"Then, let's start with the devil fruit that we salvaged before coming to Paradis Island." Noah put the book on the desk, and moved the desk out, letting the girls form a circle around it.

As he spoke, Noah reached out and took out a bunch of devil fruits that looked like bananas but had a five-colored cloud-like peel with mysterious stripes from the King's Treasure. They were the devil fruits that Noah salvaged from the sea, and they were also the first devil fruits that Noah got.

"Sand, sand, sand……"

Noah flipped through the illustrated book page by page, comparing it from time to time.

The girls were also staring at the book and the fruit, afraid of missing a page, and at the same time they had great expectations for the devil fruit.

"Hey, I found it!"Noah compared it and shouted in surprise

"Ah, we are lucky! This fruit is an animal-type devil fruit, a mythical beast, a bird-bird fruit, a colorful peacock form."

Noah pointed to the introduction and read:"Legend has it that the colorful peacock has colorful feathers.

It can emit colorful light and psychedelic powder through its feathers to confuse the enemy's senses and make them fall into an illusion.

At the same time, the peacock's voice is like a magic sound, making people immersed in it and become a puppet of the colorful peacock.

Its eyes are also full of charm, which can make people confused if they are not careful.

At the same time, its feathers are comparable to fine steel, extremely sharp, and can be shot out to kill enemies at a long distance!


"In general, it is an animal fruit with the ability of a superhuman illusion fruit, and it can also greatly improve physical fitness and recovery ability. The most important thing is that its illusion is hard to defend against, and it includes vision, hearing, smell and touch. Of course, if you open your mouth wide to welcome the powder it emits, it can also include taste."

Noah was a little amazed. The power of this fruit is really strong. Although it may not have the powerful increase in physical fitness and large-scale powerful physical attack power like Kaido's Fish-Fish Fruit-Blue Dragon Form in the New World, its lethality to humans is no worse, and it may even exert a stronger power.

"How about it, who wants it?" Noah turned around and asked the girls.

The girls looked at each other, and everyone's eyes revealed the expression of"If you want it, just give it to me."

Finally, Liya stepped forward and said:"Master Noah, please introduce other devil fruits first, and we can discuss it after the introduction."

Noah shrugged to show that he had no objection. After all, he didn't want to eat devil fruits unless he was very interested.

"Okay, next one!"

Noah took out a fruit that looked like a cantaloupe, but the skin was red like a flame, and it had stripes of flaming wings.

It was one of the fruits Noah had found on Elephant Island.

Noah had some experience, and he estimated that this fruit was an animal-type fantasy beast fruit. After all, the wings had flames, so what else could it be but an animal fantasy beast?

"Found it!"

Sure enough, Noah soon found a pattern in the animal-type fruit that looked exactly like the fruit.

"Animal type·Mythical beast·Bird-Bird Fruit·Suzaku form!"

"Nani!" The girls exclaimed.

Unlike the colorful peacock, which did not leave any legends on the sea, the legend of the Vermillion Bird was widely spread on the sea. Although not as famous as the Azure Dragon, it was also a well-known mythical beast.

"Hahaha! Is anyone glad that they didn't get the five-colored peacock fruit?"Noah couldn't help but joked when he saw the surprised looks on the girls' faces.

If the strong men on the sea knew that these women were so picky even about the mythical beasts, I wonder if they would beat them to death.

Others don't know, but Kaido will probably fly from the New World to kill them.

The girls felt embarrassed after hearing this, but some of them seemed to prefer the five-colored peacock.

Noah didn't continue to tease the girls' fragile nerves, but looked at the introduction in the book:"The user of the Suzaku Fruit can achieve high-speed flight with the help of flaming wings, can exhale scorching holy flames to burn all evil souls. The Suzaku Divine Fire has healing power, and there is even a chance to be reborn from death after awakening!"

"What? Resurrection from the dead?!"The girls exclaimed!

Noah ignored their surprise and continued reading:"At the same time, as the king of birds, Suzaku can communicate with all birds and has a natural pressure on birds!"

"Lord Noah, can you give it to me! I can feel it calling me! I won’t watch the rest!"

Joanna couldn’t help but shout out, looking at the girls and Noah with pitiful eyes.

"Hmm? Sister Joanna, did you really feel the call?"Noah asked in surprise.

The fruit is calling people?

Could it be that the fruit has become a spirit?

Noah didn't know if it was true. After all, he had never shown this fruit to anyone, so Joanna didn't ask for it before.

Otherwise, with Joanna's carefree personality, she would have spoken long ago.

"Hmm! Lord Noah, I have a desire in my heart, as if it is asking me to eat it!"

Joanna said seriously, staring at Noah, indicating that she was not lying.

At this time, Noah remembered a sentence recorded in the book

"Is it true what the book says?"Noah couldn't help but mutter to himself

""Master Noah, what is true?" Michelle jumped out to ask on behalf of the girls.

