Noah leaned on the railing, looking at the sea in the distance, and suddenly asked:

"Sister Liya, where is the next stop according to the record pointer?"

Liya had done her homework on this and answered directly:"The next stop is the Kingdom of Alabasta"

"Oh~, it's the Kingdom of Sand!"

Noah said with some understanding.

He had an impression of Alabasta, um, a country full of sand.

It was hard for him to imagine how such a country could support a standing army of more than 600,000.

Could it be that there is too much land?

Noah shook his head and said,"Let's go directly to the Seven Water Islands. I believe Shanks and the others will also need to buy some materials for maintaining the ships."


Liya was a little surprised and asked,"Aren't you going to Alabasta?"

Noah said casually,"I didn't plan to go there. First, there's nothing to see in the sand. Second, I'm going to Elegia. I heard that Shanks found a teacher for Uta."

Noah suddenly seemed to have discovered something and asked in confusion,"Why? Sister Liya is not interested in Alabasta.���Are you interested in it?"

Liya blushed and said hesitantly,"I heard...I heard that the perfume there is very famous, so……"

Noah said speechlessly:"Doesn't the perfume that Sister Vanessa mixed for you smell good? And it's good for your health."

Liya curled her lips and said:"Lord Noah is so boring. Who do you think we spray perfume for?"

Noah rubbed his head and said helplessly:"Okay, wait until next time. Next time, I will definitely go to Alabasta to play. At least send Uta there first!"

Liya smiled and made an OK gesture


"Oh, I was just about to tell Noah that I have a friend who is in the Seven Islands of Water, and I am planning to go and have a look. Don't worry, I can get you a good deal on everything related to the boat!"

Shanks said to Leah with his eyes wide open and an innocent smile on his face.

The tone was just like that of a child who had not grown up.

Leah smiled and nodded, but still refused:"No need, Shanks, there is no need to let your friend suffer losses. You know, Lord Noah has never been short of money." Shanks thought of Noah's journey along the way, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

It was simply a journey to pick up money!

"I understand!"

Shanks couldn't help but feel a little sad when he thought of his own treasury. Although their ship had a lot of gold and silver treasures, because he and his friends liked to hold banquets, they spent money like water.


Navy Headquarters,



Zhan Guo slammed the table and shouted into the microphone of the Den Den Mushi in his hand, with disbelief on his face.

He said gloomily:"Has he started to show his fangs?"

Just now, the spies of the World Government in the Drum Kingdom sent a message.

It is said that Noah and his gang wiped out the entire royal family of the Drum Kingdom, and even King Wapol was crippled, with all five limbs disabled.

The reason is unknown.

Now the Drum Kingdom has been renamed the Sakura Kingdom by Dalton, the former captain of the Drum Kingdom garrison. However, he has not made any statement on the behavior of Noah and his gang, but only claimed that the offered heavenly gold will still be handed in on the appointed date.

The World Government did not care, but just passed the news to Sengoku, asking Sengoku to send someone to deal with Noah and his gang.

The most important thing is that when they saw that there was no D in Noah's name, they knew that he was just a jumping worm, so they simply ignored it and handed it over to Sengoku.

Sengoku hung up the Den Den Mushi and said in a deep voice:"I thought he would continue to travel peacefully, but he destroyed the navy's reconnaissance ship first. That's fine, but he actually destroyed a country later. We can't let him go on like this!"

He nodded and said,"It is probably something that Wapol did that offended Noah and his gang. After all, Wapol is not a good king. Instead, he is more like a pirate." Zhan

Guo recalled Wapol's behavior at the World Conference and nodded in agreement.

"However, no matter what, destroying a country is a bad behavior. If everyone does this, the world will be in chaos!"

Zhan Guo turned to He and said,"I remember that according to the record pointer, the next stop should be Alabasta."

He nodded. She had served as the mission of protecting the world's member countries before, so she had an impression of this matter.

"Then let Garp catch him, Shanks will be with him, I believe Garp is also interested in Shanks!"

Zhan Guo thought about it and said with a sinister look on his face

"But is Dalton okay?"

He flipped through the information and replied,"It should be okay. The intelligence shows that his hands were broken into several sections because of Leah, one of Noah's group."

So there is a grudge, then there is no problem.

Zhan Guo nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.


Cap's side,

"Huh? Going to Alabasta? I don't want to! I'm going back to the Marine Headquarters soon."

Garp picked his nose, not caring at all that he was disobeying military orders.

But after hearing what Sengoku said later, he quickly changed his mind.

"What? Shanks is there too? Okay, I'll go!"

Garp hung up the phone, pressed his hand bones to loosen them, and laughed heartily:"Shanks, I'll let you see my invincible iron fist, and see if you dare to teach my grandson bad things!"


The soldiers couldn't help but sweat on their foreheads and watched this scene in silence.

…… after a few days

"Moshimoshi! Warring States! It's me! I'm here!"

"But I still haven’t seen that kid Shanks!"

"Noah didn’t see it either!"

"Oh, okay, I'll wait a little longer."

Two days later

"Moshimoshi! Sengoku, it's me! Could you be mistaken? It's been three days! I haven't even seen him!"

Garp said to Den Den Mushi while eating the feast prepared for him by Cobra in the palace.

"But the kid playing with sand is here. I feel like he's a little weird, like he has bad intentions. Every time I see him, my fists itch."

Kapu bit the big bone meat, and recalled Crocodile's recent meeting and his behavior.

