"Barry! Since you have made a fortune, shouldn't you pay more for protection? My brothers don't even have money to drink now, so please open the door and give us some sponsorship. You don't think this broken door can stop me, do you?"

Outside, the gangster leader was banging on the door with his fists, with a malicious smile on his face.

They knew this family very well. They were just civilians with no power or influence. Of course, Bart had worked as a doctor and had accumulated some favors, but with Bart's medical skills, the patients who usually came to him for treatment were just civilians, so they were not afraid of anyone forcing themselves to take the lead, and they usually came to collect protection fees every month.

Of course, the so-called protection fees were actually robbing money, and at most they would pay money to avoid trouble.

Bart's forehead was sweating when he heard this, and he turned his head stiffly, only to see Noah buttoning his clothes without any hurry.

When Bart was panicking just now, Noah had already changed his clothes.

Noah threw his suit jacket behind him, put on his jacket with both hands neatly through his sleeves, and fastened the buttons on his wrists as he walked.

"All right, old man Bart! Why are you panicking? Go open the door. They are just a bunch of low-class people who are not presentable. Just say that I gave you the money."

"Baka! I won't let a kid like you take the lead. Go into the inner room! I'll handle it!"

Although Bart's forehead was sweating and his legs were shaking slightly, after all, he was just an ordinary doctor, a weak intellectual, but at this moment he said these words with a firm look in his eyes.

This made Noah stunned, and then his expression was no longer frivolous, but replaced by a serious smile.

""It's okay! Old Bart! I won't die!"

Noah walked past Bart and walked to the door. He didn't care about Bart standing there in a daze. He put his hand on the door handle and pulled it gently. The door slowly opened.

"Barry! You finally came out?! I thought you didn't think we would break the door!"

The gangster leader outside saw the door slowly open with a"click" and thought that the Bart family inside were scared, so he said with a sneer on his face.

But in the end……

""Hey? Kid, who are you?"

The gangster leader saw that it was not Barry or Bart who came out, but a little kid with red lips, white teeth, blond hair and red eyes.

At this time, the gangster leader hesitated. When he saw Noah for the first time, he felt that this child had an inexplicable nobleness. He even felt that he was more noble than the nobles that his boss had been fawning on. This made the gangster leader a little hesitant.

Damn it! Could it be that old Bart fawned on some noble?

That's right, if that's the case, then it's not surprising that old guy Bart has so much money to buy things, and the clothes he bought are obviously Bought it for this noble kid.

The more the gangster leader thought about it, the more he felt that it was the truth, and the more panicked he became. After all, he was just a small gang leader, or a ruffian to put it bluntly. If anything happened, his boss would definitely push him out first.

Thinking of this, the gangster leader looked at his younger brother who had just started to make plans with a face full of resentment. This bastard must have been plotting his position for a long time.

In the time it took for the gangster leader to think of it, his face kept changing, and finally his face turned pale. He rubbed his hands with a flattering expression,"It's okay, it's okay. I drank too much just now. These are all drunken words. Don't take them seriously. I'll leave first.""

"Why don't you hurry up?"

The gangster leader turned around and lowered his voice to urge a group of still confused brothers to walk quickly along the way they came.

Hmm? They gave up just now? It seems that the lower nine classes in this world are very afraid of these nobles.

Noah followed them to a place about ten meters outside the house, and looked at their figures with a bit of disappointment.

Noah certainly knew that they were afraid of his skin, but he originally thought that only civilians were afraid of nobles. After all, these mud-legged people were not afraid of those wearing shoes. The nobles should be a little afraid of them. Is it because the status of these gangsters is too low?

Noah thought secretly, but he cared too much. After all, killing these people would be a bit of a loss of face for him. It would be best if they knew what was good for them and didn't come to provoke him.

The gangster leader's side

""Brother, what are you doing? Why are you running?"

A little brother turned his head and looked at his boss with a question mark on his face. He was puzzled that his boss was afraid of a little devil.

"Idiot! Didn't you see that kid! Judging from his temperament, he is definitely a noble, maybe even a royal disciple. If we offend him, we will have no chance of survival!"

The gangster leader punched the younger brother on the head, impatiently scolding him for his stupidity. At the same time, looking at the group of bewildered younger brothers around him, he couldn't help feeling proud that he was the only one sober while everyone else was drunk.

