Noah curled his lips and snorted,"Hmph! What a good swordsman. Although he followed a rubbish, at least he still held on to his beliefs and swordsmanship until the end."

Of course, if he wanted to put down the sword in his hand and run away, Noah would not mind giving him a"pseudo spiral sword".

Because unlike Umit, Noah admired Duke at the beginning.

But if Duke chose to run away, it would be a slap in Noah's face.

Shanks also smiled bitterly and shook his head:"What a pity for a swordsman!"

As a swordsman, although he was not as obsessed with swords as his good friend, he also had the pride of a swordsman, so the mutual appreciation between swordsmen still existed.

Noah smiled and said,"Let's go and pick them up."

Shanks turned his head and asked,"Do you need me to ask my friends to come and help drive the boat?"

He didn't believe that Noah would do the job of sailing and steering himself, and this kind of large ship was not something that one person could flexibly control.

Noah shook his head and said,"No need."

As he said that, a gorgeous long sword appeared in his hand, and he walked to the side of the boat and slashed at the back of the boat.


A slash came out from his sword, generating a huge thrust.

However, the sea not far behind was cut into a gully that would take who knows how long to heal.

Shanks opened his mouth wide, his eyes dull for a moment, and asked speechlessly:"Does every kendo genius do this?"

Noah leaned against the side of the boat with a puzzled look on his face and asked:"What are you doing?"

Shanks rolled his eyes and said:"Rowing?"


Noah asked curiously,"Are there any other people who do the same as me?"

Shanks nodded and said,"Hawkeye likes to drive his coffin-like wooden boat like this, and use this method to go around."

As he said this, Shanks gestured to the appearance of Hawkeye's wooden boat.

"Oh? Interesting!"

Noah asked curiously:"How does he sleep? How does he take a shower? How does he go to the toilet?"

Shanks was a little confused by Noah's series of questions, but after thinking about it, he found that he didn't have an answer either.

He clapped his fists and said,"That's right! Why didn't I think of asking this question at the time?"

"I don't know either, I can ask next time."

Shanks's face became sinister as he spoke,"No way, no way, could it be that Hawkeye, the guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually has an exhibitionist fetish?"

Noah nodded indifferently when he saw that he was almost there, then swung out dozens of small slashes and finally stopped the boat.


After the three parties met on Liya's side, Joanna was working hard to treat the injuries of the girls.

Vanessa also checked the parts of the girls that were more seriously injured. At this time, she was looking at Liya's belly and said,"Although you are not bleeding, you will probably need surgery to suture the wound inside. Remember not to let Joanna treat this, otherwise the wound will have to be cut open later."

Liya smiled bitterly and nodded.

After Vanessa looked carefully, she found that many people needed surgery to suture their wounds. Some had ruptured internal organs, and some had large wounds. If they were not sutured, they would bleed again easily.

Joanna's healing flame is ultimately much less effective for others. It cannot make such irregular large wounds grow flesh all at once. The effect of suture combined with healing flame will be better

""Eh? Lord Noah has brought the boat here."

Michelle saw Noah waving at them and immediately shouted to the girls happily.

"Huh? Really!"

"How did Noah sail here?"

"Open it yourself?"

"That's not impossible. I saw Shanks was also there."

"What are you thinking? I don't believe Noah would do this kind of work."

"Hahaha, Kuina, I think so too. I guess she used some method to get here."

"Stop talking. Have you got the things?"

"Well, there are some treasures."

"Let's go."

The girls used their own means of flying, and gave the treasure to Joanna who was good at flying.

Noah spread his arms and said with a smile:"Welcome back, my dear female warriors!"

"Don't worry about other things yet, take them to the treatment room for treatment, Sister Vanessa.

Vanessa nodded and led the women who needed surgery into the treatment room.

Shanks observed the injuries of the women and found that they were not life-threatening. He couldn't help but secretly praise the effect of Vanessa's medicine.

""Okay, let's notify Uta, she's probably going to be mad at me."

Noah smiled faintly at Shanks.

Shanks felt a little upset when he heard Noah talking about Uta, but he suppressed his mood and nodded.

Uta had been observing the fight between the women with a telescope since the beginning of the battle, and asked Noah to rescue the women several times.

But how could Noah agree? This was a rare experience. It wasn't easy to find a few people with good strength who wouldn't kill the women instantly.

Uta's eyes were red and she left Noah angrily and returned to her own ship.

Noah knew at a glance that she was angry with him.

Not long after Shanks went back, Uta jumped over from their ship (because the two ships were very close).

Uta glanced at Noah but quickly turned away, shouting,"Sister Vanessa, how are you?"

Noah frowned and said,"They are undergoing surgery to treat their wounds. Didn't Shanks tell you? They're fine, don't make a fuss."

Uta puffed her lips. Shanks did say something, but when she heard that the girls were fine, she rushed over in a hurry. She didn't even hear Shanks say that the girls were undergoing surgery. An unknown amount of time passed and the sun was about to set.

