"Katakuri!" Perospero shouted. Katakuri understood what he meant, and used a"flowing sticky rice ball" to cover himself. He then jumped up and flipped backwards to land on the boat.

The boat quickly broke through the ice and left.

After getting rid of these rice cakes, Aokiji just watched Katakuri and the others go away. He had no intention of chasing them.

On the one hand, he really couldn't catch up. The icebreaker had already been sent out, and no matter how frozen it was, it could only slow down the speed of the boat.

On the other hand, there was no point in catching Katakuri and the others. It would only anger Big Mom and break this delicate balance.

The Navy's current situation did not mean that it would go to war with the Emperor of the New World.

"Finally ran away!"

Aokiji took a deep breath with his hands in his trouser pockets. This meaningless battle only made him tired and was of no benefit to justice.

"Well, let's go back quickly. This wound is almost healed. I don't know how to ask the beautiful and lovely nurse to issue me a certificate for rest. It's really troublesome."

Aokiji found his beloved bicycle and drove towards the Navy Headquarters while scratching his head.


In the conference hall.

The Five Elders were gathered together to discuss something important.

It's not about other forces on the sea. After all, in their eyes, pirates are just a minor disease and not worth mentioning.

They have watched the clouds rise and fall for eight hundred years, and countless sea overlords were born and destroyed, but their World Government remained unmoved.

Saint Satan, who was leaning on a cane, said in a calm tone:"I didn't expect that the 'Fruit of God' would appear in the East China Sea." Saint

Wouchuri, who was bald and had a big beard, also said in a calm tone:"Yes, there are always many troublesome people and things in that sea, and I don't know why?"

The blond and handsome middle-aged Saint Piter said with some joy,"No matter what, it has been taken by our CP.

When the time comes, that lord will probably reward us well.

" The bald but old-looking Naslang Shousheng, who looked like a samurai from Wano Country, poured cold water on him, saying,"It hasn't been sent to Marijoa yet.

We should send CP0 to pick it up to avoid any unnecessary twists and turns.

" The bearded Saint Maz, who looked like a butler, nodded in agreement with Naslang Shousheng's opinion and said,"Indeed, the fruit is too important.

We have been trying to recover it for the past eight hundred years, but have never succeeded.

Now it has finally fallen into our hands.

We should recover it quickly.

Although I heard that one of the escorts is another CP9 member who is not inferior to Rob Lucci, it is still too risky.


To him, CP9? What is that!

Even the chief of CP9 is not worthy of talking directly to their Five Elders.

Naslang Shousheng also sighed and said,"In fact, it is safest to let the Knights of God go for this kind of thing, but we can't command them, and this is not their duty."

But Saint Peter had a different opinion, and said:"I think we should just let CP9 be more careful. After all, sending more people or stronger people rashly is likely to arouse the curiosity of other forces, thus causing chaos. If the fruit is accidentally lost, it will really be more trouble than gain."

The other five elders were also silent.

Saint Peter continued to explain the reason for not sending more masters:"And this fruit has not been awakened by anyone in 800 years, so we don't need to take it so seriously."

Saint Wolchuli spoke and finalized:"Let's vote on whether to send CP0 over."



"I give up!"

"Well, let's wait for good news. Next topic……"


On a large ship in the East China Sea, a man with pink hair and long horns, wearing a neat suit, looked at the purple fruit in front of him and said in wonder,"Is this the important fruit that the Five Elders mentioned?"

A man wearing sunglasses, a top hat, and a suit beside him replied respectfully,"Yes, Mr. Fu!"

"The Five Elders said that it doesn't matter if everyone on the ship dies, but this fruit must be brought to Marijoa!"

Fuzzy F looked at the fruit with some curiosity, wondering what kind of devil fruit this was that made the Five Elders pay so much attention to it.

"Do you know what kind of fruit it is?"

The World Government personnel beside him immediately stood up and replied:"I heard it is the rubber fruit"

"Huh? Rubber? That's it?"

When he heard the word"rubber", Foz F was completely confused. Was this kind of fruit worth the Five Elders' special instructions?

However, adhering to the principle of"don't ask what you shouldn't ask", just talk less and do more.

At this time, dark clouds rolled in, heavy rain poured down, and the whole sky turned green, as if something big was about to happen.

"Did the storm come suddenly?"

Foz. F walked to the round window on the door with his arms folded, looking at the dark green world outside the window. For some reason, he suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

Even the World Government agent next to him said rather uncalmly:"It's really unlucky."

Perhaps because the storm restricted the vision, the people of the World Government did not notice that a pirate ship was quietly approaching not far behind their ship.




A cannon shot suddenly rang out in the rain, and then the side and rear of the World Government transport ship was hit and thick smoke billowed out.

The agent hurriedly ran out of the cabin and looked at the attacking pirate ship through a telescope.

Fuzfor and another agent also ran to the stern.

Fuzfor asked,"What's going on!"

The agent holding the telescope replied tremblingly,"A suspicious ship was found in the rear!"

Fuzfor wanted to slap him on the head at this moment. He still had to say such a thing!

But soon Fuzfor and another agent identified the identity of the visitor from the pirate flag, and shouted in disbelief,"Who is that?"

