"Let's go, keep the boat safe, Joanna!"

Liya carried her backpack and earnestly reminded Joanna on the boat, but her eyes revealed a gloating smile.

"Don't worry, Joanna. If I come across beautiful clothes or other things, I will buy one for you."

Alyssa was as always the image of an older sister taking care of her younger sister. She said to Joanna with an apologetic and gentle smile.

The other maids also kindly promised Joanna, the little sister, to buy good things for her.

However, Michelle, the good sister, winked at Joanna playfully and said with a smile:"Don't worry, Joanna, I will play with your share."

"Damn it! Michelle, that bastard!"

Joanna propped up her chin and lay on the guardrail like a puddle of mud. Finally, she sat on the ground, holding the guardrail with both hands, looking at the people who were leaving pitifully as if she was crying behind a bar.

Walking on the road, Noah noticed that Guina was absent-minded.

Noah slowed down his pace, walked to Guina's side, and said directly without looking at her:

"What? Feeling guilty?"

""Huh?" Kuina was startled by the sudden question. When she saw it was Noah, she lowered her head and replied:

"A little bit, after all, I was careless."

Unexpectedly, Noah did not show any sign of comfort, but nodded casually and said:

"Ah, yes, it is indeed your fault."

""Huh?!" Kuina was stunned and exclaimed in surprise.

"Lord Noah, you are too direct."

Irene, who was standing by, also weakly defended Kuina.

""Huh?!" Kuina cried out in surprise again, pretending to be quite hurt, and said:

"Sister Irene, you don’t even comfort me, I’m so sad!"

Irene waved her hands in panic, and then said carefully:"But, I think you don’t need my comfort at all, Kuina."

"What do you mean I don't need comfort?……"Kuina and Irene were laughing and playing over there.

Noah just smiled and shrugged his shoulders until they stopped for a while. Then he spoke:

"Everyone has been weak. I didn't punish you because your weakness didn't hinder anyone."

Noah still didn't look at Kuina, and said to himself

"In my opinion, as long as no one is hurt because of your weakness, no one has the right to blame you."

"But Sister Irene almost died because she saved me!"

Guina said the real reason why she was upset

"You underestimated Sister Irene and the big sword. Although the blow was heavy, Irene's strength could still withstand it. Moreover, the hardness of the big sword is not something that can be easily broken by a piece of heated steel."

Yes, although Irene is not a power swordsman, she has learned the six styles. She is not unable to withstand a punch from a little Karami in the East China Sea. As for the big sword, it may be slightly deformed after being hit by this steel dozens or hundreds of times. As for breaking?

Noah thinks that he should let the big bear king hit it for a whole day.

"Even if Sister Irene dies because of this, no one will blame you, because this is Sister Irene’s belief.

Noah said solemnly.

"I didn't ask Sister Irene to take care of you. That was Sister Joanna's job. But Sister Irene went to protect you. It was her own decision, so how could we blame you?"

"And you didn't really do anything wrong. I even gave you a chance to challenge the Big Bear King. I wanted to let you see the difference, so I asked Sister Joanna to look after you. But you knew your place in the world and didn't step forward, didn't you?"

"The reason I punished Sister Joanna is because her weakness hindered others, causing you to almost die and Sister Irene to almost get hurt. If she was strong enough, then that little distance and that little obstacle from the pirates would not have caused this situation."

"In summary: Sister Joanna is both inexperienced and playful. This punishment should be a lesson."

Alyssa interrupted and said,"Okay, Lord Noah, stop saying such heavy words. Let's go."

Noah nodded to Alyssa with an apologetic look on his face, then smiled and said to Kuina:

"I am very satisfied with your last sword strike."

After saying that, Noah seemed to have thought of something, and turned to Elena with a smile and said,"If Sister Elena encounters that kind of situation, she would rather die than cut him again."

Elena thought for a while and nodded seriously,"Of course, I will definitely cut his little Jiji with a knife. Even if I can't hurt him, I will leave him with a shadow. I believe he will think of my knife every time he does something, hehehe!"

Elena laughed sinisterly, and the whole person seemed to turn into a dark wind.

Noah also felt a piercing cold wind blowing across his forehead, and his frightened forehead was sweating. His lower body also shrank, and he felt a sense of empathy.

This tiger woman, those who provoke her are really miserable!

Seeing Noah's frightened look, Kuina couldn't help laughing.

The group walked under the stone pillar.

Michelle looked around and shouted in confusion:

"Ah? Do you want to climb up?"

Michelle looked at the stone pillar that was hidden by the clouds and could not see the end. She felt reluctant.

"It's a rare holiday to go to the island, I don't want to climb~!"

