"How is the effect?" Kuina asked.

Noah pondered for a moment and replied,"It's similar to what the book says. After investing consciousness, we can strengthen our use of the body. For example, our stomach and intestines usually digest food at a slower speed, but after investing consciousness, we can control the qi and blood in the body to give priority to the stomach and intestines, producing nutritional energy to supply the whole body."

"As for becoming stronger by returning life, this is even simpler, and you can even use some high-consumption but relatively mild burst states by returning life."

Rob Lucci in the original work can temporarily change the shape of his body through the return of life, making it more capable of bursting out at a faster speed, although the power will be weakened.

Zoro and Kuina bowed and asked excitedly:"Noah, please guide me how to practice!"

Noah quickly waved his hand to indicate not to do this, and said:"Okay, get up quickly, I was just about to say it!"

"I would like to give you some suggestions. When practicing the six postures, pay more attention to the feeling when using the six postures, or even feel the changes and conditions of your body when running. Secondly, I suggest that you meditate more, deeply perceive your body, and try to do what you want a certain part of your body to do."

"In short, it means to feel and communicate with your body more, so that your body can respond to you."

Noah then talked about his feelings and some tips when practicing, but was interrupted by his hungry stomach.


Noah covered his stomach and said,"It's late, Zoro, Kuina, stay and eat together. Don't worry, there's plenty of food. I'll ask the sailors on the ship to go to other islands to buy food every once in a while, so eat as much as you want."

Zoro was a little embarrassed at first, but was defeated by Noah's last words.

"By the way, Zoro, I also bought a bottle of wine, do you want to have some?"

Upon hearing this, Zoro happily followed Noah onto the boat.

Kuina behind him shouted,"Noah, Zoro is only eight years old!"

"So long-winded, Kuina!"

"I don't care about you, good intentions don't get good rewards!"When Kuina heard what Zoro said, she was immediately furious.

"Hehe," Liya behind her laughed and said,"Don't worry, Kuina, they are all sake with a very low alcohol content."

When Kuina heard what Liya said, she had to bow and said,"Sorry to bother you!"

"You are welcome"


After eating and drinking, Joanna and Noah treated Kuina and Zoro as usual, and gave Kuina Kozaburo's letter, asking her to give it to Koshiro, and then sent them back.

Zoro became an alcoholic at a young age, and he seemed to be able to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. Noah originally only wanted to give him one bottle, but he couldn't resist Zoro's alcohol bug and took out two more bottles.

After three bottles, Zoro's face turned slightly red, but his eyes were clear, and it can be seen that he could walk straight even if he drank ten more bottles.

However, even if he didn't drink, he couldn't find the way home, so Noah honestly took Zoro back with Kuina.

Along the way, Zoro was still dissatisfied with Noah's behavior, thinking that Noah thought he was a road idiot.

Noah could only nod and said yes, regardless of what Zoro said.

After sending Zoro away first, Noah and Kuina walked on the road to Kuina's residence.

At this time, the cold moonlight fell on Kuina's face, and Noah could feel that Kuina seemed to have something on her mind.

The two walked on the road in silence. Noah wanted to speak to break the awkward atmosphere, but he didn't know where to start. Until Kuina spoke

"Hey, Noah, do you think I can really become the world's number one swordsman?"

Yes, at this moment Kuina began to feel confused again, especially after she discovered how powerful Noah was.

Noah then understood Kuina's thoughts and said with a smile:"Huh? Do you think it's impossible to defeat me?"

Kuina hesitated, then nodded and said:"Yeah! I found that Noah, you are only eleven years old, only one year older than me, but you are taller than me, and much stronger than me. The most important thing is that Noah has such a good talent."

Noah smiled, but aroused Kuina's dissatisfaction, and she said:"What are you laughing at?!"

Noah quickly waved his hands and said:"Guomenasai!"

"I just think Kuina's belief is really not as good as Zoro's. Zoro has never thought about these things."

Kuina just said sullenly:"Zoro, that idiot, probably hasn't realized it yet."

Noah just said:"Kuina, don't underestimate Zoro. Zoro is just confused about small things. He always knows the big things. He knows that I am better than him, but he doesn't care. Instead, he is full of enthusiasm and takes me as his goal and wants to surpass me."

Kuina looked at Noah and asked:"Ah? How do you know?"

"Hahahaha, you don't know, Zoro's eyes are staring at me like fire, if it weren't for the fighting spirit in it, I would have thought there was something wrong with him."Noah was a little scared and a little funny about the way Zoro looked at him recently.

"Kuina, you have to understand, there are only a few top people in this world. There is only one greatest swordsman in the world, and there is only one Pirate King. But it doesn't mean that those who have not become Pirate King are not strong. Among them, Golden Lion and the strongest man now, Whitebeard, who can deny their achievements?"

"And it's lonely up there, Kuina.……"Noah was a little emotional. He somehow understood the loneliness of a person standing at the top, with everything around him and nothing at the same time.

