New World

""Brother Peros, I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

Katakuri nodded to Perospero apologetically.

He had some things to deal with during the trip, so he asked Perospero to wait for him for a few days.

"Hehe, no, after all, it was the fault of those ignorant low-level pirates who thought they could be compared to their mothers after coming to the New World. This has caused us to have a lot more work, Perospero."Perospero stuck out his super long tongue and licked the candy wand, saying with a smile.

He even hoped that Katakuri could delay a little longer, so that Noah would have more time to run, and it would be best if he could not obtain any information about Noah and his gang.

"However, if we go this way, we will probably be stopped by the navy."

Katakuri suddenly thought of the importance the navy has attached to them in recent years, and it would be difficult for them to bypass the navy in the past.

"Hehe, maybe, but isn't this just right? Katakuri, you don't want a kid who came out of nowhere to be our father, do you?"

Perospero didn't know what Katakuri was thinking, but he felt uncomfortable when he thought of calling a little kid"Dad".

Katakuri had also seen Noah's photo, and he couldn't help sweating at the temples when he thought of that scene, but he still said:

"This is all my mother's decision and has nothing to do with us."

But looking at his expression, he really wanted Akainu to fly over from G1 and hold him back.

In this way, the two of them came to the first half of the New World without any hindrance, and were about to sink from Fishman Island to the first half of the Grand Line.

Suddenly, Katakuri's eyes flashed red, his expression instantly solemn, and he said,"Someone is coming." As soon as the words fell, the sea surface instantly froze into ice, and it was even estimated to be more than ten meters thick, but it was uncertain how much deeper it was.

I hope no one is so unlucky to float up to the New World at this time.

"Ice Age!"

A lazy young man with an eye mask came over on a bicycle.

Katakuri's eyes condensed, and he said in a low voice:"The three monster vice admirals of the navy - Aokiji!"

Perospero beside him also had a solemn expression. The one in front of him was a monster of the same level as his mother.

Aokiji touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly and smiled:"Well, sorry, please wait a moment, I'll put my beloved bicycle away first."

Aokiji lifted his bicycle and put it in a place a little away from the battlefield, and fixed it with ice.

After doing all this, Aokiji flashed back to his original position and said lazily:"Well, seeing that the two brothers just waited for me so patiently, can you give me a face and go back?"

Perospero stuck out his tongue and laughed strangely:"Hehehe, just one person, do you think we are low-level pirates from those cats and dogs pirate groups? You want us to retreat with just a few words? Who do you think you are?"

As he spoke, Perospero took the initiative and waved the candy scepter in his hand. A huge torrent of candy gushed out from the scepter and swept towards Aokiji.


"Candy waves!"

Aokiji looked at the oncoming torrent of candy and scratched his head helplessly. His decadent look didn't look like a naval lieutenant general at all. He said weakly,"What a trouble."

His tone was just like a yellow-skinned monkey in the navy.

But since he had already decided to fight, Aokiji naturally couldn't lose the reputation of the navy. After all, the sea was quite turbulent now.

Aokiji's eyes became fierce, and he stretched out his hands and shouted,"Frozen time capsule!"


A stream of cold air gushed out from his hands, and instantly swept across the surging torrent of candies.

The surging torrent of candies was instantly frozen into ice cubes, and even the freezing spread along the candies toward Perospero.

Perospero was so scared that he immediately cut off the output of candies.

Perospero's forehead was sweating, and he knew that his fruit ability was restrained by the other party. He shouted unwillingly:"Damn it!"

Aokiji stood up straight, still looking so weak, and said:"Two brothers, can you tell me what you are going to do in the first half of the Grand Line? Or are you going to the four seas?"

At this time Katakuri took action.

He quickly took out a trident from his hand, rushed straight towards Aokiji, and shouted angrily:"We, the Big Mom Pirates, don't need to report to your navy what we are going to do!"

Sticky ball stab!!!

Katakuri turned his arm into a sticky ball and surrounded the weapon trident, and then made his arm rotate continuously and stab towards Aokiji's head.

"Ice blade!"



Aokiji used his power to condense an ice blade, and wrapped it with Armament Haki and slashed at the trident. In an instant, a flash of lightning flashed from the weapons of the two people, and at the same time, a burst of impact exploded from it.

Aokiji and Katakuri pushed each other's weapons away at the same time.

"Well, you can't possibly beat me, so retreat."

Aokiji tried to persuade Katakuri and the other two earnestly. But

Katakuri didn't buy it, and neither did Perospero. They couldn't just run back to Totland easily, otherwise his mother would think they were useless and they would suffer physical pain.

Katakuri took the lead in the attack, and Perospero supported from the side.

Aokiji wanted to say something, but the ice around him suddenly fluctuated.

Aokiji immediately dodged, only to see the ice around him wriggling and turning into a sticky ball.

Aokiji no longer had the relaxed expression just now, and whispered,"Awakening?"

Then he scratched his head and said,"What a trouble!~~"

At this moment, Aokiji regretted taking on this tough job. He should have let Vice Admiral Garp go.

But he just complained and didn't stop working.

The battle between the three officially began at this moment.

Sengoku answered the phone with Den Den Mushi and said,"Has Aokiji met the Big Mom Pirates?"

Garp had been brought back to the Marine Headquarters by Wufeng, and was drinking tea and eating snacks in Sengoku's office as usual.

Hearing what Sengoku said, Garp laughed and said,"Don't worry, Sengoku, you know the strength of Kuzan, there will be absolutely no problem."

Sengoku got angry when he saw Garp's carefree look, snatched the biscuits from his hand, and swallowed them all in his mouth.

