Luo Lan didn't want to end the battle so quickly. After all, he was still training, and good steel had to be used on the blade, so of course he would use ordinary sniper bullets first.

However, the design of this bullet was based on Noah's pseudo-spiral sword, and its power was not something that ordinary people could resist. If the armed color was not up to standard, it would probably penetrate directly.

In fact, the most important thing was that Luo Lan couldn't bear to part with it. These magic bullets were made by her hard work. Not to mention the funding problem, the success rate of manufacturing was frighteningly low.

Liya smiled slightly, and the originally smooth outer surface of the barrier in front of her instantly rose with spikes.

""Thorn impact!"

Liya pushed the barrier in front of her fiercely. Just pushing the barrier required her to practice the finger gun for a year and a half. How could Reagan, a gunman, block it?

However, thanks to his status as a gunman, his observation Haki was well practiced, and his observation Haki was roaring wildly at this moment.

Although Reagan couldn't see the barrier, he still rolled over to avoid it.


As soon as Reagan dodged, a big hole was immediately knocked out of the cabin behind him.


Loran raised the sniper rifle in his hand and fired at Reagan.


A tongue of fire flashed, and a golden bullet spurted out from the muzzle.

Reagan hadn't even caught his breath, and his vision began to alarm again. He quickly lay down.

But how could he completely avoid it at such a close distance?


His left arm flew up into the air and left his body.


His arm fell to the ground, and his fingers were still trembling.


Reagan let out a shrill wail, pressed his left shoulder with his right hand, and couldn't help rolling twice.

Umit's face turned pale, and he said angrily:"Idiot!"

"Seeing so many Devil Fruit users, how dare you underestimate them! Do you really think they are a bunch of weaklings who can be easily bullied?!"

""Don't get up yet!"

Reagan quickly stopped wailing, stood up with sweat on his forehead and whispered:"Sorry, boss, I was wrong!"

Umit threw a bottle of medicine to him and said,"Be serious!"

Reagan quickly took the medicine and asked hesitantly:"Boss, what kind of medicine is this?"

Umit said casually:"It's for oral hemostasis, otherwise you will lose blood and go into shock!"

Reagan looked at his boss's expression and felt relieved. He swallowed the medicine in one gulp. Sure enough, the wound that was still bleeding stopped bleeding instantly. He even felt that his vision seemed to become clear, and he felt excited.

He bowed and thanked him

""Thank you, Boss!"

Umit snorted in response, but sneered in his heart:

What kind of hemostatic medicine is it? It's just a medicine developed by Quinn to burn potential.

After taking it, the body will enter a state of excitement, and the strength will be further improved. It also has its own blood lock. As long as the brain is fine, even if the heart is blown up, it can still function for five minutes. However, after thirty minutes, even if the body is intact, it will be GG

"Even waste has to be recycled."

Originally, when Liya and the others saw Roland blow up one of Reagan's arms, they were secretly excited and thought that the battle would be over soon.

But Umit didn't know what medicine he had taken, but his momentum was even stronger than before.

Vanessa asked Umit with interest:"What kind of medicine is this? It has such a good hemostatic effect! And it even has a certain blood recovery effect, huh? No!"

Vanessa frowned, looked at the abnormal blush on Reagan's face, and said in a low voice:"This is an excitatory effect!"

"This guy definitely didn't feed him anything good!"

Loran and Liya nodded solemnly.

Reagan stared at Loran with a sinister look, and laughed arrogantly:"Damn woman, you made me lose an arm. I'll play with you later, provided you can survive!" He was still arrogantly bragging in the first half second, and shot directly in the second half second.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three bullets wrapped with armed colors were shot at Loran in a"品" shape.

Before, he needed two guns to cooperate to shoot three bullets in such a short time, but now one hand is enough.

The hair on Loran's body stood up, as if she had encountered some life-and-death crisis. The pupils of her eyes shrank, and she seemed to see something flying towards her.

Loran twisted her body desperately, shouting in her heart.

Move! Move quickly! Damn it! Bang, bang

, bang!

The smile on Reagan's face froze instantly, and it became extremely ugly in an instant. He stared at Liya fiercely and said hatefully:"Is it you?!"

Liya made a strange gesture with her fingers and smiled:"Well, the speed of drawing the gun is not bad, and the speed of the bullet wrapped with Armament Haki is also very good. If my Observation Haki is a little worse, or if we are a little closer, I can't block it."

In fact, Liya also broke out in a cold sweat. Just now, she was performing beyond her normal level.

Her Observation Haki seemed to have suddenly entered a new realm, and Luo Lan happened to be next to her, so she returned to defend in time


Noah was sipping juice, holding Shanks down with one hand, and said lightly:"Young people just can't control their temper. Nothing happened!"

When Shanks sensed Reagan's movements with his observation Haki, his originally slightly drunk face instantly became serious, and then he was about to fly over with his proud high-speed movement skills with a grim expression.

During this period of time, the ship of Noah and others was only about one kilometer away from Umit's ship, and Noah still shouted not to get too close, lest Leah and others relax because of Noah.

This distance is still within Shanks' reach if he tries his best.

But he was pulled by Noah. Shanks shouted angrily in confusion:"Hey! Noah, what are you doing?……"

Hearing the gunshot, he immediately looked over and found that Roland was unharmed.

Shanks was relieved.

