Noah asked Elena, Sibel and Rosalind to drag the prey to an opening where there happened to be a stream to process the food.

Noah cut off a piece of grilled octopus meat, put it into his mouth with a fork, and tasted it:"This octopus meat is unexpectedly delicious and chewy!"

"Ah, what Noah said is right!"

His mouth was full of oil, and Sibel agreed vaguely, and then handed the lion horse leg meat to Noah.

"Sir Noah, this is also good."

"Um, okay, where do you put it? I'll eat it later."

"Sir Noah, you need to eat meat in big mouthfuls to feel comfortable."

Noah looked at Sibel's hearty appearance when eating, and didn't know what to say, but he didn't hate it.

Noah was relieved when he saw Sibel put down the big piece of leg meat, and said to Elena and Rosalind with a smile:"Sister Elena and Sister Rosalind are good at cooking."

Elena and Rosalind had just finished the last dish, and Elena smiled and responded:"Then you eat more, Sir Noah"

"No problem, I will eat it all."

Noah made an OK gesture, indicating that he would definitely not waste it.

However, Alyssa looked at the mountains in the distance with some uneasiness, and said:"I don't know how Joanna and Michelle are doing."

Liya said with a serious face:"They are not strong enough to die, don't worry, Alyssa."

"Sir Noah, I'll get you some juice."

""Thank you, Sister Liya."

When Noah and the others had finished eating, a red light suddenly flashed on the other side of the mountain, and then it became bigger and bigger, approaching the direction of Noah and the others.

Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief and said,"It seems that Joanna has returned with Michelle."

"Uh, it’s not Joanna."

But Noah denied Alyssa’s statement with a strange look at this moment:"That’s Michelle flying"

""Huh?!" The girls exclaimed.

As expected, behind the fire followed a holy and noble bird, which was the Vermillion Bird!

"We are back! Everyone!"

Michelle's energetic voice came first.

Everyone could see her figure clearly at this moment, and saw that flames were burning on her body, and flames were erupting from her hands and feet as a boost.

When Michelle flew over the heads of Noah and others, she retracted the flames, and then took a moon step and landed steadily.

Joanna behind her also laughed and shouted:"Michelle, you ran away!"

"Lulu, I clearly said that I would run away after shouting three"

"But who would shout three at the beginning?"


Noah interrupted their frolicking with a smile and said,"What fruit did sister Michelle eat?"

Joanna stopped arguing with Michelle and excitedly shared what had just happened with everyone.

It turned out that Joanna and Michelle were taken to a mountainside. The hippogriff originally planned to use the mountain to rub his back and grind off the two little goblins on his back.

But Joanna and the others saw a cave on the mountainside and instantly lost interest in the hippogriff. They were excited to go to the cave for adventure.

So they ran away on the moon steps before the hippogriff ran into them.

Well, the hippogriff ran directly into the rock wall, and the cry was miserable!

Joanna just jumped to the side of the cave and felt a sense of intimacy inside. She went in with the fire of Suzaku in her hand.

Well, there was nothing else inside, but the Flame-Flame Fruit.

It is probably because Suzaku is originally the main fire, and is born with the attribute of being close to fire, so he is very close to the Flame-Flame Fruit.

So Joanna gave this fruit to her good sister without hesitation.

This moved Michelle to tears.

Anyway, in the end, Michelle became the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit.

When Michelle first ate it, she lost control and engulfed her good sister with flames to express her gratitude.

Fortunately, Joanna's Suzaku Fruit is naturally not afraid of fire, and she used the Suzaku fire to protect her clothes in time, otherwise she would probably be naked now.

"Hmm? Don't you want to think about what kind of fruit it is?"

Liya gave them a reproachful look. After all, if they ate a fruit without potential, it would be the end of them.

"And how did you eat a natural fruit? After all, your physique is not outstanding, domineering is the foundation!"

Michelle raised his hands in surrender and said,"Actually, I know this fruit. After all, I have read the fruit illustrations so many times, and I accidentally wrote it down."

"And with Vanessa's potion, maybe we can develop a potion that breaks the limits of the human body in the future. The current energy potion can become stronger as long as we persevere, so I don't think we need to focus on the animal type."

Michelle listed the reasons why she chose the Flame-Flame Fruit in an orderly manner, which made Liya speechless.

Noah smiled and came out to smooth things over, saying,"Okay, Liya, Michelle is right. You don't have to choose the animal type. Before, it was because the animal type had a large bonus to physical fitness. Now we have Vanessa, so we don't have to worry about this. Besides, the natural type is known for its attack power and attack range. Every natural type will cause a big scene."

"Sister Michelle, don't blame Sister Liya, she is worried about your future."

Michelle nodded and said with a smile:"Master Noah, I understand!"

"Come on, come eat, Irene left this for you."

"Wow! Thank you, Elena!"

"Yes, Sister Elena, I am really touched!"

"Then you should eat more."

On the other side, at an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters near Tailanglin Island, a warship that looks like an island, or a warship made of an island, was floating in the air, and there were even oars sliding on both sides of the hull, as if it was the legendary"Flying Dutchman".

But the lion head on the bow denied this speculation.

���A rugged-looking man with long golden hair that reached the ground sat on a throne on the ship.

