Liya asked Noah with a heavy face:"What should we do, Lord Noah?"

Noah also looked gloomy and asked:"How about our ship?"


Joanna put her hands on her waist and said speechlessly:"Lord Noah, is it time to consider the ship now?"

However, Alyssa saw with her sharp eyes that the ship was lifted up along with the island, because the island's continental shelf was just under the ship.

"Lord Noah, the ship is fine!"

Noah's expression eased after hearing this. He tucked up his clothes and said,"Let's go and meet this bastard!"

Noah obviously didn't like this pirate who disturbed his interest in playing.


The girls did not question Noah's order and followed him.

Noah tiptoed and jumped onto the tallest tree nearby.

He stepped on the branch and saw a blond, sturdy man smoking a cigar in the distance.

"Is this the Golden Lion? What a bad taste!"

Noah calmly complained about the Golden Lion's clothing and hairstyle, then he clenched his hand in the air, and a unique but slightly cool black longbow appeared in Noah's hand.

Then, he opened his right hand, and a gorgeous but strange spiral sword appeared in his hand.

Noah put the sword on the bow, and then the magic power in his body began to riot, and the azure magic power surrounded him.

He gently pulled the bowstring, and the spiral of the whole sword seemed to be straightened, and at the same time it was wrapped with red and black lightning.

"I"I am the bone of my sword."

Noah muttered a spell, and then curled his lips:"Gift, pseudo spiral sword!"

As his fingers moved slightly, the arrow turned into a blue flash, tearing through the air at an unknown speed, and shot towards Shiki as if breaking through space.


Shiki the Golden Lion suddenly felt uneasy for some reason.

Then, the Den Den Mushi in his hand suddenly shouted,"Boss Shiki, get out of the way! Danger!"

The voice came from Indigo, who usually liked to do pantomime gestures but now he didn't care at all and hurriedly urged Shiki the Golden Lion to get out of the way.

"Huh? What are you talking about?……"

Shi Ji was confused by his younger brother's words and was about to continue asking questions, but suddenly he saw a dazzling light flash in the corner of his eye.

"Nani! This is……"

Indigo watched the Den Den Mushi in his hand simulate the scene of Golden Lion Shiki's shocked expression, bulging eyes and sticking out his tongue, and couldn't help but shouting,"Boss Shiki!"

But before he could finish, the Den Den Mushi went offline with a"Baka" sound.

At the same time, Indigo heard an explosion coming from below.、

"Mr. Indigo! Look!"

He hurriedly looked at the scene captured by the surveillance Den Den Mushi pointed by his younger brothers.

He saw a mushroom cloud rising slowly, and the explosion range was dozens of meters, which made Indigo feel cold.

Others didn't know, but Indigo was very clear about the situation of his own boss Shiki.

Although Shiki was lucky enough to survive the battle of Et-Wol, the rudder on his head could kill him at any time.

The most important thing was that when he was just inserted, Shiki's domineering power was affected, but fortunately, after his operation, he still retained 80% to 90% of his strength.

But now?

The previous battle at the Navy Headquarters left Shiki with a serious root of disease because he did not receive timely treatment. I don't know which old man picked Shiki's head and hit him, and the method looked like a habitual offender.

(Conical Pepper: That's right, Garp is a repeat offender, I will curse his grandchildren!!!)

His Haki has declined so badly that his brain hurts when he uses Haki.

The attack just now might have killed Boss Shiki accidentally.

"Why are you still standing there? Get ready, let's go down!"

Indigo was anxious, and seeing these guys still staring at him blankly, he couldn't help but feel a ball of anger rising in his heart.

"Ah, hi!" ×nThe smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated

"Toothless, I forgot, the boat is still there."

Noah scratched his head, he was so regretful, if he accidentally affected his own boat, how could he go out to sea.

But fortunately, it seems that nothing happened, but it will definitely need to be repaired later, after all, there are a lot of flying debris.

""Mr. Noah, how is it?"

Elena asked, holding the knife and looking up.

Noah lowered his head and said easily,"Of course.……"

"Not dead!"


The girls thought they had killed the famous Golden Lion Shiki in one fell swoop, and they were a little excited, but the sudden turn of events almost made them sprain their backs.

"Please, after all, he was once a dominant force, don't look down on me!"

Noah saw their disappointed eyes and couldn't help but speak up for the Golden Lion.

"Ho ho ho ho……"

In the deep pit that was nearly ten meters wide, a figure was hunched over and panting. When the smoke and dust cleared, it was none other than Shiki the Golden Lion.

He was no longer as majestic and heroic as he was at the beginning. Not only were his clothes torn and tattered, but his lion-like mane-like hair also showed obvious signs of being burned, and there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. Shiki the Golden Lion's face was as gloomy as water at this moment, but his eyes revealed a fierce look, as if he was a lion that had been aroused.


He yelled in anger, but then he vomited a mouthful of blood.


""Who on earth is this bastard! How dare he sneak attack me! I am the Golden Lion!!"

