Vanessa handed the letter from Kulokas to Dr. Kuleha with a little respect and said,"Ms. Kuleha, this is a letter of introduction from Mr. Kulokas."


Dr. Kuleha took Vanessa's letter, raised his sunglasses with his hand and glanced at her, and said,"I didn't expect that it was introduced by that kid Kulokas!"

"That little devil did something big more than ten years ago, hehe! The whole sea became restless!"

The girls were not surprised at all that Dr. Kuleha called Kulokas"little devil". Even Noah was called a little devil, so what was Kulokas.

Dr. Kuleha looked at Shiruluk and said,"You are still doing that boring research."

Shiruluk's brows jumped, and he clenched his fists angrily and said,"What do you mean by boring research! One day I will bring that miracle to everyone in this country."

Dr. Kuleha said indifferently,"Now that the country is destroyed, the reborn country may not need your medicine. Your efforts for nearly 30 years have been in vain!"

Shiruluk argued,"The hearts of the civilians in this country have not yet walked out of the shadows of these years, and they still need treatment. In addition to this country, there are thousands of such countries on the sea waiting for my treatment!"

"Yes, there are thousands of such countries.……"

Dr. Kuleha took a few sips in silence.

Noah then said,"Your life fire is very weak. If you have any disease, you'd better get treatment quickly."


Everyone stared at Noah in a daze. Following Noah's line of sight, it was Shiruluk.

Shiruluk touched his body in a panic and said,"I'm fine."

Dr. Kuleha was different. She fixed her eyes as if she saw something. She put down the bottle and stood up abruptly. She walked quickly to Shiruluk with a fierce look, pressed his wrist, and pinched his mouth with one hand to check his tongue, and then quickly flipped his eyelids.

This process lasted only a few seconds. Dr. Kuleha stepped back with a solemn expression, took a few gulps of the bottle, and said:

"It's a terminal illness! If you leave it alone, you will only have three years to live! The prerequisite is to rest!"

Hiruluk was stunned for a moment, and asked calmly after a long time:"How much time can your medical skills help me extend?"

Dr. Kuleha said solemnly:"Can it make you……"

Everyone looked at Dr. Kuleha with some concern.

"Live until you die a natural death!"

"" Ah?!"

Everyone was stunned!

Shiruluk quickly stood up, bowed and said in a scoundrel-like manner:"I have no money, please help me with the treatment!"

Dr. Kuleha's solemn look did not change at all, and said:"Although your disease was discovered in time, I only have a little bit of one of the medicines. I don't know how long I haven't seen this medicine. I have been looking for alternative medicines, but I have never found one."

"Even if my medical skills are enough to cure your illness, I can't do anything without the corresponding medicine!"

"Doctors also have their limits. There is no panacea in this world that you keep talking about!"

Suddenly a voice rang out:"There are only doctors who are called 'panacea'!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and it was Vanessa's voice.

Vanessa smiled and said:"I am the user of the Medicine-Medicine Fruit. My devil fruit ability can generate ingredients that have come into contact with medicinal materials out of thin air. If you need me, I can help!"

Dr. Kuleha was surprised and said with a smile:"I didn't expect that the fruit was eaten by you. When I was young, I deliberately looked for the whereabouts of this fruit, but unfortunately I didn't find it. Of course, I am also a 129-year-old young girl now, hehe!"

"But it's okay with you here, come with me, Kulokas told me that I agree to your request, but the premise is that you use your ability to help me, of course it's not Shiruluk's business."

Dr. Kuleha said as she pulled Vanessa out, and kicked Shiruluk, saying,"Come on!"

Shiruluk saw that the situation was not good enough, so he followed proudly.


"You mean to say that this country is finished?"

Dalton looked at the row of doctors standing in front of him with a serious expression, then turned his head to look at Wapol who was unable to move under their feet, and then looked a little confused. The oldest leading doctor among the 20 doctors said:"Yes, Dalton, this country is dead."

Dalton pointed at Wapol and said:"But he is not dead yet! I have received the kindness of the previous king, and I can't abandon him!"

The doctor said passionately:"This king? The king who dragged the Drum Kingdom into the abyss? He issued various harsh decrees as soon as he took office, and now he even wants to expel the doctors who killed this country. This is breaking the backbone of this country!"

Wapol shouted fiercely:"What do you lowly people know! It is impossible to govern a country in an honest way. Do you think that changing the king can change this situation? The higher you go in this world, the dirtier it is!"

"Dalton! Have you forgotten my father's kindness to you? You ungrateful wolf!"

The doctor ignored Wapol's curses, treating them as the helpless roar of a lost dog, and continued to stare at Dalton and said:

"Dalton, why don't you be the king!"

Dalton was startled, but soon raised his bandaged hands and waved his hands to refuse:"Me? No! How can I be the king?"

The doctor said earnestly:"There is nothing wrong with it! You have a good position in the hearts of the people, and this country needs a king, otherwise it will be stripped of the title of the world member state. In that case, this country will lose the protection of the navy, and the people will be threatened by pirates from overseas!"

