Umit yelled angrily,"Hey! What the hell are you bastards doing? You let these girls on board!"

Duke said coldly,"I'll get rid of them!" Reagan said respectfully,"Don't worry, they are just a group of lucky girls who got the devil fruit."

Jess was not to be outdone and said,"Boss, I'll take off the head of that woman for you."

Umit's anger subsided.

Come to think of it, they are just a group of women who don't even know how to be domineering, and they are so young. Not every woman is called Charlotte Lingling!

Joanna and Alyssa turned into human-beast forms and landed on the boat.

Liya smiled and said,"Joanna did a good job!"

Joanna raised her head and said proudly,"Of course!"

Liya's face straightened, and she said,"It's time to assign opponents!"

Guina and other swordsmen set their sights on Duke, the top swordsman, from the beginning, and said in unison,"The swordsmen belong to us!"

Liya nodded, looked at Reagan and said,"Then leave this to me, Loran and Vanessa!"

Then she said to Joanna and others,"Joanna, you guys fight the remaining one!"

Joanna spread her wings and laughed,"Just leave it to me!"

Liya looked at Joanna, who was already floating in the air, speechlessly. When she was about to warn her, her face suddenly changed and she shouted,"Be careful!" When

Joanna was wondering, she saw a black shadow coming from the corner of her eye, and then she felt a pain on her face, and flew backwards and hit the side of the ship.



Rosalind and others only then noticed that someone had attacked them, and immediately got ready and stared at that person vigilantly.

This black shadow was Jace

"Hahaha! They are indeed a group of lucky ones who got the devil fruit. They dare to be distracted in the enemy's territory!"

Jace took off his jacket slowly, revealing his strong abdominal muscles, raised his fists, and arrogantly showed off his proud biceps.

He was jealous and panicked, especially Joanna's Suzaku Fruit, which made him jealous.

How could a girl who hasn't even grown all her hair be worthy of possessing this devil fruit? If it was given to me, I wouldn't have to suffer under Umit.

Just raise the pirate flag to compete for the throne of the New World Emperor.

Jace thought that the gap between him and the top powerhouses was just a powerful devil fruit!

"Ah~, this punch hurts me a little, but it's not as good as Lord Noah's."

Joanna used her wings to disperse the smoke and dust around her. A red flame burned on the left side of her face, and she had a faint smile on her face. Joanna was unharmed except that her clothes were a little dirty.

Jace clenched his teeth, his brows raised, his fists clenched, and his whole body was shaking.

So envious!

Jace was trembling with envy, and his cells were so envious that the plasmolysis of the cells was separated.

Isn't this equivalent to the ability of the captain of the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates - Phoenix Marco!

And this woman's flame attack is much stronger than Marco's.

Michelle gloated and said,"Tsk, who said just now that they had to deal with it alone?"

Joanna smiled embarrassedly and said,"This is a bit tricky"

Although Joanna could fight him for a while with the power of the devil fruit, constantly recovering her state would undoubtedly accelerate the consumption of physical strength, and she would definitely lose in the end.

Moreover, Jace's Armament Haki just hit her face painfully, but it was far inferior to Noah's skills.

Rosalind smiled and said,"Let's go together."

Alyssa smiled at Joanna,"Why don't you cover Rosalind quickly?"

Joanna responded sullenly, who made her a meat shield?

And a meat shield with healing.

Joanna stared at Jace and sneered,"It hurts a little just now, it's my turn!" After that, she swung her left wing at Jace.

A red flame rushed towards Jace like a waterfall.

Of course, Jace didn't resist, and disappeared in an instant.

Joanna was stunned, and suddenly felt the fluff around her standing up, and quickly turned over and kicked to the left.


Jace suddenly appeared next to Joanna and punched hard.

Collided with Joanna's leg.

Instantly, a strong airflow broke out and spread out.

Joanna was blown back more than a meter, but she offset his impact with a flap of her wings.

So fast!

The four girls' hearts trembled violently, and they were amazed at the same time.

Jace was even more depressed, muttering:"Is this woman close to comprehending the observation Haki? Or is it just the keen intuition of the animal system?"

According to his speed, he should not be caught.

Alyssa made a quick judgment and said:"Joanna, don't use long-range attacks, use physical skills to entangle him!"

Joanna nodded, flapped her wings, and kicked out with her right foot wrapped in the flames of Suzaku.

""Flame Finger Gun!"

Jace said disdainfully,"A mere trifle!"

He quickly wrapped his fist with Armament Haki and punched it hard.


Alyssa took the opportunity to fly to his side and shot out countless steel-like feathers.

"The peacock spreads its tail and dances wildly!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~~~!

Jace's eyes narrowed, and the power of his fist surged up, pushing away Joanna's attack and leaping into the air.

Unexpectedly, when Jace looked up, he saw Michelle already waiting in the air with her whole body bathed in flames.