Noah looked at the stone pillar and said,"How is it possible! There must be a mechanism, otherwise it would be exhausting to go out to sea to buy something. After all, clockwork also requires steel, and there is obviously no large amount of iron ore reserves here."

Vanessa saw a conch shell-shaped tunnel next to the stone pillar corridor and pointed to it and said:

"Lord Noah, do you think it is there?"

Noah looked at the tunnel-like intersection. Although he couldn't see inside the tunnel due to the angle, it was undoubtedly the perfect port for this Clockwork Island as it was connected to the sea.

""Well, I guess so. Let's go and have a look."

Noah didn't want to go up either. After all, it looked like a road for outsiders, and roads for outsiders might be dangerous. Although he was not afraid, he didn't want to make trouble, and he might provoke the residents of this place.

In this way, Noah and others couldn't trade with these residents.

When Noah and his party saw the inside of the cave, they found that it was indeed a different world.

There were walls with neatly stacked stones, a turntable on the wall, and a floor paved with stones.

Michelle shouted towards the cave:"Hey! Is anyone there?"

Soon after the voice came out, several people came out from a secret door.

It's just that these people were not very friendly. They held guns that looked different from the guns outside, but they were well made.

They pointed their guns at Noah and asked bravely:"Who are you?"

Noah didn't need to say a word, Alyssa and the others rushed forward and knocked them to the ground one by one.

Ignoring the painful groans of the group of people on the ground, Roland picked up two of their guns, looked at them, then slowly walked back to Noah, handed one of them to Noah, and said:

"Lord Noah, their guns are pretty good, much better than the flintlocks and ordinary pistols out there, and the rifling design is good."

Roland looked at the spoils in his hand and found that the rifling design of their guns was very novel and the workmanship was also very fine.

Roland even fired a shot at the wall to feel the recoil and the heat dissipation of the barrel, as well as the specific power of the weapon.

"Well~, it's just that the appearance of their guns is not very good."

Loran finally complained about their workmanship speechlessly.

In fact, if this gun is in the hands of some people who like the simplicity of metal, they will probably pay a high price to buy it.

Noah is no stranger to firearms. He played with it for a while, then raised the gun and fired a shot at the sea.


As the smoke rose, Noah put the gun down, looked at it for a while, and then used enhanced magic to analyze its structure, and exclaimed:"It's really good! The rifling is much better at deflecting the bullet's trajectory than the flintlock on the sea."

Go back a few seconds ago.

A bullet flew out of the barrel in Noah's hand, crossed more than two kilometers of sea, and hit the eye of an unlucky seagull, scaring the seagulls next to it and scattering them. Looking at their expressions, they seemed to be very confused about what had just happened.

"Uh..., who are you?"

The people lying on the ground realized that the group of people in front of them did not seem to want to kill them.

Liya did not laugh and joke like she usually did with her friends. She said to them in a serious and dignified manner:

"I am Lord Noah's maid. Your behavior just now was so rude!"

"But Lord Noah has no intention of killing you. We came here because of its reputation. We are interested in the opportunities on this island.���Technology is very curious, I hope you can take us up."

Before the leader could speak, the young man behind him struggled to stand up and yelled:"What a joke! You……"

"Shut up! Morey!

The leader stopped the young man named Morey.

"But the captain……"

Morey looked at his captain unwillingly, wanting to say something.

But after being glared at by the captain, he could only turn his back.

The captain of this group stood up tremblingly, forcing a smile and said:

"I'm really sorry, dear guests, because recently there have been some pirates appearing on the island from time to time for some reason, so we were so nervous just now."

It can be seen that his smile was very forced, because although Alyssa and others would not kill them, in order to prevent them from getting up easily and suffering again, they didn't beat them hard, but it was really painful.

"Don't worry, we are very measured in our attacks. It just hurts a lot, and it will be fine after a rest."

Vanessa explained gently to the captain.

"Ah, so that's great!" The captain smiled with relief. After all, he did feel heavy in his heart just now. The pain that penetrated deep into his bones even made him wonder if several bones were broken and whether his internal organs were shattered into pieces.

Noah stepped forward and said expressionlessly:"Then please take us up. Don't worry, we have no hostility."

The captain paused, looked deeply at Noah and others, and finally nodded slowly:"Okay!"

"But the captain……"×The captain put his hand in front of them and shouted,"I believe them. I will explain to the mayor."

The team members behind him stopped fighting, but they still stared at Noah and the others, as if they would rush over if they made any malicious moves.

Noah and the others didn't care. Liya stepped forward on behalf of Noah to thank them,"Thank you for your trouble."

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