Noah saw the lush forest in front of him and heard the roars of unknown beasts from time to time. For some reason, he felt a little excited.

Maybe this is why people go to sea.

There are unknown islands.

Unknown species of animals and plants.

The fantasy of discovering some treasure.


"Uncle Navigator, don't miss this kind of deserted island in the future, it's perfect for exploration."

Noah had never managed the route before, so the navigator would exclude these deserted islands based on the principle of safety first. Moreover, you can use a compass in the four seas without storing magnetism, so you can easily avoid going to some islands.

The navigator felt uncomfortable after hearing this. After all, he was paid to eat, so of course he didn't want to be too dangerous. But now the captain has spoken, and the navigator must listen, because he has been paid.

"You have the final say, Captain."

The navigator shrugged helplessly and agreed.

"What island is this?"

Noah stood in front of the forest and looked around. Although he wanted to explore, unlike at the beginning, he now found that there were many powerful people in this world, and most importantly, his treasures were gone, and his means of attack were greatly reduced, so he still had to know the necessary information.

"Lord Noah, this is Xiangpa Island. I heard there are many elephants here, and there are also many carnivorous animals, such as dark earth lizards, three-horned carnivorous dragons, flying tooth dragons, etc. It is a very dangerous island."The navigator said truthfully. In fact, he did not recommend landing on this island. After all, this island is really one of the most dangerous islands known in the East China Sea.

"I suggest that Lord Noah replenish his water supply and leave."

The navigator did not forget to add a sentence, secretly telling Noah not to seek death.

Unfortunately, Noah ignored the last sentence.

Replenish your water supply and leave?

What a joke!

I still want to taste dinosaur meat!

Noah laughed secretly in his heart. He did not care about the dangers that the navigator mentioned. For him, as long as there was information, it meant that someone could escape, and if someone could escape, there was no danger.

Well, the most important reason was that he knew from the information that the danger came from the creatures on the island, and then he used magic to sense it and found that the energy of the creatures inside was very strong, but it was not beyond his expectations.

The easiest way to find fresh water is to follow the traces of wild beasts. Wild beasts usually Gathered near the freshwater river.

Noah did not bring his maid with him when he went to the island this time. After all, the maid was too weak. Anyway, he could sense the situation on the ship from this distance, and he was not afraid of any danger if he stayed on the ship.

Unlike Noah's leisurely and comfortable attitude, the sailors carrying water storage equipment behind him were very nervous. When there was a little movement in the grass in front, they immediately pointed their guns at the grass. Not only were their hands sweating, but they were also shaking.

Noah thought it would be better to show his strength, otherwise they would be so vigilant that their nerves would break sooner or later.

I don't know if it was fate.

At this time, Noah sensed that two creatures were approaching, and as soon as he discovered it, the ground was shaking.

"Captain Noah, there is a large beast approaching us, let's find a place to hide!"

The sailor behind him said to Noah in panic, but his body had already run a few steps in one direction.

"No, it's too late.……"

Before Noah finished speaking, a huge tiger ran out of the woods on the left, but the woods behind the tiger were smashed like dead branches by a huge beast.

The sailors were so scared that their eyes bulged out. What they saw was a huge carnivorous dragon. The huge tiger was only as tall as its thighs.

"……They have arrived."

Noah said calmly without finishing his words.

""Captain! How can you be so calm!"

The sailors couldn't help but get angry when they heard Noah's calm tone, and turned into white sharks with sharp teeth and shouted at Noah.

"Because I am better than it!"

Noah said to them with a smile.

At this time, the dinosaur in front of him had already killed the tiger, but its greedy eyes showed that it was a dinosaur that was eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. It never made choices, but always wanted to

"Oh my, what a greedy beast!"

Noah also understood the meaning in its eyes. He raised his hand and a blue magic flashed above his head, which then formed dozens of identical long swords. Then, as he shook his hand, the long swords turned into phantoms and shot towards the dinosaur.


A scream in the forest caused a flock of birds to fly away.

The scene changed, and in front of Noah was a dinosaur corpse that had been pierced into a Spinosaurus.

"What are you still looking at! Go collect dinosaur meat for me. It will be for lunch."

Noah stroked his golden hair narcissistically and said to the dumbfounded people behind him.

Everyone came back to their senses from the shock. Although they had heard that the ten-year-old kid in front of them had killed the vicious Vic, they just thought he had hired a bodyguard. Seeing him today, it might not be a lie.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but be respectful to Noah. Even the navigator who had complained about Noah before was very respectful, fearing that Noah would be dissatisfied.

After all, the strong are still respected on this sea.

Along the way, Noah killed several more beasts, including a bear, a flying dragon and a triceratops.

