Just as Noah and Tom were discussing the need for the ship, a group of agents in gray and white suits were watching Noah and his companions through binoculars in the distance.

These people were the CP5 agents of the World Government.

Of course, these people were agents after all, and even the most stupid officers among them would not stare at Noah and other strong men like the navy soldiers.

"This is Noah and his gang, what is their purpose in contacting this fishman?"

A tall fat agent asked doubtfully.

The tall thin agent next to him nudged him and cursed:"Why do you care so much! The order from above is for us to keep an eye on Noah and others and collect some intelligence about them at any time."

The tall fat man nodded weakly and said:"I know."

Their chief Spandam was wearing a unique black windbreaker, but he said with hatred:

"Which bastard made me do such a hard job!"

Spandam became the chief of CP5 at a young age because of the power of his father Spandine.

But the people below were eyeing his position, so he was eager to show off a dazzling achievement to shut these people up.

Then he came to Water 7 Island.

He had learned from his father that the World Government paid more attention to this island than other shipbuilding islands.

The reason is simple. This island once built a terrifying battleship-Pluto!

But that's all. The news about Pluto has long been ignored, and the World Government has never thought about looking for it. It's more just to prevent someone from exploring this power.

Well, in other words,

Tom is really nervous.

The World Government really didn't care about him, just because he helped Roger build a ship, so the World Government The government vented its anger on him, and the Five Elders probably even forgot about it afterwards.

However, Spandam's investigation has not been without progress recently. He quickly locked on dozens of people by looking through the history of Water Seven Island, including Tom the Fishman.

This is the gossip before the Warring States Period, but because of Tom's identity as a fishman, some people have maliciously speculated.

It's just that they guessed right.

Spandam cursed the eighteen generations of ancestors of the person who gave the order in his heart. Monitoring Noah is undoubtedly dangerous and not very rewarding.

An agent who looks like a dog-headed military advisor said,"Sir, I actually think it has nothing to do with the conspiracy. It's probably because we happened to be on Water Seven Island, so we were simply assigned."

Spandam's eyebrows jumped, punched the man on the head, and shouted,"Don't you think I don't know? You're so talkative!"

Spandam rubbed his fist on his body again, and it was all swollen.

Damn, these agents are so tough!

Spandam turned his gaze back to Tom, touched his chin and thought:"I remember that the fishman seemed to be one of the suspects, right?"

"The"Dog-headed Military Advisor" agent was not in a hurry at all. He flipped through the small notebook he carried with him and said,"Yes, Commander Spandam!"


Spandam said with a resigned look on his face:"Then just think of it as monitoring Tom, it will make you feel better if you think so."

The fat and tall agent asked with a puzzled look on his face:"Don't you need to investigate?"

Spandam didn't care about his subordinates' stupidity, and analyzed with a genius look:"The Pluto is the greatest ship in the history of the world. How could a human shipbuilder give the design of such a ship to a murloc? Murlocs are such low-level species, I guess many humans would not even bother to touch them."

"Souga (Is that so)! As expected of Commander Spandam!"

The men nodded in agreement.

In their opinion, Spandam was right. Aren't mermen an inferior species?

The most popular slaves in Marijoa are mermen and mermaids.

There is even a saying in history: The history of mermen is the history of slavery!

Because of this, this group of people spent two more years, and they didn't even know that Tom was on trial.


Noah and Tom are negotiating about the boat.

"Can it be powered by fire? Yes! I am currently using steam power, so I just need to modify it."

"Oh? Diving function? That's fine, but the appearance of the boat will not be beautiful. After all, the pressure at the bottom of the sea is very high, so it needs to be made of strong steel. How about I build you a smaller submarine?"

"Flying? Hiss~, this is stumping me. I can make you a short burst escape device, but I'm not sure about flying."

"Ah, what does little brother Noah need such a big room for? And such a big bed? It's big enough for a giant to lie down."

Liya lowered her head with a flushed face and whispered:"Lord Noah doesn't sleep very well. He often falls off the bed in the middle of the night."

Noah's mouth twitched when he heard it, and he looked at Liya speechlessly with his eyes half drooping.

But Tom, the straight man, really believed it. He patted Noah on the back and laughed:"I didn't expect little brother Noah to have this side. He is really manly and free and easy!"


Tom looked at the parameters of the ship and said,"The ship will be very big in this way. I'm afraid you won't be able to pass the Upside-Down Mountain in the future."

Liya waved her hand and said,"It's okay. We will probably go through the Calm Belt in the future, so we need firepower to propel it."

Tom understood and smiled,"That's right! This is the way a man should travel!"

Crossing the Calm Belt is a symbol of strength on the sea.

Of course, if you say you have seastone for ship bottom processing, that's another matter.

Tom finally frowned and said,"I can build any size ship, but such a large ship requires a lot of wood."