The younger brother got a lump on his head after being hit, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

He said aggrievedly:"But brother, this kid is not from our country, what are you afraid of? Even if he is from the royal family of other countries, he doesn't even have a guard around him.

It is obvious that he is either out of favor or lost.

We are not afraid of him being out of favor, but if he is lost, then we can sell him to human traffickers or our country's nobles, and put the blame on them, right?"

The gangster leader was stunned:"What?! That kid is not from our country?"

"Yes, Boss, didn't our big brother show us some important (not to be messed with) information about the country before? And if this kid is really a noble or royal family of our country, we would have known it long ago, after all, this kid's temperament can't be hidden."

The younger brother touched his head and explained, and looked at his boss with a puzzled look. After all, the information was passed down step by step, which means that the information was passed to him through his hands.

"Huh? Uuhahaha, of course I remember, idiot! I was just testing you, and pretending to leave to see if there were any guards in secret."

The gangster leader touched the back of his head and laughed dryly, then made up an excuse in a hurry, and finally punched the little brother again in anger.

""Assholes, I'm testing you with good intentions, but you actually doubt me?"

The little brother could only cover the extra bump on his head and bow to apologize.

The gangster boss turned around and looked at Bart's house with a grim smile on his face.

He vowed to get back the dignity he had just lost in front of his little brother from Noah and the others.

Thinking of Noah's image of a beautiful boy with blond hair and red eyes, he couldn't help but said evilly:"Speaking of which, it seems that some of those nobles particularly like beautiful boys.

With his aristocratic temperament, we can eat and drink for a whole year just by selling him!

Hee ha ha ha!


Noah was turning around and walking towards Bart's house, thinking about taking Bart to the town for dinner later, and by the way, see if there is a library or something like that in the town, to learn about this world.

At this time, Noah paused, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, but he quickly restrained himself, lowered his head, curled the corners of his mouth, and slowly turned around with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, what do you mean by this?"

The gangster leader came over with a grim smile, surrounded by his subordinates, spitted at the side, and looked at Noah with disdain:

"Spit! Little ghost, it seems that you have no guards around you, so let me teach you, a noble little ghost, how dangerous the world is! In your next life, remember what it means to keep wealth private!"

As soon as the voice fell, the gangster leader stared at Noah viciously, and gestured to his younger brothers with both hands from behind.

When the younger brothers saw the gesture of their big brother, they grinned, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth. Some of them even had a few missing front teeth. They bent their fingers with both hands and made a"clicking" sound to protest to Noah, while walking towards Noah step by step without hurrying.

They probably imagined in their minds whether they would scare Noah to tears without fighting.

Noah was eager to try to stretch his muscles when he saw someone coming, but at the same time, he felt sorry that all his treasures were lost. He clearly remembered that there were many various treasures in his king's treasure, but somehow they were gone, leaving only countless treasures and some armor and other things.

But when Noah was about to rush over, he stopped suddenly, because his eyes swept over their big yellow teeth, and then he noticed that they were wearing clothes that seemed to emit a visible stench. His feet were immediately sucked like a magnet, and he almost stumbled and made a fool of himself.

""Fuck! You bunch of damn cultivators, how long have you not brushed your teeth and taken a shower?"

Noah didn't care about his manners at this time, and complained a little madly.

The younger brothers who had wanted to have a good time with Noah immediately turned black.

Don't tear people down when they are in trouble!

These younger brothers pulled out a knife from their waists, and their playful smiles turned into ferocious smiles, as if they were going to commit seppuku in the next second.

They licked the knife with their tongues, and then suddenly rushed over in pieces.

Noah couldn't help but curl his lips when he saw it. Gangsters are gangsters, and they don't have any formation in fighting. At this time, Noah didn't know that in this world, except for the navy and other armies that would use military formations and guns to clear a wave of soldiers before the war, close combat is all this gangster-style fighting.

At this time, Noah was staring at the white blade in the hand of one of the younger brothers, and a skill emerged in his mind.

Noah stretched out his right hand, clenched his palm, and muttered to himself:

"Projection, start! Search, select, analyze, materialize!"

Noah's eyes flashed with a ray of light, and then an illusory short blade appeared in his hand, and then quickly solidified, and finally an identical short blade appeared.

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