At this moment, Noah held two swords wrapped in Armament Haki and slashed at Kozaburo on the opposite side.

In an instant, two blue slashes quickly attacked Kozaburo.

"It's useless!"

Kozaburo armed the long sword in his hand at the same time, facing the flying slash, casually swinging it twice like an antelope hanging its horns.

The two slashes were thrown to the left and right of the sky by Kozaburo with ease.

Noah didn't expect to gain any advantage with this slash, but just wanted to use the slash to get close, but he didn't expect to be so easily deflected by Kozaburo.

"I have never seen such a soft sword, it really opens my eyes!" Noah exclaimed as he rushed forward with two swords in hand.

Kozaburo was not at all flustered by the aggressive Noah, he just smiled and said:"It's just that the hard sword has no strength!"

As he said that, he chopped down Noah who rushed forward with the long sword in his hand.

Noah was naturally unwilling to be outdone by Kozaburo's attack, and he collided with him fiercely with the flowing cherry blossoms entangled.


The collision between the two brought about a huge shock wave, the ground behind them was washed away, stones were scattered, smoke and dust were rushed into the sky, and drifted around

"So strong!!"×N

The women and Zoro who were watching the fight were stunned by this scene.

After a stalemate for a while, the two sides withdrew their swords at the same time as if they had telepathy, and then changed to other angles and positions at the same time.

Clang~! Clang~! Clang~!……

The entire field was filled with thick smoke, and for a moment, the people outside the field could not see the fight between Noah and Kozaburo with their naked eyes.

Inside the field, the sparks of the collision of swords burst in the air, and the sound of metal and iron was endless.

Noah and Kozaburo's hands moved their swords like a fast shadow and a gust of wind, and their figures turned into afterimages, moving to various corners from time to time.

The momentum of both sides cracked the ground, and gravel rose out of thin air. From time to time, lightning from the collision of armed colors appeared around.

Suddenly, Noah's eyes flashed red, and he withdrew his two swords suddenly, and at the same time, he did a heel turn backwards.

At the same time, Kozaburo's armed color flashed, and he cut Noah horizontally, and a purple slash was slashed out, and it seemed that Noah was about to be cut in half.

But Noah dodged it with a heel turn as if he had heard it before.

As soon as Noah landed, a smile full of fighting spirit appeared on the corner of his mouth. A large amount of domineering power in his hands poured into the dawn and twilight. In an instant, the power of the two long swords gushed out two or three meters away.

"Two-sword style: God and Demon Extermination Slash!"

This attack carried Noah's inexplicable disgust for the gods, and turned into two large slashes of more than ten meters that slashed towards Kozaburo.

This was Noah's peak attack!

Kozaburo also smiled slightly in the face of Noah's slash:"Noah! Are you trying to kill me?"

But it was obvious that for Kozaburo, who was at the peak of his physical condition and had reached the pinnacle of his skills, this was not a small matter. Giving Noah a face was considered a medium-sized matter.

Kozaburo's armed color surged into his sword, and he muttered:"One-sword style: Shura Purgatory Slash!"

After that, Kozaburo struck hard at the slash that was coming at him, and a purple slash that was no less large than the one in front of him and more condensed flew out.

The two attacks collided, and immediately emitted a dazzling light, and bursts of roars rang out around him, as well as the wailing and shattering sound of the ground under his feet.


""Yabai!" The girls and Sauron saw several huge rocks being lifted up by the strong wind and flying towards them.

Irene's dazed eyes suddenly became sharp, and she was about to cut the huge rock in half with Frost in her hand, but was beaten by Liya.

Liya crossed her index and middle fingers on both hands, and an invisible barrier surrounded everyone.

The huge rock was immediately broken into countless small pieces and flew backwards along the strong wind.

""Huh~, you are so reliable, Liya!" Xibel breathed a sigh of relief and praised with a smile.

""Haha, it's just that I'm more suitable for this situation." Liya smiled modestly.

In the smoke and dust, the purple slash destroyed the two slashes from the opposite side in a short time, but it also disappeared as if it was exhausted.

Noah knew that this was because Kozaburo's control over the intensity of his attack had reached the pinnacle.

"You are really strong, Senior Kozaburo." Noah did not hold back his admiration at all, and generously praised Kozaburo's strength.

Decades of training have made Kozaburo's control of the sword more in-depth. If Kozaburo had not been more interested in forging swords, I am afraid that Kozaburo could compete for the seat of the world's number one swordsman, although the chances of winning are not great.

After all, Kozaburo's observation Haki has shortcomings and has not reached the top level.

In addition, because Kozaburo does not have the ambition to become the world's number one swordsman, he lacks the support of the Conqueror's Haki.

Of course, Noah did not know these. He felt that with Kozaburo's level, he should be able to compete for the world's number one swordsman.

Kozaburo shook his head and said,"No, I am far inferior to those monsters, and I am just an old man who forges swords."

