"How far is Tailanglin Island?"

Garp turned around and asked his adjutant Bogart.

Bogart thought for a moment and said,"It's probably two days. After all, we just arrived in the East China Sea."

Garp picked his nose and asked lazily,"He won't run away, will he?"

Bogart replied,"Probably not. Fighting against someone like Golden Lion Shiki, even if we win, it should be a miserable victory. After all, he is still so young. It's normal for him to sleep for a few days and nights."

Garp picked his nose and grinned at Bogart,"Bogart, you still underestimate the monsters in the sea. He is so young and has the strength to defeat the Golden Lion. He is undoubtedly a monster. How can such a monster be guessed with the eyes of ordinary people?" Bogart thought to argue that he was speculating on Noah as a monster. After all, a monster is a monster, but there must be a limit.

But in the end, he opened his mouth but didn't speak.

"And they must have seen the newspapers, so it is normal for them to leave Tailanglin Island."

Karp then said a more reliable statement.

After all, it is not a good decision to stay where you are after your position is exposed.

Bogart nodded and said,"Then what should we do?"



Bogart turned his head when he saw that Garp didn't come back for a long time.

He saw Garp standing with his head held high, and a big bubble came out of his nose. He was obviously asleep.

Bogart was a little tired, but he was used to it. He smashed Garp's head with a scabbard:"Please be serious, Vice Admiral Garp!"

Garp had a big bump on his head, touched the back of his head, and laughed:"Hahahaha, damn! I accidentally fell asleep!"

Bogart's brows twitched, suppressing a certain impulse in his heart, and said:"What if Noah and his gang ran away?"

Garp laughed nonchalantly:"What can we do, the East China Sea is so big, and there is no fixed route. The old guy Zhan Guo can't be blamed on me. Of course, I will go back to see my grandson!"


Bogart can only say that it is expected.

East China Sea, Shimotsuki Village

"" Master, what do you want to talk to me about?" Zoro came to the backyard with a question mark on his forehead. He was a little confused as to why the master asked him to come here so early today. Was he going to give me extra training?

Koshiro smiled and said,"Noah and the others have sent news."

At this moment, Koshiro's heart seemed to have put down a big stone.

Noah defeated the Golden Lion.

Although he felt a little incredible about this, Noah could beat the Golden Lion, which meant that he was already among the top in the world.

Zoro took the newspaper with some excitement, and the first page was a report about Noah.

(It's hard to imagine that Zoro can actually read? Is it to learn to recite poetry?)

"Eh?! Noah defeated the Golden Lion!"

Zoro laughed excitedly, but soon he asked doubtfully:"Master, is this Golden Lion strong? How strong is it?"

Koshiro just smiled faintly and said:"Well, it's very strong, Zoro, at least stronger than me, you probably can't catch up with Noah."

Zoro curled his lips and said unconvinced:"Huh, I will definitely catch up."

Then he shouted:"Master, start training me early today!"

Koshiro smiled and nodded:"No problem, Zoro"


New World, Totland Island

""Mmmmm, mom! That bastard Golden Lion is dead?! Has his strength declined to this extent?"

Big Mom grinned, and her wrinkles were revealed.

It can be seen that Big Mom is very happy about the death of Golden Lion. It is estimated that they did not get along well on the ship of the Rocks Pirates.

"But this boy is so handsome, I have decided to make him my husband!"

After the aunt finished laughing, she looked at Noah's photo. Her handsome face made her envious. Moreover, he was so strong at such a young age. His genes must be very good, and he will definitely give birth to a strong child.


""Here I come, Mom!"

A slender, pointed-faced, heavily made-up middle-aged man walked in holding a lollipop-like scepter.

The aunt pointed at Noah's photo and said,"I want him to be my husband, go and get him!"

"Well, take Katakuri with you."

The aunt thought of Noah's strength, and looked at the strength of her eldest son. She was a little worried, so she asked her greatest masterpiece to go along.

Perospero smiled with sweat on his forehead and said,"Okay, Mom!"

But he was muttering in his heart, how can he find someone in such a big East China Sea? It seems that he has to wait on the other side of the Upside Down Mountain. He doesn't know how long it will take for this kid named Noah to go to the Grand Line.

Of course, the most important thing is that this kid named Noah can even defeat the Golden Lion, so he and Katakuri should be able to escape unscathed.

Thinking of this, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead again.

Unlike his newborn brothers and sisters, Perospero, who had been in the Rocks Pirates, knew the strength of the Golden Lion very well.

His mother at the time was not as good as the Golden Lion.

In the end, he secretly regretted that he would have gone out on patrol earlier, which caused him to take on this damn task now.

He can only comfort himself that he and Katakuri can escape unscathed, or that Noah is afraid of his mother's reputation and dare not take heavy hands.


New World, Ghost Island

"Wow! That old man Golden Lion is actually dead?!"

Kaido laughed and looked at the newspaper in front of him, then he gulped down a few more mouthfuls of wine, then he crushed the wine flask and said angrily:"Shiki! How could you die in the hands of such a brat! You should have died in my hands!"

It can be seen that Shiki and Kaido's relationship is not very good.

After Kaido cursed a few words, he took out another wine flask from somewhere and gulped down a few more mouthfuls of wine.


