At night, Noah brought the three girls to the backyard where Kuina and Zoro usually practiced together. Kuina and Zoro had been waiting for Noah and the others there. When

Zoro saw Noah and the others coming, he walked up to them impatiently and complained,"You are so slow, Noah! Are you lost?"

"Stupid Zoro, do you think everyone is like you?" Kuina chopped Zoro's head with a knife from behind.

Noah's mouth curled slightly:"Oh? It turns out that Zoro is a person with poor direction, I remember it."

Zoro covered his head and said unconvinced:"Obviously, this road is inexplicably curved!"

Noah knew that Zoro was forcing an explanation, and turned to Kuina and said:"Sorry, we are late."

"It's ok, we just arrived.……"

"Hey! Don't ignore me! I told you I'm not directionally challenged!"

"Wait a minute, let me compete with Zoro first, otherwise I will be exhausted after competing with you." Kuina planned to quickly deal with Zoro, take a rest, and then compete with Noah.

"No problem, I can do anything."Noah waved his hand to show that he didn't care, and then sat on the steps to make room for Kuina.

Noah is not as obsessed with cleanliness as he was at the beginning, and he seems to be in harmony with the world. He sits on the steps whenever he is told to.

Noah couldn't accept it at first, but when he thought about the fact that fighting with others would inevitably bring dirt, he simply tried to adapt.

"Hello, Kuina……"Zoro was about to argue with Kuina.

But Kuina turned around and pointed her sword at Zoro with both hands, saying,"Come on, Zoro, excuse me, I have to compete with Noah later."

Kuina's calm voice deeply hurt Zoro's self-esteem, so Zoro didn't care about being called a road idiot just now, and shouted with two swords in hand,"Damn it! Kuina, you dare to look down on me!"

Zoro rushed up in anger, like a mad beast.

Kuina was already familiar with Zoro's routine, and took the lead to chop down with a bamboo sword.

Zoro, who had just arrived, was knocked down to the floor by Kuina in an instant.

Zoro was psychologically traumatized by this sword, and quickly crossed his two swords to block Kuina's attack, and then pushed hard, chopping Kuina with the bamboo sword in his right hand.

Kuina didn't have a hard pit, she jumped back, and then slid to attack Zoro's left side, but was blocked by Zoro's left-handed sword.

Kuina curled her lips and quickly changed the attack angle of the bamboo sword in her hand, changing from a chop to a pick, and suddenly picked up Zoro's left sword, then cut it horizontally, chopping off the right sword that was about to defend, and finally chopping Zoro's forehead with the bamboo sword to end the battle

"Ugh!"Zoro covered his forehead and groaned a few times in pain.

Kuina put away the sword and put it on her shoulder. She looked at Zoro with a sidelong look and said with a smile:"The 1,084th battle, victory!"

Zoro could only cover his head with an unwilling look on his face and shouted:"Damn it! Kuina has become so much stronger! Noah, you must teach me how to become stronger later!"

Zoro felt that Kuina's strength had become stronger, and he felt that it must be related to Noah, but he didn't know how to ask Noah, so he could only ask Noah to teach him swordsmanship in a tough tone.

Noah nodded and shook his head, and said:"I can promise to teach you, but Kuina's strength has little to do with me."


Zoro curled his lips and said nothing, just showing a look of whether I believe it or not.

Noah smiled helplessly and said,"It really has nothing to do with me, it's just that Kuina didn't have such a firm will when she fought with you before. I can be sure that Kuina must have been full of hesitation and resentment when she drew her sword before."

Then Noah said in a serious tone:"Remember, swordsman, no, if a person does not have a firm will, then his fists will become soft and his sword will become dull!"

"This is the first lesson I teach you, and it is also the general outline!"

The three girls and Zoro seemed to understand, but Kuina was deeply touched by it.

After a short rest, Noah and Kuina's competition began.

"Come on, Kuina!" Noah held the knife in both hands to signal Kuina that she could start.

But Kuina did not move at all, nor did she raise the knife. She just said:"Noah, don't fool me, show me your true strength!"

"Hmm?" Noah didn't quite understand what Kuina meant, and said,"I'm not being perfunctory with you."

Kuina just snorted coldly and said,"You should be good at dual swords, and you only use one sword to deal with me, and you say it's not perfunctory with me?"

Noah then understood why Kuina was unhappy, so he had to raise his hands in surrender and said,"Okay, okay, I'll do what Senior Sister said."

So Noah took back another bamboo sword

"Can we start now?"

Kuina was satisfied and got ready to start.

Noah took the first step, tapped his toes, and jumped into the air. His two swords slashed at Kuina like a tiger descending from a mountain. At this moment, Kuina seemed to see the scene where her shoulder bones were broken after she withstood Noah's attack.

She was frightened by the momentum of the sword and jumped back to avoid the attack. At the same time, a drop of cold sweat appeared on her forehead. She tightened the handle of the bamboo sword with both hands, and it can be seen that she was not calm at the moment.

Noah was actually also startled. He was just thinking about how Kuina knew that he was good at two swords, so he forgot that he was not competing with Koshiro at the moment, and he had to slow down.

Fortunately, Kuina did not resist, and Noah slowed down in time, but because of this, Noah did not chase her.