As he said that, with a vicissitude in his eyes that did not match his appearance, he took a deep puff of cigarette, and then asked:

"How are they? These two knives are comfortable to use, right?"

""Ah, very smooth, very gorgeous, worthy of me!"

Noah looked at the Dawn and Twilight in his hands and nodded with satisfaction.

Kozaburo couldn’t help laughing when he heard Noah’s praise for his"children":"Hahaha! Of course, this is beyond the best sword I forged when I was young. These two swords have reached the quality of the supreme sword!"

To be honest, Kozaburo had only forged a sword that was a little short of the quality of the supreme sword, but in order to make it more suitable for Noah, he asked Noah to feed it with his blood. As a result, the two swords were transformed into supreme swords because of Noah’s blood.

This was really unexpected by Kozaburo. He was very curious about Noah’s blood.

""Ah? The sword you forged when you were young?" Noah was a little curious about what the sword that Kozaburo forged when he was young looked like.

Kozaburo came back to his senses and said proudly:"That's a child with a lot of personality. I named it after the Lord of Hell."

Kozaburo paused and said imposingly:"Yan! Demon!"

Noah also felt very domineering when he heard the name, and asked:"Then where is this sword?"

Kozaburo took a puff of cigarette and said:"I entrusted this sword to the future general of Wano Country. It seems that more than ten years ago, his reputation spread on the sea, the samurai Kozuki Oden!"

""Ah?" Noah was a little surprised. He had heard of this name. After all, Roger's reputation as a king was so great that his crew was also called a legend.

"One Piece crew?"

"Yes, if it weren't for that kid, I wouldn't even read the newspaper."Kousaburo exhaled a mouthful of cigarette and said

"Noah, are you going out to sea?"

Kosaburo has a special attitude towards Noah. He never calls Noah a"little devil" because he can feel the king's aura in Noah, and even feels the spirit in Noah that is enough to shake the heavens and the earth.

A king should not be despised!

In addition, Noah's thoughts and every move are mature and magnificent, so Kosaburo has always maintained a respectful relationship with Noah as a peer.


"Well, I have stayed here long enough, and Irene and the others have already reached the edge of swordsmen, so there is not much point in staying here."Noah sheathed his two swords and nodded his head.

"What do you say? Do you want to go to sea with me? I can build a forging room for you on the ship!" Noah extended an olive branch to Kozaburo.

After all, strong men like Kozaburo are still rare, and the two of them can get along very well. In addition, with Kozaburo accompanying him, he can practice frequently to improve his kendo.

Kozaburo was so scared when he heard Noah's invitation that he choked. After coughing violently a few times, he hurriedly waved his hands and said,"Forget it, although I have regained my youth, I have no desire to go to sea anymore. Come back to see me when you have time and bring back some good wine."

How could he not know Noah's thoughts? He felt more tired as Noah's sparring partner this year than in the past ten years. If he went on board, how long would it take for this kind of life to end? So he decisively declined.

Of course, the main reason was that if he became famous, the people on this island would be discovered by the World Government, and then the navy would probably be called in. After all, they had powerful military forces, but they had families to support, and they might be forced into the vortex of war.

Noah was slightly disappointed, but he didn't force it. He understood Kozaburo. Although he didn't know why he went abroad illegally, he could feel that Kozaburo didn't have any ambitions.

Speaking of which, when he went abroad, He should be in his forties at that time, and according to him, the political situation was stable and peaceful at that time. I really can't understand why a man in his fifties would go to sea.

But Kozaburo didn't say anything, and Noah didn't force it.

Kozaburo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that Noah didn't make a strong request, otherwise he really didn't know how to refuse.

Kozaburo thought of something and said to Noah:"Noah, my ancestors once said that eight hundred years later, my hometown, that is, Wano Country, will welcome a man who will lead them to establish a country, but now the time is obviously not right, but the specialty ore of my hometown, the iron ore, has been circulated overseas.

I suspect that something is wrong with Wano Country.


Kozaburo frowned, and his inner worries could be seen. He pleaded with Noah:"If, I mean if, you go to Wano Country one day, please help me see what happened in Wano Country."

Kozaburo did not ask Noah to intervene in the troubles of Wano Country. After all, he grew up in Wano Country. He understood the xenophobia of that country, and he did not want to bring any trouble to Noah.

Noah understood what Kozaburo meant and did not refuse his request. He waved his hand and said,"You're welcome. It's all a small matter!"

Noah shouted to the people in the distance,"Hey, the fight is over, why don't you come over!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the fight was over. Although they could not be injured in the barrier, the scene in front of them that seemed to destroy the world in an instant still made them a little nervous.

Rosalind asked excitedly,"Can Lord Noah challenge Whitebeard now?"

Noah smiled and waved his hand,"No, no, no, it's still a long way off!"

"Are you asking about Noah's strength?……"

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