"Huh? You want to learn surgery from me?"

Vanessa looked at the lively and lovely Joanna in front of her with some doubt.

She had asked Joanna before if she wanted to learn, but Joanna said that studying medicine was too troublesome, so she only learned a little bit of the basics, and she was not very active.

Vanessa didn't care too much at that time, but she felt a little sorry for Joanna's fruit ability. After all, the effect of healing flame treatment and postoperative recovery was simply maxed out.

But now...

Joanna said with a serious face, nodded firmly:"Yes! Please teach me!"

Vanessa rubbed her temples, thinking that she was sleepy.

"Actually, I am better at pharmacy than surgery. I have told you before that because of my parents, I am not that interested in surgery."

Vanessa said cautiously,"How about you learn pharmacy with me?" Joanna shook her head firmly and said,"Sister Vanessa, we are short of a surgeon on the ship.

Just like yesterday, if your wound is more serious or you faint, then no one can treat you, and my ability is more suitable for surgery.

" If it is said that lacerations or other irregular wounds are difficult to heal quickly with healing flames, then other things such as poisoning and colds only need to be burned roughly, and there is no need to learn them at all.

Vanessa thought about it and felt that it made sense. She nodded and said,"Then you have to be serious. First, get familiar with the structure of the human body. I remember it is the third book at the bottom of the surgical book. You can take it back to the library and see if you have any questions. Remember to come to me."

Joanna smiled, made an OK sign, and ran out the door.

Vanessa looked at Joanna's receding back and suddenly felt relieved. She said,"It seems that it's good to have someone to rely on."

During the previous battle, Vanessa was under great psychological pressure, fearing that she would die accidentally. Although there were still Shanks and his ship doctor, what would she do in the future? So Vanessa didn't want to take risks at the time.

But then she figured it out. If she didn't improve her strength now, would she have to stay behind in the future?

It would be better to take the opportunity to improve her strength!

If she died at that time, it would just give Lord Noah time to find a new ship doctor, and Shanks' ship doctor would be the backup. It's just right that Joanna can be the ship doctor now, and she can also save herself from worries.

After all, when it comes to the ability to be immortal, who on the entire ship can be stronger than Joanna!


At noon, everyone woke up one after another and gathered around Noah to report their progress in strength.

Noah summarized and found that it was unexpectedly good, it was simply a great leap forward in strength.

Liya: Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Elementary)

Irene: Observation Haki (Near Intermediate), Armament Haki (Elementary)

Rosalind: Observation Haki (Elementary), Armament Haki (Elementary)

Alisa: Observation Haki (Elementary), Armament Haki (Elementary)

Michelle: Observation Haki (Elementary

) Loran: Observation Haki (Elementary)

Joanna: Observation Haki (Elementary), Armament Haki (Elementary)

Sibel: Observation Haki (Elementary), Armament Haki (Intermediate)

Vanessa: Observation Haki (Elementary), Armament Haki (Elementary)

Elena: Observation Haki (Elementary), Armament Haki (Elementary)

Kuina: Observation Haki (Elementary)

(Elementary: Haki sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, Intermediate: Haki is basically used normally, Armament Haki can fully arm weapons)


"Not bad, the basic two-color domineering aura has been awakened. Although many of them are not yet proficient, it has been awakened after all, and it will be easier to practice later."

Noah nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his head to look at Michelle and said:

"Kuina failed to awaken the Armament Haki because of her poor physique. What's wrong with you? Don't be fooled by the power of the natural system!"

Without waiting for Michelle to answer, Noah asked Roland again:"Sister Roland, you should understand that even a sharpshooter can't only attack from a distance.

There will always be times when someone gets close to you.

Don't abandon the physical skills foundation you have laid for more than a year just because you have learned to shoot.

"Noah saw it very clearly.

The reason why Michelle and Roland did not awaken the Armament Haki was because they lacked a head-on collision with their opponents.

Their physiques have reached the standard. With more than a year of training, their physiques have reached the peak of their current stage, enough to explore a breakthrough in domineering.

Michelle hesitated and said:"The development of other people's fruits has improved a lot. As for the collision, I thought I could avoid it by transforming myself into an element. There is no need for hand-to-hand combat, and it saves physical strength."

Roland accepted the criticism calmly and said:"I'm sorry, Lord Noah, I will devote myself to the practice of Armament Haki next, and I will not give up the ability to fight in close combat."

Noah nodded at Roland's words. It was enough for him to understand. He was very confident in Roland. Knowledge is a good thing. At least one will not lose his understanding of himself.

But Michelle's words gave Noah a headache.

Is there anything wrong with Michelle's words?

Nothing wrong!

Her fruit ability has indeed improved, which makes Noah happy, and according to Michelle's physique at that time, it was indeed the right choice to dodge the attack by elementalization.

But giving up the opportunity for melee combat really gave him a headache. This is the feeling of many powerful nature-types. Why should they just bear it? Isn't it enough to dodge by elementalization?

You say you can't dodge?

That only shows that your observation Haki is not proficient enough, so you can practice observation Haki.

Many powerful nature-types do not pay attention to the aspect of armed Haki domineering.

Noah thought for a while and said,"Sister Michelle, I know what you said makes sense, but have you ever thought about it? Your observation Haki has not reached the level where you can dodge any attack, and any improvement in ability will become more difficult as the realm becomes higher."

