Tom looked at the ship going away, then turned around and smiled at Ice Pagoda and Franky:

"Then we should go back! The next two months will probably be very busy!"

Franky shouted excitedly:"Let's get started quickly, I feel super now, full of energy!"

Icebag smiled and said:"Why don't we ask Mr. Tom's boatman friends for help? Anyway, we have sufficient funds."

He thought Tom would happily agree.

Unexpectedly, Tom shook his head and smiled:"No, we won't ask them this time."

""Eh? Why?"

Icebag didn't understand Mr. Tom's decision. He knew that Mr. Tom was not the kind of person who liked to eat alone.

Considering the efficiency and quality of the finished product, it was the right choice to find a few more experienced boatmen to help with such a large order.

Tom shook his head but didn't explain. He just asked Icebag and Frankie to come to his room at night.

On the other side,

"Commander Spandam! Noah and his gang are gone."

An agent said to Spandam, who was drinking hot cocoa beside him.

However, this frightened Spandam so much that he staggered, and the hot cocoa in his hand spilled on his hands, and he instantly shouted"It's hot".

Spandam, who had recovered, shouted harshly:"They're gone, don't I have eyes to see? Do I need you to remind me!"

After taking a few breaths to get comfortable, Spandam kicked away the stones on the side of the road and shouted:"Why are you still standing there, send the information of Noah and his gang back, and we will continue to investigate the design drawings of Pluto!"



At night, Icebag and Frankie came to Tom's room.

Tom was concentrating on designing Noah and others' ship under the oil lamp.

So Icebag and Frankie looked at each other, quietly took a book, found a place and sat down.

When the lamp oil was more than half burned, Tom came back to his senses from the design of Noah's ship.

He turned his head and found Icebag and Frankie were reading quietly under the light, and a smile appeared on his face.

He stood up and walked to a wall and pressed hard, and suddenly a small square wall rose up, revealing the safe behind it.

Tom opened the safe and took out the only sealed stack of old manuscripts, and then closed it.

Tom sat back in his seat, looking at the manuscript in front of him with nostalgic eyes, remembering the scene when he was entrusted, and remembering the technology he studied day and night when he was young.

He didn't know if it was the right thing to keep this thing in the world.

He sighed softly and called sideways,"Acebagu, Franky, come here."

"Huh?" ×2

The two looked at Tom in confusion, but quickly walked away.

"I have something important to give you."

Tom's face was unusually serious, and even his tone was formal and solemn.

The two sat opposite Tom, and Tom immediately handed the manuscript in his hand to Icebagger.

Icebagger took the manuscript with a puzzled look, and Franky also came over to look at it with curiosity.

After a while,

Icebagger and Franky's eyes gradually revealed disbelief. Of course, Icebagger's eyes also showed fear, and even cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his pupils shrank unconsciously.

As for Franky, he was surprised. Unlike Icebagger, he couldn't believe that such a powerful weapon existed.

"How could it be? How could there be such a thing!"

Acepagu asked in a low voice, his hands trembling slightly.

Franky was as thick-skinned as ever, and asked without disguising:"Can humans really build such a thing?"

Tom folded his hands, with a solemn expression, and said in a low voice:"This is the most ferocious monster in the history of human shipbuilding!"

"Now I plan to give this thing to Icebagger."

Although Icebagger's hand seemed to be holding a heavy object, he still said firmly:"I understand, just give it to me! I will keep it well!"

Franky smiled and said:"Isbagger, how about we make this thing?"

Seeing that Franky had no sense of crisis, Icebagger was so angry that he raised his fist and punched him in the head.


"Idiot, can you please use your brain before speaking? Leave this thing to me for safekeeping. If it reappears in the world, not only will we and the people around us be in danger, but the whole world will be in danger.……"

Icebag stared at Franky and didn't finish the next sentence.

Franky also understood the seriousness of the matter. He covered his head and his face changed. Finally, he looked at Icebag listlessly, indicating that he understood.

"Ah, that's right, the whole world is over!"

Tom stood up and completed what Espagu said.

It's not alarmist, maybe for Pluto, its power is to easily destroy an island, but the problem is that as long as enough time is given, it is entirely possible to mass-produce Pluto.

Even if it cannot be produced in a complete form, making a simplified version will also be a continuous turmoil for the world.

Even the weapon technology in it can be taken out separately to make various powerful weapons, such as: individual weapons, range weapons and so on.

