"These are some of our materials and notes. You can copy them if you need them."

The mayor's wife took Noah and others to a room full of books.

Roland, who had come here after smelling the fishy smell, had already begun to wreak havoc throughout the library.

"However, there is no information about weapons here. After all, we don't like to develop weapons that hurt or kill people."

The mayor's wife put her fist on her chest and thought for a while before saying it hesitantly.

After all, she felt that Noah and others probably valued this kind of knowledge.

"Dumb tape (It's okay), in my opinion, energy is the truly valuable thing. The so-called weapons are just the use of energy. The strength of weapons is just the difference in the degree of energy utilization."

Roland stared at the book"How Clockwork Provides Power" in his hand and explained to the mayor's wife.

"And I don't like weapons either, it's just that my important things need weapons to maintain, otherwise I prefer to study energy."

As Roland said this, his thoughts couldn't help but drift to the past, the scene when he made a generator and lit a light bulb under the guidance of his father.

That night was full of light and warmth.

The mayor's wife was also stunned when she heard Roland's point of view, but when she thought of the transformation of Clockwork Island by herself and others, she couldn't help but agree with her point of view.

When Roland said that he didn't like weapons either, the mayor's wife's eyes gradually became kind, as if she regarded Roland as a fellow traveler, and even walked over to actively help Roland find the materials he needed.

Noah also looked around and found that the research on machinery on Clockwork Island had indeed reached a very high level.

It's just that success and failure are both due to clockwork. Due to the limitations of clockwork and processing precision, it seems to have reached a bottleneck.

"Madam, could you please have someone copy all these materials for me three times? I can pay for it.

Noah put a book back to its original place and said to the mayor's wife beside Luo Lan.

"Yes, you can! But the price……"

The mayor's wife was also stunned when she heard Noah's request. She didn't expect Noah to want to take everything away. However, she didn't have much of an opinion on this.

It was just that she didn't know what the price for the transcription should be.

If it was too high, she was afraid that Noah and others would be dissatisfied.

If it was too low, she was afraid that it would harm the interests of other residents.

"Don't worry, I won't let them down."

For Noah, money is the key to success.

After staying for a few days, Noah and his companions went down several times, because they had to go back to the ship to sleep.

After the transcription was completed, Noah directed the residents on the island to move the transcribed materials to the library on the ship, leaving behind a large amount of treasure.

"Eh? Mr. Noah, isn't this too much?"

Looking at the huge pile of treasures in front of him, he didn't dare to accept so much treasure. It must be worth billions of Baileys.

Before Noah could speak, Roland pretended to be angry and pouted:"Mr. Mayor, are you insulting your years of research?"

The mayor's wife was also a little embarrassed to accept these treasures:"But even if you want to research it, it doesn't cost that much."

"But it will take a lot of time. For our captain, time is more valuable than money, and you will have more money to carry out your research, so just accept it with confidence."

Loran waved his hand impatiently. After all, the money spent on research is one thing, but the time spent is another.

The mayor and others looked at each other, and after thinking for a moment, they accepted it:"Okay, thank you for your recognition!"

The mayor originally thought that Noah and others would give tens of millions of Baileys, at most a few hundred million Baileys. After all, the situation is stronger than people, and even if they are not given anything, there is nothing to say.

Who would have thought that they would give so much?

Loran took the mayor's wife aside to say goodbye. Although they were only together for a few days, they got along surprisingly well.

"Madam, please take care of yourself. I will come to visit you next time if I have the chance."

The mayor's wife said reluctantly,"Luolan, you should take care of yourself too. After all, there are too many dangers on the sea."

Luolan shook his head, looked at Noah gently, smiled confidently and said,"I am very safe. After all, my parents are not vegetarians."

Luolan suddenly whispered,"Madam, when are you going to have a baby?"

"Huh?" The mayor's wife almost sprained her waist due to this sudden turn of events. Her face immediately turned red with shame and she lowered her head and said,"I'm ready to relax the protective measures, probably next year."

Luo Lan smiled and walked forward to hug her shoulders and patted her, saying,"I've said it a long time ago, you've been married for so long, it's time to get pregnant. When can't you do research?"

"I am miserable. Mr. Noah is not yet an adult. He will probably have to wait for a few more years."

Loran was shameless in front of others and complained directly to the mayor's wife.

The mayor's wife was surprised when she heard it:"Ah? Mr. Noah will have to wait for a few more years to become an adult?"

After all, although Noah looks immature, he is already more than 1.7 meters tall. Although it is nothing in the sea, in the eyes of ordinary people, even if he is not an adult, he can be a few years away.

"Yes, it will take another five or six years, or at least four years.


The mayor's wife was stunned, not knowing what to say to her new good sister.

Should she feel sorry for her and have to live a widow's life for a few years?

Or should she scold her for not even letting the children go?

Seeing that the time was almost up, Luo Lan took a few steps forward, then turned around and waved goodbye to the mayor's wife, and ran to Noah.

"What? You're saying goodbye so soon?"

Noah smiled faintly when he saw Luo Lan running over in a hurry.

"We can actually leave later."

Luo Lan was a little tempted, but finally shook his head and said,"Forget it, we have to leave sooner or later anyway."

Noah didn't say anything else. After all, there was really nothing to see on this island.

