"What! You found a treasure chest!"

Elena called everyone together, but did not call Noah, because Noah was practicing at the moment, so they did not disturb him.

Liya did not know how it felt to find a treasure chest for others, but it was normal to find a treasure chest around Noah, but this kind of small treasure chest was rarely found.

Well, the only few times, devil fruits were opened.

So everyone was looking forward to it. After all, with Noah's luck, it must be a devil fruit, but I don't know what kind of fruit it is.

""Roland, go to the library and get the devil fruit encyclopedia."

Roland was also interested, nodded and ran over to get it.

"Ah, that, isn't this too hasty? We're still not sure if it's a devil fruit."

Kuina said weakly.

Although she had seen Noah pick up money and treasures a few times when she first arrived, she was not used to it.

The girls then realized, yes, they were already wondering what kind of fruit it was before the box was even opened.

"I think so too. Are you all confused by Lord Noah's incredible luck?"

Sibel also stood up to support Kuina's point of view.

Well, although she was also very excited to guess what kind of fruit it was just now

"This is not our fault. After all, when we pick up things around Noah, we always find treasures. We have never encountered an empty box, right Michelle!"

Michelle, Joanna's good sister, agreed with her and said,"Yes, if it was someone else, it would be fine. But Lord Noah's luck is incredible."

""Okay, okay, open it! Let's talk after you open it!"

Liya came out to smooth things over. She didn't support any side. After all, she was confused just now.

At this time, Luolan also came back. It seemed that she had come to her senses, but she was still full of expectations for the contents of the treasure chest.

In full view of everyone, Liya pinched the lock on the outside of the treasure chest and pulled it hard, easily opening the treasure chest.

Inside was a pear-like green devil fruit with mysterious spiral patterns.

The girls looked at each other, and excited cheers resounded over the ship.



"I told you, it must be a devil fruit!"

"I think so too!"

"Me… me too!"


After a burst of excitement, the girls gathered around Liya and began to look for the records of this devil fruit.

"Not this one"

"This one isn't either."


"This is actually this fruit……"

Liya looked at the introduction of the fruit in front of her with some shock.

"This is simply……"

"too strong!"

"But it doesn't seem to be aggressive."

"Who said that Sister Vanessa can easily kill you?"

Everyone started to discuss it. No matter what, this fruit is a god-level fruit for people in a certain profession.

At the beginning of that page, it was written-Superman Series Medicine Fruit!

As long as the herbs or other things with medicinal value have been touched, their medicinal properties can be perfectly recorded, and the corresponding liquid medicine or powder medicine can be produced out of thin air. The medicinal properties can be freely mixed and matched, and the medicinal properties required in the liquid medicine can be perfectly extracted. The medicinal properties, etc.

It can be said that this fruit is the exclusive fruit of doctors. It can be a perfect assistant for doctors. It can freely produce the required liquid medicine, extract the required ingredients from the medicinal materials, and mix the medicinal properties for research.

A person carries a medicinal material library and a drug processing machine with him.

Liya smiled and picked up the fruit to Vanessa, and asked:"Vanessa, how is it? It feels quite suitable for you."

Vanessa also smiled and nodded, saying:"I like it very much, but I don't know if Lord Noah is willing to let me eat this fruit."

Liya smiled and said,"You don't need Lord Noah's approval for your own affairs, just do what you want."

Vanessa remembered that Noah once said that he liked people with souls.

"Well, leave this fruit to me."

So Vanessa didn't hesitate at all, picked up the Yaoyao Fruit, and ate it in one bite at a time with a smile in the surprised eyes of everyone.

At this moment, everyone looked at Vanessa with admiration.

"Um, Sister Vanessa, don’t you think it tastes bad?" Joanna swallowed and asked.

Vanessa smiled and said,"It tastes bad, but I often try some herbs, so I'm used to it."

Sibel, the big foodie, admires Vanessa the most, but asked in confusion,"Sister Vanessa, didn't Lord Noah say that you don't have to finish it?"

The girls also looked at Vanessa with puzzled eyes.

