"By the way, do you have any ores or something like that for forging a knife?" Kozaburo still had his cigarette in his hand, and asked Noah with his head down.

Noah waved his hand to signal Kozaburo to sit down. He didn't like looking up at others, partly because of his inner self-esteem, and of course mainly because of his sore neck.

Kozaburo didn't object and sat down cross-legged, looking at Noah and signaling him to continue.

Noah just shrugged and said,"My King's Treasure contains only countless treasures. As for ores, I won't include them unless they are particularly beautiful in appearance, so I don't have any here."

Hearing this, Kozaburo took a few puffs of the pipe in his hand with some annoyance, and after puffing out the smoke for a while, he said,"This is a bit troublesome. I do have some ores here, but they are all some that I usually use for training. They are not bad but not perfect. I don't think you will be satisfied with the knives forged with these ores."

Although Kozaburo was surprised that Noah had a sense of nobility, he didn't ask much. Who didn't have rich ancestors?

His surname is Shimotsuki!

Noah nodded. It was true that the more perfect his sword was, the better. He said,"That makes sense! Do you have any way to get the best ore?"

Kosaburo knocked off the residue in his pipe and said,"Some of Koshiro's friends used to bring some ore here, but they usually come every once in a while. I guess they will come again next year. You can't wait."

Master Koshiro's friends?

Could it be the Revolutionary Army?

However, Kuina's mother died because of the Revolutionary Army's mission. Wouldn't Master Koshiro vent his anger?

If not the Revolutionary Army, who else could it be?

Noah's eyes flashed, and a thousand thoughts passed through his mind. He said casually,"Well, that's true."

Kosaburo pondered for a moment and said,"Then there are only some auction houses and black markets left. I have been there, but it was a long time ago. I don't know if there have been any changes. After all, the sea changes every day."

When Noah heard"black market" and"auction house", he came back to his senses and poured out a small pile of gold coins from the King's Treasure, which was worth about 500 million or 600 million Baileys, and said:

"Are these enough?"

Kozaburo was a little dumbfounded when he saw the gold coins in front of him, and said,"Uh..., enough... enough!"

"By the way, if you see any devil fruits or other rare treasures during this time, please buy them for me!" Noah poured out another pile of gold coins, and more of them, probably worth 10 billion Baileys. The main reason was that Noah was afraid that Kozaburo would see the treasures and not have the money to buy them, then Noah would suffer a great loss.

Kozaburo discovered that the gold coins in this world were no longer valuable, so he could only stammer,"No... no problem."

Noah prepared a small boat for Kosaburo. This was the emergency boat on his ship, which was much larger than the average lifeboat.

Kosaburo saw that Noah had made clear arrangements for him. What else could he say? After all, he had already received his salary.

Kosaburo took out a letter from his arms and asked Noah to pass it to Koshiro. After all, he would be out at sea for a while, and Koshiro would probably be worried if he couldn't find his father.

After giving the instructions, Kosaburo took the compass, fresh water, food and other things prepared by Noah and left.

Noah watched Kosaburo's boat go away and didn't care. After all, Kosaburo's ability was not exaggerated.

Great swordsman!

He once ran from Wano Country in the second half of the Grand Line to the East China Sea.

Even if the boat capsized, he could swim back by himself.

Noah sat back in his original place, took out the Rokushiki booklet from his arms, and read it page by page. From time to time, he muttered something in his mouth, or from time to time he suddenly disappeared and appeared on the other side.

After an unknown period of time, Noah heard the voices of the girls in his ears.

"Lord Noah, we are here!"

Noah came back to his senses from the six styles, and when he looked up, he saw Michelle approaching, which scared Noah:"Fuck!"

After seeing Michelle's face clearly, Noah stroked his heart and complained:"Miss Michelle, do you know that this is very dangerous? What if I didn't take a step back just now, but punched you? Can your small body withstand my punch?"

Then Noah glanced at Michelle's hemisphere, which was obviously smaller than the other girls.

Although Noah's eyes were quick, he did not hide it at all, which made Michelle's face flushed and then turned blue. Finally, when he looked at the size of the sister next to him, he seemed to let out a breath, as if he was hit.

Noah ignored Michelle and asked others:"Eh? Why are you so slow? It stands to reason that you only need to practice for a period of time under the guidance of Master Geng?"

Noah was puzzled. He found that the gym had been disbanded at this time, and Kuina and Zoro also followed.

Joanna pouted and said,"It's all because of someone that I have to stay there as a doctor."

Noah remembered at this time that he just thought it would be helpful for Joanna to practice her fruit ability, and he hadn't thought about the details.

Noah could only laugh and change the subject, and said to Leah and others,"What about you?"