Kuina saw Noah's emotional look in front of her, his eyes seemed to be filled with stories, and she was a little puzzled by his words.


Seeing that Kuina didn't understand what he said, Noah pointed out directly:"Kuina, you may not know now, but when you reach the pinnacle, you will find that there are only one or two people around you who can communicate with you about kendo, or even no one, because at this moment you have reached the end of a field, and this means that the future road will be explored by you alone.

In the field of kendo, you have no opponent, nor a fellow Taoist.

This feeling is painful and lonely for a person who loves kendo.


Yes, the future Hawkeye is such a person.

Lonely and boring, he can only rely on chopping ships occasionally to pass the time. Even his former friends made him feel bored because he lost his dominant hand.

It is for this reason that he will cultivate the future Zoro, to cultivate an opponent for himself, and also to cultivate a fellow Taoist.

"So, Kuina, if you have a companion who you can pursue throughout your life, it is not a bad thing."

Noah said to Kuina with emotion.

Kuina pondered for a moment and murmured:"Maybe"


The next morning, Noah found that Kuina was no longer as depressed as she was the night before, and he felt relieved.

Noah smiled and said,"What do you mean? Have you come to your senses?"

Kuina smiled and nodded,"Well, I practice sword skills not just to become the best swordsman."

Noah was stunned for a moment, smiled and nodded, and said,"You are very aware!"


Almost a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Noah is already twelve years old, and his height has reached more than 1.7 meters, but he still looks like a beautiful young man, which makes people feel good.

He holds two gorgeous swords in his hands, one white and one black.

The white sword is Dawn, and the black sword is Twilight.

The blade of Dawn is pure white, like the rising sun, with holiness in the light. At the same time, the blade has lines like white clouds. According to Kosaburo, he worked hard to find this material. Even if he made a black sword, it would not change its pure white color.

Noah originally wanted to inlay gems on the hilt, but the girls despised his aesthetics, so he finally changed it to pearls and ivory, adding a bit of nobility.

Kosaburo originally wanted to use a solid ore for the scabbard, but Noah rejected it because it was not gorgeous enough. Then he took out a piece of top-grade white jade to make a scabbard.

At first, Kozaburo was angry and said that Noah only cared about the gorgeous appearance but not practicality. However, Noah explained that this was a special kind of white jade, which was warm to the touch, could make people calm, and had a hard texture.

Kozaburo touched it and found it to be true, but he was reluctant to make it into a scabbard.

At that time, Kozaburo scolded:"You are wasting natural resources. If a swordsman sits on it to comprehend the sword, I wonder how good the effect will be!"

Fortunately, the jade was big enough, and Kozaburo finally reluctantly, carefully and laboriously cut off a piece.

A sapphire is inlaid at the mouth of the scabbard, and there are complex patterns on the scabbard.

As for the black sword Twilight, the sword body is deep darkness, giving people a calm and mysterious feeling. The hilt is made of deep-sea agarwood, which feels comfortable and has a faint fragrance. The scabbard is made of high-grade black jade. Well, it is just hard enough. There is also a ruby inlaid at the mouth of the scabbard, and the scabbard is engraved with silver star patterns, imitating���Like a meteor in a starry night.

The blades of the two swords are made of the sake iron ore of Wano Country. At that time, Kozaburo was excited but also a little worried, because this ore is the best material for making swords. He had given up because this material was only available in Wano Country, but now this material is circulating in the black market. This made him excited to make up for his regrets while also worrying about Wano Country.

Noah held two swords, and the armed color domineering was wrapped around the two swords. Only the sound like a branding iron was heard. The two swords wrapped with domineering made people feel indestructible but dangerous.

This year, Noah successfully mastered the two-color domineering and pushed the armed color domineering to the level of Ryu Sakura. However, the internal damage was a little bit worse, but it also shocked Kozaburo. The person opposite Noah was not Koshiro, but Koshiro. After all, it was right for a father to work for his son.

Kozaburo had met Koshiro before. When they first met, Koshiro fell to the ground in fear as if he had seen a ghost, and retreated repeatedly.

It turned out that when Kuina gave the letter to Koshiro, Koshiro's heart sank. He thought his father's life was coming to an end, but he didn't want to sit and wait for death, so he planned to go out to sea to find a strong man to enjoy the last battle.

He thought Koshiro was dead, and waited for the newspaper to report: a certain unknown samurai challenged a certain strong man, and finally died in battle after exhaustion!

As a result, more than a week later, his father appeared in front of him in his thirties. Everyone thought it was the return of the dead. In addition, because Wano Country particularly believed in gods, Koshiro was so scared that he said he was ready to worship his father.

Well, he thought it was because he did not erect a monument in time to worship his father, which caused his father's soul to wander in the world and could not enter the reincarnation at ease.

In the end, what else could he do? Koshiro was so angry that he was chased and hacked by Koshiro.

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