Noah did encounter a few elephants, but these elephants were very gentle and never took the initiative to attack other creatures. In addition, there was enough meat, so Noah didn't make things difficult for them.

When they arrived at a stream , Noah asked them to store water first, while he looked around.

Thanks to the nourishment of the stream, the surrounding green plants are lush, occasionally a few fat carps jump out of the water, butterflies dance, and birds sing crisply in the ears. It is really a fairyland scene.

Noah traced the stream to the source of the stream and found that there was a small waterfall here.

Because the water here is crystal clear, Noah easily found a cave behind the waterfall.

A smile flashed across Noah's mouth, and he had the idea of exploring, maybe there is treasure inside.

Noah jumped into the cave through the stones on the stream with a few jumps.

The cave was very dark.

Noah raised his hand and used magic to illuminate the entire cave.

As soon as the surroundings lit up, Noah's eyes reflected a golden light.

In front of him were piles of gold, silver and jewelry piled up into small hills.

""Wow, is this a surprise?"

A smile flashed across Noah's face, but it quickly disappeared.

For him, gold, silver and jewelry are his favorites, but they are also the most of what he has, so he only feels happy at the moment of getting them, and then it quickly disappears.

Noah vaguely feels that even if he doesn't have the King's Treasure in this life, he will not lack treasures.

Because he found that his fortune seems to be very good. In addition to catching devil fruits at sea, there are treasures in the fish he catches several times.

In addition, occasionally a news bird will fall from the sky.

Well, it's so tiring, so of course its Bailey and newspapers belong to Noah.

If you are familiar with Jin Shanshan, you will know that, This is Jin Shanshan's inherent skill - the Golden Rule.

This skill will make Noah be entangled in wealth throughout his life and he will never be trapped by money.

For Noah, gold, silver and jewelry are just the joy of collecting. Noah likes the things in the treasure chests in front of him more.

After opening a rectangular treasure chest, a knife and a note were found, which read:

A big sharp knife - Frost and Snow.

Noah admired the knife carefully. The knife was elegant and exquisite, like a work of art.

The blade flashed with a silver-white light, the blade was so sharp that it could cut hair, and the cold light was chilling.

The handle was engraved with exquisite patterns, and the delicate lines seemed to describe its elegance and nobility.

The scabbard is made of It is made of a very hard wood, which is probably extremely precious. It is inlaid with gorgeous gems, which looks dazzling.

Two devil fruits, one is like a cantaloupe, and the other is like a green apple with a spiral pattern.

Noah held Frost Snow, and a glimmer of magic flashed in his hand, spreading to the entire blade.

Noah was analyzing the structure of the knife.

After a while, Noah finished analyzing Frost Snow.

As a golden light flashed in the cave, Noah put all the treasures including the knife into the King's Treasure.

After dealing with it, Noah returned to the place where the sailors stored water as if nothing had happened.

Noah did not say anything, not because he was afraid of this group of people, but because they had no share of the treasure. Telling them will only increase resentment and greed, and if they do something irrational in the end, Noah will have no choice but to bury them.

At noon, because Noah was sure that he was capable of protecting the maids, he took the maids off the boat and went to the stream for a picnic.

Noah lay on the lounge chair he brought over, reading today's newspaper:

The new queen of the Nine Snakes Pirates, Boa Hancock, defeated the captain of the Iron Spear Pirates, Iron Spear Aubrey, who had a bounty of 380 million, and later became a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea at the age of only eighteen.

The captain of the Red Hair Pirates, Red Hair Shanks, fought with Hawkeye Mihawk at the Porik Islands in the first half of the Grand Line. The specific situation is unknown.

""Tian Yasha" Doflamingo once again escapes from Vice Admiral Crane


"Oh, the sea is very lively recently!"

Noah took the black tea handed over by Liya and said with some surprise

"Yes, Lord Noah, I heard that Boa Hancock was called the 'most beautiful woman in the world' by some gossipers some time ago!"

Leah also said with a look of agreement, but her face slightly blushed when she mentioned Boa Hancock.

Noah squinted his eyes and stared at Leah and joked,"Yes, she is indeed the most beautiful woman. Even our lovely maid is fascinated by her. Don't think I don't know about the cut photos in your room."

Leah's face was as red as a cooked crab at this time, and she said hesitantly,"My Lord, I'm just...just helping you choose your future maid. Yes, I think Boa Hancock is very suitable to be your maid or to become the future mistress."

Leah became more and more certain as she spoke, and finally she strongly recommended Boa Hancock to be her mistress.

Noah looked at Leah speechlessly,"Are you thinking about me? I'm embarrassed to say anything to you."

But speaking of it, if there is a chance, Noah will not let Boa Hancock go.

After all,"the most beautiful woman in the world"!

Of course, only this king is worthy of her!

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