Kuina looked at Zoro jokingly and said,"You are so lame, Zoro! But you deserve it! Who told you to look down on girls!"

""You're so long-winded!" Zoro blushed and stammered,"I just didn't expect her to become so much stronger, I just didn't take her seriously at the beginning."

Kuina just smiled and said nothing, but her eyes made Zoro crazy.

Zoro swore: In the future, I must show my full strength and take my opponents seriously.

"Okay, Zoro, go and practice with Sibel. Be careful, Sibel is not an ordinary girl, she is very strong."Noah walked over to act as a"peacemaker" and asked Zoro to compete with Sibel, and then said to Kuina:

"Do you want to compete with Elena? Although Elena doesn't have Sibel's strong physique, nor Irene's kendo talent, she is not bad either. The most important thing is that Elena has found her own path."

Guina became curious about Elena, who was a little transparent among the three girls. It was very interesting that she found her own way not long after learning sword. Then she nodded and went to find Elena by herself.

Seeing that Guina came to her to spar, Elena did not refuse. Instead, she said gently and apologetically:"I'm sorry, because I position myself as a chef, so my kendo mainly studies the textures of various creatures, where to cut to kill the creatures quickly, or to separate the bones and flesh of the creatures perfectly. So although I won't hurt people because of the bamboo sword, I will subconsciously hit the acupuncture points and some fragile places, which will be a little painful."

When Kuina heard Elena say 'perfect separation of flesh and bones', her hair stood on end, and she froze in fear.

It was hard for her to imagine that the gentle older sister in front of her would choose such a bloody and brutal swordsmanship.

Seeing Kuina's face turn pale with eyes rolled up, Elena knew she had misunderstood, and hurriedly said,"Kuina, I'm a chef, not a bloody executioner. I would never do this to anyone when I fight with them!"

At this time, Kuina's face warmed up. She realized that she had overreacted, but even so, she still felt a little awe for this big sister.

The two of them had a competition as agreed.

Kuina found that although Elena's swordsmanship was far worse than hers, Elena's attacks were really tricky, and they went straight to some joints and some unknown acupuncture points.

On the other side, the battle between Zoro and Sibel also began.

Zoro did not expect that this girl was stronger than him. In the past, he used his strength to resist Kuina, but now it was his turn to use skills to defeat Sibel.

Every collision between Zoro and Sibel made Zoro's hands numb, and sometimes the bamboo sword almost slipped out of his hand.

This made Zoro secretly groan, and he decided that he must exercise his strength in the future, otherwise he would not be able to hold the sword in his hand.

Fortunately, Zoro finally defeated Sibel with his skilled swordsmanship, but it was more difficult than defeating Irene. time is even more difficult.

From this we can see why there are always people in the world who say that women can't become the world's greatest swordsman?

This makes sense. After all, it is unreasonable to say that one force can defeat ten skills.

Afterwards, Noah gave some pointers on everyone's swordsmanship, and then asked Kuina and Zoro to go find Joanna and others for treatment, and then he went to find Koshiro himself.

Noah once asked Kuina why she didn't ask Koshiro for advice.

Kuina just said with an unconvinced look on her face that Koshiro didn't think she would become the world's greatest swordsman, so she wouldn't rely on him to become the world's greatest swordsman for him to see.

Noah could only sigh that Kuina was wasting, because being angry with her father would only delay her strength, which was really not worth it!

However, if Noah was Kuina, Noah would not go either.

There is no other reason, people live by their breath, and trees live by their skin!

Noah came to Koshiro's yard, only to see Koshiro sitting on the edge of the corridor with tea sets beside him, drinking tea leisurely

""Master Geng, seeing you so leisurely and contented, I really want to find a place to lie down." Noah joked as he walked.

Koshiro just turned his head and looked at Noah and smiled,"Noah, you are only a few years old, and I don't believe you will stop."

Noah poured himself a cup, took a sip and sighed,"Good tea! Of course, there are so many strange things in this world, how can I give up?"

Koshiro did not refute, but nodded in agreement,"You are right, there are many strange things in this world, and you can always maintain your enthusiasm on the sea."

Noah did not ask Koshiro why a great swordsman was willing to stay on an island. He knew that he had lost interest in the world since Kuina's mother died.

It's not that the world has become boring, but there is one less person to watch the world with.

Noah was silent for a while, but Koshiro spoke first,"I see that you seem to have a kendo master, and I believe you also know how to advance to a swordsman, right?"

Noah nodded while holding the teacup and said,"Well, I heard that it is necessary to comprehend the 'breathing of all things', but it sounds a bit mysterious."