She laughed and condensed the flames around her body into a spear, saying:"Divine Fire · Fire Spear!"

As she spoke, she threw the fire spear at Jace.

Jace hurriedly stepped on the moon step to avoid the attack of the fire spear. He dared not block such concentrated flames.

At this time, Rosalind appeared beside him stepping on the moon step. She curled her lips, and did a somersault kick in the air, kicking Jace in the back and kicking him back to the ground.

"Iron Block·Storm Foot Scythe Blade!"



Rosalind landed steadily on the deck.


Noah nodded from a distance. Although Rosalind did not have the evil fruit, her kicking talent was simply amazing.

For the first time, Noah believed that some people only had half the talent for physical skills.

Rosalind's physical skills with both hands were just average, but her leg skills were far superior to everyone else.

Even her legs and feet could move in the iron block state, but the strange thing was that the limbs above the waist could not move. This was the first time Noah had seen someone who only practiced half of the iron block.

Rosalind's side.

Joanna and Michelle clenched their fists and made a successful move with smiles on their faces.

Alyssa's face did not change, and a flash of colorful light passed through her eyes.

Rosalind was the same, because the kick just now felt a bit hard.

Sure enough, a figure soon walked out of the smoke and dust.

""Ahahaha! That hurts! That kick just now reminded me of my mom!"

Jace dusted off his body and put on an exaggerated smile.

The four girls' faces darkened. It seemed that some of them had been beaten.


Noah held the fruit plate and ate with a fork, muttering:"It seems that without Haki, both the attack and defense are lacking, but with the fruit ability as a supplement, it should not be difficult to kill him."

Noah glanced at the side and said:"Why, many of your partners haven't even awakened Haki, why don't you practice?"

Shanks was slightly tipsy, and laughed like a drunkard:"Noah, don't say that! My partners are very reliable! All they need is an opportunity or a period of training, and your partners have surrounded the enemies, so we won't fight."

"Come on, drink!"

Noah looked at the drunkard speechlessly, running here in the middle of the day to get drunk.


Liya here

""Barrier impact!"

Leah shouted and pushed the barrier towards the sailors.

Seeing their boss going to deal with Joanna and the others, the sailors immediately took up their guns and knives to block Leah and the others.

Reagan said that Jace had trained his men very well, and he knew they were going to die before he even said a word.

Originally, Reagan didn't plan to let these sailors take the field, after all, he knew that the Devil Fruit users were not something these sailors could deal with.

After these sailors died, wouldn't the task of driving the ship fall on them?

As a result,




All the sailors seemed to be hit by something, spitting blood and flying backwards.


Reagan looked at the sailors who were groaning on the ground and had lost their fighting ability with an unpleasant expression. He held a flintlock pistol in each hand and crossed his hands and said:

"They are just a group of new people who have never been to the new world, and they are women! Can't they just go back and feed their children? Why are they looking for death?"

"Let me, Uncle Reagan, send you to hell. Remember to keep your eyes open in your next life!"

Liya stared at him and sneered,"What kind of reputation can you have in the new world?"

Loran said indifferently,"The gun is good, but there is no sharpshooter named Reagan in the intelligence."

Vanessa also smiled gently,"I have a kind of intestinal poison that I am experimenting with recently. I expect it will cause people to die in level ten pain."

Reagan's face became uglier and uglier with the words of the three women. He pointed the gun at the three people and fired three shots quickly.

Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!

"Oh? A sneak attack?"

Liya's eyes flashed red, and she took the attack with her barrier without dodging. She smiled and said jokingly,"How can a mere gun with such weak armament color move my barrier?"

Luo Lan bent down and put down the guitar-like backpack in his hand. When he opened it, there were a bunch of parts and a row of bullets inside, among which there was a row of blue bullets that were particularly conspicuous.





Luo Lan's hands were as fast as a phantom, and he quickly assembled a sniper rifle, and then took out the two flintlock pistols inside and inserted them into the holsters prepared in advance on his legs.

Vanessa smiled and asked,"Is this the weapon you have been busy with?"

Luo Lan easily took the sniper rifle in his hand and smiled,"Of course, I modified the common ballistics and some internal structures on the market now. The power and speed of this gun are extraordinary. The most important thing is……"

Luo Lan took out a bullet emitting azure light from his chest and said,"This is Lord Noah's magic power. I managed to store some magic power in the bullet. This kind of bullet is not only faster, but also more powerful!"

But soon Luo Lan's face turned bitter and he said,"But it took me several months to make these thirty bullets. The material strength is too weak. If I am not careful, they will be ruined. Moreover, the amount of magic power stored is incomparable to Lord Noah's arrows, so I mainly use it to increase the speed of the bullets."


Noah saw Luo Lan take out the magic bullet and smiled:"Sister Luo Lan has a great talent for scientific research. She can actually make a bullet that stores my magic power. If the enemy is careless, it will probably be over soon.""

"I'm really looking forward to the next battle.……"

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