"Where? Lord Noah."

Liya looked around and found that there were no ships or devil fruits floating on the sea.

Noah said,"At three o'clock, about two kilometers away, there is a ship, and the leader on it has obtained a devil fruit."

"Let Shanks and the others wait for a while, you take them to practice, and bring back the fruit by the way."

Noah found that the Haki in the bodies of four people were very active, and it seemed that they were all powerful people who had awakened Haki.

According to Shanks, there would be very few Haki in the first half of the Grand Line. It is estimated that these people are either from the New World or from some powerful forces.

But when has Noah ever cared about these things?

"Be careful, the four leaders are domineering, you'd better not think about a one-on-one fight."

Noah warned.

Liya nodded, and then informed the girls

"Shanks, Lord Noah seems to have seen someone over there who got a devil fruit, so he asked us to go and practice. Please wait here."

Liya expressed her purpose very politely, and asked,"Excuse me, do you know the person over there? If he is a friend or a good person, we can just practice."

To be honest, Noah didn't really care about the devil fruit, because his king's treasure contained several devil fruits picked up during this period, but they were all so-called waste fruits, and he didn't know what fruit the person over there got, so he valued practice more.

Beckman used a monocular telescope to look in the direction Liya pointed, and was startled when he saw Umit's figure.

"It's Umit!"

Shanks was also stunned for a moment, and said,"Huh? It's this guy?"

""What? Is he your friend?"

Liya asked curiously.

"No." Shanks waved his hand quickly and said,"He is one of the six underground kings of the dark world, the shipping king Umit."

"He is not a friend, and he is not a good person either!"

"He is in charge of the world's transportation industry and is familiar with the world's ocean currents. He can transport goods to all parts of the world in the shortest time, so he not only cooperates with pirates, but also with the world government. One of his businesses is to transport slaves!"

Shanks explained, and when he talked about slaves, he couldn't help but press his straw hat.

There is one thing Shanks hasn't said yet.

Umit is rich, very rich!

If he is allowed to escape, he will most likely offer a high reward to Noah and the women.

But he didn't say it. If he said it, Noah would probably think he looked down on himself!

Leah clenched her fists, lowered her head and said in a muffled voice:"Slaves?"

"I know!"

After that, Liya understood what to do.

Back on the boat, Liya gathered all the girls and said,"You should have heard clearly what Lord Noah said. Shanks just said that the one on the other side is the shipping king Umit, and his shipping business also includes the transportation of slaves!"

The girls changed color when they heard it, and their originally interested expressions instantly sank. They had all been caught by human traffickers. For Umit, who served human traffickers and rich men, the girls had vowed to use 200% of their strength to teach him a lesson worse than death.

""Let's go!"

Liya said and jumped onto a small boat. The distance was about two kilometers, so it was not suitable to fly over using the Moon Step.

The girls also jumped onto the boat, and then Michelle said,"I'll be the thruster."

Using her Flame-Flame Fruit as power, the entire boat instantly broke through the sea and flew towards Umit.

The sudden acceleration made the girls stagger, but fortunately they did not slack off in their physical skills, otherwise several people would have fallen into the sea.

Sibel laughed and scolded,"Michelle, you bastard, how can anyone use such a fast speed at the beginning!"

The others also stared at Michelle with dead fish eyes.

Michelle smiled embarrassedly and said,"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

The heavy and serious atmosphere was instantly disturbed by Michelle.

Just as the sailors were still arguing and bragging, the younger brother who was leaning against the side of the ship suddenly seemed to hear some sound. He turned his head and saw that a small boat with a fire at the stern was approaching them rapidly.

""Hey, hey, hey! That ship is not on fire!" the sailor shouted.

A sailor with a higher status squinted and looked at it, then shouted to the group of sailors behind him:"Stop bragging, give me the telescope."

The younger brother who was bragging just now immediately handed him the telescope.

When he took the telescope and took a look, his jaw dropped to the ground instantly.

"This, this, this is a woman on a ship, and there is also a woman at the stern with flames in her hands!"

The smart sailor immediately pressed the head of the person next to him and said,"This is the devil fruit! It must be a devil fruit!"

"Idiot, report to the boss now!"



"Oh no, boss! There's a ship full of women approaching, and there's also a person who can use fire!"

The sailor ran towards Jace in a panic.


The three people present were shocked, and even Duke opened his eyes with a surprised look.

When Umit heard"a woman on a ship", his mind instantly thought of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

But he quickly rejected it. He didn't remember that anyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates would use fire, and they went out to sea with a large ship pulled by two sea snakes.

After Umit figured it out, he was furious and said,"It seems that she is a female pirate who doesn't know how to live or die!"

Jess also turned his head and shouted,"Why are you still standing there, shoot, bombard!"

The sailor woke up from his dream and hurried back to prepare for shooting and bombardment.

At this time, Liya and others were only more than 500 meters away.

""Hmm? It seems they have discovered us."

Liya saw the people on the boat walking around in a hurry, and she knew that they were exposed.

Sure enough, the cannons on the side suddenly spewed out flames.

Bang bang bang bang!!!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~!!!!

In an instant, nearly ten shells bombarded Liya and others.

Kuina and other swordsmen held their swords and prepared to attack.

The four female swordsmen on the ship, including Kuina, had already understood the realm of"cutting iron" and advanced to swordsmen.