Only then did he come back to his senses, looking at Noah with a complicated expression, and said:"Has your observation Haki reached that level?"

Noah nodded indifferently and said:"Predicting the future! It has indeed reached it!"

The tone seemed to be saying, why are you making such a fuss young man!

Shanks shook his head with a wry smile and said:"I was anxious just now, now think about it, you are not anxious, why should I be anxious"

"No wonder you let them go so easily, I thought you were worried about Leah."

He had tried Leah's absolute defense before, and even his dominance couldn't break it.

Noah smiled and said,"I'm so touched. You actually care about my crew so much."

Shanks grinned and said,"Aren't we friends? Of course we have to help each other!"

Noah was stunned for a moment, but smiled and said,"Don't give me that. Which guy was so hostile to me when he first came."

Shanks smiled and said,"As long as you don't have any ideas about Uta, we are friends!"

Noah only replied with a"hehe", which made Shanks confused. What did he mean?

Noah saw the performance of Leah and Roland, and felt that the old father's silly daughter had finally grown up.

"Sister Luolan's Observation Haki has finally awakened. Sister Liya is indeed a genius in Observation Haki. She just stabilized her Observation Haki and suddenly broke through. I can't understand it.……"


Vanessa quickly came to Roland, with a rare look of panic on her face, and asked:"Roland, are you okay?"

Roland had just awakened his Observation Haki, and had experienced a life-and-death crisis. His face was a little pale, and it was unknown whether he was frightened or had the sequelae of awakening his Observation Haki.

However, Roland waved his hand and said:"Fortunately, Sister Liya is here, otherwise my journey would have ended here."

At that moment, she had no fear, only unwillingness and guilt.

I was supposed to be Lord Noah's arm and shield, but I died for the first time without Lord Noah's protection. It seems that I am just an ordinary woman. If it weren't for Lord Noah, I would have died long ago.

It was just a waste of Lord Noah's training and time to help with research.

After Roland survived, her eyes seemed to have been wiped, becoming exceptionally bright, as if she was reborn.

"Is this the Observation Haki?"

Luo Lan touched the gun, and the Observation Haki seemed to spread from her hand to the entire gun. Soon she understood the structure of the entire gun.

"What is this?"

Lorraine was surprised to find that her observation Haki seemed to be able to perceive the structure of the things she touched in detail.

But soon she stopped studying and struggled to stand up.

"It's okay, Vanessa and I are fine."

Liya turned to Luo Lan and said.

Luo Lan shook his head and smiled:"I have awakened the observation color. Although it is a blessing in disguise because of him, if I don't repay him, I probably won't be able to sleep when I go back."

"Really! That's great!"

Liya and Vanessa showed joy on their faces. Luo Lan could awaken the observation color, so the experience was meaningful.

Vanessa smiled and said:"The three of us have awakened"

"The next step is to awaken this person."

The three women stared at the somewhat crazy man in front of them with serious eyes.

Just now, he had been shooting at Liya and others, even though he knew it was useless.

The bullets, entangled in the armament color, exerted the power of a cannonball and continuously bombarded Liya's barrier.

Umit said with an ugly face:"Tsk! Have you lost your mind?"

At this moment, Reagan's observation color became stronger, and the armament color also became stronger, but he became a sober madman, or his thinking became rigid. Simply put, he was stubborn. He kept attacking the barrier even though he couldn't break it.

Vanessa said:"His eyes were clear, but he kept attacking the barrier. I don't know what the medicine just now was!"

"However, as long as it is a medicine, it must have a time limit, so we may consider waiting."

Liya shook her head and said,"This way, you won't get the value of the training, Vanessa, it's your turn now."

Vanessa smiled bitterly and said:"ε=(´ο`*)))Oh, I should have taken action earlier."


Vanessa flashed away from behind the barrier, then she bent her fingers slightly, and a drop of purple liquid condensed in front of her fingers.

"Corrosive Poison·Flying Finger Gun!"

Vanessa flicked her finger at the liquid, and the liquid instantly flew out like a bullet.


Reagan's eyes flashed red, and the pistol wrapped in armed color accurately blocked the flying purple liquid.


Instantly, a sizzling corrosion sound came from the flintlock.

Reagan took a look and was surprised to find that the venom had directly corroded his wrapped domineering aura and had begun to corrode the gun.

Reagan instantly poured in more domineering aura and shook off the liquid at the same time.

The purple liquid dripped onto the deck and instantly turned into a hole with a diameter of half a meter.

Even Reagan at this moment couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over his body.

"Woman! Damn it! Go to hell!"

Reagan stared at Vanessa like a demon, and the flintlock rifle kept shooting at Vanessa, even using his excellent observation Haki to block Vanessa's every step.

Vanessa's eyes flashed red, and at this moment her brain was extremely calm. She ran towards Liya, completely ignoring the bullets coming in this direction.

Sure enough, Liya lived up to everyone's expectations and immediately changed the barrier to cover Vanessa.


Looking at the sparks bursting on the barrier, Vanessa took a deep breath and said,"It seems that this guy is now targeting whoever attacks him."

Just like the BOSS in the game, obviously proficient in all kinds of moves, but it is easy to attract hatred.

Just because that person scratched you, you chased that person, and now you are scratched by another person and turn to attack another one.

Now the three women are teaming up to kill the BOSS.

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