The day after Noah left.

Windmill Village


The voice echoed throughout the village from the shore.

A long trail of dust appeared on the road.

"Garp! You just came back now!"

Up Slab called out to Garp.

Garp stopped running and said,"Ah, I was entangled by a monster."

Then Garp looked around and said,"Where is that red-haired bastard!"

Up Slab rolled his eyes and said,"He left a long time ago. They have been here for more than half a month."

Garp loosened his hands and said,"Damn red-haired bastard! I must beat him up on the head and send them to Impel Down to jail."

Up Slab suddenly thought of something and said,"By the way, in addition to Red Hair, Noah, who killed the Golden Lion Shiki before, has also been here for more than half a month. I just found out about this yesterday."

Garp's eyes bulged and he shouted,"Nani!!"

The camera turned.

Garp beat Luffy with one hand and held the Den Den Mushi with the other hand and shouted:"Sengoku, you bastard, it's all your fault. If you let me stay in the East China Sea for a few more days, I could have caught Noah, and that bastard Red Hair. That guy actually dared to teach my grandson bad things!"

Luffy on the side covered his head and argued:"Grandpa, Shanks is a good man, not a bastard. I want to be a pirate like Shanks and become the freest person on the sea!"

Garp was so angry that smoke was about to come out of his crown. He raised his fist and punched Luffy in the head.

"Damn Luffy, you have to become an outstanding navy. For a guy like Shanks, even your grandfather would chase him around the world. How can such a pirate be free!"

"don't want……"

When Sengoku heard the voice from the other side, he drooped his eyelids speechlessly, but thinking that Noah and Red Hair had stayed in Garp's hometown for more than half a month, Sengoku's expression was solemn. It was because of the influence of his old brother Zephyr.

At the peak of his career, the wife and son of his old friend died in the hands of pirates.

This incident made the former"black wrist" Zephyr fall from power.

At the same time, it also made many officers feel lingering fears, so that since then, the places where many officers' families live have been kept secret.

Red Hair aside, Sengoku was still deeply impressed by the little devil on Roger's ship.

Although Roger was in the hostile camp, it did not hinder Sengoku's admiration for Roger.

Therefore, given his trust in Roger's vision, Red Hair should not do anything to Garp's relatives.

But Red Hair, a person whose whereabouts are mysterious, would actually stay in one place for so long. If this matter is said to be a coincidence, Sengoku would never believe it.

As for Noah,

Sengoku looked at Noah's photo, and those domineering eyes made him unsure who Noah was.

He was a restless person. Except for the Golden Lion, Noah's information was also a mystery (because all the pirates who had seen him were dead).

What does it mean? It means that Noah has always been very well-behaved.

He was said to be a well-behaved person, but his eyes made Sengoku extremely certain that this person would sooner or later create unprecedented waves in the sea.

However, Noah and Garp did not have any hatred, and according to previous intelligence, Noah had also stayed on certain islands for a long time, so it should be a coincidence.

When Sengoku thought of this information, the doubts made his head ache. Before he could rub his temples, a message came from Garp.

"Sengoku, I think Shanks and Noah are very likely to appear on Touma Island again, so I apply to be stationed here for a period of time. Remember to file a report for me! I'm hanging up."


Before Garp could respond, the other party hung up the phone at the speed of light.

Sengoku's head hurt even more, and he could only shout in vain:"Garp!!!""

""Garp, that bastard!"

Sengoku said as he threw the phone back to Den Den Mushi.

After Sengoku panted for a while, he calmed down and comforted himself.

Garp had already arrested Kaido, so it was okay for him to rest for a while.

Bolu Bolu!

"Hello, this is the Warring States period"

"This is Akainu, that bastard Kaido just broke free from his chains and ran away again."

Akainu's tough and resolute voice came from the other side, but at this moment he couldn't help but feel a little apologetic. Sengoku could only cover his heart and said with an ugly expression:"It doesn't matter, you hurry back to defend G1 now, don't let anyone take advantage of you."


Noah, here.

Training room

"When attacking, you should have a strong intention. This will help you find the feeling and quickly comprehend it in the early stages of practicing the Observation Haki."

"Don't show mercy! Sister Vanessa! Trust your potion!"


"Kuina! This is the only Haki you can master now. You must work hard. Maybe it can save your life in the new world!"


Noah was training the girls with a cold face.

They practiced against each other, one covered her eyes with a black cloth, and the other beat her with a bamboo sword.

Even if they were beaten blue and purple, no one stopped.

Everyone knew that this was the way to become strong.

Ordinary people had no one to teach them, and they had to learn between life and death. They were lucky to have someone to teach them, so they naturally didn't complain.

Noah was holding a bamboo sword. He was training Kuina, and the bamboo sword in his hand was also merciless.

One by one, the sword fell on Kuina, but Noah knew the limit. It was only the pain of flesh and blood, and her internal organs were fine.

The maids were different. Some of them would probably have some internal injuries and bone fractures.

Noah didn't take it to heart. This was their first time practicing domineering, and it was normal to not grasp the strength. Just practice a few more times.

Anyway, Vanessa's potion combined with Joanna's healing flame will definitely cure it.



A bamboo sword hit Kuina's shoulder, causing her to groan in pain.

Noah didn't say anything, but changed his position and hit Kuina's back.

Kuina seemed to sense something and bent down to avoid it, but she was not fast enough to avoid it.



Kuina groaned, but a smile appeared on her lips, as if she had grasped a sense of something.

Noah also raised his lips slightly and said with a smile:"Very good, Kuina, it is not a waste for me to be your sparring partner!"

After that, Noah changed his position and hit Kuina in the stomach again.