Koshiro smiled and said,"It is indeed very mysterious, but 'breathing' is very important, not only for swordsmen, but even for great swordsmen, breathing is crucial. It is related to whether your slash is sharp enough."

"Oh?" Noah had never heard of this statement, and even the Frost and Snow inheritance did not mention it.

"Isn't the power of a slash related to a swordsman's physique and sword intent?"

Koushirou did not let Noah guess blindly, and answered directly:"Indeed, a swordsman's slash is related to his physique and sword intent, among which sword intent is particularly important, that is, domineering. Compared with ordinary people, the domineering of a swordsman has a sharper sense, so the attack power of the swordsman on the sea has always been at the forefront."

"However,"breathing" is a point that many swordsmen have not paid attention to in the tradition of swordsmanship, and many swordsmen have inadvertently overlooked it. When swordsmanship reaches a certain level and the physique is not bad, then one can sense that everything around is breathing. With the control of breathing, we swordsmen can easily cut off what we want to cut off, and we can't even cut a piece of paper."

As he said, Koshiro stood up and took out a piece of paper from his arms, and at the same time pulled out the real sword beside him, threw the paper into the air with a wave of his hand, and swung the sword in his hand fiercely. The sharp sword not only did not cut the paper in half, but it hung on the knife as tough as a piece of cowhide.

"this……"Noah saw clearly that Koshiro's knife did not use Haki at this moment, and the scene in front of him was like the knife slipped past the paper when it was cut.

It was as if the knife did not want to cut the paper.

Koshiro smiled and gently placed the paper on the blade, and the paper immediately split in half.

"Noah, there is a kind of swordsman in this world who can't cut anything but can cut steel and even anything else. You have to understand that you can only cut anything when you don't want to cut something."

"In my opinion, a sword that hurts anything it touches is not really a sword. The strongest sword should be able to protect what it wants to protect and cut off any power that wants to cut it off."

Koshiro sighed and continued,"It's just that many swordsmen now think that this kind of power is domineering. After all, domineering is one's own will, and it can indeed do all this easily, but it is not the same thing after all. This is a state, a state of unity between man and sword."

Noah felt that he had realized something, so he closed his eyes and felt everything around him.

Koshiro did not disturb him, but just sat aside and drank tea quietly.

Opening his eyes in a trance, Noah seemed to hear a lot of sounds around him, but it seemed that there was no sound around him at all. Everything in front of him had not changed, but it seemed that earth-shaking changes had taken place.

He felt everything around him, even an inch of land, a piece of stone, they seemed to be a living thing, moving back and forth according to a certain law, as if they were breathing.

Noah looked at the paper in his hand. Different objects have different laws. He threw the paper in the air, picked up the knife beside him and chopped it hard. The sharp knife seemed like a blunt knife at the moment. The paper just stuck to the knife but was not split in half.

"It's amazing, as long as their breathing is not cut off, they will not be cut off, this feeling……"Noah couldn't describe the wonder of this feeling, nor could he describe more accurately why he couldn't cut a piece of paper.

"So, to cut through steel is to cut off its breath?"Noah gently placed the knife on a huge rock, and the rock was cut in half without any resistance.


"this……"Koshiro's eyes widened in disbelief, and the cup in his hand fell to the ground.

He originally thought that it would take Noah at least a month to learn this realm, and half a year would not be too much. As a result, he learned it right after being taught tonight.

This was somewhat disrespectful to him as a teacher. It was so easy to learn!

"Master Geng, this realm is really amazing, this is a true swordsman!"Noah deeply felt the wonder of this realm at this moment. He could not guarantee that his sword would not hurt his own people at any time, but if he was given a little time to feel it, then a person in front of him would be chopped by him, and even if he died in the end, the conclusion would be that he was killed by the sword.

Koshiro was picking up the teacup on the ground with some heartache. It had been used for more than ten years.

"Well, don't give up on deepening this realm. Many people think that this is the threshold for advancing to the swordsman level and using the flying slash. It's fine to use it, mainly because it's hard to have a stronger attack power in a short period of time. It's too slow compared to the improvement of domineering. Moreover, domineering only requires continuous training and fighting, while this requires enlightenment, so many people choose to give up digging into this realm."

Noah shook his head, thinking that the people in this world were too impetuous, thinking about how to improve their combat effectiveness faster, but ignoring this path with infinite potential but requiring calmness.

"Don't worry, Master Geng. I firmly believe that if there is a realm above the Great Swordsman, 'breathing' is definitely an essential element."

"And I agree with Master Geng's statement. If kendo can't even avoid hurting something you don't want to hurt, then the people around you will be hurt by it sooner or later."

Koshiro smiled with relief and nodded.

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