I don't know how long it has been, Chopper stared at the sky with a dead look, as if he was screwed.

The girls have surrounded Vanessa and asked her what she has been doing these days.

Vanessa's face turned pale and her hands began to weaken when she was asked this question.

Seeing this, the girls were a little curious about Vanessa's experience, which could make the usually elegant and quiet Vanessa show such an inappropriate expression.

Vanessa talked about what she had been doing these days.

It turned out that these days were really as Noah said. Vanessa was pulled by Dr. Kuleha to be a potion production machine.

She took hundreds of oversized glass bottles and test tubes to hold several bottles of extracts of rare medicinal materials.

Well, almost all the experimental bottles in this country were taken by Dr. Kuleha to hold things.

Vanessa was drained for two days.

Later, Dr. Kuleha asked Vanessa to make a bunch of culture solutions of corresponding precious medicinal materials to irrigate some precious and difficult-to-survive medicinal materials.

In the middle, there is also a medicine for the treatment of Xiluluk.


"That's it. I've been very busy these days."

Vanessa patted her chest, looking frightened. It was really the feeling of being drained dry that was too uncomfortable.

"However, I also learned a lot. Not to mention that Dr. Kuleha taught me a lot of medical skills, I also came into contact with many precious herbs that I had never seen before, and even taught me some ways to cultivate precious medicinal materials and the corresponding culture medium."

Vanessa smiled and talked about her gains, but in the eyes of the girls, it seemed as if she was comforting herself.

Let's not talk about medical skills first, is it really necessary for her to cultivate medicinal materials?

Noah tried to smooth things over and said,"Sister Vanessa, what do you say? Have you done what you should do?"

Vanessa nodded repeatedly.

I don't know if it was Noah's illusion, but it felt like Vanessa couldn't wait to leave.

Noah shook his head and said,"Okay, notify Shanks and get ready to leave."

Vanessa squatted down and touched Chopper's head, and asked,"Chopper, what do you say? Do you want to go with us?"

Although they have only been together for a few days, Vanessa especially likes this kind reindeer in front of her.

Even though he was hunted by humans and hated and abandoned by his own kind, he never resented them.

He just didn't understand why his own kind hated him, was it just because of his blue nose?

Why did humans shoot him, was it because of his fur?

All these misfortunes made Vanessa feel a little pity for this poor little reindeer.

When Chopper heard this, his eyes turned red and his vision became blurred.

In addition to Dr. Hiluluk, there were finally new humans who were willing to accept him, a monster.

Chopper looked around at the women, only to see that the women's eyes all revealed a smile of invitation to acceptance.

At this moment, how he wanted to nod and shout,"I do!"

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he thought of Dr. Hiluluk.

The man who changed his life, he now has a terminal illness, although because of Vanessa, Dr. Hiluluk's disease can be cured.

But he didn't want to leave him at this time.

Chopper's eyes were uncertain, and he thought for a long time. Finally, he took a deep breath, cried and shouted:"I'm sorry, Vanessa!"

"I really want to go to sea with you, but Dr. Shiruluk is not well yet, and I can't leave him at this time."

"And... and I'm just a reindeer now, I can't do anything, I'll just be a burden to you if I stay."

Vanessa looked at Chopper in surprise, shook her head, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Chopper.

"I will study medicine hard in the future, and I will definitely be able to help you in the future, Doctor Vanessa!"

Vanessa looked into Chopper's eyes, which were full of determination.

Thinking of this, Vanessa smiled gently, gently stroked Chopper's head, and said:

"Then I'll wait for you to come to me, Dr. Chopper!"

When Chopper heard the words"Dr. Chopper", his whole body shuddered, as if this title had knocked open his confused darkness and made him find the direction to move forward.

He was crying and his tears and snot were streaming down. He nodded while crying and said,"Asshole, I won't be happy even if you say that!"

Vanessa covered her mouth and smiled.

Noah stood on the deck, leaning against the railing and looking down. The soul of the reindeer in front of him suddenly became clear and shining with a light that was unmatched by countless humans on the sea. It was so beautiful...

Alyssa asked,"Didn't Dr. Kuleha come to say goodbye to you?"

Vanessa shuddered and said anxiously,"I've said it before, let's set off quickly"


Although Alyssa felt a little weird, she didn't say anything.


"Guys, it’s time to go!"

