
In an instant, Noah was pressed to the ground by the stone lion.


The golden lion couldn't help but laugh arrogantly as he looked at the scene in front of him where Noah seemed to have no ability to fight back.

"Hahahaha! You are just a little kid. You will pay a heavy price for your hot-bloodedness. However, you attacked me with an unknown weapon, which is enough for you to brag about it."

Unexpectedly, a knife flashed under the stone, followed by two, four, eight...

In an instant, the stone was chopped into countless small pieces, and a figure jumped out of it, holding two swords, one white and one black.

However, it was not Dawn and Twilight, but the treasure projected by Noah - Gan Jiang Moye Overedge.


The golden lion's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly calmed down. He looked at the two swords in Noah's hands and snorted,"Huh! So you're a swordsman? And you're a devil fruit user. These two swords look gorgeous, but I don't know how hard they are?"

Noah stood on a stone, leaning over the golden lion floating below, and smiled,"Ah, don't worry, you don't have to pay if I break them.""

""Shh! Little devil!" The golden lion raised his leg and kicked fiercely, then rolled over and kicked several times in a row, slashing towards Noah with a five or six meter long slash.

"Lion Chikiri-dani!"

Looking at these flying slashes, Noah was not afraid at all. He smiled and waved the long sword in his hand, saying:"Very powerful. If I had just gone out to sea, I would have had a hard time."

As he said that, he suddenly slashed out three six-meter-long finished-shaped slashes from three directions.

"Armed·Quick Sword Secret Technique·Swallow Returns!"

These three are Noah's culmination of the quick sword's perception. Almost in an instant, three slashes were slashed from three directions, blocking all the enemy's routes. The three blade lights slammed into the golden blade lights above, making bursts of explosions.

After a while, a few golden slashes flew towards Noah, but were easily picked up by Noah with his sword.

Obviously, Noah was at a disadvantage in the previous slash.

But Noah didn't care. After all, he just wanted to try out the quick sword secret technique he had recently created.

The quick sword, after all, doesn't pursue strong attack power.

"Little devil! I didn't expect you to be a great swordsman!"

There was some doubt in the eyes of the Golden Lion. He didn't expect that in this weak East China Sea, there was actually a great swordsman who was proficient in two-color domineering.

Yes, Noah decided to be promoted to a great swordsman after seeing the Golden Lion.

This kind of mysterious feeling realm, once you have determined the path you will take, you must move forward without hesitation.

Great swordsmen are rare, but who is the Golden Lion?

He is just a great swordsman, he has seen many, and even several of his subordinates were great swordsmen before!

The Golden Lion quickly regained his original calmness, picked up a cigar, lit it calmly and took a sip:"Little devil! Be my subordinate, become my right-hand man, and I will take you to subvert the world!"

Shiki could tell from Noah's young face that he was still very young. He was promoted to a great swordsman at such a young age. If he was willing to join him and be trained by him, he would definitely become his strongest right-hand man, not inferior to Roger.

Thinking of Roger, the Golden Lion was furious again: How could such a man be caught by the navy? How could he be humiliated like this and let him die in this weak East China Sea?!

Noah heard the Golden Lion Shiki's recruitment, but he didn't hear the other content clearly. The two words"little devil" alone almost burned his sanity away.

"It's just a plucked lion. Look at you, you look like a rooster, and you dare to provoke me!"

After saying this, the domineering energy in his body rushed to the double swords. In an instant, the domineering energy in the double swords gushed out, forming a blade more than three meters long. At the same time, Noah stepped on the moon step and quickly leaped forward.


"Armed·Two-Sword Style·God and Demon Extermination Slash!"

Swish, swish, swish~!

Two exaggerated slashes were fiercely slashed towards the golden lion by Noah.

"Hmm? This kind of slashing attack?"

The Golden Lion also looked solemn, and pushed forward with both hands.

"Lion Power: Imperial Scroll!"

The endless earth was torn apart, and then turned into lions rushing towards the two purple slashes.


"Hahahaha! It's useless, kid! I can control this land, and besides that, I can also control the sea. Your attack of this level can't hurt me at all, and……"

The Golden Lion laughed and spoke of his strength, not afraid of what would happen if he revealed his information, and at the same time, it also hit Noah's confidence.

"And if you use this kind of attack frequently, your physical strength should be consumed quickly!"

Yes, although Noah's slashing of this level consumes a lot less energy because he is already a great swordsman, the consumption of domineering energy has not decreased. On the other hand,

Golden Lion, who has awakened the Floating Fruit, does not spend much effort to control these things.

""Venomous snake!"

Rumble, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, and the golden lion picked up the rubble around it and threw it at Noah.

Noah's expression was not moved at all, but he calmly waved the Gan Jiang Moye in his hand.

"Two-sword style: Stars!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless small slashes cut off the debris that came flying over.

Then Noah kept walking, skillfully stepping on the razor and dodging towards the golden lion.

"Two-Sword Style: Blue Dragon Kill!"

A dragon shadow wrapped around Noah and roared towards the golden lion.