"Although he is fulfilling his duties as a Shichibukai, I don't think it's that simple."

Sengoku was also covering his forehead. He couldn't understand why Noah and the others hadn't arrived for so long. Could it be that they encountered a storm and the ship was destroyed?

But after hearing what Garp said, he didn't have time to think about it and hurriedly said,"Hey! Garp, don't mess around! He is a Shichibukai. Although he is a scum, he is our ally. This is what the World Government wants."

In this situation, if the cooperation between the Shichibukai and the Navy is broken because of Crocodile, it will be absolutely devastating to the balance of the sea.

Garp puffed his lips and said impatiently,"I know! I really don't know what those five old men are thinking!"

""Be careful with your words!"

Zhan Guo shouted in a low voice, and then said:"Wait a few more days, you will do nothing when you come back anyway!"

Garp muttered indifferently:"I know."

Another week passed.

"Warring States……"

"I got it, come back! He didn't go to Alabasta!"

Sengoku hung up the Den Den Mushi with a snap. In his hand was the latest intelligence from the World Government -

Noah and Shanks and their group had contact with Fishman Tom.

Just one piece of information made Sengoku extremely nervous.

As a quasi-marshal, he also had information channels. He vaguely heard that this Fishman Tom seemed to have something to do with ancient weapons.

However, this matter was handled by the CP members within the World Government, so the Navy was not sure whether it was true or not.

After all, Gol·D·Roger's trouble was too big. Sengoku saw Marshal Sora being pointed at and sprayed by Den Den Mushi more than once.

According to the World Government's vengeful nature, in order to retaliate against Roger, they did not even let Roger's child go. It caused a lot of uproar and I don't know how many pregnant women were implicated.

So it is not impossible that Tom, the fishman who built the ship for Roger, was targeted.

Sengoku pinched his eyebrows and felt a little uncomfortable, thinking, should Garp go to the Seven Water Islands again?

No, no, no.

Sengoku shook his head, it would be better to let Garp wait in the Sabaody Archipelago.

After all, what if Noah just left the Seven Water Islands and Garp arrived right after him.

But thinking of the Celestial Dragons on the Sabaody Archipelago, Sengoku was 99% sure that Garp would never stay there.

The Sabaody Archipelago is bright and beautiful, but in fact it is a dark corner where light cannot reach, and Garp hates it deeply.

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo murmured:"It seems that I should let Garp go back here and wait. After all, the Navy Headquarters and the Sabaody Archipelago are very close."

"As for Noah, we can only leave it to the World Government. Anyway, if the story is true, the people of the World Government are probably more anxious than us, hahahaha!"

Thinking of the anxious look of the World Government, Zhan Guo couldn't help but laugh happily. It was a way to have fun in misery.


Go back one day

"This is the Seven Islands of Water."

Michelle looked around, and the boat sailed directly into the town. She saw many residents on the water driving creatures that looked like cows, horses, and fish and strolling leisurely there.

They were not panicked when they saw the pirate ship of Shanks and others, but greeted them enthusiastically.

Joanna said in surprise:"It seems that the people here are not afraid of pirates!"

Uta looked at the two women with a surprised look and said:"A large part of the shipyard economy here is supported by pirates, so for them, pirates are very wealthy customers."

"But it's a mess here, because there are many shipyards, big and small, and fights for customers often happen."

The two girls looked at Wuta with admiration and said,"Wuta is so amazing, she knows everything!"

Wuta said modestly,"No, I just come here every time I pass by to maintain some ships and buy some food."

"The Shuishui meat here is famous far and wide, and it's delicious!"

Elena and Rosalind's eyes lit up when they heard it, and they all clamored to taste it and comment on it.

Of course, they were rushing to copy other people's methods.

Unlike Sibel who kept wiping her saliva next to her, she was a real foodie, and she kept swallowing her saliva and said,"Uta, please be sure to take me with you!"

The other girls also wanted to go shopping in clothing stores, and of course some wanted to go shopping in local weapon stores and pharmacies.

Noah, of course, played with them.

But Liya stopped them and said,"No, Lord Noah, you can play, but you have to discuss the shipbuilding issue first."

Noah could only half droop his eyes and said weakly,"Okay~"

Shanks came to Noah's side at some point, put his hand on Noah's shoulder with a familiar look, and smiled,"Don't worry, my friend is a famous shipbuilder, and I promise you will be satisfied with his craftsmanship!"

Noah glanced at the hand on his shoulder with some disgust, but in the end he didn't get angry and said,"Okay"


Shanks seemed to have thought of something bad, and said hesitantly:"More than ten years ago, my friend Mr. Tom was sentenced to death by the World Government for helping my captain build a ship."


The girls exclaimed, what's going on?

Shanks saw that the girls were thinking the wrong thing, and waved his hands hurriedly,"However, because Mr. Tom proposed the 'Sea Train' plan, the trial result was changed. It was promised that as long as the Sea Train can be completed, the merits and demerits can be offset and he can be spared the death penalty."


The girls nodded in understanding.

"Just because of this reason, I don't know if Mr. Tom is still willing to help build the ship. In the past, I only asked Mr. Tom to help repair the ship."

Shanks scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

��Ya half lowered her eyes and said speechlessly:"So the boatman you introduced may not be willing to help build the ship?"

Shanks nodded, but quickly said:"Let's go and take a look first. There is no loss anyway, and there is no better boatman than Mr. Tom on this island."

Noah and others agreed with this. At worst, they can just find someone else if he disagrees. After all, they are on the same island.

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