"Eh?! Warring States, I brought this myself"

"Humph! I haven't held you accountable for leaving your post yet! And you ate so many of my snacks, so what if I eat yours once?"


In the East China Sea, on an island,

Noah was watching a few maids playing beach volleyball on the beach.

Well, Noah was watching the game in a civilized manner, and he definitely had no other thoughts.

"Hmm? Sister Sibel is cheating. The shaking of the ball alone has attracted the attention of the other side, just like a flash bomb."

Seeing Michelle being dazzled by a pair of Sibel's balls, resulting in Sibel's smash and scoring a point for nothing, Noah couldn't help but praise the power of Sibel's secret weapon.

"Michelle, where are you looking? The ball is hitting right next to you and you can't catch it."

"Uh... Sorry, Sister Liya, I was distracted just now……"

Michelle touched her fingers together, a little embarrassed to say that she accidentally fainted and lost points.

Noah put the drink aside, clapped his hands and said:"Sister Michelle, you are too bad, come on, let me do it."

Michelle was afraid that Liya would ask more questions, so she nodded and left the court.

Noah was very confident. He had seen a lot of storms and waves, so how could he faint?


"Lord Noah, what are you doing?"

"Lord Noah, why are you distracted by the ball again?"

"Lord Noah, how about... how about you replace Kuina with me?"


Noah admitted that he was careless, Michelle just fainted Sibel's ball, but when Noah stood on the court, there were more waves on the opposite side than Sibel.

Noah couldn't even remain calm with the waves around him.

In just over ten minutes, Noah was scolded by Liya and pushed off the court.

There was no way, Noah was a big funnel and always leaked the ball.

At night, in Noah's room.

Liya wrapped herself in a bath towel and asked Noah where the next island was.

Noah looked at it and pointed to an island casually.

Liya took it and looked at it, and murmured:"Dong Island? Well, I remember it seems to be the territory of the Kingdom of Goa"

"The Kingdom of Goa?" Noah repeated the place name and looked at Leah with a questioning look.

Leah also understood Noah's doubts and said,"The Kingdom of Goa is one of the member states of the World Government. I heard that its prosperity is one of the best in the East China Sea. It was once known as the most beautiful country in the East China Sea because of its clean and hygienic environment."

Noah was also interested at this moment. To be honest, the towns and national territories of the several islands that Noah visited were not clean and hygienic. Some places were even so dirty that Noah did not want to get off the boat.

"That's great. I'm curious about how clean it is."

Liya also smiled and said,"According to this level of prosperity, the variety and quality of clothes there should be very good."

Elena also ran over and said,"Will there be good chefs there?"

Rosalind was also curious about this.

Noah smiled and said,"When the time comes, we will go to the restaurant to eat and taste it, and then go to the bookstore to see if there are any books we haven't bought and buy them all."

"I also want to see if there are any herbs there that I haven't seen before, so that I can use my ability to preserve them."

Vanessa also came over with a smile to join in the fun.

Irene, Kuina and others were thinking about whether there was a gym over there. They wanted to go to a gym and have some exchanges.

"All right, let's set off tomorrow."

Noah clapped his hands, making a decision, and at the same time asking the women to leave.

You can't do anything but still hang around in front of me, isn't this bullying!

At the entrance to the New World.


Aokiji, Katakuri and others were all panting, but it was obvious that Aokiji's breathing was lighter.

Perospero's chest was cut, and his whole body was frostbitten.

On the other hand, Katakuri's clothes were just a little dusty and torn.

Aokiji also had some minor wounds and his clothes were torn, but in fact Aokiji was at ease.

He was looking at Katakuri opposite with a serious look. Although his strength was much stronger than Katakuri, this man had actually practiced his observation Haki to the point of foreseeing the future.

As a result, he had gained little from several strong attacks, and only tore his clothes a little. Just surrender.

However, Aokiji was relieved when he saw Katakuri's tired expression and heavy breathing.

Although Aokiji's multiple rounds of attacks did not hurt Katakuri, they were not without success.

After all, Aokiji is much stronger than Katakuri, and Katakuri's other armament Haki and fruit abilities are not outstanding except for his top-notch observation Haki. If it weren't for his observation Haki, Katakuri would have been injured long ago. However,

Katakuri's spirit is probably beginning to be exhausted by the frequent use of observation Haki to predict the future.

Sure enough, Katakuri whispered to Perospero:"Brother Peros, go and ask someone to start breaking the ice. We should leave. If we continue fighting, we won't have the strength to retreat. If we ask mom to send someone to help, we will probably be punished."

Perospero didn't smile strangely, but nodded seriously:"Okay, I'll go now."

Aokiji saw Perospero return to the ship, and he breathed a sigh of relief knowing that they were going to retreat.

He had no intention of keeping the two of them.

Although Katakuri was tired now, if Katakuri used his Observation Haki less, it would be easy to hold him back for two or three days.

Just when he thought he could relax, Katakuri on the other side didn't seem to have the intention of leaving easily.

"Flowing glutinous rice balls!"

"Peerless donuts!"

"Take it, Aokiji! Super-strength rice cake!"


Aokiji just jumped up and stepped on the moon step to avoid the flowing glutinous rice cake, but two giant hands covered with armed colors appeared in front of him.

""Burst Pheasant Mouths!"

Two bursts of Burst Pheasant Mouths rushed towards the two giant hands.

Boom boom boom!

Aokiji found a place to land steadily, and said nonchalantly:"Brother, I won't stop you if you want to leave. How about we stop fighting?"

But the response to Aokiji was"Nine-headed Rice Cake".

Nine giant hands full of armed colors attacked Aokiji.

Aokiji said with disdain:"So I hate fighting with you people the most."

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