Dalton's expression was uncertain, and the doctor could see that he was concerned about the kindness of the previous king. Pointing at Wapol, he said:

"This king abandoned his ministers and fled when the women attacked the castle. If he had not been caught by the women's accomplices when he was trying to take away the gold and silver treasures in the treasure room, he would have left the Drum Kingdom by now. He abandoned his country, and the Drum Kingdom is over!"

The doctor gently hugged Dalton's hand and said,"A new country is born at this moment, and I believe you will make this country reborn!"

Dalton was moved.

"Dalton! Be King!"

"Dalton, we don't need Wapol to be king anymore."

"Welcome our new king - Dalton!"


At this time, the villagers of Big Horn Village came out. Apparently, some of the doctors went door to door to explain the situation. Even some doctors who were hidden in their homes came out and cheered to support Dalton to become king.

Dalton closed his eyes, smiled and said,"Well, please give me your advice!"

"Oh!"The villagers were walking around in circles happily.

Dalton asked the doctor quietly,"

"Excuse me, is Sean still alive? He is the captain of the gunnery team of the castle defense team."

The doctor suddenly remembered that the gunnery team was guarding the castle gate at that time. In that case...

The doctor hesitated, and Dalton did not continue to ask, but sighed silently.


Vanessa's side.

Dr. Kuleha led the way with a smile, and did not forget to tease:"Your sisters are really reckless. They are still wearing short skirts in Winter Island."

Vanessa defended her sisters with sweat on her forehead:"That's because two of them are fire-attribute devil fruit users, and they use the cold weather as a way to exercise their devil fruit abilities. The other one is an ice-attribute devil fruit user, so she is more tolerant of the climate here."

Dr. Kuleha nodded in understanding and changed the subject:"Your sunglasses are nice."

Vanessa raised her sunglasses and said,"This is what Lord Noah bought for me."

Dr. Kuleha smiled and said,"Are all of you his maids?"

Vanessa nodded and said,"Yes, we were all rescued by Lord Noah from a group of gangsters."

Dr. Kuleha said with a smile:"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Maybe it's the fate you cultivated in your previous life!"

Vanessa smiled gently:"I hope so!"

Shiruluk listened to the topic discussed with the first two women with a somewhat impatient expression. If it weren't for his illness, he would have run back home to do research by now.


Shiruluk suddenly saw a man huddled under a tree in front of him. He left the team and walked over, shouting:

""Hey! What's wrong with you?"

The snowman looked up and found that it was a human who was asking him questions. He immediately stood up and slipped behind the tree, but this hiding posture was a bit wrong.

He was seen with his two hands on the tree, but his body was exposed outside the tree.

The snowman didn't notice it at all, his eyes were alert and he wanted to go over and contact Xiluluk.

Xiluluk was about to say that he was hiding in the wrong way, but when he saw the injuries on his body, he couldn't help but step forward a few steps and said:

"What are these wounds of yours? Gunshot wounds?"

He took a few steps forward and waved,"Don't be afraid, come here! I won't hurt you! Come here, I'll treat you!"

He sat down cross-legged and opened his briefcase.

Seeing that Hiluluk was defenseless, the snow man immediately let down his guard and began to move carefully towards Hiluluk.

Finally, he walked in front of Hiluluk.

Hiluluk saw the snow man in front of him and murmured,"What a strange creature."

But his hands kept moving. He took out alcohol, some cleaning tools, and bandages, and began to treat the snow man's wounds.

But as soon as he stood up, the gun in his arms fell to the ground.


When Xiluluk saw that his tranquilizer gun had fallen, he sighed inwardly and prepared to squat down to pick it up.

Unexpectedly, when he just bent down, he was hit hard on the head by the snow man.


The snow man's face was full of fear at this moment. He staggered and fell to the ground several times, and quickly got up and tried to run away.

Xiluluk covered the back of his head and said hatefully:"Damn it! You little stinky boy! How dare you do this to me!"

He said the cruelest words, but his hands began to take off his clothes. In just a few seconds, he took off all his clothes.

He raised his hands, his naked body glared and shouted:"Hey, my name is Xiluluk! I'm a doctor! There is no way I can shoot you!"

The snowman was stunned by the scene. This scene will be forever engraved in his life.

The man in front of him had clearly punched him, but he took off his clothes to prove that he had no ill intentions. The cold wind made the man tremble all over, but at this moment, the snowman saw this man as great as his savior.

But a sudden scene ruined this touching scene.

""Bastard quack!"

An old lady kicked Shiruluk away with a nimble kick.


As soon as the old lady landed, she threw her clothes on him without paying attention to the expression on Shiruluk's face, took a few sips of plum wine, and said:

"You actually did such an indecent act in front of a 129-year-old young girl like me! Hehehe!"

Vanessa's face was also flushed. She just wanted to kick him, but was beaten to it by Dr. Kuleha.

Dr. Kuleha shouted to the snow man:"Hey! Although this quack doctor has no medical skills, he can still treat your wounds. Don't worry about treating him. If I treat you, you can't afford my consultation fee!" The snow man was stunned for a moment. At first he wanted to run, but he was worried that the man was in danger. Later he found out that they all knew each other, so he gave up running.

Hearing Dr. Kuleha calling him, he thought about it and walked over.

After a"tsk" sound, Shiruluk put on the clothes on the ground, and then honestly treated the snow man.

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