""Oh!" ×n

Shanks and his gang had no objection to leaving Magnetic Drum Island. Instead, they seemed particularly excited. It was obvious that they were tired of this island with nothing but snow.

So they were quick and cheerful, and they were just about to hold a party to celebrate leaving Magnetic Drum Island.

Chopper waved goodbye to the girls with a tearful face. For him, except for Vanessa, the girls he had only met briefly were also his friends, and they were all sincerely willing to accept him.

The girls were also happy but reluctant to wave goodbye to Chopper.

In another corner of the island, Dr. Kuleha gulped down wine and said with a smile,"Hehe, really, you left without telling me. Although I also hate the sadness of separation, it really makes me sad that you didn't say a word."

Hiluluk pouted and said disdainfully,"For a doctor as bad as you, people can't even run away in time! I'm afraid you'll remember something and ask her to fill up a few bottles of medicine."

Dr. Kuleha smiled nonchalantly and said,"This is just to train her fruit ability, and my herbs are all rare. Many of them are rare or even extinct. What's wrong with her filling a few bottles for me?""

A few bottles?"

Hiluruk's brows jumped, but he didn't say anything. He just suddenly said,"Help me teach Chopper medical skills! I can see that he has been very interested in medicine recently!"

Chopper heard that Hiluruk was sick, and he especially wanted to do his part for Hiluruk, so he often went to Vanessa.


Dr. Kuleha looked at Hiluluk in surprise, and then said without giving him any room:"I refuse!"

Hiluluk knelt down like a scoundrel, but his tone did not sound like begging at all, and said:"My medical skills are not suitable for Chopper, your medical skills can definitely make Chopper an excellent doctor!"

Dr. Kuleha looked at Hiluluk kneeling on the ground without any care, and his brows frowned instantly, and he said angrily:"You stop it! You should understand that I am not that kind of good person!" Hiluluk smiled after hearing this, stood up and said nothing.

After he went back, he pulled Chopper and said:"Chopper, I can see that you really want to learn medicine, right? Then you stick to Dr. Kuleha, she is a person with a hard mouth and a soft heart. As long as you persist, you will become an excellent doctor!"

Chopper nodded solemnly.

Then there was a follower behind Dr. Kuleha.

Well, the kind that can't be shaken off.


Dalton looked at Noah and the others going away, and it seemed as if the heavy shackles on his body were untied in an instant, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Dalton had a complex view of Noah and the others. He was in awe of their strength, and was also afraid of their reckless destruction of the Drum Kingdom. He was also grateful for their chance to be reborn after destroying the Drum Kingdom...

Even if Noah was a hero of the entire Drum Kingdom to some extent, Dalton still didn't want him to stay in this country.

The Drum Kingdom, no, it should be said that the reborn Sakura Kingdom, did not want someone who could destroy the country in an instant to stay here!

Dalton couldn't help but think of the scene when he asked Dr. Kuleha, the country's top medical expert.

Dr. Kuleha said with surprise:"Huh? You asked me what this new country should be called?"

Dalton nodded and said:"This country is a major medical country, and it should refer to your opinion, and Doctor 20 also respects you."

Dr. Kuleha laughed:"That group of little ghosts, okay, I will go over to guide them when I have time. Don't be too happy too early. I will only go over to give instructions when I am interested."

"As for the name of the country?"

Dr. Kuleha remembered the miracle that Shilluk often talked about, and said with a smile:"Let's call it Sakura! The miracle that the quack doctor had seen before"


Dalton thought about it and thought it was unexpectedly good. He nodded and said,"That's fine.""

"Then I'll leave first?"

Dalton was about to leave.

Dr. Kuleha suddenly said:"Dalton, you are scared, right?"


Dalton paused, turned around and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Dr. Kuleha.

"You are afraid of Noah and the others, aren't you? Afraid that he will do something big again."

Dr. Kuleha said with a smile:"Dalton, everyone is different, and everyone can do different things. You don't need to worry too much, just do your own thing."

"As for Noah……"

Dr. Kuleha was silent for a moment, then said,"He is not the kind of person who likes to kill, but he is not reluctant to kill, so just don't provoke him."

Dalton also lowered his head in silence, and after a while he said,"I understand, I'll take my leave first."


Thinking of this, Dalton murmured,"Noah, what kind of person is this?"

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