"Keep an eye on him. Tell me when we enter the new world so I can see how capable this guy is who killed that bastard Shiqi!"

"Yes, Mr. Kaido!"

I was relieved to see that Kaido didn't lose his temper, and I bowed and left.


New World, Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard looked at today's newspaper and said,"Did that bastard Golden Lion die?"

He stared at the newspaper in a daze, his mind drifting back to the days of the Rocks Pirates.

Thinking of the death of another pirate from the same era as himself, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

But when Whitebeard saw his sons looking at him with some worry, he immediately smiled and said,"Gulala! Boys, what are you afraid of? I'm Whitebeard!"

Whitebeard's sons looked at each other, relieved, and cheered,"Oh!"

"Yes, our dad has a white beard!"

"How can the Golden Lion compare to our dad!"

"It's just a little devil. It seems that the Golden Lion is not worthy of its name!"


Marco, who was beside Whitebeard, was a little worried, because he knew his father's health and he had to be on IV drip in recent years.

However, looking at the cheers of his brothers below, Marco could only bury his worries in his heart.

Whitebeard raised his arm and said with a smile:"Guys, it's time to have a party! Let's say goodbye to my old rival together!"



Naval Headquarters

"Xiaohe, why are you here?"

Zhan Guo was a little surprised by the arrival of Vice Admiral He, after all, she was very busy with work now.

He sat on the sofa beside him, crossed his legs and folded his arms, and said lightly:"I received news about Noah."


Sengoku couldn't help but take it seriously when he heard the news about"Noah".

He said:"I suspect that the people who annihilated the Poker Pirates some time ago were Noah's gang!"


Zhan Guo didn't notice this.

He took out the information in his hand. It seemed that the intelligence department had found Noah's information.

He said:"Noah once defeated a local pirate gang leader on Cleves Island and accepted ten maids."

As he said, He took out the information of the ten maids.

"These ten maids are all very beautiful. I suspect that the female warriors mentioned in the previous report of the Poker Pirates are them. After all, the East China Sea is the most peaceful sea area in the four seas, and there are too few warriors, let alone female warriors."

Zhan Guo looked at them and couldn't help but agree with He's guess.

"Then the laser cannon must have come from their men."

He shook his head and said,"It's probably some kind of attack from Noah. The probability of it being a laser cannon is very low."


Zhan Guo pondered for a moment and flipped through the information in his hand. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and said,"Noah's information seems to be a little less."

He nodded with a serious expression at this moment and said,"Yes, he has only appeared in the past two years. All his whereabouts before that cannot be found. There is even a gap of nearly a year in between. However, he seems to be learning in a dojo. I guess he is looking for a place for his maid to practice."

Obviously, He did not take Isshin Dojo seriously. After all, the swordsmanship that Koshiro taught was just basic swordsmanship.

There are so many dojos of this kind in the East China Sea.

"A strong man who suddenly appeared?"

Zhan Guo scratched his head in pain. He felt that his hair was going to turn white again. His hair dye was almost used up.

There was too little information about Noah. He didn't even know what Noah's devil fruit ability was.

The report said that he could summon a golden halo to take out and store things.

Zhan Guo had never heard of this kind of fruit. Could it be the Parahuman Circle Fruit?

Well, is there such a fruit?

"It seems that his fruit doesn't seem to have much attack power, right?"

Zhan Guo was a little uncertain.

He also shook his head after pondering for a moment and said:"It can store things, which means it is a space-type fruit. This kind of fruit may not be simple. We still have to find out what kind of fruit it is before we can make a conclusion."

Zhan Guo shook his head, looked out the window helplessly, and said:"We can only see if Garp can meet Noah. I hope he can meet him, so that we can collect more information about him."

"It can only be this way……"

A few days later.

On Tailanglin Island,

Garp looked at the mess on the island and laughed,"It seems that the strength of the Golden Lion has not declined much!"

Bogart looked at the island, which was already in tatters and the island foundation was damaged. It was estimated that the island would become history in a few days.

"It's a pity that this island has a very primitive ecology, and many strange animals live there."

Bogart pressed the brim of his dome hat with some regret.

But Garp didn't care at all. After all, there was no one on the island, and it was normal for a battle between strong men to destroy an island.

"It seems that we have come here in vain, what a pity, hahahaha!"

Garp said it was a pity, but the way he was picking his nose did not show any regret.

Bogart lowered his head tiredly and said,"Lieutenant General Garp, please don't forget, if we can't find it now, we will have to look for it somewhere else later!"

Garp looked reluctant, and suddenly thought of something, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

Well, it was the expression you had when you patted your roommate's shoulder and asked him for help in school.

Garp put the hand that had just been picking his nose on Bogart's shoulder and said,"Hey, Bogart, why don't you take me back to see my grandson first, and then you can take people to look for it. Don't worry, just look for it casually."

Bogart looked at the hand on his right shoulder and his brows jumped, but he was obviously helpless against his shameless boss.

""Okay, Vice Admiral Garp, but please put your hand down first."

Garp heard this and happily patted Bogart on the shoulder with his hand, saying with a smile:"Great, you are worthy of being my most trusted subordinate!"

Bogart looked at the hand that was pinching his shoulder, and had only one thought in his mind:

I am dirty!

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