Noah and the others were taken into an elevator.

This elevator was located to the right of the stone pillar.

The captain explained,"That's our port. We have a big elevator there. We can drive the ship into the elevator and then transport it up."

Loran asked curiously,"What's the power of your elevator?"

The captain proudly explained,"Everything we have is powered by a clockwork. Even the whole town is still standing because of the clockwork!"

"Hey~! It's actually true!" Loran was getting more and more curious about this clockwork technology, which could bind such a tall stone pillar and protect it from the influence of wind and rain, and at the same time provide power for the entire island.

Loran asked curiously:"Then how do you provide the power for the clockwork to rotate?"

As we all know, although clockwork can operate some machinery, it will stop sooner or later if it is not wound up.

The captain scratched his head and said,"I heard from the mayor that it seems that wind power is used to provide power. We have many windmills on our island."

Loran's eyes lit up when he heard it, so that's it!

"Hey, Captain, is it okay for you to say this to others?"A sturdy man with sweat on his forehead came forward and asked.

The captain smiled and waved his hand, saying,"It's okay. These things are not confidential, and Mr. Noah and his men are probably not bad people."

The captain saw that although Noah looked a little immature, he seemed to be the leader of this group of people, so he considered using"Mr." as a respectful title.

Soon the elevator arrived at the end.

The captain did not take Noah and others to the top floor, because the top floor was where the clockwork was.

Although the captain felt that Noah and his men were not bad people based on his years of intuition and experience in reading people, he could not directly hand over the handle to the other party.

"Mr. Noah, you can go shopping first. We have a lot of clockwork products here, and some clothing stores."

The captain extended his hand and introduced the surrounding shops to Noah.

Noah looked around and felt that there were almost overlapping types of shops. It was probably related to the small area, and of course it was inevitable because there were not many customers here.

"If you want to buy any books, you can go there to buy them, but some important information is not there, so you have to ask the mayor for instructions. I will go and tell the mayor that you are here."

Noah was a little curious about the"mayor" they mentioned.

As far as he knew, Clockwork Island did not belong to any country.

Because Clockwork Island is not an island, it is better to say that it is a small piece of exposed land, and it is unknown when it will be submerged by the sea.

In this case, their leader is called"mayor" instead of"king", which is very curious.

Noah told his doubts to the captain.

After listening, the captain looked at Noah with some surprise, and finally laughed heartily:"Mr. Noah's focus on the problem is really different. Indeed, this is because our mayor is actually a scientist, and the best scientist on the island, so he will not care about political affairs like a normal king. After all, there are not many people here."

"Oh? A scientist?"Noah found it interesting that a scientist could be the leader of a group of people.

The captain talked to Noah and others for a while and then left. It seemed that he was going to report to the mayor.

With Noah's consent, the girls scattered happily, and only Liya followed Noah.

Noah walked slowly on the road, looking at the grass, as if he was in a country field.

"Life here is really good, suitable for retirement!"

Noah took a deep breath of the air here and said with some comfort.

Liya also nodded in agreement, but then asked:

"But, Lord Noah, the man just now said that there have been pirate attacks from time to time recently. Could this be……"

Noah put away his smile, straightened his face, and nodded seriously:"Yes, it is very likely. It is probably targeted by some pirate force, and these pirates were sent to investigate the situation."

Liya also became serious:"Then their purpose is……"

"It's probably the technology they have. Look, they make such a good gun, so it should be no problem for them to make a more powerful weapon. Besides, besides slaves, arms are the most profitable thing on the sea."

But after saying that, Noah held his head indifferently and said,"Well, it doesn't matter. Pirates who have to be so cautious even like this are probably not powerful pirates. They are probably those little Karamis who have taken a fancy to them."

Seeing this peaceful scene, Liya couldn't help but feel compassion and said,"Lord Noah, is there any way you can help them?"

Noah glanced at Liya and said lazily,"Just remind them. It can be seen that this group of pirates behind the scenes don't seem to have the strength to attack here. Just pay attention to it and set up more mechanisms for defense."

"Don't have too much sympathy, sister Liya, after all, we are just passers-by and can't stay here all day."

Liya sighed deeply after hearing this, lowered her head and said:"Guomenasai, Lord Noah!"

"It's okay, Sister Liya, I understand you."

Noah didn't feel anything special. After all, he had been with Liya for so long and knew everything about her.

Noah took Liya to the clothing store and found that Guina was there, being taken by Michelle and Irene to try on clothes.

"Hey! Sister Michelle, Sister Irene, is this dress suitable?"