Tom looked at the design of Pluto with a complicated expression, and said:"There are some notes written by me on it, as well as notes from past generations of shipwrights. Because there are some ancient texts on it, we rely on guessing to decipher many things, but the accumulation of generations has also deciphered a lot of content. This is a valuable treasure for any shipwright."


Seeing that both of them looked so serious, Tom burst into laughter and said:

"But it's up to you to decide how to deal with this thing. If you think it's too dangerous, you can just throw it away."

"Mr. Tom!"

The two of them couldn't help but tremble slightly when Mr. Tom said that it didn't matter if they threw it away. After all, this was the crystallization of the sweat of countless shipbuilders.

Even Ice Bago, who always kept a distance from dangerous weapons, had never thought of destroying it.

Tom waved his hand, and then his face turned gloomy, and said:"By the way, I'll tell you a factor that makes me uneasy."

As he said that, he took out a bounty.

On it was a photo of a little girl - the child of the devil, Nico Robin, with a bounty of 79 million Baileys!

"This little girl may hold the key to destroying the world!"


"Next should be the Sabaody Archipelago."

Noah asked sideways.

"Ah, yes, and then it's coating to go to the New World."

Shanks stepped on the bow of his own ship, holding his hat with his hand, and facing the sea breeze, feeling quite free.


Noah didn't know about this.

Liya stepped forward and explained:"Lord Noah, the Sabaody Archipelago has a special climate and the Argiman mangroves secrete a special resin. The resin can form bubbles, which can wrap the ship, allowing the ship to dive and resist the pressure of the deep sea."

"So that's how it is!"

Noah suddenly realized. He had been reading books about the human body and spirit recently, and had completely ignored books on geography and navigation.

Shanks turned his head and smiled,"When the time comes, I will recommend a very good coating master who can ensure your safe journey to the new world."


Noah asked in a questioning tone.

Liya explained,"Many ships have had their membranes ruptured during diving due to the carelessness or poor craftsmanship of the coating masters. Generally, when encountering such a situation, it is a matter of life and death."

Noah understood, turned his head and stared at Shanks with dead fish eyes and said,

"After all, he is an old sailor. He has friends all over the world. He can even find acquaintances when coating a film."

Shanks laughed:"Hahahaha! Of course, the more friends you have, the fewer enemies you have. Besides, when you encounter problems, most people will give me face because of me and my friends."

Noah looked at Shanks speechlessly:"Haha, you really want people to give you face wherever you go. Sometimes I really doubt whether you have eaten the so-called face fruit."

Shanks asked with interest:"Is there such a fruit? If you come across this fruit, remember to tell me!"


More than a week later, in the practice room



Rosalind kicked Noah in the face with lightning speed, but was blocked by Noah easily.

Noah whispered:"This kick is quite powerful, and the armed color training is also good!"


Noah blocked Rosalind's beautiful legs and squatted down to sweep across without mercy, kicking away Rosalind's other leg that she used to support herself.

Rosalind reacted quickly, twisted her waist, supported herself with her hands, and kicked Noah in the head.

""Fire branding!"

His legs and feet instantly turned red, and Noah could even smell his hair burning.

"Hey, hey, hey, I told you not to use your ability!"

Noah easily blocked it with his hardened wrist, and then punched the sole of his foot with his other hand.

Rosalind immediately leaned back, and she quickly pushed the ground with her hands, gracefully flipped 720 degrees in the air and stood firmly on the floor.

Rosalind just felt that her legs and feet were inexplicably weak. Just now, Noah punched her on an acupuncture point, and at the same time, she felt a surge of energy entering her body. Fortunately, this energy did not mean to hurt her, and it was only a little bit.

Noah smiled and said,"It seems that although your hands are not the main force in combat, your strength is still good.""

"Well, the waist is not bad either!"

Rosalind blushed slightly and asked,"Sir Noah, is that the Armament Haki released?"


Noah was a little surprised, and his smile became brighter. He said,"Do you feel it? You are the third one. The first two are Sister Xibel and Sister Joanna."

"Every time I spar with you, I will inject a trace of Armament Haki into your body. On the one hand, it is to train your control ability, and on the other hand, it is to let you feel the feeling of Haki entering your body, so that you can protect your important organs as soon as possible when you release Armament Haki in the future or face enemies that can destroy your internal organs."

Rosalind nodded with some understanding.

"Well, I sensed a lot of people not far away, they should be arriving soon."

Noah clapped his hands, signaling the end of today's training.

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