Noah and others took the elevator back downstairs, and then boarded the boat under Joanna's envious eyes.

As soon as Joanna saw Noah, she rushed over and cried,"It's too much, Lord Noah, you actually made me guard the boat for several days."

Noah struggled for a few times, and found that he couldn't struggle free, so he let her go. However, thinking of her active personality and staying on the empty boat for so long, he couldn't help but touch her head and said helplessly:

"Well, we will be back in the evening, right? And even Michelle brought you something, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

Joanna said coquettishly:"But I feel very sorry that I didn't go to an island!"

Noah felt that Joanna would definitely not like this island. After all, she prefers to run and play. This island can only be said to be quiet and peaceful enough.

"There is nothing fun on this island. If you don't believe me, ask Michelle."

Noah raised his head in Michelle's direction and motioned Joanna to ask.

Michelle noticed Noah, but her eyes turned, and then facing Joanna's inquiring eyes, she said seriously:

"What Lord Noah said is true, Joanna, you must believe me!"

Joanna watched and listened, and finally burst into tears.

"It was obviously very interesting, but Lord Noah lied to me!"

"Take a day off."

Noah glanced at Joanna next to him, his face calm and calm.

Joanna cried and held up three fingers.

Noah nodded without saying anything,"Well, deal!"

Joanna's sobbing stopped abruptly, and she quietly asked Michelle next to her,"Did I shout too little?"

Michelle just shrugged, saying that she didn't know, and then ran away.

Noah didn't take it to heart at all. After all, for him, dealing with Joanna was as easy as reading a book on his palm.

He walked slowly to the cabin, preparing for his day's practice, and asked Liya:

"Sister Liya, where are we going next?"

If Noah didn't say where they were going, Liya would decide with Roland, after all, they were both navigators.

They chose the route based on Noah's principle: go wherever is interesting.

Liya took a few steps forward and said,"Lord Noah, we plan to go to an island called Tailanglin. I heard that there are many very interesting creatures there."

"Oh? Interesting creatures?"Noah paused and curled his lips, then continued to walk towards the training room and said:

"That's really great. This world will never make people bored."

Lea looked at Noah from behind and murmured,"Lord Noah, I won't let you leave us this time."

It was obvious that Lea and the others had chosen an island similar to Xiangpa Island, which was known for its dangers, to make up for past regrets and say goodbye to their weak selves.

Noah didn't think much about it.

After finishing his chores, Michelle sat on the side of the boat to fish, accompanied by her elder sister Alyssa.

""Hey?" Michelle felt the fishing rod in her hand sink, and then she pulled it hard, and then she realized that the fish had taken the bait.

"Sister Alyssa, come and help me!"

(★ ω ★)

Michelle's eyes sparkled. He had finally caught a fish and finally gotten rid of the title of"Air Force Guy". He held the fishing rod tightly with both hands and refused to let go.

"Haha, okay, right away!"

Seeing Michelle's excitement, Alyssa also smiled, put her fishing rod aside, and went up to help Michelle.

"One, two, one! One, two, one! One, two……"

Finally, with the continuous pulling of the two women, the fishing rod was thrown onto the deck.

When Michelle saw such a big fish, she quickly put the fishing rod aside, walked to the side of the fish, and got ready.

"Joanna! Come quickly! Take a picture for me!"

Joanna looked out from the observation room when she heard the voice. Seeing such a big fish, she became interested. She picked up the Den Den Mushi used for taking pictures, jumped down and took a lot of pictures of her good sister.

Michelle saw that the pictures were taken and rushed over, shouting that she wanted to see how they were taken.

Elena and Rosalind walked to the side of the fish. Rosalind praised:"The meat of this fish looks quite tender. I leave it to you, Elena!"

Elena made an OK gesture and smiled:"Watch me!"

Then she picked up the kitchen knife and prepared to chop.

Rosalind also laughed:"I thought you were going to use your Weeping Blood!"

Elena rolled her eyes at Rosalind and said with a smile:"I don't mind my Weeping Blood. It's enough for it to drink blood. I don't know if you have any objection."

Rosalind smiled and shrugged.

Elena used two kitchen knives in both hands to perform some knife tricks, then she flashed past the fish's head, and several flashes of knife light flashed across the fish's body, and finally appeared at the fish's tail.

Rosalind applauded and said,"Great knife skills! My knife skills are not as good as yours."

Elena waved the kitchen knife at Rosalind and said with a smile,"Don't compare your hobbies with my profession."

Rosalind walked over and gently lifted the upper part of the fish, and the fish meat was taken off.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

During this time, the fish didn't even know that it was dead, and it was opening and closing its mouth and spitting bubbles.

Until its heart was taken off


Elena asked in surprise.

Rosalind next to her heard it and turned to ask,"What's the matter?"

"There seems to be something in its stomach?"

Elena touched the fish's stomach and found a hard object inside, then she peeled it open with a knife.

"This is……"

Elena took it out and saw that it was a small wooden box with a surface that was severely corroded by stomach acid.

Rosalind came over to take a look, and the two looked at each other and found that they both had expectant smiles.

"Elena, this seems to be the treasure box usually used to store devil fruits."

"Well, but it could also be filled with treasure or something else."

"Let's open it and take a look"

"What's the hurry? Go get everyone over here first!"

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