Bart saw Vic and his gang pull out their guns and immediately ran behind a rock.

He didn't come out from behind a boulder until he heard no more noise outside. He was a little scared when he saw the bloody and bumpy scene in front of him.

If he didn't know better, he would have thought that this land had been bombed by a shell, especially the four or five meter deep pit where Vic was buried.

But he was relieved to see that Noah was unharmed.

"Hahaha! Old man Bart, you can rest assured now. I was thinking about whether I should help you get rid of the trouble, but they came to my door on their own. You are so lucky! After all, I don’t want to make a special trip just to kill this group of miscellaneous cultivators."

Noah also returned to his usual self at this time, a little childish, and it was completely impossible to tell that he had just beaten a group of people into a meat paste without blinking an eye.

"Really? That's great, Noah!"

Bart responded with a stutter, sweat dripping.

What a powerful man!

Bart couldn't help but think, and Noah seemed to call himself"this king", is he the king of a certain country?

But Bart didn't ask much, after all, what does it matter if he knew which country Noah was the king of? Can he still help him and send him back?

"Bart, take the vegetables home first. I'll go to the bookstore to see if there's anything I can buy.

Noah interrupted Bart's random thoughts and told him his purpose.

"Oh, oh! All right, we will soon reach the village along this path anyway."

Bart did not stop him and went back first.

As for cleaning the land, someone will naturally do it.

Noah came to the bookstore excitedly. He couldn't wait to understand this world.

When he arrived at the door of the bookstore, Noah pushed the door open and smelled the ink smell of the books, and of course some musty smell of books that had been stored for a long time. When the shop owner saw a child walk in, he knew that Vic had finished fighting outside. After all, the gunshots and roars were too loud at the time, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to go out.

But what he didn't know was that Vic had been defeated by the child in front of him, and he only thought that Vic had killed the provocateur.

"Little brother, what books do you want to buy?"

The bookstore owner is a middle-aged man wearing glasses, who looks a bit frail. The round frames of his glasses give him a refined temperament, which makes him very friendly to children.

"Thank you, uncle. I'll take a look first. You don't have to worry about me."

Noah declined the help of the bookstore owner. He knew what he wanted, but he also had some questions that he didn't know how to say.


After a long time, night was about to fall, and the bookstore owner was about to close the shop.

At this time, the bookstore owner remembered that Noah seemed to have not come out.

He walked to a corner deep inside and saw Noah reading a book about world history.

"The kids love reading books!"

Noah came back to his senses when he heard the store manager's voice. He saw the door and realized that he had been engrossed in reading.

"I just want to learn about things that interest me."

Noah shook his head and denied that he liked reading. He felt that reading was just a way for him to learn about interesting things. If there was nothing interesting to him, he would not be willing to read.

""Sorry, uncle, I disturbed you when you closed the door."

Noah scratched the back of his head and said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I was just about to close the store, I didn't know you were still here, I only remembered it when I was closing the store."

The store manager smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he should not take it to heart.

"Oh, manager, I want to buy these books."

Noah pointed to the piles of books on the ground, almost filling the entire back aisle.

"Uh... kid, are you going to buy so many books? Where are your parents?"

The store manager was embarrassed when he saw the pile of books on the ground, thinking Noah was joking.

"And you brought so many books home, kid. So, buy one and take it home to read. You can come to my uncle's place to read for free when you have time."

The store manager doesn't mind people reading books for free, because there are very few people in this country or in this world who can calm down and read books. He is different from other bookstore owners. He doesn't mind having more like-minded people, of course, provided that the books are not damaged.

""Thank you, uncle, but it's okay, I have money, and I have a way to transport it back."

Noah took out his wallet and gave all the remaining gold coins in the bag to the store manager.

For Noah, when he is happy, he doesn't mind giving more, just as a reward.

Anyway, gold coins are the least valuable to Noah. There are countless gold coins in his royal treasure, and the gold coins in the wallet are just for convenience.

The store manager was a little surprised when he saw a halo appear in front of Noah, and then a wallet appeared in the halo.

He is considered a scholar, and of course he knows about devil fruits. In his eyes, Noah is undoubtedly a devil fruit user.

But when he saw Noah put a pile of gold coins on his desk, he was a little caught off guard, and hurriedly said that he didn't need so many.

""It's okay, uncle. This kind of thing is very common to me. I like you, so I'll take it as a tip."

Noah didn't mind at all. He went back to the aisle behind the store, summoned the King's Treasure and collected the books on the ground.

Then Noah waved goodbye to the manager happily and ran out of the bookstore, leaving the manager standing there at a loss after looking at Noah's back and the gold coins in his hand.

At Bart's house.

At this time, Barry had already returned home and was happily enjoying the food that Bart brought back, with Wright beside him.

The two friends who grew up together were now fighting for the last piece of meat like mortal enemies.

At this moment, a voice rang out.

"I'm back!"

Noah came back, and Barry waved to Noah happily at this time:"Hey, Noah, you're back! Thank you for the food you packed, it's delicious!"

Before Noah could respond, Barry angrily grabbed Wright's face with both hands

"Bastard, you are so mean that you took the last piece of meat while I was talking to Noah!"