Kuina did not react and was hit by the knife.



Kuina groaned and covered her stomach with her hands.

Noah said seriously:"Kuina, don't be discouraged, concentrate and follow the most primitive feeling in your heart, that is fear!"

Kuina seemed to understand.

After Noah finished speaking, he slashed Kuina's left shoulder with a knife.


Kuina smiled, Noah's knife just now was in vain.

"Very good, keep it up!"

Noah smiled and did not stop the movement of his hands, but changed his position to continue.

After the practice,

Elena struggled to get the drink that had been prepared long ago from the kitchen.

After Noah took the drink, he asked:"You practiced well, sisters Vanessa and Liya have awakened their observation Haki, it seems that you have a good talent for observation Haki, and Kuina here has also awakened."

Elena smiled and said:"Erin has also awakened"

"Oh? Really? Sister Irene!"

Noah was a little surprised. Although he occasionally took time to pay attention to other people's training, he didn't expect that there were still omissions.

Irene was out of the training state at this moment. The whole person looked a little weak and cute. She said embarrassedly:"Well, but I can only 'hear' it occasionally."

Noah waved his hand with some surprise and said:"It's okay. As long as you understand it, you can become proficient by using it more."

Noah didn't expect that so many people would awaken the observation color, which made him confused.

Irene and Kuina were okay. Both of them were swordsmen, especially genius swordsmen. Swordsmen themselves have the saying of mind eyes. They have a strong intuitive perception of danger, so they can quickly understand it.

Kuina was still trained by herself, and Noah could control his murderous aura freely.

Noah asked Liya and Vanessa if they had any tricks.

Vanessa thought about the practice carefully and said:"There is nothing else. If there is really any, it is to be calm, stay calm, and concentrate even if it hurts."

Liya said:"I didn't think too much at the time. I was a little uncomfortable at first after closing my eyes, but soon I felt as if shadows of bamboo swords appeared in the darkness."

Noah's mouth twitched. He understood that Vanessa used the right method and could implement it well.

Liya was completely a genius in observation and hearing. It is estimated that her observation and hearing qualifications are slightly worse than those who are born with observation and hearing.

"Noah! Where are you?"

At this time, Uta's voice came from outside.

Noah walked out of the practice room and went to the deck. Sure enough, he saw Uta looking around on the deck, and even planned to run directly to Noah's room.

"Uta, here!"

Noah looked at this tiger girl weakly. Come on, she treated this place as her home before she even got on the boat.

Uta curled her lips and muttered,"What? It turned out to be there."

Obviously Uta wanted to go to Noah's room very much.

Noah waved his hand and said with a smile,"Uta, you came at the right time. They just finished training. Come and sing a song to relax!"

The pain caused by this kind of training is secondary. The main thing is that the psychological pressure is really great, and the constant concentration is also very draining on the spirit.

Uta said a little arrogantly,"Okay, since you are so sincere."

Noah smiled and said to the girls behind him,"Everyone get ready, Uta is starting to sing."

When the girls heard this, smiles immediately appeared on their tired faces. They all stood up and cleared the training props on the ground to the side.

It was obvious that they had listened to Wuta's singing a lot when they were in Windmill Village.

Although Wuta's singing skills were only good, her voice was unique in the world.

After the girls had packed up, they sat on the floor obediently, looking forward to Wuta's singing.

And Noah also found a wall to lean against.

Wuta walked in and saw that the lighting in the training room was very good. Although there was no stage, she always had a stage in her heart. So although she was not very satisfied, she still didn't say anything.

Wuta stood in front, her eyes fixed on the girls below. Although there were only a dozen people, in Wuta's eyes it seemed as if there were thousands of fans.

She restrained her expression, put her mind into the lyrics, and sang slowly and emotionally:

"Where does this breeze come from?"

"Even if I ask the sky, it won't answer"

"Where will this song end up?"

"I want to find the answer that belongs only to me."


The girls and Noah closed their eyes as Uta sang, enjoying her singing with a smile on their faces.

Noah felt the magic in Uta's singing, knowing that it was the ability of the devil fruit, but he could not resist relaxing his mind and immersing himself in it.

I don't know how long it took, well, it should have been just a while.

Noah woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the girls were sleeping in all kinds of strange positions, and Uta, who was at the front, had fallen asleep while sitting.

Noah smiled softly, went to the room and got a blanket to cover Uta.

The girls woke up soon, and seeing Uta sleeping while sitting, they knew that she was exhausted.

So the girls packed up their things and prepared to go back to their rooms to take a shower.

Liya came over and whispered,"Lord Noah, let's send Uta to my room."

Noah looked at her, then looked at Uta and nodded, saying,"Tell Shanks later."

Liya bowed slightly and said,"Okay."

After a while, Shanks's companions were having a banquet, well, it was said to be a farewell banquet for Luffy. Shanks heard that Uta was going to sleep on Noah's ship, even though it was in Leah's room, but he still didn't want to.

"Eh?! Did Uta activate her ability again? It’s really a headache. Um... then Leah, you have to keep a close eye on Noah and don’t let him enter your room."

Shanks knew as soon as he heard it that Uta’s ability was accidentally activated again, pulling so many people into the world of songs at once, including Noah. No wonder he was so tired that he fell asleep.

Leah was speechless about Shanks' instructions, and nodded awkwardly:"Don't worry, Shanks, I will."

"Oh, by the way, please choose the route to the Drum Kingdom when the time comes, our ship's doctor needs to collect some medical books."

After hearing this, Shanks even thought about getting rid of Noah there, but thinking of Uta gave him a headache, so he could only nod and say,"No problem."

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