His long golden hair fluttered in the wind, like a lion's mane, but his thick golden hair was nowhere to be seen on his head.

Only a rudder was left on it, which reduced his majesty and added a bit of humor.

Looking down, you will find that this man who looks like a majestic lion has no legs, but two long swords instead.

He bit a cigar in his mouth, folded his hands and looked at the scene in front of him, and shouted impatiently:"Indigo! Where have you been?" Puff puff...

A man in a white coat, with a head of explosive blue hair and thick clown makeup on his face walked over with strange steps.

Along the way, his shoes made a sound that made people feel uncomfortable.

The man's scalp numbed when he heard this sound, and he roared:"Can't you find a way to solve your script voice?"

He walked in front of the man, dancing and making strange gestures.

The man's eyelids twitched, and he gradually showed an impatient expression, and shouted:"What do you want to say!"

Unexpectedly, Indigo suddenly said:"Boss Shiji, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Shiji slapped his forehead and said:"Oh, yes, I want to talk to you about something, private Marseille!" Shiji had just apologized, and suddenly looked up at Indigo with bulging eyes, and said in surprise:"You can talk!"

But soon Shiji came back to his senses, coughed lightly, and asked:"Is there any news about that scientist?"

Indigo shrugged helplessly and said:"Boss Shiji, there is no news yet, and I don't know if there is any so-called scientist yet!"

Shiji was also impatient:"Forget it, I'll take a look around later, if there is no, forget it."

He was actually quite envious of the laser cannon. Although one laser cannon might not work, what if there were five? Ten? A hundred?

His ability can make these laser cannons have powerful mobility, and they don't need to worry about movement like normal people.

But this laser cannon is just the icing on the cake. As long as there is no bad weather, then he, the Golden Lion Shiki, is invincible!

Indigo suddenly thought of something and said,"By the way, Boss Shiki, there seems to be a small island called Tailanglin nearby. The animals there are very fierce and meet the conditions for being my IQ test subjects. It just so happens that I don't have many test subjects."

Shiki nodded and said,"Okay, it's not far anyway."

Then he shouted to the group of people in white coats below,"Hey, show me what the weather is like in the direction of Tailanglin!"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses had cold sweat on his forehead and said nervously,"Boss Shiki, the weather in that direction is normal!"

""Yoshi, let's go!"

Shi Ji nodded with satisfaction, and then he easily turned the direction of such a large ship with a thought, and headed towards Tailanglin.

Not long after, Shi Ji's subordinates on the ship reported���information

"Master Shiki, below is Tailanglin Island."

Shiki grinned and said,"Oh? Are we there so soon?"

Then Shiki floated up and rushed out of the boat.

Shiki looked at the island and nodded with satisfaction:"This island is quite big, it should be easy to throw it."

At this time, the report of his younger brother sounded in the Den Den Mushi that he carried with him.

"Lord Shiqi, there seems to be someone on the island below!"

"Hmm?" Shiki was a little surprised when he heard this. He looked down and found a large sailing ship parked below.

"Which pirate group is this?"

"Lord Shiki, this ship doesn't seem to have a pirate flag!"

""Tsk, are they those boring passenger ships or ships for nobles to travel?"

Shi Ji curled his lips in disdain, and then dived towards Tailanglin Island.

After a few seconds, Shi Ji reached the shore. He didn't care about the unknown ship. He just reached out and touched the ground, then smiled evilly.

He raised his finger upwards, and in an instant it seemed as if the sky and the earth were shaking, and the whole island was trembling.

The animals on the island are now becoming manic and restless, and the timid ones have already found a place to hide.

On Noah's side.

Liya looked nervous, with sweat on her forehead. She tried to calmly say:"Lord Noah, this... what's going on?"

Roland also looked solemn at this moment, and said with an ugly face:"Is there an underwater volcano nearby? Is it going to erupt now?"

Noah shook his head. His observation color just now suddenly alerted wildly. After he released his perception, he found that a person with such a strong energy in his body appeared on the other side of the ship.

"A fruit ability user appeared on the shore, and……"

Noah's face looked a little ugly at the moment, and he continued:"And the domineering aura in his body is also very strong, but it seems not very active."

He felt very strange at the end, because a person with such a large amount of domineering aura should have very active domineering aura.

However, Noah was not worried about this, but that their ship was right on the shore, and the island was……

"Now the whole island is flying."

When the girls heard this, they quickly stepped on the moon steps and ran to the sky to look down. Sure enough, the island was slowly being lifted up.


Liya also looked solemn at this moment, as if she had thought of something.

""What's the matter? Sister Liya." Joanna saw that Liya seemed to know something and asked.

The eyes of the girls also fell on Liya.

Liya calmed down and said in a deep voice:"A few decades ago, there were three major pirate groups, namely the Whitebeard Pirates, the Roger Pirates and the Flying Pirates."

"Among them, the pirate admiral Golden Lion of the Flying Pirates once mastered the ability to make objects float at will, the parahuman Float-Float Fruit!"

"More than ten years ago, the news that Shiki the Golden Lion escaped from Impel Down was causing a big stir at the time, because Impel Down was known as an iron wall, and no one had ever been able to escape from it, except that man, Shiki the Golden Lion!"

"If I'm not mistaken, in this situation, the man must be him."

Liya told everyone everything she knew.

The women were silent at this time.

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