Noah didn't know what expression to make, he could only scratch his head and laugh dryly.

"Hi, Noah, I'm Wright.

Wright, who had finally escaped from Barry's clutches, greeted Noah.

"Hello, Uncle Wright! I haven't thanked you for saving me yet! If you want to eat, you can come here. I have reserved three meals for a week."

Noah also greeted Wright politely and said that he would cover the meals for the next week.

""Great, Noah, I won't go out to sea this week, I will work harder next week to make up for it, hehehehe!"

Barry shouted happily. He heard that meals were provided, and he had to eat such delicious food for a week. If he went out to sea, wouldn't he miss a meal?

The most important thing was that he could sell the trophy given by Noah and get a lot of money. Naturally, he didn't care about the income from a week of going out to sea. Moreover, now he heard that Vic was killed by Noah. Although he was a little surprised when he heard it, he didn't think much about it. After all, in Barry's view, no matter how strong a person is, a knife can take his life.

Vic's being killed means that the gang headed by him is leaderless and the most chaotic. At this time, as long as there are more people in the open sea and there are good and bad people, the Golden Cup will not be particularly conspicuous when it is taken out, and it will not cause any trouble. After all, gangsters don't dare to mess around without background. Do you really think that people who can take out the Golden Cup in this world are vegetarians?

Bart gave Barry's room to Noah, and also bought high-grade cotton and some other daily necessities.

"Noah, kid, if you want to go out to sea, you can consider using Vic's ship. Vic was planning to go out to sea before. He has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years. His ship is pretty good. You just need to hire some sailors."

Bart saw Noah looking at the East China Sea nautical chart and knew that Noah was planning to go out to sea, so he told Noah about Vic's ship. After all, this ship is very valuable. After all, for pirates, no matter how much money is spent on a ship, it is not too expensive. The ship is the only place for pirates to stay on the sea.

Now some people are eyeing Vic's ship, just to see if the person who killed Vic will jump out to take over the ship. If no one takes it, it means that they have made a lot of money from the ship in vain. It is normal to be worth hundreds of millions. After all, it is a big ship.

""Old Bart, you're trying to drive me away because I'm taking up space so quickly."

Noah said with a teasing smile, but he didn't deny that he was going to go out to sea. After all, Cleves Island was too small. It was just an island of the Kingdom of Cospic. Even the Kingdom of Cospic was a sesame seed to Noah. After all, it was such a small territory, and he didn't know whether there were more than a million people.

Noah looked at the map in his hand with some distress. These maps were incomplete. A map of the East China Sea was pieced together and was not complete.

But fortunately, the location of this island was figured out. It was in the East China Sea, which was close to the Grand Route.

"I never thought the ocean in this world would be so huge.���Grand Line, I heard there are all kinds of strange weather there, very bad, and the second half is still controlled by pirates, the government of this world is really incompetent!"

Noah said with some emotion, and at the same time he despised the world government in his heart. After all, in his opinion, letting a pirate occupy a sea area is a manifestation of incompetence. After all, the pirate told you that he was there, but the world government couldn't do anything to them. This is also incompetent enough.

"That's not the case. The newspapers said that Whitebeard has the ability to destroy the world. I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing your previous performance, I began to believe it. Even a child like you who is about ten years old can have such power."

Bart retorted while smoking a pipe. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the World Government and the Navy are still decent people.

However, the people in this world seem to have a very high tolerance for pirates. There are actually pirates coming ashore to buy things, and these merchants can be at ease when they see the pirates coming ashore.

It seems that for them, pirates can be divided into two categories: one is to buy things, and the other is to rob things.

Noah can only say: Outrageous, his mother opened the door to outrageous, it's outrageous

"I'm eleven years old!"

Noah emphasized his age. Like other children, he was eager to grow up.

Bart didn't care and asked which country Noah was the king of. After all, he sometimes heard Noah call himself"the king".

Noah just shook his head to show that he had forgotten.

"I am the king of everything in the world, and the other kings are just a group of miscellaneous cultivators who call themselves kings."

Noah answered Bart's words with a proud look on his face.

Bart didn't care about Noah's words, and told Noah to rest early and left.

Noah continued to study sea charts and some navigation techniques.

To his disappointment, there was some information about devil fruits, but the book about people's internal strength was not found. He didn't know whether it was blocked or the bookstore was too small.

The fruit was simply mentioned to be divided into three series: natural series, superhuman series and animal series.

Among them, the natural series allows the ability user to transform the body into the corresponding natural elements according to the different fruits, making the body incorporeal. This process is called"elementization".

The superhuman series is what Noah is most interested in, because according to the book, it is Feeling is the power of rules.

The superhuman devil fruit is divided into five categories: superpowers, superhumans, creations, partial abilities and domination.

Superpowers are the so-called real supernatural powers; superhumans can make special changes to the body; creations can create unnatural substances out of thin air; partial abilities are the ability of part of the body; domination can control specific substances.

The animal type is the devil fruit that Vic ate today.

It can transform into different animals according to the different fruits, so that the eater can obtain the unique wild power of animals and improve the quality and ability of the body and obtain the characteristics of the corresponding animals.

The animal type devil ability users have three stages of transformation: human, beast and human-beast.

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