In addition to her kendo talent, Kuina was able to advance to swordsmanship thanks to Vanessa's development of many medicines for physical fitness.

Liya waved her hand and refused,"Leave it to me for small problems!"

""Protective barrier!"

A barrier instantly blocked the boat behind them.

Bang, bang, bang!

The shells exploded, and after the smoke cleared, the women and the boat were completely unharmed!

""What's going on? It seems like something is blocking it!" the sailors exclaimed.

Jace narrowed his eyes and said,"I didn't expect these women to have some tricks."

The women arrived fifty meters away from the ship with great momentum.

Michelle smiled and said,"Let's stop here. You should be able to fly over by yourselves. I'll take a blow to suppress their arrogance."

As she spoke, flames jumped in Michelle's eyes and flames rose all over her body, but fortunately Michelle controlled it very well and did not damage the ship.

Naturally, everything is good, but sometimes it can't be used at will because of its large range and it is easy to hurt innocent people.

Now there is no such concern.

The flames on Michelle's body instantly gathered into her right fist, and then Michelle laughed and shouted:"Fire fist!" Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~~~(Sound of burning flames)

Michelle jumped up and punched Umit's ship. Instantly, a column of fire shot out of his fist, and finally turned into a huge flaming fist and rushed towards the ship.

Whoosh whoosh!!


Jace's pupils shrank sharply and he shouted in horror.

He didn't expect that the woman who used fire on the ship could actually launch a fire attack of such a scale.

It was definitely a natural system!

Umit was also sweating coldly, and he tilted his head and shouted:"Duke!"

Duke held the long sword at his waist and said in a low voice:"Understood!"

After that, he disappeared from the spot in an instant, appeared at the side of the ship, and suddenly drew his sword

""One Sword Style: Dividing Flame and Flowing Clouds!""


Instantly a blade of light slashed out, and Michelle saw her fire fist being split apart by the sword, and even slashed towards her without slowing down.

Michelle decisively put away her moves and dodged with the Moon Step.

"Not bad, I thought I could beat them all by myself."

With a clear cry!

Joanna turned into Suzaku and flew into the sky, complaining:"Well, Michelle, you don't even take us with you, and you want to take it all by yourself!"

Alyssa also turned into a colorful peacock and flew into the sky, saying:"That's enough, if you keep doing this, we won't be able to get the devil fruit!"

"Oh, I forgot" ×2

"How beautiful!"

The sailors also forgot that they were facing a powerful enemy, and were attracted by the beauty of the five-colored peacock and the holiness of the Suzaku.

Umit was horrified at this moment, and stammered:"This, this, how is this possible! How can there be two mythical beasts!"

You don't need to look at the Suzaku to know that it is a mythical beast.

As for the five-colored peacock, although Umit rarely fights with others, he is still the king of the underground, and he still has the two-color domineering power. He can feel that his mind is captured by the five-colored peacock.

This is because the five-colored peacock is spreading its feathers at this moment, passively charming the minds of the people around it.

Liya shook her head helplessly, looked at Xibel and said:"Xibel, it's up to you!"

Xibel said with full energy:"Look at me!"

After that, Xibel stretched his hand into the water

"Ice Age!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds passed, and the surroundings seemed to be unchanged.

""What's going on? Is this a bluff?"

Reagan asked in confusion.

But some sailors woke up from the enchantment, rubbed their arms and said,"Do you feel like you're getting colder?"

"Me too!"

"I thought it was my illusion!"


As they were talking, the sea water around Xibel's hand suddenly began to freeze rapidly, and soon the surrounding sea for a thousand meters was frozen.

"Not good!"

Umit shouted.

He stared at Xibel with an ugly expression, muttering:"Is it similar to Aokiji's freezing ability?"

Xibel's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he took a breath and said:"Sorry, it took a little longer."

Liya smiled and shook her head and said:"It's okay, the sea has a high salt content, so it is difficult to freeze, and the sea flows fast, making it even more difficult to freeze. I am already very satisfied that you can freeze a thousand meters so quickly, thank you for your hard work!"

Xibel shook his head and smiled:"I still have about two-thirds of my physical strength, and I am still recovering. I can fight again!"

Liya nodded and said:"Let's go!"


After that, the girls flew towards Umit with moon steps, not giving them any time to break the ice.

Joanna smiled and said,"This time it's my turn to cover."

After that, Joanna flapped her wings, raised her head and opened her beak, and a ball of red flame visible to the naked eye condensed into a ball.

"Holy Flame!"

Joanna pointed her beak at Umit, and the fireball in her mouth burst out to form a red pillar of fire.

Umit shouted:"Duke! Jace! Reagan!"

Duke and Jace quickly returned to defense. Their observation Haki could truly feel that although this pillar of fire was not as strong as the fire fist just now, its temperature and danger were definitely far beyond Umit.

"It's sword style: Flame ruler!"

"Armaments and guns!"

"Armed · Fist attack!"

The three of them worked together to block Joanna's attack.

Jace suddenly retreated behind the two of them and rubbed his hands, muttering:"It's hot! It's hot!"

He didn't know how to use Ryu Sakura Haki, so he hardened his body and dispersed the flames with his fists.

Liya and others also took the opportunity to board Umit's ship.

The war was about to start!

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