Vanessa thought about it, smiled embarrassedly and said,"I forgot."


The girls were stunned

"What's going on?"

Noah came out with a white towel wiping his wet blond hair, his upper body bare with six angular abdominal muscles, not caring about the naked eyes of the girls.

The girls blushed slightly, but their eyes still swept over Noah's body from time to time.

Liya stared at Noah's abdominal muscles, stood up and said,"Lord Noah, Michelle just caught a treasure chest containing the Yaoyao Fruit, and now the fruit has been eaten by Vanessa."

"Oh?" Noah's eyes widened in surprise, and then he said accusingly:"Sister Liya didn't ask me to unbox together!"

Liya stared and said:"Didn't Lord Noah say not to disturb you during your practice time!"

"This... okay." Noah was a little helpless, but it was normal. After all, it is not good to be disturbed when practicing, especially when practicing kendo.

He turned to Vanessa and said with a smile:"That's great, Sister Vanessa! This fruit is very suitable for you! We will leave our bodies to you in the future."

Vanessa squinted and smiled and nodded, saying:"Please rest assured, Lord Noah."

Michelle broke her fingers and said:"Now there are only me, Sister Irene, Sister Elena, Sister Rosalind, Sister Loran and Kuina, a total of six people who have not become fruit ability users."

Kuina was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously:"Huh? Noah is not going to eat the fruit?"

Noah smiled and nodded:"Well, unless you encounter some interesting fruits, I will be your lifeguard when you fall into the water."

Guina thought of Noah's abnormal physique and magical projection magic, and understood why Noah didn't eat the devil fruit.

Vanessa came over with a test tube bottle and handed it to Noah, saying:"Lord Noah, this is an energy potion I made using the power of the fruit. It can heal the body and relieve fatigue. The medicinal power itself can also support a higher level of exercise. Long-term use can also slowly improve the body's potential."

"Oh? You can make something like this so quickly, it's really reliable! Sister Vanessa."

Noah looked at the test tube bottle filled with light green liquid in front of him, and was amazed that Vanessa had mastered the fruit ability so quickly.

"Actually, I had an idea before, but some of the materials were precious and rare, but I happened to have been exposed to it, and the craftsmanship was easy for me because of the power of the fruit, so I soon had a finished product."

Vanessa explained with a modest smile, and then said to the girls:"You can go to the infirmary to get your share, after all, I can't take so much."

Guina and other practitioners cheered with joy:"Yukada! Long live! Sister Vanessa!"

Vanessa smiled and said:"I can also make some non-toxic and harmless skin care products and liquid medicines to maintain the body and delay aging, and even medicines to make a certain part grow. You can come to my room to get them at night"


"Very good!"

"Long live Sister Vanessa!"

"Sister Vanessa, you are my savior!"


They never expected that the Yaoyao Fruit would cause the girls to go wild, and Joanna and Michelle even cried with joy.


Noah coughed lightly and looked at Vanessa expressionlessly:"Sister Vanessa, remember to send me a copy of all the medicines I can use."

Noah emphasized the three words"I can use".

Vanessa's smile became even more intense, and she nodded and said,"Okay, Lord Noah."

Noah nodded with satisfaction.

At night, Noah looked at the girls in his room and asked in confusion:"With Sister Joanna and Sister Vanessa here, my magic power should not be needed." Today Noah took a look and found that Joanna's treatment combined with Vanessa's medicine was very effective, and the damage in the body no longer required Noah to take action.

Liya smiled and said,"Lord Noah, it's better to be cautious, and if there is no damage, it won't waste too much time."

Noah was speechless. It can be seen that they are habitually seducing him and bullying him because of his young age.

Noah had to check them one by one.

After many treatments, Guina also���She examined Noah openly.

At first, her face was red, but she didn't seem to resist too much, and she didn't even ask why she didn't need it when she was with Zoro before.

After the examination, Noah drove the girls out as usual, and then ran to the bathroom to take a cold shower in a depressed and skilled manner, cursing in his heart.

Don't bully the young, just wait for me!

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