After several days of sailing, Noah and his companions are about to reach their destination - Tailanglin Island.

"Yukada! We're finally here!"

Before the boat even reached the shore, Joanna transformed into the wings of a red bird and flew to the shore. She stamped her feet hard a few times and felt the solid ground.

Michelle saw Joanna flying away with a flutter and shouted, and also rushed to the shore with moon steps.

"Joanna, I'm here too."

These days of sailing made the two girls a little bored. In addition, they often encountered storms these days, which made the ship sway from side to side, making them feel a little floating.

It was like walking in the air, which was more uncomfortable than practicing the moon step.


After Irene and Kuina slashed at each other, they heard a sound from below and knew that Joanna and Michelle, two jumpy guys, couldn't wait to get to the island.

"Kuina, it's time to go."

Irene said with some boredom while holding Frost and Snow and looking at Kuina on the opposite side.

After that, she suddenly burst out and pushed Kuina's knife away.

Kuina jumped back and was a little unhappy because her practice was interrupted, but there was nothing she could do. After all, even if she didn't go down now, Noah would send someone down later.

"There is no other way, let's go."



The two put away their knives, picked up towels to wipe their sweat, and then jumped down from the observation room.

Well, although there was a ladder in the observation room, none of the girls could use it, and they all jumped up and down.

Liya covered her forehead and frowned, saying,"There is really nothing we can do about them."

Noah smiled and said,"Okay, sister Liya, relax! It's no big deal."

Liya complained to Noah,"Lord Noah just spoils them too much.……"

Noah could only nod his head in agreement to Liya's nagging.

Sibel came over from the helmsman's seat and asked,"Lord Noah, do you need someone to guard the boat?"

Noah hesitated for a moment, looked at the maids around him, who all seemed to want to go to the island, smiled and shook his head,"Forget it, Sibel, there's no one around anyway, let's go together."

""Yeah! Long live Lord Noah!" Rosalind jumped and hugged Vanessa.

Although the others did not react as strongly as Rosalind, they all had happy smiles on their faces.

"Don't rush to hug her, hurry up and prepare the lunch box. Of course, we can also go hunting for food, but we have to prepare the seasonings."

Noah said to the excited Rosalind with a smile

"Of course it's a hunting picnic. I'll go prepare the seasoning!"

Rosalind said as she pulled Elena to prepare together.

Vanessa's eyes were also full of anticipation, and she said,"I think the climate on this island is pleasant, and there are probably many herbs. If you find any new and unusual plants, please remember to let me know."

"Leave it to me, Sister Vanessa!"

"No problem, I'll keep an eye on it!"

"Me too!"


It can be seen that since Vanessa ate the medicine fruit, she instantly became the object of protection in the eyes of the other girls, except Noah, and she would respond to any request.

Vanessa smiled gently:"Then I'll leave it to you all."

Noah watched this scene from the side and felt that this usually smiling and gentle elder sister was his biggest enemy. In just a few days, he felt that he was going to fall out of favor.

"Sir Noah, hurry up, let's go and take a look……"Michelle laughed and asked Noah to come down quickly to play on the island together.

However, when she saw Liya's face was gloomy and dark as ink, her voice instantly weakened.

The camera turned, and Noah and others happily went to the island with large and small bags on their backs.

As for Michelle just now, Liya was chanting the tight spell to her.

Noah looked at these trees with some amazement, and said:"These trees are similar to the trees on Xiangpa Island, and they are very thick." Vanessa touched the ground and said:"There is enough water here, and the sunlight is not bad. It is also an uninhabited island and is less affected by humans, so the animal and plant resources should be very rich."

As soon as the voice fell, before Noah and others could respond, an animal with a bull's head and a zebra's body, which was three meters tall and more than five meters long, rushed out from the side. It looked back from time to time and howled rapidly. It can be seen that it is very panicked.

"Well, there seems to be a big guy behind, but……"

Noah then let go of his senses and found a big guy not far away, but there was also a monster not far in front of Joanna.

"Sister Joanna, don't go any further."

""Eh? Why?" Joanna stopped and looked at the cattle and horses running farther and farther in front of her. She had wanted to jump on them and ride them.

Noah didn't say anything, but just raised his head to signal to continue watching.

Following the cattle and horses, a monster with a lion's head and a horse's body rushed out. It's not quite correct to say it has a horse's body, because there are pieces of scales on its back.

Noah couldn't help but mutter:"The horse is really pitiful. It was bullied so badly by lions, cattle, and other monsters with scales, eh!"

Then Noah looked up at the lion and horse who were not giving in, and sighed:"'We are of the same roots, why are we so anxious to hurt each other?'"

After hearing this, Liya and others were speechless and stunned.

But they thought it was very interesting again

"Haha, what Lord Noah said is really interesting."

Alyssa instantly recalled Noah's words and said with a chuckle

"Right." Noah raised his eyebrows.

His eyes returned to the front.

The ox-horse saw the lion-horse running towards him, and kicked its limbs harder out of fear. But suddenly a tree root in front of it was lifted up.

The ox-horse was only concerned with looking at the lion-horse behind it, and was instantly tripped and fell to the ground.