Joanna came out. Her pale face scared Noah.

Noah asked,"What's wrong?"

Joanna waved her hand and said,"It's okay, just���I feel a little tired and a little nauseous.

After Noah asked why, she slowly told him about the situation in the operating room.


Although Joanna had killed many people before, the scene of cutting open the stomach and sewing tightly with needle and thread still shocked her.

So when she was helping Vanessa, her stomach was churning.

Vanessa couldn't help but smile when she saw Joanna's face.

She smiled and said,"When I was a child, I was like you when I performed surgery on animals under the guidance of my parents. At that time, I was vomiting while treating them."

"My parents are very cunning. They found some cute injured animals for me to treat. If I don't bite the bullet and cure them, they will be on the table tonight."

Vanessa recalled the scene of that year and couldn't help wiping the tears from the corners of her mouth.

Joanna looked confused.

Joanna could endure the treatments given to the girls next, but she couldn't stand the last operation.

Vanessa said,"It's my turn next."

Joanna was full of question marks and said,"Sister Vanessa, what are you going to do?"

Vanessa shrugged and said,"Do it yourself without anesthesia."

As she spoke, she cleaned the wound on her shoulder by herself, and then skillfully sewed it up with one hand.

However, because she only had one hand, she sometimes needed Joanna's help.

Despite this, sometimes the operation was a little slow because Joanna's level was not enough.

Vanessa sewed her wound one by one, frowning from time to time, and even gasped a few times.

Joanna felt the same way at the time. Fortunately, only this part of Vanessa's wound needed sutures, otherwise it would be difficult for her to have a major operation herself.

When Joanna thought about the scene of having to cut open her own stomach if there was only one doctor, sister Vanessa, and she was seriously injured and needed surgery, she thought about how much willpower it would take to endure it!


Joanna said at the end, she looked at Noah with a serious face and said:"Lord Noah, I want to learn medicine, at least I want to learn surgery."

She didn't want sister Vanessa to bear everything alone. Vanessa was the only doctor on the ship, and there were at least two people in other positions.

Joanna thought that it was unreasonable to have only one doctor on the ship. What if someone got sick and fell into a coma or was seriously injured and fell into a coma?

Who can treat the companions?

In fact, Joanna's idea was not unreasonable. Brook's pirate group in the original book was like this. There was only one ship doctor, but he was shot to death with an arrow at the beginning, causing the whole ship to be poisoned and no one to help treat it. In the end, everyone on the ship died, leaving only Brook to resurrect.

Noah listened to what Joanna said and stared at her serious eyes. He felt that something seemed to have changed in Joanna at this moment.

Well, Noah liked her even more.

Noah suddenly smiled and said,"Go, remember to ask sister Vanessa if you have any questions. Welcome to our new captain lady on the ship."

Joanna smiled and nodded.

"Where are they?"

Joanna looked in the direction of the treatment room and said,"Sister Vanessa said that they don't need to wake up after taking the anesthetic. Letting them sleep for a while will be very beneficial both mentally and physically. Sister Vanessa also fell asleep."

Noah looked up at the sky and said helplessly,"It seems that we have to eat on someone's boat."

Noah didn't want to eat Joanna's food. After all, his mouth had been spoiled by Elena and Rosalind.

Joanna had no idea about this and thought that Noah felt sorry for her busy all day.

She smiled and said,"Yeah, Sister Elena and Sister Rosalind both said that they can't compare to Brother Lu in terms of cooking!"

After that, Joanna clasped her hands together and asked Uta,"Uta, please take me there."

Uta said proudly,"Of course, Laqilu's cooking skills are the best. Come on, I'll take you there."

As if he had forgotten that he was still sulking with Noah.

Shanks didn't care about Noah's arrival at all. Instead, he said happily:"Brothers, Noah is here, remember to get him drunk, let's have a party!"


Laqilu also patted his chest and said,"Today, let Noah show my skills."

Noah was not afraid of Shanks' drinking challenge.

He is the king, how could he lose to others in a drinking contest!

Sure enough.

It was already dawn, and

Noah held up a luxurious wine glass with gold and diamonds, and shouted:"Hey! Shanks! Beckman! What's wrong with you?! Are you asleep?"

Noah walked in front of Shanks, his face was a little red. Although he would not get drunk no matter how much he drank, his behavior was inevitably relaxed because of alcohol.

Noah raised his foot and stepped on the edge of Shanks' buttocks, ravaged back and forth a few times, and shouted:"Wake up! Wake up!"

Shanks had to say vaguely:"No, really no!"

Noah smiled contemptuously and said:"Tsk! What kind of little prince of the party is this? He got drunk so quickly, like a woman!"

"If I were a man, um, no, if you were a woman, you would be carried to bed by me now."

After saying that, Noah went back to his boat to sleep.

As for Joanna,

Uta would make arrangements, and it was possible that the two sisters would sleep together.

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