Noah looked around boredly, twisted his neck, and thought that he would wait anyway, so he might as well take a shower first.

The room was not big, and Noah opened a few doors and found the bathroom.

However, there was only a wooden barrel and a faucet that came from nowhere.

There was no hot water?! What a bummer...

Noah felt a little uncomfortable. Although he had lost his memory, he was sure that he had never been so wronged since he was a child.

"Only those who endure the most hardships can become the best."

Noah could only comfort himself. At the same time, he turned on the faucet and saw that the water flowing out was clean. In addition, it was noon, so taking a cold shower was not too uncomfortable. Moreover, because of the sun, the water was still warm.

Noah took a quick bath in his first time in this world.

On the other side, Bart came to the only town on the island. There were some farmers setting up stalls on the roadside, and some restaurants and restaurants exuded tempting aromas from time to time.

Bart came to the largest clothing store in the town.

"Ding ding ding!"

"Welcome, what kind of clothes do you want? You see, we have the most popular clothes designed by Master Ken this season. We have brought them here from the Kingdom of Goa with great difficulty. Oh, and……"

As soon as Bart entered the door, before he had finished looking at the decoration inside the store, the waiter came towards him enthusiastically and introduced the clothes in his store to Bart.

What? Why do you look down on people and kick them out?

Please, this is a world full of pirates, and there are all kinds of weird clothes. For example, one of the Four Emperors in the future wears a pair of slippers and a shirt and beach pants that have not been washed for who knows how long. Unless he is angry, he looks like a loser.

Also, pirates usually don’t take a bath often on the ship, so it is normal to be a little sloppy. Sometimes when they encounter battles, it is normal for their clothes to be torn.

Bart calmed himself, nodded, then waved his hand and said,"Don't worry, take out the suits and shirts that are about 10 years old and over 140 cm in height in the store and have a look. I want expensive and popular ones."

""Okay! Please wait, I'll be right there."

The waiter was overjoyed when he heard this. Bart's appearance of having plenty of money made the waiter know that this time he would definitely make a big order.

The waiter laid out several sets of clothes, and before he could introduce them, Bart took a look and randomly pointed at five of them.

"Just these few sets, pack them up for me, how much?"

""Okay, okay, okay sir, the total is 1,177,350 Baileys. I can round off the amount for you. Just pay 1,170,000 Baileys. Please come back next time to take care of our business."

The waiter said flatteringly, clapping his hands in excitement, and he didn't even know when his back had hunched.

""Okay, okay."

Bart pretended to be impatient, took out the money, took the clothes and left, all in one go.

"Welcome next time!"

The waiter chased to the door, bowed respectfully and shouted.

The waiter saw God go away, a little disappointed, but when he saw the stack of banknotes in his hand, he couldn't help but giggle and began to count the money happily.

"I made a lot of money today, almost as much as I usually make in a week."

At this time, a group of hooligans came over and saw the waiter standing in front of the door, grinning and counting money. They walked up to him and asked him familiarly,"Hey! You made a good income today. A big customer came. Which nobleman is he from?"

The waiter was not nervous when he heard the hooligans asking questions. It was a joke. How could he have no connections if he could open the largest clothing store in a good location in the town? How could he be offended by these hooligans?

However, it was easier to fight the devil than the devil. He would not show his displeasure and could only say that he was not afraid.

"He shouldn't be from the island. He was probably buying clothes for a rich family's child. He spent about one million Baileys, and he was so generous that he didn't even ask any questions!"

"Oh, so he is from overseas.

The leader of the gangsters suddenly realized that he spent more than one million on clothes. He is really rich.

""Hey? That's not right, big brother. I just came back from the dock and didn't see any foreign ships. We only have one dock. There are many reefs in other places, so there is no way to dock ships."

A little brother stepped forward and said to the gangster leader in surprise.

"Oh? Interesting, you mean that guy is from our island? Let's go and take a look. If he is really from our island... Tsk tsk, more than one million Baileys, he spent it without blinking an eye, then he must have dug up some treasure."

The gangster leader's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his expression became more greedy.

Just like when you see an iceberg in the sea, you can never imagine how huge the iceberg is below the sea level.

The younger brother beside him also laughed evilly.