The Golden Lion's eyes were wide open, and he endured the pain from his lungs, roaring, scaring the birds in the trees and making them fly away.

The echoes of the roars reached the ears of Noah and others.

Through the shadows of the trees, Noah saw the miserable appearance of the Golden Lion, turned his head and said with a smile:"Listen, isn't this full of energy? He is worthy of being a senior!"

Noah saw it very clearly before. When the spiral sword flew not far from the golden lion, the golden lion came back to his senses from the shock and immediately lifted the ground under his feet to block himself. At the same time, he hurriedly and quickly kicked out a powerful slash with the double swords under his feet to resist.

Maybe because it was too hasty, the earth wall, needless to say, had no strength at all, and was easily pierced through like a piece of tofu. The slash was also pierced through by the spiral sword, but the penetration speed seemed a bit difficult.

Therefore, the kinetic energy of the spiral sword was greatly reduced after the slash, and it stabbed straight at the golden lion, and finally"Fantasy Collapse" exploded.

However, Noah saw the last moment, and the golden lion used the armed color domineering to protect his whole body with blood in his eyes, otherwise it would not be as simple as spitting blood.

Noah smiled and said to the girls,"Although this old pirate cultivator has poor taste, his swordsmanship is quite powerful. He actually used his feet to make a slash comparable to that of a great swordsman!"

The most important thing is that Golden Lion didn't use any Haki at all. This power is much stronger than Zoro in the original book who took great pains to cut off a meteorite two years later.

If Noah knew that Luffy two years ago in the original book could defeat Golden Lion without any Haki, he would probably shout that it was cheating!

In the future, Golden Lion and Luffy both released the sea when fighting, but Luffy didn't win.

In the end, he inexplicably defeated Golden Lion by relying on the weather.

One Zanpa cut the sea, and another Lion Chikiriyani cut the water ball into countless pieces, and refused to cut Luffy. If any of the slashes hit, One Piece would have ended.

"How is it possible!"

When Irene heard that Golden Lion could actually use his feet to perform a great swordsman's slash, her eyes flashed with affirmation of his swordsmanship.

Without the swordsman, laymen knew how difficult it would be to perform a slash without using both hands.

The swordsman even said it was impossible. How is it different to use your feet to perform a great swordsman's slash, and use chopsticks with your feet?

""Do you want to meet him?" Noah asked the girls with a smile.

According to his observation, the Golden Lion didn't seem to be able to use Haki, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed the attack until it was right in front of him, and the slash didn't use the Armament Haki to strengthen the attack.

"Ah? Us?"×nThe girls pointed at themselves and exclaimed in disbelief.

However, Liya shook her head seriously and rationally, and said:"Lord Noah, although we really want to go over to share your worries, the enemy is still too powerful. If we are not careful, it doesn't matter if we die, but it will be bad if we get you involved."

Then she suppressed Irene and Sibel who were eager to try with a stern look.

Seeing this, Irene and Sibel could only smile awkwardly, and waved their hands sensibly and said:"Sister Liya is right, let's forget it."

Noah thought about it and felt that this was a good idea, and said:"Okay, then you can do it next time."

After that, Noah tiptoed and disappeared from the original place, and even the branches did not shake much.

On the shore

""Boss Shiki, are you okay?"

Indigo came running over with a rapid and distinctive fart sound, followed by a gorilla.

""Oh, Indigo, I'm fine!"

Shiki saw Indigo coming, but there was no joy on his face, and he rarely complained about his annoying footsteps.

But when he turned around and saw the gorilla, his originally calm expression suddenly changed.

He looked at the gorilla in front of him with horror, his jaw dropped, and he stammered,"Mom... Mom? Why are you here?"

Indigo dodged and slapped him on the forehead, shouting,"It looks like a gorilla, and it's a male!"

"Oh, I was wrong." The Golden Lion rubbed his head and felt his mind clearer.

""Who the hell is this bastard? How dare you sneak attack me!"

The roaring Golden Lion was about to fly in the direction of the attack, but at this time, a man in a casual shirt and shorts, with golden hair, a handsome face and some nobleness appeared outside the forest.

It was Noah.

Noah put his hands in his pockets, walked slowly, and said with a smile:"At first I thought it was some random cultivator who dared to destroy my holiday island, but I didn't expect it to be an old guy with a disabled body but a strong will and mental disorder." He stopped walking and looked at Shi Ji flying in the sky not far away. He frowned and said:"Hey! Old guy! Come down quickly! You are standing higher than me, do you want me to look up at you?!"

Calling him an old guy made the Golden Lion's forehead bulge with several blue veins, especially after knowing that the kid in front of him was the one who attacked him, he couldn't help but roared:"Little kid! Do you know who I am?"

"Let this peaceful and moldy sea see the power of the legendary pirates again!"

The golden lion waved his hands, and the ground around Noah rose instantly. Countless rubbles then turned into lions that roared and attacked Noah.

"Lion's might, Earth Roll!"

Instantly, the lions around him roared and pounced on Noah.

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