Liya's request, Noah's room is not much to say, even the rooms of the women are fully equipped with various facilities, equivalent to the presidential suite of a luxury hotel.

The rest of the land and facilities such as the training room, library, kitchen, etc. are also extremely luxurious.

Tom and Espagu opened their mouths slightly countless times, indicating whether they wanted to hear the price.

But Noah directly poured out a small mountain of briefcases, each of which contained 100 million Baileys. There were more than 50 of them, and Noah even said that he had more if needed.

This immediately shut up Ace Bago and the others.

Liya smiled and said,"Mr. Tom only needs to ensure that the best materials are used."


Tom rubbed his little head and said,"The most useful wood in the world is the precious tree Adam, but this kind of wood is in short supply. It is bought as soon as it comes out. Even I have only bought it at some auctions."

Tom turned his head to look at Shanks and smiled,"The Oro Jackson is my masterpiece. The whole body is made of precious tree Adam. I just don't know where Roger found it from."

Shanks recalled and laughed,"Ah, that was exchanged by the captain from a giant friend. The captain was distressed for a long time at that time! A whole ship of fine wine was gone, hahahaha!"

Tom also laughed and said,"Only Roger's friends can do such a thing, hahaha!"

Coming back to his senses, Tom said solemnly,"The problem now is the material problem. We don't have enough materials. If we change to inferior wood, it will be fine, but……"

Tom's face was full of reluctance. After all, every ship was his own child, and he certainly didn't want the child he had worked so hard to create to have any flaws.

Leah also wanted to refuse immediately, but Noah said:

"No, I'll provide the wood."

Noah opened the King's Treasure and muttered,"I remember seeing some wood. Where is it?" He kept groping with his hands, and suddenly stopped and smiled,"I found it!"

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, he said unhappily,"Why don't you get out of the way ?""

""Oh oh oh."

Everyone made way for a large area of land in an instant, but Noah asked them to step back a little.

Franky was puzzled and asked,"What's going on? Do we need to step back in such a large space?"

Icebag directly pulled his face and said,"Why are you asking so many questions? Just step back!"

"Damn Espagu!"

Noah thought it was almost time, and instantly opened the King's Treasure. A large piece of wood spit out from the golden circle.


A cloud of dust flew up to both sides.

""Cough, cough, cough!"

Franky, who was standing at the front, was choked by the dust and kept coughing.

When the dust cleared, Franky's squinting eyes slowly opened, and his eyes suddenly bulged, and he shouted in disbelief:

"This... How is this possible!"

Tom, the old boatman, opened his mouth in disbelief and said,"This... This is the treasure tree Adam?!"

Shanks was so scared that sweat dripped from his forehead and said,"Is it this big?"

Beckman, a man with a calm face, even dropped his cigarette butt on the ground and said,"It seems that Noah's wealth is unexpectedly rich!"

This wood looks like a huge tree from the outside, with a slightly narrow top and some tender leaves the size of ordinary people on it.

The height is nearly ten meters, not to mention the diameter, which is more than a hundred meters long.

Tom said that even the remaining scraps are enough to make several ordinary large sailboats.

Shanks came back to his senses, hugged Noah's shoulders with a flattering face, and asked with a smile:"Noah, how is our relationship? Do you have any more? How about giving me one?"

Noah looked at Shanks speechlessly and said,"Isn't your boat good?"

Shanks smiled and said,"Aren't we going to expand the ship in the future!"

Noah lowered his head and reached into the King's Treasure, saying,"Here, I remember there seemed to be a thinner one... Oh, I found it!"

As he spoke, Noah ran to another open space and took out a small piece of wood.

Of course, the so-called smallness was only relative to Noah's piece.


Shanks walked over with a smile and touched Adam's wood as if he was caressing his lover.

Tom also exclaimed in surprise:"This...how is this possible!"


Tom immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Tom walked over quickly and asked with curiosity and eagerness in his voice:"Brother Noah, where did you get this Adam wood?"

Noah also scratched his head and said:"This... I don't know about this, maybe I didn't pay attention and put it in before."


Tom couldn't help but exclaimed and shook his head,"This is impossible!"

Shanks saw Uncle Tom's incredible look and asked curiously,"What's wrong, Uncle Tom!"

Tom said with joy,"Shanks, you are also an old sailor, you should know that all the Adam wood on the market are actually small branches of the treasure tree Adam that fell to the ground."

"But this piece of Adam wood from Brother Noah is different!"

Shanks was a little stunned and asked,"What's wrong?"

Tom shouted,"This is a section of the trunk of Adam wood!"


Tom looked around and whispered to Shanks carefully,"It looks like someone cut it off with a sword.""


Shanks nodded in surprise, but when he came to his senses, he exclaimed,"Nani?!"

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