"Is this your true strength? Noah!"Guina realized that she had underestimated Noah, but found that Noah's strength was far beyond her imagination.

"Um, I've been eating a lot lately, and my strength has increased too quickly!"Noah scratched his head embarrassedly, knowing that he had been exposed, so he didn't hide it.

"However, Joanna and Alyssa's strength is also increasing very quickly, you can go and have a look when you have time."

Noah blinked and gave Kuina a look that said"you know what I mean".

Kuina also understood it immediately, her eyes flashed slightly, and she thought: Devil Fruit?

"Come on, let's continue our swordsman competition." Noah bit the word"swordsman", indicating that he would not use too much strength, but would compete in swordsmanship.

Kuina did not object. After all, if she really used this kind of strength, she probably wouldn't be able to resist a single blow. She was just embarrassed that Noah would become her sparring partner.

Sure enough, after Noah used a strength similar to Kuina's, the fight between the two became back and forth.

Zoro was a little stunned when he saw Kuina's true strength, and Kuina's swordsmanship made him extremely fascinated.

Zoro shouted that he would develop more swordsmanship in the future, and the name must be better than Kuina and Noah." Noah" sounds so nice and domineering.

At this time, Zoro remembered that the old man who taught him sword once said that a swordsman is like nine mountains and eight seas, and there is nothing that cannot be cut.

He decided that he would use"nine mountains and eight seas" as part of his moves in the future. Cutting off nine mountains and eight seas is so domineering.

Just as Zoro was thinking about it, the competition between Kuina and Noah ended. This time, Noah almost defeated Kuina.

However, Kuina was not sad or had any negative emotions like before in the dojo. She just said:"It must be that I haven't trained enough. Noah, I will definitely beat you next time."

Zoro: ???

Why does this sound so much like what I said?

"Okay!" Noah smiled and said sincerely:"Then you have to work hard!"

"Uh, well."Guina was struck by Noah's smile. She looked a little dazed, her mind was like a ball of paste, she just nodded, and the blush covered her neck and was about to climb onto her face.

Fortunately, Noah walked over in time and bent down to pick up the bamboo sword behind Guina, and said:"By the way, Guina, your current strength is unlikely to become stronger in a short period of time, unless you break through the limit. If you want to break through the limit, you can come to my ship. Sister Joanna and Sister Vanessa can treat you. It happens that Sister Vanessa is now studying medical skills, so she can still make some diagnoses, so as not to let you hurt your body."

After Noah finished speaking, he thought of Zoro next to him and said:"If Zoro wants, he can come, and I have a lot of exercise equipment there!"

After hearing this, Zoro's eyes sparkled and he grinned and said:"Really? Noah, thank you so much."

Zoro's previous exercise equipment was all handmade by himself, made of some stones from the village, which were not durable, easy to break, and it was a waste of time to make them again.

This time, the proud Zoro finally said thank you, which shows that Zoro has a deep resentment towards the exercise equipment he made by hand.

""Okay...Okay, Noah, Arigato!" Kuina lowered her head with Noah on her back, her voice stuttering for some reason.

Noah thought she was exhausted from the sparring just now, and added in his mind, it seems that Kuina's physical strength is really poor.

But the three women who had been watching saw it clearly, it was clearly Noah who accidentally activated the passive skill.

"Alas, another girl who was abused by Lord Noah"

"You know the power of Lord Noah. If it weren't for Sister Vanessa, Sister Liya would have tied Lord Noah up and taken him to her room."

"Eh? Is that true?(⊙_⊙)?"Irene was stunned and said how could she not know


The two women looked at her silently. The whole ship knew that Liya had bad intentions towards Noah, but this fool didn't even know that Liya was a slut. No wonder Liya abducted him to be with her all day.

After that, Zoro proposed to compete with Irene. Looking at Irene's dazed look, if she didn't know that Zoro was just belligerent, she would have thought that Zoro was picking on the weak.

The result was unexpected. Although Irene was still defeated, she persisted longer than before. When she was fighting, her eyes were not as pure and foolish as usual. Instead, they were as sharp as a sword. She easily saw through Zoro's weaknesses, and with her keen kendo intuition, Zoro was caught off guard.

If Zoro didn't have a keen intuition about swordsmanship that was not inferior to Irene's, and if his body had not been gifted like a beast, and had a natural advantage in sensing qi, he would probably have lost again. It's no wonder that Zoro was careless again. He was careless before because he thought the other party was a girl who had just learned swordsmanship, and later because he felt that he had more or less controlled the other party's strength.

It can only be said that Irene's kendo talent is outstanding.

However, as for Zoro, Noah also got a lot of information from Kuina, and he was somewhat impressed by Zoro's talent.

He knew that Zoro was different from others. He learned swordsmanship because he played in the gym, and after being defeated, he felt that kendo was particularly interesting and challenging, so he learned it. However, Zoro could become a top powerhouse without learning swordsmanship, because he not only has a strong kendo talent, but also has a strong physique like a beast, as well as the persistent efforts that Noah values most.

Simply put, Kuina and the others (except Sibel) put all their talents into kendo to match Zoro's powerful kendo talent.

God is chasing him to feed him, what else can Noah say?

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