Leah said embarrassedly,"Maybe because of Joanna, Master Geng was very enthusiastic. He took out his best tricks to teach us how to practice, so time passed unknowingly."

What else could Noah say? He could only ask Joanna to go with Irene and the others next time, and Leah and the others to come first.

"Kuina, Zoro, you came at the right time. I recently got a book on physical training that is very helpful for cultivation. The training methods recorded in it are very helpful for developing our physical potential."


Kuina and Zoro looked at each other, with an expression of disbelief, and asked in surprise

"Of course!" Noah said confidently.

Noah had read the training method of the six styles before. He had top-notch comprehension, sufficient physique, and extraordinary physical talent, so he practiced the six styles in just one night and a period of time in the morning.

Noah told everyone the key points, and from time to time he would touch everyone's hands to guide them on the muscles that should be used. The girls were fine, but Kuina was always absent-minded, with red ears.

As for Zoro, it was good enough that Noah did not dislike him, he had no right to dislike.

Zoro practiced very actively because Noah showed them the six styles at the beginning of the training.

In Zoro's opinion, this shave was so magical that it disappeared all of a sudden and reappeared all of a sudden.

And the Moon Step could actually run in the air.

As for Kuina, Noah just said that as long as they learned how to return life, they would become stronger by eating, and to a certain extent break the boundaries between men and women.

Kuina worked hard Practice, it's all exercise anyway, this way of exercise is more scientific!

Of course, although it makes sense to become stronger by eating, it also has its limits. When you reach a certain stage, you will find that your body seems to be locked. No matter how much you eat or how much you exercise in a short period of time, it will not work. Only long-term exercise or hearty battles can break through the bottleneck.

After giving some pointers to everyone, let them practice on their own.

As for Noah, he was doing the daily sword-swinging training.

Sword-swinging training is very effective, otherwise there wouldn't be many swordsmen who can become swordsmen just by sword-swinging.

This is called Tangzhu in the basics of swordsmanship (well, the basics of Japanese swordsmanship), which emphasizes that every sword is a combination of spirit, energy and spirit, and the place where it is chopped must be accurate, and the hand must be steady.

It is precisely because every sword is a combination of spirit, energy and spirit that no matter how strong you are, this kind of training is very effective.

After the slashing was completed, Noah practiced swordsmanship and two-sword style several times


Noah took a deep breath and finished a day's training.

Then Noah put the bamboo sword aside, found a flat and comfortable big stone, and sat cross-legged on it.

Noah wanted to comprehend"Life Return". Although he learned the six styles, he found that the six styles had nothing to do with life return.

It's just that the methods in the six styles are convenient for controlling life return later.

Well, in fact, it's already very strong. Pirates on the sea who don't have professional inheritance can only rely on their talents to know how to return life.

Just like Kidd later, he was able to digest the food in his stomach in a short time in prison.

Luffy should be the same, but it is not ruled out that Garp gave him some cheats. After all, that kind of hell training should not be without any deep meaning. It's impossible that they are really playing.

However, they all seemed to use life return unconsciously and shallowly to restore their own state, and they didn't have other operations to control the body.

In any case, these people are all the best on the sea, but On the other hand, those who have a master, such as the lieutenant general and even the CP, can return life.

Noah was a little distressed. How can he practice this life return? The book simply said:

The practice of life return requires dedication of body and mind, and in a quiet place, experience every hair on your body, every inch of skin, and even deeply understand the beating of your heart, the peristalsis of your stomach and intestines, and the changes of the other five internal organs.

Isn't this the same as sitting in meditation?

Noah tried it. With the foundation of sword Zen practice, he soon got into a good state of meditation.

I don't know how much time has passed. Noah felt that his skin was no longer warm. The sun must have set. He felt the sea breeze brushing against his cheeks and savored the breath brought by the sea breeze. He heard his heartbeat and felt the peristalsis of his stomach.

He put his consciousness into his stomach, thinking about absorption and digestion. Suddenly, the stomach, which felt a little dawdling on weekdays, was like adding an engine at this moment, frantically digesting all the food in the stomach.

""Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle~"

In front of everyone, Noah's already deflated belly became even more concave. At some point, the people surrounding Noah were amazed at this magical change.

Noah could feel hunger, so he controlled the cells in his body to prioritize the distribution of nutrients to where they were needed, and then Noah's belly returned to its original state.

At this time, everyone outside knew that Noah had mastered this special skill.

Sure enough, not long after, Noah slowly opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips and eyes. Seeing everyone surrounding him, he was stunned for a moment, then asked,"Why are you surrounding me?"

It was Kuina who asked with some curiosity and expectation,"Noah, have you mastered it? That life return?"

Noah heard Kuina's question, nodded in Kuina's expectant eyes, and smiled,"Ah, I mastered it!"

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