Guina blushed, pinching the white short skirt and the beautiful short-sleeved shirt with lace in her hands, and she looked shy.

She had never worn any nice clothes since she was a child. On the one hand, she did not have that much spare money, and on the other hand, she had always���She thought she was a boy and wanted to be a boy.

How could a tomboy like her not be shy when she suddenly dressed like this?

Michelle applauded and said,"You are so beautiful, Kuina! You look like a beautiful young girl from a rich family.""

"Ah, yes, Kuina, it looks much better than the clothes you wore before."

Irene, who was being nudged by Michelle's butt, nodded in affirmation.

When Noah came in, he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Kuina at this moment. At this moment, Kuina's childishness revealed a youthful atmosphere that had never been seen before, which made Noah's eyes light up for a moment, and he praised:

"Kuina, they are right, you are very beautiful! I was fascinated by you just now!"

Kuina was also surprised by Noah's sudden opening of the door, but her face turned even redder when she heard Noah's words.

Noah didn't care, and even picked out a few clothes for Kuina himself, including underwear.

This made Kuina's brain CPU smoke.

The girls laughed and pretended to blame Noah.

Noah shrugged innocently and said,"I didn't expect it. I didn't have such a big reaction when I helped you pick it before?"

Liya and others recalled the scene when Noah helped to choose underwear and swimsuits for the first time. Their foreheads turned red and hot, and they complained about Noah's pretending to be naive and ignorant in their hearts.

Noah also bought a bright red dress for Joanna. Anyone with a discerning eye could see his love for Joanna.

After buying clothes, the captain came over and said,"Mr. Noah, the mayor asked me to come and take you there."

Noah nodded and motioned to lead the way.

Unexpectedly, the captain led Noah to the door of a clockwork toy store.

Noah looked at the captain strangely and said,"Here?"

After getting the captain's affirmative look, Noah chuckled and pushed the door open.

The inside was full of toys, and there were even some unfinished toy samples below.

The store is divided into two floors. On the upper floor, an intellectual young woman in a white coat, with a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth and glasses, was sipping coffee. When she heard the door open, she turned her attention to Noah who opened the door.

On the first floor, there was also a man in a white coat, a suit inside, and a sexy curly beard on his chin waiting in the hall.

They are the mayor and the mayor's wife.

I have to say, they really look like a couple. Even their hairstyles are exactly the same, fluffy but not without a tough feeling.

"Hello, welcome to come from afar, Mr. Noah."

The mayor greeted Noah with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand to shake hands with Noah.

Noah looked at his hand and didn't want to shake it. After all, mechanical scientists don't pay much attention to themselves, so he simply ignored the mayor's outstretched hand. He went straight to the point and said:"Mayor, I will express my goodwill directly."

Noah signaled with his eyes that Liya should tell the mayor about her just-made discovery. After all, this was what Liya wanted to do, so that they could remember Liya's kindness first.

Liya stepped forward and said seriously:"Mr. Mayor, from the captain, we know that your island has suddenly been frequently attacked by pirates recently. We suspect that your island has been targeted, and they may have taken a fancy to your mechanical technology."

The mayor was a little embarrassed that Noah ignored his hand, but after hearing the following words, he felt a chill on his back, and said in a trembling voice:"This... this can't be"

"Yes, how come they are suddenly interested in our mechanical technology!"The mayor's wife couldn't hold her temper anymore and ran down from upstairs to say.

Most of the people on the island are simple and honest, or they are technology fans. They rarely come into contact with such sinister schemes, so they just simply think that there are more pirates and they want to find someone to watch downstairs.

However, after hearing what Liya said, they also vaguely suspected the purpose of these pirates.

Liya said calmly:"Madam, we just think it is very likely. After all, your firearms are well made. It is estimated that there will be a big market on the sea, and your mechanical technology is enough to support you to develop stronger weapons."

Liya paused, smiled and said:"Of course, you can choose not to believe it. We are just showing our goodwill. If we have malicious intentions, we will not remind you. Moreover, making more preparations and designing more mechanisms should not be difficult or wasteful for you."

The mayor quickly regained his usual calmness and nodded solemnly:"Miss Liya is right. Thank you for your reminder. We will be prepared."

In fact, their preparations did not lead to the arrival of pirates.

Because although the pirates they sent out earlier did come to seize Clockwork Island, the one who sent them was the Great Bear King who was previously destroyed by Noah and his men.

However, these mechanisms later helped them resist the attacks of other pirates, so they were not wasted.

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