"Red Hair's ship!"

A man with a cigarette in his mouth looked at the World Government's transport ship through a telescope and said with a headache:"It seems to be CP9's ship, what a trouble!"

Red Hair Shanks stood at the bow, pressed his straw hat, grinned, his eyes seemed a little tired, and said fiercely:"It doesn't matter, let's go!"

"Fire! Don't let Red Hair's ship get close!"

Fuzfor was puzzled by Red Hair's arrival and shouted:"There is no treasure on this ship! There is only a devil fruit here, what's going on! It's just a fruit that turns you into rubber when you eat it."

But obviously, his question got no answer.

The agents' idea of blocking Red Hair's ship from approaching was unsuccessful. After all, they are the future pirate group known as the"Iron Wall", and their ships and helmsmen are top-notch.

Finally, Red Hair jumped onto the transport ship with one jump.


The day after the battle.


"Humph!" Saint Satan angrily knocked the floor hard with his cane.

"Red-haired Shanks! What on earth does he want to do?!"

Peter Saint leaned against the wall, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, but from his whitened fingers, it can be seen that he is not calm inside, even angry.

"Is that the one from the Feigaland family?"

"Well, it was lost in the battle in the Valley of the Gods. I didn't expect that bastard Roger would pick it up and raise it."

Saint Vouchuri clasped his hands together and explained solemnly.

"What does he want the fruit for?"

"who knows!"

"Forget it, it's just a fruit that has been silent for 800 years. As long as it hasn't awakened, it's just an ordinary superhuman rubber fruit."



A few days after the war, on the Red Hair ship.

A cute little girl with red and white hair on her left and right, wearing headphones and a dark yellow dress, was sitting astride a cannon barrel.

She was staring blankly at the sea at the moment, lost in thought.

On the deck, boxes and bulging cloth bags were arranged in an intricate manner, all filled with treasures. The pirates were sorting these treasures and would put them in the treasure room later.

Shanks walked towards the little girl with a treasure chest and opened it. The treasure inside immediately emitted a dazzling light.

Shanks smiled and called the girl's name:"Uta!" Uta turned her head and looked at Shanks with a smile. It can be seen that she was in a good mood at the moment, of course, it could also be because of the person in front of her. Shanks fished out a string of pearl necklaces with rubies, grinned with a row of neat teeth, smiled and raised his hand to signal.

Uta's eyes lit up and she smiled in surprise, saying,"It looks good!"

Then she jumped down from the cannon barrel and smiled cutely,"Thank you, Shanks!"

Shanks also smiled dotingly, and it was obvious that he was very satisfied that Uta liked these treasures.

Uta changed into a beautiful and gorgeous dress, with a���She has a pair of wings and pearls and gems all over her body, but she doesn't look tacky at all. Instead, she looks like a princess in a fairy tale.

Noble and lovely.

Uta's outfit is in stark contrast to Shanks's extremely simple coarse linen.

Uta makes people feel that she is not the daughter of a pirate, but a princess.

This also shows Shanks's love for Uta.

"Uta, sing a song."

"Now let's invite Uta to sing a song for us"

"Welcome the world-famous singing princess, Uta!"


Amid the cheers of the crowd, Uta walked on the stage with her arms open, as if she were in a large concert venue.

"This concert brought together famous artists from all over the world, and I was the closing singer.

Uta looked up at the sky in ecstasy, as if she could see the cheers of the fans.

"The atmosphere was high!"

But there was total silence below. The people behind looked at Wuta blankly, not knowing why.

"I said the atmosphere was high!"

After hearing Uta's somewhat angry tone, they finally reacted.

They raised their hands and shouted like chicken blood.

Uta was a little frustrated, but her tone was also full of understanding. After all, it was too difficult to let a group of rough people understand the charm of the stage and the singer.

"Forget it, I was wrong."

So Uta generously let the group of people go.


But she glanced at the people below and found that Shanks was not there.

She turned her head and found that Shanks did not seem to want to watch her concert at this moment, and was opening a treasure chest with his back turned.

Uta walked behind Shanks, and said with an unhappy face that Shanks was busy with his own things here and did not listen to her singing:"Shanks, what are you doing?"

Shanks was startled, looked up and quickly covered the fruit, and picked up the treasure chest.

Uta smiled and asked:"Is this for me too?"

Unexpectedly, Shanks smiled and said:"No."

This answer made Uta feel a little abrupt and confused, because Shanks had never refused her request since she was a child. Shanks smiled and turned to Uta and said:"Although you are my daughter, this is the only thing I can't give you."

This time it was Uta's turn to be angry. She turned around, leaving only Shanks with her back, and scolded Shanks angrily:"Stingy."

Seeing Uta like this, Shanks stretched out his hand as if he wanted to save the situation, and smiled bitterly:"Don't say that.

Seeing Uta's puffy face and pursed mouth, Shanks put his arm around Uta's back and took her to see the island where they would temporarily stay.

"It's the Kingdom of Goa, we'll be stationed there temporarily."

Wuta felt a little curious about the winding green hills and the village with windmills at the foot of the hills. She had never been stationed in such a place before.

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