Garp hung up the Den Den Mushi with a gloomy face.

Bogart beside him comforted him,"Vice-Admiral Garp, in fact, Admiral Sengoku is under a lot of pressure. After all, the sea is……"

""Okay, Bogart! I understand Sengoku's worries!"

Garp pressed down his dog-head hat, grinned to reveal a row of neat teeth and said,"But I have my own way. Unless this Noah is a very evil person, if Sengoku wants his life, he can take a boat to get it himself!"

On the other side, Sengoku looked at the Den Den Mushi that was hung up in front of him, feeling a little melancholy.

He understood the principles of his old friend.

He believed in"justice that reigns over the world" and would not allow any threats. The most important thing was that from those eyes, he could not see any possibility of joining the navy.

But his old friend was different. He just wanted the sea to remain relatively peaceful and would not strangle the so-called"evil" seedlings with all his strength because of some possibilities.


Just as Zhan Guo was sighing, there were hurried footsteps outside.

"General Zhan Guo! It's not good!"

Zhan Guo's forehead burst into several pound signs___*(  ̄Dish ̄)/#____, he wanted to say I was fine!

But early in the morning, he already felt exhausted.

"What happened?"

The soldier immediately opened the door, walked quickly to the table, and put today's newspaper on the table.

The entire front page of the newspaper reported that Noah had defeated the golden lion.

"The fall of a legend! The strongest newcomer or the new emperor?"

There was even a photo of Noah on the newspaper, which was exactly the same as the intelligence photo that Zhan Guo received!

Zhan Guo picked up the newspaper, glanced at it quickly, and then threw it on the table, saying gloomily:"Damn it, the news leaked! Damn Morgans! Is there a spy in the Navy Headquarters?" When the soldier heard what Zhan Guo said, he was so nervous that he sweated and replied:"Report to General Zhan Guo, in fact, this information was not discovered by our Navy Headquarters, but was passed to the Navy Headquarters through the black market and passed through several people."


On a small island in the East China Sea, a clown-like man looked at today's newspaper and said sadly,"Boss Shiqi, I have completed your order!"

He looked up at the sky, the newspaper in his hand slipped from his fingers, and finally he blended into the crowd quietly.

Well, quietly, it seems that something is missing……


Time goes back to the battle between Golden Lion and Noah.

Golden Lion used his"Lion's Might - Roar of the Lion King" to send Noah flying hundreds of meters away. He then stared breathlessly at the direction where Noah flew out, and then glanced down at Indigo who had just fainted from the Conqueror's Haki attack.

Thinking of something, Golden Lion waved his hand, and a sound shell flew down from Golden Lion's ship and fell into his hand.

After Golden Lion pressed the switch of the sound shell, he said in a deep voice:"Indigo, listen carefully, this is the final captain's order!"

"If the final battle ends with that Noah brat winning, then send the photo I gave you to the Navy Headquarters and the World Economic News Agency, and tell them that he killed me.……"


Golden Lion took a few breaths, looked up at the space, and continued,"I've really troubled you for the past ten years. You're so unlucky to follow a captain like me who is so unlucky and willful.""

"Don't avenge me, take care of yourself!"

After saying that, Golden Lion pressed the switch to end the recording, and then the ability of the Float-Float Fruit was activated, tearing the land under Indigo and sending him and Yinbei to another hidden corner of the island. At the same time, a small boat in the sky floated from Golden Lion's ship towards Indigo.


When Noah stood up and faced the Golden Lion, the Golden Lion secretly took a photo of Noah and sent it to Indigo.

Then, the Golden Lion held two knives and stared at Noah with excitement in his eyes.

Come on, Noah boy!


""Sir Noah, this is not good!" Joanna waved the newspaper in her hand and handed it to Noah in a panic.

Noah's body was wrapped in bandages at the moment. Although he restored his broken and dislocated bones through the return of life, according to Vanessa, the newly grown bones were very brittle and prone to secondary fractures.

Noah had no choice but to obey the doctor's advice.

"What's up? Sister Joanna."

Noah squinted his eyes and enjoyed the juice that Elena had just prepared for relieving greasiness.

Because just now, in order to recover from his injuries, Noah had eaten almost half of the meat on the boat.

"Ho ho ho ho~~!"

Joanna gasped as she stroked her chest

""Okay, okay, I'll just read it myself." Seeing Joanna gasping for breath, Noah took the newspaper and read it himself.