"Boss, if there is any treasure, remember me. I have been craving that girl for months, but unfortunately I have no money."

"Yes, brother, I also like a few……"

""Okay, okay, how many more? Can you handle it? Don't die on it! Don't worry, everyone has a share, and being in the underworld is all about loyalty."

The gangster boss interrupted impatiently, and then patted his chest to show that we are loyal.

"As expected, he is the big brother, much more generous than other small leaders in the gang!"

"What are you talking about! How can they compare with our boss? Our boss will become a big brother sooner or later!"


The gangster boss felt refreshed at first, as if he had drunk Sprite, but the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Why was he trying to usurp the throne? The gangster boss was so scared that his heart went cold. He covered the big mouth with his hand and punched each of them in the head.

"What are you talking about! I am loyal to my brother! Are you spies sent by that jerk Amos to harm me?"

"Boss, I am wronged. My loyalty to you is evident to all.……"

"Come on, stop talking, hurry up and follow me, I'm almost out of sight!"

The gangster boss interrupted impatiently, waving his hand to signal him to follow.

Bart didn't expect that there would be a loophole, but there was nothing he could do. Bart was just an ordinary doctor. Who would have thought that a younger brother just came back from the dock? Moreover, such small details are hard to predict. It's just that these gangsters usually make a living by observing people and bullying the weak and fearing the strong, otherwise ordinary people really can't see it.

Bart didn't turn left and right like what was written in the novel, but went straight back to his home from the town.

At Bart's house.

Noah was leaning against the wall next to the door with his eyes squinting. Suddenly, Noah seemed to sense something, opened his eyes and murmured:"I'm finally back."

Noah discovered not long ago that there was a force in his body, and there were also particles of this force floating around in the surrounding environment. He could absorb these particles through his mind to strengthen the magic power in his body, and at the same time he could use this magic power to strengthen his body, perceive and use some treasures.

Just now, Noah sensed through his magic power that a familiar energy entered the perception range, which was Bart's energy.

In addition, Noah also found that he was different from others.

Others also had some kind of energy in their bodies, but Noah found that this energy was not of the same nature as his own energy, and their energy was not active.

"What exactly is this energy? What is it used for? I'm so curious! I'll have to ask you later.……"

Noah's face was full of curiosity, as if he saw some interesting toy, which made Noah eager to learn more about it.


Noah suddenly curled his lips and showed an incomprehensible smile.

"It seems like a few mice are following old man Bart here!"

Noah had sensed the presence of this group of people a long time ago, but Bart is in a village. Although the houses in the village are not densely packed, people often walk the same road. So Noah didn't think there was anything wrong at first and just thought they were just pedestrians on the same road.

However, this group of people followed Bart closely, moving sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and sometimes even stopped, but always kept a certain distance from Bart.

Therefore, Noah was 80% sure that this group of people were following Bart. When

Noah was thinking about how to tease Bart when he came back, Bart pushed open the door and entered the house.

""Huh... I'm finally back. Noah, come and take a look. What do you think of these clothes? I spent more than one million on these, and I've almost spent all the gold coins you gave me!"

Bart put the clothes on the table, and then talked to Noah about the price of the clothes, saying that he did not sell inferior goods as good ones and embezzle his gold coins.

Although Bart knew that Noah would not care about the gold coins, and he would care more about the clothes than the gold coins, Bart still explained it seriously.

Of course, Noah believed in the character of the old man in front of him, so he didn't care.

While flipping through the clothes, he said to Bart,"Well, I still think the clothes are good. Although they are not eye-catching, they are still in line with my aesthetics. By the way, old man Bart, you are very cautious when you go out, so why did you let a group of people follow you? Don't say they are your friends."

At the end, Noah's tone became weird, and the teasing meaning in it could be heard by the deaf.

""Huh? Someone is following me?"

Bart was confused at first, but then he panicked. He didn't think about how Noah knew he was being followed. He walked to the door and opened it to check.

But Bart had just approached the door and hadn't even grasped the doorknob when there was a knock on the door, accompanied by an unscrupulous and ruffian voice.

"Barry! Old man Bart! Open the door! Don't think I don't know what treasure you found! Do you have to pay more for security this month? Hahahaha!"

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