The inertia brought by the rapid running made it slide nearly ten meters on the ground

""Moo! Moo!"

A sound like a cow or a horse came from its mouth.

But before it could get up, a tentacle like a tree root tied it up and even kept tightening the tentacles.

At this time, one, two, three...

As countless tentacles trembled like snakes, Noah and others also saw the whole picture of this monster.

This is a large octopus with a bark-like appearance!

There was even a tentacle of it a few meters in front of Joanna. When the lion horse saw the dark green octopus in front of it, its footsteps stopped desperately.

It even whimpered and wanted to run back, but But how could the giant octopus let go of the food that was in its mouth?

The giant octopus rolled up its tentacles like a person's fist, and then threw four tentacles at the lion-horse.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

With four sounds of breaking through the air, the tentacles caught up with the lion-horse, which had no time to escape, and tied up its limbs.

The giant octopus hung the lion-horse in the air, and then swung its fist-like tentacles and smashed it.

Bang bang bang bang...

At first the lion-horse was still wailing, and then it became sobbing. Finally, when the giant octopus stopped, the lion-horse's eyes had rolled back, blood was flowing from the corners of its mouth, and its face was unrecognizable.

""Oh, how cruel!"

Elena was the first to break the silence.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she found that everyone was looking at her strangely.

""Well... isn't it?"

Elena didn't understand and asked doubtfully.

Sibel, Michelle and Joanna waved their hands and said in unison:"No, no, no, you are the only one here who has no right to say that."

Just when the octopus felt that its prey could no longer resist and let it go, a hawk's cry came from the sky.


Noah and the others looked up, only to see a black shadow flash by and dive down in an instant.

Noah and the others looked closely and saw that it was a large monster with a horse body, an eagle head and wings.

The girls looked at Noah at the same time.

Lord Noah was right, the horses on this island are so pitiful! ×nJust when the girls silently prayed for the horses on the island that there would be no bullying in heaven.

The monster instantly grabbed the half-dead cattle and horses with its eagle claws and swept up.

Obviously, this eagle-horse intended to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

However, the octopus's tentacles tied its legs and neck as soon as it flew up, and no matter how it flew, it was in vain.

Just when Noah and the others thought that the eagle-horse was about to fall into trouble, things took a huge turn.

The eagle-horse pounced. After a few attempts, it found that it was not working, so it used its sharp beak to peck off the tentacles under its feet, and then pecked off several tentacles around it in a flash.

The giant octopus painfully retracted the broken tentacles, looked at the broken ends of its tentacles, and looked at the hippogriff with some fear.

But at this moment, the hippogriff seemed to stop pretending and showed its cards. It wanted to be your prey, but who knew that you would not give up, so you belong to me.

The hippogriff jumped up and rushed towards the giant octopus's head like an arrow. The tentacles along the way were either pierced or slapped away by its wings. Finally, the whole hippogriff turned into a stream of light and passed through the giant octopus's head.

At the same time, these tentacles also stopped moving instantly, but they twitched from time to time, proving that they were still fresh.

Sibel laughed and said,"I didn't expect this hippogriff to be so fierce!"

Alyssa also nodded and said,"At first I thought it was going to die, but it turned out to be hiding its weakness."

Rosalind agreed,"Yes, yes, I have already thought of how to make this hippogriff into a delicacy."

Sibel's eyes lit up and he was also attracted, and asked,"Rosalind, how do you make this thing delicious?"

"Simple, I plan……"

While Sibel and Rosalind were discussing how to make a hippogriff, Irene held the knife and said seriously:

"This hippogriff seems to have bad intentions towards us!"

Noah also felt it and said,"Is it because there is not enough food?"

That can't be possible, it must have a big appetite.

"Maybe they are out looking for food? There are probably many mouths in the nest."

Elena is quite familiar with these"ingredients". They are in urgent need of food during the winter and after giving birth.

""Hehe, I'll deal with you!"

Joanna opened her hands and shouted excitedly.

When the hippogriff saw Joanna's arms open in protest, he immediately felt provoked.

This short two-legged sheep dared to protest against me. It just so happened that the children at home were still young, so eating these two-legged sheep was just right.

The hippogriff flapped its wings and swooped over, but Joanna flexibly jumped onto its back.

"Watch out, Joanna!"

(っ °Д °;)っ

Irene drew her sword and was about to chop, but was stopped by Noah.

Facing Irene's doubt, Noah raised his lips and said,"Sister Irene, don't worry. Don't forget that Sister Joanna is very strong. She is having fun now!"

Irene then realized that no one behind her was panicking at all. It was obvious that she was the only one who was nervous.


Irene touched her head and smiled awkwardly before retracting the knife.

Noah shouted at Joanna,"Hey! Sister Joanna, we'll wait for you in front!"


Joanna grabbed the hippogriff's feathers.

The hippogriff cried out in pain and was about to spread its wings and fly.

Michelle smiled and said,"Lord Noah, I will go and take care of Joanna, so that she won't be in any danger."

Then, he jumped towards the hippogriff's back and shouted,"Joanna, I'll help you!" He jumped onto the hippogriff's back amid everyone's questioning and contemptuous eyes.

The hippogriff flew into the sky and flew towards the distant mountain peaks.

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