The golden lion's pupils suddenly shrank, and it lifted the dead wood under its feet and kicked hard to block Noah's attack.


But the two sides were deadlocked for a while, and Noah suddenly exerted force to knock the golden lion away.

The golden lion flew backwards and smashed into the pile of rocks below.


Noah swung out several consecutive slashes and chopped into the pile of rocks.

But a huge golden sword energy suddenly flew out from the pile of rocks and shattered these slashes.



Noah's pupils also shrank, and he used his hands to block fiercely with his sword.


Finally, Noah swung it violently, and threw the giant slash into the sky.

As the slash flew into the sky, the entire sky was cut with a slash mark of hundreds of kilometers, as if the sky was cut apart.


The golden lion threw the stone on his body to the side, and then said in a cold tone:

"Little devil! Since you won't work for me, then go die!"

"How shameless! He is just a disabled old man!"

Neither side was willing to give in.


"Armed·Two-Sword Style·Flying Swallow Piercing Willows!"

"Lion's power, Earth scroll!"

"The Power of the Lion - Goshochi Scroll!"

"Two sword styles: Wind rises and tiger kills!"

"Two-sword style: God and Demon Extermination Slash!"


Boom... Boom...

Seeing that neither side was giving in, Indigo, who was hiding aside, began to worry. After all, the Golden Lion was old, had serious hidden injuries, and was often not in a clear mind.

He was afraid that after such a fierce battle, the rudder on the Golden Lion's head would relapse.

Sure enough, after fighting for dozens of minutes, the Golden Lion's attack suddenly stopped.

Noah also stopped attacking, and saw in surprise that the Golden Lion's body seemed to be shaking violently, and his face was twisted as if he was being cut into pieces.

"Ah, it hurts!"

"Damn the rudder! It's in the way! If it weren't for this thing, how could I have such a hard time using my Haki!"

Golden Lion tried hard to use his Observation Haki and Armament Haki in the previous battle. His Armament Haki was fine, but his Observation Haki was intermittent, as if he had just awakened.

He didn't have time to dodge Noah's attacks and could only endure them.

At this time, because of the intense use of Haki, Golden Lion's head began to ache again.

Noah looked at the Golden Lion in front of him, whose eyes were red with pain and seemed to be about to cry, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After all, he is just a disabled old man, and he has mental problems. It feels a bit embarrassing to compete with such a person.

However, the dull look on Noah's face was seen by the Golden Lion.

""Little devil! What's that look in your eyes! I'm the Golden Lion!"

Noah's eyes deeply hurt the Golden Lion's self-esteem. He had hardly fought in these years, and had never met anyone worthy of his strength.

But today he found that his strength had regressed to such a level that he had to rely on the sympathy of his opponent to survive. He would rather die than experience this feeling.

""Little boy, even Roger has never looked at me like this! You just wait!!!"

As he spoke, the golden lion's eyes revealed madness, and one hand suddenly grabbed the rudder.


""Boss Sky! You will die if you do this!"

Indigo ran out from below and shouted to stop him.

But the Golden Lion turned a deaf ear to him and kept moving his hands.

With a"puff", the rudder was pulled off from the head by the Golden Lion. Noah even saw the blood and gray-white unknown objects on the rudder.


Suddenly, a domineering force that dominated the world invaded the surroundings. The sea below seemed to sense something and became restless, raising huge waves.

Even the sky became cloudy and red lightning flashed around.

"This feeling, yes! It is this power, I haven't felt it for a long time!"

The Golden Lion felt the domineering aura in his body surging continuously.

From this moment on, the Golden Lion Shiki truly showed his fangs as the former sky overlord Golden Lion.

He looked at the dead tree and Ying Shi under his feet, bent down and grabbed the hilts of the two swords, then pulled them out suddenly, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

Years of wearing have made the two knives grow together with the flesh on the legs.

But the blood was quickly stopped by the Golden Lion's return of his life.

"Hahaha! Little brat, this is my power. Come on, let me show you the true strength of the legendary pirate. I am Shiki the Golden Lion!"

Noah felt the waves of domineering aura, as if a king wanted him to kneel down, and laughed angrily:"You are just a mere cultivator, how dare you show off your power in front of me!"

As he spoke, a red light flashed in his eyes, and a domineering aura that dominated the world gushed out, and instantly collided with the domineering aura of the Golden Lion. The whole world seemed to be divided into two by them.

Noah's domineering aura awakened!

Indigo below fainted under the impact of the domineering aura, and at the same time, the sky was also stirred up by the domineering aura of the two people.

Facing this domineering aura, the Golden Lion's face revealed an unnatural blush, and he laughed wildly and shouted:"Boy, you are really not an ordinary person, what is your name!"

This domineering aura, the domineering color that can compete with him as soon as it awakens, whether it is to take such a person to hell together, or to be his stepping stone to help him open a new era, he will not lose!

Noah felt the endless energy surging out of his body, and instantly controlled this energy, and then manipulated this energy to increase the output, laughing crazily:"For the sake of your domineering aura, this king can tell you, listen carefully, this king's full name is Macefield Noah!"

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