Noah did not hide anything and said openly:"I have read a lot of books about devil fruits. There is a passage in it that says that when an animal fruit awakens, it must overcome the will of the corresponding animal in the fruit, otherwise it will fail to awaken and become an unconscious beast."

"The mythical beasts are more special. They are different from other devil fruits. Because they are mythical beasts, they have extremely strong wills and can find suitable hosts on their own. They will even avoid being found by people with bad intentions. If an unsuitable person eats it, they will not be able to awaken because the will in the fruit does not recognize it. Forcing awakening may even fail.���"

"Huh? Really? Lord Noah, this... this is simply incredible!"

The girls looked at each other, feeling it was too magical, the devil fruit would actually choose its owner!

On second thought, wouldn't that mean they had no chance of getting these two devil fruits?

They couldn't sacrifice their future for a fruit that was powerful but most likely couldn't awaken.

The main thing was that they were confident that they wouldn't be short of fruits by Noah's side. After all, they had only been out to sea for a short time, and Noah had already picked up a lot of fruits, not to mention gold and silver treasures.

At most, they could spend money to buy devil fruits at the auction.

Noah was also playing with the fruit in his hand with interest, and said,"Ah, yes, I just took it as a joke at first. After all, it's okay to have a will, but it can also avoid people with bad intentions by itself, which is a bit magical, and the fruit doesn't have legs. But now it seems to be true."

The hand that was playing with the devil fruit paused, and Noah looked at Joanna and handed her the Suzaku fruit:"I'll give this fruit to Sister Joanna. Sisters don't have to be too anxious, you will meet the right one sooner or later."

Noah thinks that Joanna is indeed quite suitable for the Suzaku fruit.

Joanna has a passionate and fiery personality, yet is kind, which matches the characteristics of Suzaku very well.

""Thank you, Lord Noah!" Joanna took the Suzaku Fruit with a smile on her face, her mouth almost split open.

Sibel pushed Joanna from behind and said,"Just thank you, Lord Noah? You little Nana, you are so ungrateful~"

Sibel then directly reached out and pulled Joanna's face left and right like rubber.

""Five rubs, Xibei Second Sister!" Joanna's cheeks were red, and she apologized incoherently.

Only then did Xibel let Joanna go with satisfaction.

Joanna rubbed her face and thanked the other sisters:"Thank you sisters for your humility! I will definitely use the power of the Suzaku Fruit to protect Lord Noah."

Joanna accepted the gazes of the other girls with a firm look.

Noah interrupted this touching and slightly embarrassing scene.

"Okay, I believe you will protect me. The main thing is not to let those little bastards get close to me. Otherwise, I will be embarrassed if they attack me."Noah waved his hand to stop

"But if the enemy is too strong, don't force it. I believe that the enemy you can't deal with is the enemy that I like. That is the contest between kings."

Noah also told the women not to force themselves. After all, there are too many strong men in the sea. Although the women are his maids, they are also his reliable subjects. He is unwilling to lose his help because of being strong.

The other women actually approved of Joanna's approach. They are Noah's maids, and they even want to be Noah's strongest shield, so they will naturally not do what they want. Since Joanna is more suitable, the other women have no objection. After hearing Noah's last words, the women were even more determined and vowed to become the strongest shield for Lord Noah.

"In this case, there is nothing we can do about this five-colored peacock fruit. None of you feel the call. Do you want to take a gamble? After all, maybe you will experience something in the future and suddenly find that it fits the will of the fruit."Noah did not stop the girls from eating the inappropriate fruit. As he once said, he likes things with souls. These people's ideas always make him feel interesting and sometimes even a little surprised.

However, the girls all shook their heads in refusal. They would not take the gamble. It would be irresponsible to themselves and go against the original wish of the maid group.

"Hmm?"Noah looked around and found that Alyssa did not shake her head. Instead, she was scanning the performance of the girls like Noah.

"" Sister Alyssa, do you want to eat it?" Noah asked with some confusion.

When Alyssa heard Noah asking her and saw that everyone else said they didn't want to eat it, she stepped forward and said in a soft elder sister voice:"Yes, Lord Noah, I choose to eat the multicolored peacock fruit."

This made Noah full of question marks. After all, he couldn't figure out why Alyssa wanted to fight to eat this mismatched fruit. After all, he knew Alyssa's temperament. If it weren't for Noah, she didn't like to fight. Although she was not old among the maids, she was the image of an elder sister.

Alyssa said hesitantly:"Lord Noah, actually..., actually I also felt the call of the fruit."

Noah suddenly realized.

No wonder.

Just when Noah wanted to ask Alyssa why she didn't say it at first and didn't say it later, he thought of Alyssa's personality and previous performance, and a look of understanding appeared on his face again.

"Well, then you eat it."Noah did not say his guess, but handed the colorful peacock fruit to Alyssa with some approval.

Many of the girls were a little confused like Noah why Alyssa did not say it at the beginning, but many of them also showed a look of understanding after some doubts.

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