"Ah? You want to come with us too?"

Shanks opened his mouth, his eyes drooped, and he looked reluctant.

He thought that as long as he left here, Noah would soon disappear from Uta's world.

After all, the sea is vast, and Shanks can see that Noah is not a person who runs around for someone.

In fact, what Shanks said is right and wrong. It's okay to chase Noah when he is bored, just as a way to relax.

"Ah, that's right."

Noah smiled and looked at the Windmill Village. This village was different from other villages he had encountered. It was full of peace. In the best villages and towns he had encountered before, the villagers were at most content with poverty, but the tiredness on the faces of the people here was a sign of happiness.

Noah turned his head to look at the red-haired man, and was about to say something, but he was frightened by the reluctance on the red-haired man's face. He said speechlessly:"What's with that expression on your face? Not to mention that it is your blessing to be able to protect the king, and with your strength, if you meet a top-level strong man, you will have no problem protecting yourself, but I don't know about Uta.���

Shanks's face turned red as he cursed,"Your crew members are worse than my partners, what qualifications do you have to criticize me!"

Then, as if he remembered something, he lowered his eyes with some disdain and said,"You actually only found female crew members, Noah, don't do whatever you want just because you are young! I have seen many strong people retire from their prime early because they were too indulgent when they were young."

Noah didn't care, nor did he deny his bad intentions, and said,"It's just that they are too weak, and I am naturally capable of protecting my crew members."

This is not Noah showing off. On the one hand, he has his own inherent barrier, and on the other hand, he has Leah's absolute defense.

""Huh?! Tsk!"

Shanks rarely refuted, curled his lips and turned his head away.

"Shanks! Noah! Uta!"

Luffy stumbled over, panting with his hands on his knees.

Shanks leaned on the railing, looked at Luffy helplessly, stroked his forehead and said:"Luffy, I won't let you get on the boat."

Uta also leaned his head out of the boat, pulled down his lower eyelids with his hands, and smiled:"Idiot, Shanks said no, so no!"

Luffy looked at Uta angrily and puzzledly and said:"Damn it! Didn't we agree to be friends? You actually betrayed me?"

Uta didn't care, and said:"I don't think there is anything wrong with Shanks, after all, you are very weak!"

Uta glanced at Luffy with contempt.

This scene made Luffy so angry that he stamped his feet.

The red-haired gang and the girls couldn't help laughing.

Especially Kuina, she found that Luffy was very similar to her.

Thinking back to when Noah and others got off the ship to say goodbye to their friends, she also hid on the ship secretly.

It's just that Luffy was discovered by Uta, but she was not.

Seeing Shanks' firm attitude, Luffy couldn't help but turn his head to look at Noah.

"Hey! Noah! Why don't I just board your ship? I will definitely become stronger during the trip."

Noah looked at Luffy's reluctant face, and his thoughts were written on his face.

It was clearly written: There is no way, Shanks doesn't want to, so let's just stay on Noah's ship for the time being.

Noah's brows jumped with anger. If Luffy was not considered suitable to be a friend in all aspects except for his unhygienic appearance, Noah would have scattered Luffy's ashes long ago.

"Hey! Luffy! My ship is not for anyone to get on or off, and it is not a substitute for anyone."When

Luffy saw Noah's angry face but refused, he picked his nose nonchalantly and said,"Well, forget it."

If other people did this, Liya and the others would have been furious, but the girls found Luffy's words unexpectedly cute.

"Little Luffy, go back quickly and don't make Lord Noah angry."

"Yes, little Luffy, if you run away, Garp will chase us everywhere."

"Little Luffy, instead of going on adventures, you should pay more attention to your family and friends. Go back."


Luffy could only reluctantly stay where he was after hearing the advice from the older sisters.

Noa calmed down and said to Luffy solemnly:"Luffy!"


Luffy looked up in confusion when he heard Noah's voice, thinking that Noah had changed his mind.

But it was obvious that Noah would not let Luffy on board.

"Work hard, Luffy! Work hard to become stronger, work hard to become a man. When your strength and will can make the people around you feel at ease, then it is time for you to ride the sea!"

"Luffy, I'm waiting for you on the sea!"

After saying that, Noah smiled, and even others could see how much Noah valued Luffy.

The girls were a little confused, but they didn't ask any more questions in this situation.

When Luffy heard Noah's words, he shuddered all over, as if he had taken hormones, and shouted:"Noah! Just wait! I will definitely work hard to become a man!"

Noah nodded, turned his back and signaled to the girls that they could set sail and weigh anchor.

Shanks was also ready, he raised his hand and shouted:"Guys, let's go!"


The younger brothers below raised their hands and shouted in response.

Luffy shouted to Shanks:"Shanks, I will definitely get on your ship next time!"

Shanks was also helpless, and Luffy just listened to what Noah said, but thinking that as long as he didn't give in, Luffy would never get on the ship, he also smiled and responded:"Okay, try it if you have the guts!"

