks very strong. If it weren't for Koshiro's blow, she should be a very cheerful girl.

Could it be that Koshiro's wife cheated on him?

Noah was a little fanciful.

"She looks more like my late wife."

Even though Koshiro squinted his eyes, Noah could still feel the sadness and lingering longing in his eyes.

"When I was young, I once left the island, disguised myself, and traveled on the sea with a fake identity. At that time, I was still very passionate, and I challenged various dojos and swordsmen on the sea. I also fought for justice and helped the oppressed civilians to overthrow the nobles who oppressed them."

"It was also at that time that I met my late wife. She was a very cheerful and kind woman. She was also a swordsman, equally warlike, and she also had the dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman."

"I laughed at her at that time. A woman actually wants to become the greatest swordsman? There is no way. Women are also looked down upon in my hometown."

Koushirou said with a smile on his face.

Noah was silent and did not interrupt Koushirou from immersing himself in memories.

The most beautiful thing is the past that can never be returned to.

"Our first meeting was not pleasant at first, but when we went to overthrow the rule of a certain king together, our feelings eased and we gradually fell in love. During this period, I gradually learned that she came from a reactionary organization, which was called the Self-Yong Army at that time."

Noah raised his eyebrows. He really knew the organization"Self-Yong Army", which was the predecessor of the current revolutionary army.

Koshiro was really careless. I had only met him a few times. How could he say such things casually?

"Although I didn't join her, I still traveled around the world with her, and it was also convenient for me to challenge various strong people."

"Later, we had Kuina, and we finally returned to Shimotsuki Village after traveling all the time, and had two happy years together."

"However, after the mission in the VA, she still devoted herself to the cause without hesitation. I did not follow her, after all, Kuina still needed someone to take care of her, and the result was that we were separated forever."

Koshiro looked up at the ceiling, without shedding tears, perhaps because countless days and nights had already passed.

"So I have always said that women cannot become the world's number one swordsman. On the one hand, it is indeed difficult for women to become the world's number one swordsman, but more importantly, I don't want her to run to the sea. There are endless strong men in the sea, and she has the same personality as my deceased wife, the same kindness, the same stubbornness, and sooner or later she will bring disaster."

Noah understood Koshiro's concerns. Influenced by his deceased wife, he didn't want his daughter to fight for that illusory honor.

Noah didn't say much about Koshiro's idea. To put it bluntly, it's the pirate version of"I'm doing this for your own good."

But as an outsider, Noah couldn't point fingers at other people's family affairs.

It still needs Kuina to make the decision herself. Noah believes that Kuina will not depend on her father.

How could a bird that breaks free from the cage return to the narrow cage?

Koshiro came back to his senses from the beautiful memories and smiled,"I really trouble Noah to listen to me carefully tonight."

"Don't mind, this can be regarded as solving a doubt in my heart. After all, I am quite patient when it comes to curious things."

Noah smiled indifferently, picked up the teacup on the table and drank it all, then looked up at the night sky, thinking that his maids would make trouble, so he stood up and said goodbye.

"Excuse me, Master Geng, I have to go back, otherwise my maids will be worried."

"Okay, please go slowly."

Noah walked to the door, hesitated for a moment, turned to Koshiro and said,"Master Koshiro, although I shouldn't interfere in your family affairs, for Kuina, I thought about it and said something."

"I guess Kuina's mother also hopes that Kuina can show her style on the sea!"

After saying that, Noah nodded and said goodbye, and walked towards the direction of the ship.

Koshiro was left looking at the reflection in the tea in his hand, falling into infinite entanglement and memories of the past.

"Alas, on one side is the love of parents, on the other side is the dream, it is really hard for Kuina."

Noah felt a little emotional as he walked on the road. The most troublesome thing is the situation where neither side is wrong or both sides are wrong.

Is Koshiro wrong?

Of course he is, imposing his will on his daughter.

But from the starting point, it is not wrong, after all, it is to protect Kuina.

Although he has only been at sea for a few months, Noah has also witnessed the chaos of this world. Pirates emerge in an endless stream. Even if you appear weak and powerless on some prosperous islands, you will be spotted by human traffickers. It is even said that human traffickers will go to some poor and closed islands to"purchase goods."

If Koshiro was not a great swordsman, Noah really didn't think Kuina would be safe here

"Forget it, Guina will make her own decision."

Noah walked to the beach with his hands behind his back, and suddenly he saw a wooden box on the beach, which was obviously washed ashore by the waves.

"Well... it's time to unbox again!"Noah was not surprised by this. In the past few months, the treasures seemed to have eyes and were always looking at him.

"Hmm? This is……"When Noah opened it, he saw a bunch of blue grape-like fruits, which were obviously devil fruits!

However, there were two booklets and a gold-encrusted dagger around it.

Noah threw the dagger into the treasure house and then reached out to pick up one of the booklets.

In the moonlight, Noah saw the cover clearly, and it was written on it - Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, a few words!

""Ah! Could it be that my wish can come true?" Noah was a little happy. After all, Noah had long wanted to know what the devil fruits in the treasure house were.

Restraining his inner curiosity, Noah looked at another booklet, which read -

Six Styles!

"Hmm? What is the Six-style?"Noah was a little confused about what the Six-style was, but he didn't open it. After all, the ship was right next to him. Wouldn't it be better to take a closer look on the ship?

And it was obvious that something that could be put together with the Devil Fruit and the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia must be good.

"I'm back!" Noah knew that the sailors had gone to get some wine when he saw the deck was quiet, but he was curious why the girls didn't come out.

Noah shrugged and walked to his room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the girls wrapped in bath towels studying casually in their rooms.

Well, very casually, some sat at their desks, some read on the bed, and some put the books on the cabinet and read by themselves...

Because Noah hadn't been back for so long, their bath towels, which were originally wrapped tightly, became loose, revealing a little bit of their beauty.

"Hey! This is my room! Please be respectful! Michelle, wrap the towel tighter, and Alyssa, bring me the towel.……"

Noah blushed and warned all the girls.

Michelle muttered,"It's obviously because Lord Noah came back so late.……"

But after being glared at by the serious Liya, he fell silent.

After seeing that all the girls had packed up, he coughed lightly.

""Hmm! Look, what did I pick up?"

Noah proudly shook the two booklets in his hand, one thick and the other thin.

The girls' eyes were indeed attracted by the booklet in Noah's hand.

"Hey!! This is the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book》!"

Although Joanna is young, it makes sense that she was chosen by Liya to take over the lookout on the ship. With her sharp eyes, she immediately saw the cover of the book.

"What?! Noah found the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia》?"At this time, they were all excited and rushed towards Noah, trying to grab the book from Noah's hand to read.

Noah had to raise his hand high, but found it was useless, which made him a little embarrassed. After all, he was only 1.6 meters tall, so he had no choice but to put it behind him.

Well, in this process, Noah got the face cleanser several times.……

"All right, let's look at the desk first, one by one. What if it gets torn?"

Noah had to yell to shock the girls present, and Liya stood up to maintain order.

Noah understood the feelings of the girls, especially those except Irene and the other two. They were still unclear about their future path, so they were eager to see if there was a path based on devil fruits that was suitable for them.

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