Hiluluk hesitated for a long time to answer Vanessa's question without saying anything useful.

Doctor 20 smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, saying,"I forgot that Hiluluk is a quack doctor."

"Shiruluk, I wronged you. It turns out you did this for us!"

"Hiluluk, your potion is as powerful as ever!"


Listening to the doctor's praises,

Hiluluk found it irritating and could not help but shout with sharp teeth and fierce eyes:"Shut up!"

Vanessa ignored this group of weirdos and carefully diagnosed Wapol's symptoms.

Wapol also looked at Vanessa with tears in his eyes, and did not forget to shout:"Woman, save me, I can make you a duke! Even a vice king!"

Vanessa turned a deaf ear to him, drew some blood, and then used her ability to extract the medicinal power and analyze the ingredients.

While analyzing the ingredients, Vanessa couldn't help but frown and said to Hiluluk:

"What's going on in your head? Not to mention all these nourishing herbs, how come there are nerve-blocking poisons, and other kinds of poisons."

Hiruluk stammered,"This is fighting poison with poison. As for the nerve-blocking poison, I'm afraid it's too strong and it'll hurt him to death!"

"You also know how to fight poison with poison?"

Vanessa was a little surprised at the medical knowledge of this quack doctor, but soon said speechlessly:

"So your nerve poison, a little of this, a little of that, and even some drug-antagonizing drugs, aren't the dosages enough?"

"If I'm not mistaken, he must have been awakened by the pain."

Joanna and Michelle nodded repeatedly, and did not forget to give Shiruluk a look of contempt.

What could Shiruluk say? He could only nod and bow. I'm so sorry!

After reading it, Vanessa shook her head helplessly and said,"I can't cure this disease. There are several kinds of medicines I don't know, and all kinds of medicines are mixed together. Many of them have been absorbed, and I don't even know the dosage."

Wapol's eyes gradually became empty, and even despair was gone.

Shiruluk said anxiously:"Well, I have the formula!"

Doctor 20 became anxious when he heard it, and shouted:"Shiruluk, shut up!"

"Although we are doctors, we are also human beings, people of the Drum Kingdom. As such, we would rather violate medical ethics than save him!"

"That's right! That's right!"


Vanessa shook her head and said,"Even if there is a formula, I can't do anything. I think your medicine has ingredients that vary greatly from person to person. Unless you can give me an individual with a similar health condition to Wapol to conduct the experiment, I can observe the process of the drug's onset and make a suitable antidote."

Vanessa didn't say anything else. It's so troublesome that I'm too lazy to make medicine for this big villain!

When Hiruluk heard that he wanted to experiment on a living person, he immediately backed down. He was a bit saintly, but he was definitely not a saintly bitch.

Even if it was the death of the two ministers, he felt that they deserved it, and even saving Wapol was just a doctor's instinct.

Doctor 20 immediately showed a happy smile.

Vanessa stood up and said,"It's time to go! Let's inform Lord Noah." Vanessa turned her head and looked at Doctor 20 and said,"Go down and find the captain of the Minotaur, tell them that this country is finished, elect a king, and then quickly spread the news that we are looking for Dr. Kuleha!"

Doctor 20 nodded quickly and said,"We understand!"

Even some old men didn't dare to talk about respecting the elderly and loving the young.

Joanna interrupted,"Sister Vanessa, this quack said he knows Dr. Kuleha and can show us the way."


Vanessa looked at Hiluluk with some doubt. Just him?

Hiluluk was very dissatisfied with the title of"quack doctor", but thinking of the powerful fighting power of the four women, he did not dare to say anything, but said reluctantly:

"Dr. Kuleha lives in a tree house, I can take you there."

Vanessa smiled and said,"That's great, we will go together after we meet up with Lord Noah."

The three girls nodded, it should be so.

Vanessa said to Doctor 20,"You heard it too, remember to quickly elect a new king, we will not take action against the civilians of this country."

"Oh, remember to send your medical books and medical records.

Doctor 20 dared not disobey and nodded repeatedly.

Medical books and other things can be copied. As medical practitioners, they have special printing and copying machines. After all, they are a big country.


Noah put down his teacup and smiled,"They are back!"

Liya and the others also put down their desserts and looked at the door.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, Vanessa and the others opened the door.

Vanessa sighed comfortably and said,"It's so warm!"

Joanna and Michelle were a little dissatisfied. Joanna said,"Why didn't Lord Noah leave a mark? If it weren't for that minotaur, we wouldn't have found you."

Michelle nodded indignantly.

Dalton would certainly arrange some people to follow Noah. What if someone with no eyes offended Noah?

Noah didn't care about it at all. Instead, he looked at Luo Lan with some surprise, then smiled and said,"It seems that Sister Luo Lan has found a fruit that she really likes."

Luo Lan, who had a calm face, smiled with satisfaction and said,"Yes, the Paraman Swallowing Fruit!"

Noah opened his mouth slightly in surprise and said,"Oh? It's that fruit."

Liya was a little surprised and said,"Does Lord Noah have a good impression?"

