A week is not a long time.

During this period, Noah went to the port to receive Vic's ship that was about to go out to sea.

Of course, when Noah first went there, a group of people in suits and sheriffs came to stop him.

At first, they wanted to drive Noah away fiercely like they were driving away a child, and then they used force when Noah said that the ship was his trophy, and finally Noah subdued him with a few punches and kicks.

Although after subduing him, he still wanted to ask Noah to prove that the ship was his, and wanted to reason with him, but who is Noah? He directly projected dozens of ordinary standard swords and bombarded an open space. Finally, they believed that Vic was killed by Noah and fled in disgrace.

Noah read a lot of books this week, mainly books about sailing. After all, going to sea is not an easy thing. Of course, he recruited a group of sailors and hired them for a year, but Noah did not completely trust them, so he still worked hard to learn sailing.

"Alas, although the sea is interesting, it is still too tiring to read books for a week. Although the children here are quite fun, they still feel a little lacking."

Noah put down the book in his hand, propped his chin up with his hand and looked out the window boredly. The sunlight shone through the window.

In order to avoid trouble for Barry and others, Noah specially found the headquarters of the Vic gang and threatened and bribed the gang's finances to help swallow up the gang's assets, including a villa in the city, so Noah simply moved in.

It happened that Vic also recruited a group of sailors and navigators, which saved Noah a lot of effort. Together with the servants and chefs in the villa, the personnel for going to sea were fully prepared.

"Well! Anyway, we are going to go out to sea tomorrow, so I will take a rest today."

The scene changed, and Noah changed into casual clothes, put on sunglasses and lay on a recliner in the courtyard of the villa, leisurely drinking juice handed to him by the maid.

Noah gently shook the wine glass filled with juice in his hand, and asked the head maid beside him with a smile:"Sister Liya, are the supplies for going out to sea ready? We must check them clearly before going out to sea."

"Yes, Lord Noah, I have already checked it out, it's fine."

Liya put her hands in front of her and answered seriously.

Liya is very serious about the preparation of supplies. After all, if you accidentally get lost at sea, you may not see the island for a month or so, so of course you have to stock up more supplies.

"Well, sister Liya is so reliable!"

Noah turned around and gave Liya a lovely smile.

In Liya's eyes, Noah seemed like an angel on earth, and all the flowers bloomed around Noah. Her face immediately turned red:"Lord Noah, please don't show such a foul smile……"

Seeing Liya covering her face with her hands and talking in a mosquito -like voice, Noah thought it was very funny and laughed out loud in a rather unkind way.

"Old Bart, Uncle Barry, and Uncle Wright, I am going out to sea today. You may see me in the newspaper someday. I will come back to see you if I am free."

Noah came to Bart's house to say goodbye to them.

Perhaps they guessed that Noah would come, so Barry and Wright did not go out to sea, but stayed at home.

"Yo! Noah, have a good trip! I envy you for being able to go out to sea like a man. It’s a pity that I didn’t have a decent boat when I was young. If I were 20 years younger, I would definitely cry and beg you to take me out to sea!"

Barry looked at Noah with blessing and envy.

For most people, this world is just an island and the sea around it, so people in this world regard going out to sea as a symbol of freedom. This is a desire engraved in their genes.

"Forget it, Barry. If you had gone out to sea, you would have been left with nothing. I saved you because you have no money to go out to sea."Wright was sabotaging the situation, glancing at Barry with a look that said,"You've made a profit."

Then the two brothers started fighting and tearing each other apart.

"Noah, you have to be careful when you go out to sea. It's not just the weather that's scary, it's the human heart that's the most scary!" Bart didn't even take the pipe in his hand, and told Noah with a serious face.

"Got it, Bart Daddy!"

Noah also rarely argued with Bart and agreed solemnly.

Before leaving, Noah quietly left 10 million Baileys. At the beginning, he didn't know how dangerous this world was. Now he found that it would be difficult for Bart and his friends to sell the golden cup, and it would be dangerous if they were not careful. It would be better to leave them Baileys, and treat the golden cup as a family heirloom or collection. After sending you a thousand miles, you must say goodbye.

Noah slowly left the port with Bart and others seeing him off.

"Lord Noah, which direction should we go?"

At this time, the navigator asked a very important question.

However, it was casual for Noah, he just didn't like staying on a small island.

"Whatever, Navigator Uncle! Let's go around the East China Sea first, and go to the nearest island first."

"Yes! Lord Noah!"

The maids around did not surround Noah, but looked around on the side of the ship. Some of them were locals, but some were sold to others as maids by their families, and some were sold from other places.

No matter where they were from, they had never thought that there would be a day when they would go out to sea to see the vastness of the world. After all, they were just maids, and Vic was a cruel man. It would not be surprising for them to die in the next second.

Noah did not disturb the interest of these unfortunate girls. After all, these big sisters would serve him in the future, and he was still very tolerant of his subordinates.

After a while, the interest of these maids passed. After all, they had been away from Cleves Island for a while, and there was nothing around except the sea.

"Okay, maids, go ask the chef to prepare dinner."

Noah saw that their interest had faded, so he asked the maids to help prepare dinner.

In the evening, Noah looked at a strange-shaped fruit in his hand and was a little curious.

"Could this be the legendary devil fruit?"

Just now, Noah saw a floating box while fishing by the boat after dinner.���Noah then asked his sailors to salvage it.

"What kind of fruit is this? It looks like a banana. If it weren't for the huge energy contained in it, I would have thought it was some strange fruit."

Noah murmured to himself in distress and scratched his head.

However, he didn't think of giving it to other people. It would be fine to give it to the maids. The sailors were hired and their loyalty was very low. The maids who wanted to leave had already left. The ones who stayed were selected by Liya for their outstanding looks and clean bodies. These homeless maids wanted to repay their gratitude so they stayed.

In addition, Noah knew that a person could only eat one devil fruit in his lifetime. This was the most eye-catching warning in the book introducing devil fruits.

Anyone who eats the second devil fruit will explode like a balloon!

This picture is so beautiful, so Noah would never let the maid eat an unknown kind of fruit.

"Forget it, just put it in the King's Treasure. Anyway, the energy contained in it alone is a rare treasure."

Noah didn't think much about it. For Noah, who is keen on collecting treasures, all the treasures in the world should be his. He was particularly happy to have a treasure stored in the warehouse.

The next day, Noah and his crew arrived at a deserted island.

The reason was that there was no water on the ship.

Because Noah was a bit of a germaphobe, he ordered the men on the ship to wash at least once every three days, and the maids to wash every day. So even though Noah and his crew had a lot of water stored on the ship, there were still some deviations.

"What! There is not enough water on the boat?"

Noah asked Liya in surprise.

Liya had become familiar with Noah's temperament during this period of time, so she was not afraid of Noah. She just said a little embarrassedly:"Lord Noah, this is enough water for ten days, but with so many people using water, it can only last for three days. The main reason is that I didn't know that the kitchen used so much water, and there was also the cleaning of the deck."

Noah also understood clearly that there were nearly twenty sailors on the boat alone, as well as ten maids and some chefs. The more people there were, the more they ate, and naturally the more dishes were used. Among them, Noah himself made a huge contribution.

Noah didn't know why he ate so much, but he didn't doubt it. He just thought it was for growth.

Well, it turned out to be his own fault. There was nothing he could do, so he could only forgive himself!


Noah turned his back to avoid his maid seeing his embarrassed look, and said calmly:"Okay, everything has a first time, just don't make the same mistake next time."

So, Noah and others found a deserted island nearby and prepared to store fresh water.

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