"Cut... cut... cut it off... um……"

Tom covered Shanks' mouth instantly when he saw Shanks' expression.

After a few seconds, Shanks calmed down and signaled Tom to let go.

He took a deep breath and said,"How is this possible!"

He just noticed the huge size of the wood, but had never thought about this.

Just based on the hardness of the Adam tree, the strength and swordsmanship level of directly cutting down such a thick tree is undoubtedly unparalleled in the world. You have to know that the Adam wood on the tree and the Adam wood under the tree are two different levels of hardness.

In addition, the Adam tree has always been in Elbaf and is guarded by the giants. For the giants, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Adam tree is a sacred tree.

Therefore, no one has dared to cut down the trunk of the Adam tree, and some branches that fell from the Adam tree are used to make boats.

If the giants knew the existence of this piece of Adam wood, they would definitely attract a group of giants to beat them up.

Tom saw Shanks had figured out the key points, and nodded,"I don't know either. It seems that little brother Noah is really extraordinary!"

In fact, if someone passed down the history, there would be such a record - in the 712th year of the Haiyuan calendar, the supreme, elegant and wise king of heaven and earth built a summer palace under the giant tree Adam, but because Adam was tall but had sparse branches and leaves, he used his infinite power to draw his sword and cut off the top trunk.

Since then, the giant tree Adam has grown luxuriantly in the next few years.


Of course, no one knew this.

Tom looked at the huge Adam wood with worry and excitement, and smiled at Noah:"Don't worry, I will definitely build the best ship in the world!"

Tom thought of the greatness of Pluto that still made him worship him, so he had to add:"Um, one of them."

Noah nodded, expressing his trust in him.

Then Noah smiled and said:"Then please help me repair my boat, Mr. Tom, after all, it has carried me on the voyage for so long."

"I don't want it to sink into the sea."

Tom nodded and smiled,"Of course no problem!"

"However, such a huge ship would be difficult to drive if it only used wind power. Even if it could move, it would be very slow. So I plan to add electric power in addition to fire power. What do you think?"

Noah touched his chin and thought,"Electricity? How to generate electricity?"

Tom thought for a while and said,"How about using power to generate electricity? I designed some bicycles, like the ones in the Sabaody Archipelago. You may not know what a bicycle is."

"Simply put, it is a machine that generates movement through bearings and chains when people step on the pedals and push hard."

"I connected the chain to the shaft of the generator, so that it could generate electricity, and finally store the electricity in the battery."

"However... the pedals will probably be very heavy, and it will be a bit difficult to step on them."

Noah smiled happily after hearing this and said,"Difficult? It's better to be difficult! It's just right for them to use as training equipment, and it can also be charged, killing two birds with one stone."

Tom looked at Liya's thin arms and legs, and was a little worried, but finally nodded and agreed.

Shanks was calling on his brothers to carry the wood to the cabin, which was a treasure.

But Beckman disagreed and said,"Shanks, why don't you just leave this treasure tree Adam here with Mr. Tom? Anyway, we will have to come back here later, and we can also trouble Mr. Tom to help expand with this wood."

Shanks looked at the treasure tree Adam on the ground, his face was quite reluctant.

Beckman directly used his trump card:"If this Adam wood is placed in the cabin, then the rum will have to be loaded half less."

When Shanks heard this, he was surprised. My life water will be reduced by half? That won't do.

Faced with the choice between Adam wood and rum, Shanks decisively chose the latter.

How can we have no wine? How can we have a party without wine? Just drink boiled water?

Tom had no objection to Beckman's request at all. He even smiled and found a safe place for Shanks and the others to store the Adam wood.

After finishing some things, Noah followed Leah to stroll around the streets of Water 7 Islands.

Of course, the streets here cannot be compared with those ten years later. After all, even the sea train has not been opened yet.

But the local specialties are still not affected.

Leah sighed:"Although the people here look very enthusiastic, I always feel that they seem to have no hope."

"This is because of the gods of water!"

At this time, a middle-aged uncle with a white strip tied on his head and ragged clothes on the side of the road said

"Hmm? Water Gods?"

Noah and Liya stopped.

The middle-aged uncle looked at the seven water towns calmly and said,"You are from other places, so it's normal that you don't know. You are lucky. This year's Water Gods have passed."

"As for the water gods, it is a tsunami of considerable size, which visits this troubled island once a year."

"Every time it comes, the island will be submerged a little bit visibly, and countless seven water islands have been submerged under this water over the years."

Liya looked down at the water, and sure enough, there were some houses and buildings underneath.

The middle-aged uncle said with despair:"There is no hope for this island. Many people are planning to leave, but many people are reluctant to leave. The successive water gods have made businessmen unable to see the value of this island, so no one is willing to invest in this island."

Noah shook his head and left, and did not forget to call Liya, saying:"Let's go."

Liya also hurriedly followed.

Along the way, Noah bought a large bag of water meat and ate it as a snack on the road.

Noah said as he walked:"This water meat tastes good."

Liya also nodded, it was bouncy and fresh.���Delicious.

Liya puffed her lips and said,"I wonder where Joanna and the others have gone?"

Noah said indifferently,"Anyway, they can protect themselves, and there will be no problem if Uta follows them."

Liya thought about it and felt relieved, saying,"That's right!"


""Sir, do we need to take a woman from Noah's group as a hostage?" the tall and fat agent asked in a low voice.