The beginning was a report of the battle between Noah and Shiqi.

Noah raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, is it you? Shiki!"

Noah murmured.

Liya leaned over to take a look, and couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed:"Lord Noah, this... Could it be that Shiki the Golden Lion did this? But why?"

Noah shrugged and said,"Who knows? Maybe he forced me to become a pirate."

If no one knew about the battle between Noah and Shiki the Golden Lion, Noah could continue to travel and adventure freely.

After all, Shiki the Golden Lion has disappeared for more than ten years, and many people have begun to forget his existence.

As for the island where Shiki fell after his death because his abilities disappeared, it is normal that no one saw this kind of thing, after all, the sea is so big.

It is also normal for someone to see it, after all, the sea is so big, what's so strange about some things falling from the sky.

Even if it is suspected that it was Shiki, they will only think that Shiki abandoned these islands.

As for the residents on the island, those who survived probably didn't know that Shiki the Golden Lion was dead.

A step further, even if they knew that the Golden Lion was dead They wouldn't know that it was Noah who did it.

But now, the whole world knows that it was Noah who killed Golden Lion.

The Navy will definitely investigate Noah, after all, Golden Lion destroyed half of the Navy Headquarters alone.

No one will doubt the strength of such a person.

As for the broken legs, for Golden Lion who has the Float-Float Fruit, it has an impact but it is definitely not too much.

And unlike a certain tiger, Noah's position is unclear.

This kind of powerful combat force wandering around in the sea is like a thorn in the throat for the Navy.

There are only two paths left for Noah: one is to surrender and join the Navy, and the other is to become a free pirate.

Obviously, for Noah, there was only one choice from the beginning.

"Become a pirate?"

Noah chuckled and murmured, and said to the two women on his left and right:"Although this word seems to be insulting, it seems that the pirates in this world are still pretty good."

Noah thought that the aunt in the new world actually ruled the Totland Sea, established a kingdom called Totland, and established herself as the queen


Noah's eyes flashed with confusion.

Where is his country?

Forget it, as long as the king is there, the country is there!

Noah's eyes instantly became firm.

"Lord Noah, are you going to become a pirate?" Liya asked softly. Noah nodded:"Ah, there is no way, but I won't take the initiative or refuse. If someone forces me, becoming a pirate doesn't matter. For me, it is also a rare pastime."

"What? Do you hate pirates?"

Joanna curled her lips and said,"What Lord Noah said is nonsense. There is no one in this world who doesn't hate pirates."

But Liya next to her said softly,"Pirate is just an identity. Lord Noah wants to become a pirate, and we have no objection. It's just that the navy has a problem with this."……"

Liya was a bit hesitant to speak, after all, she knew that Noah was a very proud person. Would she think that she was looking down on Noah by saying that she was worried about the navy?

Noah waved his hand and smiled,"Don't worry, sister Liya. If the navy dares to come, I will let them know what it means that the king cannot be insulted!"

Noah clenched his fist and said confidently.

This war has benefited Noah a lot.

The battle with the golden lion brought Noah a pressure that he had never experienced since he went to sea. This pressure sublimated his spirit to the extreme during the battle, and forced the quality of his armed color to be greatly improved. At the same time, the amount of his armed color was also doubled than before.

At the same time, recalling the blow of the golden lion, his lungs also ached. He had a deeper understanding of internal destruction, and it was estimated that he would be able to master internal destruction soon.

In terms of observation color, he vaguely felt a layer of barriers, as if something was about to come out.

Needless to say, the domineering color quickly crossed the control from awakening and directly reached the level of entanglement.

Noah's confidence and domineering power may not be as good as the top strongmen, but he should not lose in terms of skills. After all, the Golden Lion is a top strongman.

Liya saw the confident smile on Noah's face and remembered the magical scene of the sky being torn apart during the battle. She felt relieved.

"Get ready and set sail." Noah looked at the sea and said calmly.

Liya looked surprised and said,"But Lord Noah, your injury……"

Noah raised his hand to stop her and said,"My injury has healed."

Then Noah said in a depressed tone,"But Sister Vanessa insisted that I wear this bandage."

"My body is special and has life return. As long as I don't fight, it's okay to start exercising now!"

When Leah saw Noah going to the training room to lift dumbbells to prove himself, she quickly pulled Noah and said,"Okay, Lord Noah, I definitely believe you, let's go right away."

Leah brought another drink, took Joanna out and arranged the trip to the sea.

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