Luffy then shouted to Uta:"Uta!"

Seeing Uta's attention looking at him, he immediately gave Uta a grimace in return.

Uta was a little angry, but thinking of the separation, he smiled and said:"Luffy, next time I come back, I will try to see if you have become stronger!"

Everyone left Dong Island with the cheers of Luffy and some villagers who had a good relationship.

The village chief of Windmill Village, Up Slab, watched Red Hair and his group leave at the dock, and said somewhat unsociably:"Red Hair's group left just in time!"

A villager retorted:"But village chief, Red Hair and his group are different from other pirates. They look quite kind."

Up Slab picked up the cane in his hand and hit him on the head, shouting with a frown:"Pirates are pirates, this group of people have led Luffy astray here, fortunately Red Hair did not agree to Luffy to get on the ship, otherwise the grandson of the navy hero would become a pirate, what a huge impact it would have on Garp and the world!"

The other villagers were also speechless, they knew that the village chief was right.

Up Slab snorted coldly when he saw this, but he didn't blame them too much, after all, he didn't hate Red Hair and others.

However, more than a week ago, when he accidentally learned from Makino that Luffy wanted to become a pirate, he was really scared, so he called Garp directly and asked Garp to come back quickly.

【Strange? Why hasn't that bastard Garp come back in so long?】


"Ah Qiu!"

Karp rubbed his nose with his fingers and asked in confusion:"Who scolded me?"

""Forget it, Bogart, tell them to hurry up, or the red-haired bastard will kidnap my grandson!"

Garp yelled to Bogart behind him.

Garp's hands kept rubbing, and it was obvious that he wanted to give Red-haired Shanks a righteous iron fist.


Bogart didn't dare to confront Garp at this time, and ran to the back obediently to have someone start the outer wheels to accelerate.

Garp's eager look reminded him of the scene when Garp received a phone call a few days ago.

At that time, Garp was still entangled with Kaido. After receiving the call, he was scared to hear that his good grandson Luffy was going to become a pirate. He didn't care about dawdling with Kaido.

Full firepower, top-level armed color, top-level dominance, all greeted Kaido, and stunned Kaido on the spot.

Kaido was still wondering at the time, how could this old man Garp suddenly become so fierce as if he had taken medicine.

The elite vice admirals who assisted Garp were frightened by Garp, and even Akainu realized that Garp was still the same Garp.

Even if he is not a naval hero, Garp is Known as the"Iron Fist", even the elite vice admirals were not qualified to participate in that battle and could only retreat to the periphery.

Relying on his strong recovery ability, Kaido was beaten by Garp's iron fist for three days and three nights before he fainted with satisfaction.

During this period, Kaido wanted to fly away countless times to avoid this monster Garp, but how could Garp let him go.

What if Kaido comes again later if he is not dealt with?

This means that Garp cannot go home to see his grandson, so Kaido was intercepted and beaten by Garp whenever he wanted to run.

After finishing, Garp did not bother to explain to others, and directly called and shouted:"Sengoku, I have dealt with Kaido, I need to ask for leave, please write a report for me and help me approve it."

Then he swung his hand and grabbed Bogart's feet, jumped on his own warship and ran away.

At that time, even Akainu, who usually liked to argue, did not dare to scold Garp for breaking the rules.

On Up Slab's side, he cursed Garp for being unreliable, looked at Noah's ship and muttered:"I seem to have seen this boy's face somewhere, where?"

Noah's report was more than a month ago, and he had forgotten it at his age. If Noah had not killed the Golden Lion Shiki, who was quite handsome and cute, he probably wouldn't have any impression of him now.


Makino couldn't help but say when he heard what his village chief was mumbling.

"Ah, yes, Makino, do you know?"

Up Slab saw that Makino seemed to know something, so he asked.

Makino was a little surprised that Up Slab didn't know Golden Lion Shiki, and said with a slightly surprised expression:"Huh? Village chief, didn't you read the previous newspapers? Golden Lion Shiki, it was Noah who killed Golden Lion Shiki."

Up Slab was like a flash of lightning and remembered

"So that's it, it was him. Didn't Garp come back to the East China Sea to find him?"

Makino looked surprised, obviously he didn't know about this. After all, Garp would find time to come back several times every year.

"Huh? Why? What does Mr. Karp want to talk to Noah about?"


Up Slab touched his chin and said,"I don't know about this. Garp just mentioned it to me at that time."

Makino smiled and said,"Noah should be a good person. He usually gets along well with the villagers and Luffy. What's more, Noah has no reward. Don't worry, village chief."

Up Slab shook his head helplessly with his cane and said,"Oh, I didn't expect so many big shots to come to our village at once."

"Makino, I'm not saying that Noah is not a good person, but his power is too strong. If he has any bad intentions, the villagers will be in danger, so remember to inform me next time."

Makino lowered his head and smiled and said,"Yes, yes!"

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