"When you are a high-level���Sometimes, even though the other person's advanced observation Haki is not as good as yours, they still have an intermediate armament Haki. When you fight, there will definitely be times when you can't avoid it. However, at this time, your attack or defense ability is far inferior to that of others, and this is the moment of defeat."

"A truly advanced battle is never a one-shot fight. They will last a long time. Three days is the norm, five days and five nights is normal, and ten days and ten nights is possible."

"Your shortcomings are destined to make you suffer in advanced battles in the future."


Noah paused, rubbed the bones of his other hand gently with his fingers, and said,"Have you ever thought that some attacks are unavoidable or even impossible to avoid?"

"Maybe it's because of the particularity of the attack."

"Maybe it's because of the range of the attack."

"In other words, there is a reason behind you that you cannot hide from."

Noah said his opinion meaningfully.

Seeing Michelle's thoughtful expression, Noah knew that he had penetrated into the mind of this quirky little sister, so he stopped pestering her.

""Pa, pa, pa!"

Noah clapped his hands and said,"Alright! Everyone's strength has improved very well."

He looked at Kuina and smiled,"Don't worry, Kuina, don't let the time you have spent together let you forget that you are only eleven years old. You are still very young!"

Although Kuina thought it was strange for Noah to say this, after all, she was only twelve years old, she still smiled and nodded.

Obviously she was very satisfied with her improvement in strength.

Noah looked around at the girls and said,"Come on, it's time to share the fruit again."

As he spoke, Noah took out yesterday's trophy - the devil fruit

"What could it be?" Noah took the

Devil Fruit Illustrated Book that he had prepared long ago and kept flipping through it.



Suddenly, Noah stopped what he was doing and compared them carefully.

The girls held their breath and looked at Noah expectantly.

However, Noah shook his head and muttered,"It's a pity it's not you.……"

Then he continued to look back.

This made the girls feel frustrated.

"Ah hey, found it!"


The girls were shocked and looked at Noah, or rather at the book in Noah's hand.

Noah smiled and said,"The superhuman fruit - the Heat-Hot Fruit, can create and transmit high temperatures. I heard that it has the ability to boil a sea."

The girls' faces instantly fell when they heard this.

Compared with this superhuman fruit, they prefer the animal-type fantasy beast species, which have superpowers and strong physical enhancement.

Rosalind curiously asked the remaining girls who had not eaten the devil fruit:"Don't you want to eat it?"

Irene and Kuina both refused in unison, saying that if they wanted to eat it, they would definitely choose the fantasy beast species.

Irena said that she hoped to eat a fruit that would help her cooking skills.

Roland even said that although calories are a good kind of energy, she hopes to get a fruit that is helpful for research.

Seeing that the girls didn't want it, Rosalind stretched out her hand and pretended to take it, saying,"Then, I'll eat it?"

Noah handed the fruit to Rosalind and said,"Then you eat it."

Rosalind took the fruit and said with a smile:"Not bad, with it I can use it when cooking, and my kicking skills are more powerful than it."

After that, Rosalind took out a set of cutlery from somewhere, cut a small piece of flesh from the fruit, and then put it into her mouth with a fork and swallowed it quickly.


Rosalind said with a sullen face:"I was careless, this taste is simply the ultimate challenge to the chef's taste buds."

The girls and Noah looked at Rosalind's ugly expression with a smile.

But Noah quickly thought of one thing and shouted:"Sister Rosalind, control yourself, don't lose control!"

The girls suddenly thought of this and hurried away from Rosalind.

Rosalind also thought of this, she was a little panicked:"This... How can I control this!"

As soon as she panicked, her whole body began to turn red. Although her clothes were miraculously fine, black smoke began to emerge from the deck.

"Quick! Sister Sibel, go suppress it!"

Noah was speechless when he saw that Sibel, as a user of the Cold-cold Fruit, actually hid so far away.

Sibel only remembered that she was still a user of the Cold-cold Fruit after hearing this, and immediately used her ability to step forward and put her hand on Rosalind's shoulder to suppress Rosalind's high temperature.

Noah shouted at this time:"Sister Rosalind, quick! Control your ability!"

Rosalind was relieved to see that Sibel could help suppress her ability, and she calmed down to control the restless ability in her body.

Soon the red color of Rosalind's body began to decrease, and Sibel also controlled her temperature to prevent Rosalind from being frostbitten accidentally.

Finally, Rosalind slowly opened her eyes and smiled at Sibel:"Thank you so much, Sibel!"

Sibel showed a bright smile and said:"It's a small problem, we sisters don't need to be so polite!"

Rosalind nodded.

Noah smiled and applauded:"Sister Sibel's ability is so well controlled, I thought Sister Rosalind would be frostbitten."

Sibel scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly:"The previous battle with Duke made me more proficient in my fruit ability. Now I can create a temperature as low as minus fifty degrees Celsius."

Sibel raised one hand and white smoke instantly rose from his hand. At the same time, frost appeared on his hand and the ground began to freeze.

Noah tried to dissuade him and said,"Okay, don't ruin the boat."

Sibel quickly put away his ability

"How is it? Do you like this ability?"

Noah looked at Rosalind and asked.

Rosalind felt the power in her body and said seriously:"It's a very powerful ability. I feel that I can easily melt steel. I can boil the ocean within a hundred meters in ten seconds."

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