Spandam turned his head and examined the tall fat man. The tall fat man thought he was going to be praised and smiled at Spandam.

Unexpectedly, Spandam pointed at the tall fat man and said to the tall thin man:"This big fool must be accompanied by a smart person when he carries out missions in the future."

""Who is this? The order from above is to monitor. What's the point of arresting his female companion? Can we escape from this island if we arrest her?"

Spandam said to the tall fat man unhappily.

If the tall fat man hadn't looked like he was going to lead by example, he would have thought that he was from the side of one of his father's political enemies.

The tall fat man could only respond aggrievedly,"Oh.""

Actually, what's the big deal if he catches it? With deterrent weapons like the Golden Den Den Mushi, Spandam also caught him.

But Noah's female companion is not called Nico Robin, so what's the point of catching him!

Just like that, Noah and his companions wandered around for a few days, and on the way they talked with Franky, Iceborg and others.

Noah thought that Franky was interesting. He looked like a pervert with only underwear on his lower body, but he seemed to have an abnormal understanding of ships and was very hands-on.

Although Roland was a little disgusted with Franky's perverted dressing habit, he still recognized his talent for weapon design, and the two even communicated frequently.

After seeing Roland's ability to swallow the fruit, Franky enviously shouted"super", wishing he could eat the devil fruit before Roland.

Roland heard Then he proudly swallowed the cannon made by Franky in one gulp, and then his body swelled and grew taller. After a while, his right hand changed into the shape of the cannon he had just eaten, and then Roland fired a shot at the sea.



Franky stared at this scene with his eyes wide open, and the envy and jealousy in his eyes became even more serious.

Roland also smiled triumphantly when he saw it.

As for Iceborg, he scolded Franky as usual and told him not to take out such dangerous weapons.

In Noah's view, it was not that Iceborg hated weapons, but he was just worried that these weapons would one day implicate Mr. Tom. After all, Mr. Tom was still guilty.

Iceborg was much more stable than Franky. He even predicted many factors that might endanger Mr. Tom.

Noah said to Tom:"Mr. Tom has two very good apprentices!"

Tom laughed and said:"They, in my opinion, are more like family. Iceborg is steady and organized. I am very relieved about him, but he is too rational, so it is difficult for him to read the emotions of the ship."

"As for Franky, he has an open and unconventional personality, and is more talented in shipbuilding than Iceborg, but he has not yet learned the mentality of a real shipbuilder. If a shipbuilder cannot put his love for ships into the ships he builds, he will not be able to build a good ship!"


Tom said with a smile:"I firmly believe that they will become famous men!"

Noah didn't know much about ships, but he knew that it was the same in every industry.

If you want to work hard in an industry, it is not enough to have talent, but you also need to have enough love for the industry.

Because love can give you patience and make you happy when facing difficulties.


Repairing and maintaining the boat was quick. Tom finished it in half a day. Noah and the others stayed here for two days.

"" Okay! Your boat has always been well maintained. I wonder who your boatman is?"

Tom patted Noah on the shoulder and laughed.

He could see that Noah and the others took good care of the boat.

Liya smiled and said,"These are all maintained by Loran."

Loran also raised her hand to indicate.

Tom said in surprise,"It turned out to be you, Miss. It's amazing."

Loran shook her head and said modestly,"It's a small problem. It's just maintenance of the boat every once in a while. Moreover, I have read a lot of books on boat care. Although I have not tried to build a ship, I still understand the process of shipbuilding."

Loran said that compared with those scientific research physics books, these boatman books were just a piece of cake for her.

Tom also laughed and said,"It seems that brother Noah really has a good companion!" Loran said lightly,"Not a companion, but a maid, or a servant."

Tom was speechless. Is there anything that needs to be emphasized?

He didn't understand, so he quickly changed the subject and said,"It's a pity that the keel seems to have been cracked for some reason recently. It can be seen that it was a very violent impact. You repaired it very well, but it is cracked. Although I have reinforced it, I still hope you can come and change the boat as soon as possible."

Loran nodded and said,"I understand. I will pay attention. If there are any signs of trouble, I will react immediately."

Tom nodded after listening. He believed in the skills of this little girl. The situation that the keel suddenly broke and the boat sank during the voyage would definitely not happen.

"As for Shanks' boat, it is well maintained as always. I can only find a few flaws and help you reinforce it in some places."

Shanks sat on a pile of wood and said with a smile:"Of course!"

Beckman poured cold water on him:"These are all boats repaired by Jesus and me, why are you so happy?"

Shanks pouted and said unhappily:"I have good taste!"

Tom laughed at this and said:"Shanks, you are really more and more like Roger!"

After a while, Shanks said solemnly:"Then I'll go first, take care!"

Tom nodded and smiled:"Don't be so heavy, your Adam wood is still with me, see you later!"

Shanks also thought of Adam wood, touched his head and smiled:"Yes, see you later!"

Noah nodded towards Tom.

He admired this fishman. He was disappointed with the island. The whole island was filled with a kind of despair of waiting to die, and the one working hard for it was a fishman who could not be said to have nothing to do with it, but could only be said to have little to do with it.

When talking about the fishman Tom, most people were disgusted and suspicious of the sea train. Only some people who were familiar with Tom and the boatmen had hope and gratitude for it.

The boat slowly moved away from the Seven Water Islands. Noah was a little curious about the future of the island.

Will it be saved by one person, or will a group of people awaken, or will it fall into the deep sea...

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