Noah nodded and said,"I heard that it can swallow everything and can make the swallowed substances reorganize and synthesize in the body. The most important thing is that at the end of the book, it also mentioned that people with fruit abilities can swallow fruits and achieve the ability to use multiple fruits!"

"Eh?!" ×nThe girls were surprised at this time.

Uta was so scared that she stammered,"Eat...eat people?"

Noah smiled and waved his hands, saying,"No, it seems to be similar to fusion, but it does swallow the whole person."

After hearing this, Uta calmed down her frightened mood, and said with lingering fear,"It's still very scary."

Sibel suddenly asked curiously,"Joanna, what are you staring at Roland?"


Joanna was brought back to her senses by Sibel's question and said with a smile,"I'm just curious about how Sister Luo Lan's cherry mouth can swallow a person, hehe!"

Luo Lan blushed with shame at Joanna's words, and opened her mouth wide to bite Joanna. The cherry mouth suddenly turned into a bloody mouth, and swallowed Joanna's entire head in one go.

""Sister Luolan, I was wrong, let me out."

Luolan didn't care and swallowed Joanna in one gulp.

Uta was immediately shocked and screamed when she came to her senses,"Sister Luolan swallowed Sister Joanna!"

Even the other girls were shocked, and the boss fainted with her head tilted.

Luolan waved her hands and said,"Don't worry, Joanna is fine!" Luolan turned to face everyone, only to see that Luolan had grown a lot taller, and Joanna's head appeared on her belly.

Joanna saw everyone looking at her, and she remained calm at first, but suddenly she crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.


The timid girls present were frightened and screamed.

Joanna said with a smile:"I scared you, didn't I?"

Noah said speechlessly:"It seems that there are finally people on our ship whose fruits are not human anymore."

Liya also had sweat on her forehead.

After Roland showed his own fruit ability, he directly used Joanna's fruit ability and turned into Suzaku, but this Suzaku had two heads, which looked a bit weird.

Finally, Roland spit Joanna out.

Joanna wiped her sweat and said:"It was really uncomfortable in there. Although I didn't die, the whole person seemed to be in a void space. It was very uncomfortable." Roland said speechlessly:"I'm not cannibalizing people. When I used my ability, my mouth became the entrance to a swallowing space, and it didn't even pass through my throat!"

Liya nodded and said:"In the future, if you encounter an opponent that you can't solve, you can use this combination to fight against it. It's not bad!"

Roland also nodded in agreement


Noah looked at the dumbfounded man at the door with some curiosity and asked,"Who is he?"

At this time, Hiluluk, who had been left out for a long time, was finally mentioned by Noah.

"Oh! Him!"

Joanna said as if she had just woken up:"His name is Shiruluk, and he is a quack doctor……"

Shiluluk finally came back to his senses from the weird scene, and shouted with sharp teeth and fierce eyes:"No need to emphasize this point!"

Joanna turned a deaf ear and continued:"He knows the whereabouts of Dr. Kuleha, and is said to be a friend of Dr. Kuleha."

Shiluluk folded his hands and retorted:"Who is friends with this unethical doctor who takes advantage of patients' misfortunes to steal their money!"


Suddenly, there was a sharp laugh outside the door. Shiruluk seemed to have heard the sound and turned his head in surprise to look in the direction of the door.

The door opened, and an old lady wearing black sunglasses and fashionable clothes, holding a bottle of plum wine, appeared at the door.

She grinned and said,"I charge for seeing a doctor, this is my principle of treating diseases! It's much better than a quack like you! There is nothing more terrible than an incompetent doctor!"

After that, she turned her head to look at Vanessa. Her sensitive sense of smell smelled a strong herbal fragrance from Vanessa, and she laughed:

"Little girl, are you here to ask for the secret of eternal youth?"

Vanessa nodded in surprise, but soon shook her head and said,"Are you Dr. Kuleha?"

Dr. Kuleha laughed happily and said,"Although I am very happy that you call me 'Dr. Kuleha', I prefer you to call me 'Miss Kuleha', hehe!"

The girls and Noah didn't expect that they had been looking for him for thousands of times, but when they looked back... she actually came to them by herself!

Dr. Kuleha gulped down a few sips of plum wine, found a place to sit down, crossed his legs elegantly, and said:

"You little brats are making such a fuss that you destroyed the entire country just to find me."

Dr. Kuleha said with a chuckle,"Should I say I'm really honored!""

Noah laughed,"I can't help it. Let's not talk about the fake king of this country occupying it first. I don't have time to care about it. After all, it's their ignorance, but they actually trampled on my property wantonly, which I can't tolerate."

Dr. Kuleha asked curiously,"I don't remember the previous king having any illegitimate children or anything like that."

Noah laughed wildly,"Hahahaha! This world has belonged to this king since its birth, and everything in the natural world is my property!"

Dr. Kuleha stared at Noah's eyes in a daze, and Noah didn't shy away at all.

Is it another little brat like Rocks?


It doesn't seem to be. This dignified pressure doesn't seem like that crazy Rocks.

After a long time, Dr. Kuleha laughed and said,"What an amazing little brat!"

Noah was not angry at all when Dr. Kuleha called him a"little devil". The king was still very tolerant towards talented people.

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