Just as Noah was about to arrive at the Sabaody Archipelago, the Navy Headquarters received the news.

Needless to say, the Navy has deployed spies at various docks in the Sabaody Archipelago.

It's not because of Noah, after all, this is the entrance to the New World, and every year countless pirate groups set sail here to conquer the New World.

Of course, many of them died before they even stepped through the door.

Navy Headquarters

"I understand!"


Zhan Guo hung up the Den Den Mushi, then focused his eyes on the gray-haired old man in front of him and said in a low voice:

"Garp, it's time for you to set off. Noah and his group have already arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago. Remember to lead the battlefield to other places."

"Forget it, I'll let Aokiji go with you!"

Garp laughed and said,"Sengoku, how did Noah offend you? He asked you to go out again and again."

After Garp came back, he heard about Noah destroying a country, but when he heard it was Wapol, he instantly didn't have any opinion.

Garp said: Wapol, that bastard who looks like a ball, I thought it was someone else! He was not surprised.

He knew Wapol's bad character very well.

Sengoku snatched the seaweed cake from Garp's hand and swallowed it directly with his bloody mouth wide open.

"Eh? Sengoku, this is my seaweed pancake!"

Sengoku threw the empty packaging bag to Garp and said,"It tastes good. Buy me one next time."

Sengoku then said with a serious look,"Garp, you should have seen Noah's photo. He is definitely not willing to be peaceful. Now he destroys a country without saying anything. Even the navy was destroyed without giving any chance to defend itself. It is best to nip this kind of person in the bud as soon as possible."

Sengoku understood that once he entered the new world, constantly fighting with the strong would make a person's strength explode. He was worried if he didn't do it himself!

Garp laughed and said,"He is not a bud. He can defeat the Golden Lion. You should understand what level of opponent this is."

As he said that, Garp stared at Sengoku's eyes solemnly.

Sengoku sighed and said,"I just hope that the Golden Lion's strength was only one tenth of what it was because of the injury at that time."

Garp nodded and said,"Okay, then I'll go there"

"Kuzan! Let's go!"

Aokiji lifted his eye mask and sighed listlessly,"What a hassle~" but his body still followed him obediently.

Seeing Aokiji's decadent look, Sengoku couldn't help but regret sending Aokiji to execute the Demon Slayer Order.

But that action was undoubtedly the most appropriate action to show the World Government's determination. It can be said that going there would be equivalent to securing the position of admiral.

He let him go because he was optimistic about Aokiji.


After Shanks and Noah landed,

Michelle and Joanna began to run around restlessly.

Sometimes they touched the bubbles rising from the ground, and sometimes they stared at the tourists' bubble cars with shining eyes.

Shanks shouted helplessly:"Michelle, Joanna, you two should not run around. There are often Celestial Dragons here. It will be very troublesome if you run into them accidentally."

Rosalind laughed strangely and said with some sarcasm:"I didn't expect Shanks to be afraid of Celestial Dragons~"

Shanks touched his head, not knowing how to explain. Beckman took over the conversation and said:"It's not a matter of fear. This kind of scum is very troublesome. Killing them will lead to a fight to the death with the World Government. If you beat the generals, they will be dispatched. If you don't beat them, it will be disgusting, so avoid them if you can."

Joanna and Michelle nodded obediently.

Noah asked disapprovingly:"Shanks, where is your friend?"


Shanks touched his chin and said,"Let me think... I remember what number it was."

Beckman said,"13th!"

"Oh! That's right, it's number 13!"

Shanks knocked his palm with his fist and said with a smile:"Beckman still remembers it clearly."

Laqiru interrupted:"Boss, in fact, we all remember"

"Yes, boss!"

"Hahahaha! The boss only knows how to drink!"


Shanks could only touch the back of his head and waved his hand to interrupt,"Let's go, this is No. 17, we'll be there soon if we go that way."

Noah then asked curiously,"Is your friend famous?"

Even Uta had never heard of this friend of Shanks before, and cast a curious look at him.

Shanks smiled and said,"He is very famous, Uta actually saw him before, but maybe you were too young at the time and forgot about him."


Uta tapped her lips, rolled her eyes up, and tried to recall the past, but she still had no impression of it.

Soon, a group of people arrived.

"Xia Qi's rip-off bar?"

Michelle looked up at the sign and complained,"What a ridiculous name.……"

Joanna was also quite speechless:"Will there be any business like this?"


A tall, thin woman with short hair opened the door and leaned against the door frame, smiling and answering.

She had a cigarette in her mouth and looked very young, but from her movements, you could tell she was an old smoker.

"And there are quite a few of them. There are often some young and energetic people who think they can get credit in my bar just by relying on their strength."

After she glanced around, she saw Shanks and immediately greeted him enthusiastically:

"Long time no see, Shanks! I almost forgot you haven't been here for a few years."

Shanks touched the back of his head and smiled,"Sorry, Sister Xia Qi, it's mainly because you understand."

Xia Qi glanced at Uta and nodded, saying,"Come in quickly, your mate is here"

"You lost all your money in the casino and are drinking free drinks here!"

At this time, an old man with gray hair and a beard came over and said with a smile:"Xia Qi, don't say that, I have a job too."

Then the old man greeted:"Shanks, it seems that you have already delivered the things."

Shanks smiled and said:"Mr. Rayleigh! You look in good spirits!"

"As for things?……"

Rayleigh was stunned for a moment when he saw Shanks was in a dilemma, but he still made way and said with a smile:"Come in first."

The small bar was instantly filled with people.

"So that's how it is!"

Rayleigh stroked his beard and understood, and smiled:"It's okay, Shanks, just follow the trajectory of destiny, and this fruit will find its owner."

Shanks nodded.

Rayleigh turned his head to look at Noah. At first, he was dazzled by Noah's noble temperament.

It's not anything else, it just made Rayleigh want to rob Noah. There is no way, he has been relying on these rich people to buy him over the years, and then robbed these people's money to make a living, and he has developed an occupational disease.

Rayleigh smiled and said,"This little brother looks very strong."

Rayleigh's eyesight has not regressed over the years. He can see at a glance that Noah is a strong man, and even the group of girls behind Noah are not bad, most of them are not inferior to this year's supernovas.

Noah also squinted and smiled:"I didn't expect Shanks' friend to be the vice-captain of the Pirate King-Pluto Rayleigh!"

Rayleigh smiled:"There is no Pluto Rayleigh now, there is only a coating craftsman Lao Lei."

Noah smiled and disagreed. Not everyone can be called Pluto.

He thought Rayleigh would suffer a great loss when he got old.

Shanks smiled and said,"This is Noah, his full name is……"

Shanks was scratching his head again for a moment, feeling awkward.

Beckman added:"Masefield Noah!"

""Ah, yes, yes! Masefield Noah!"

Shanks repeated suddenly.

Rayleigh couldn't help laughing at this scene, which reminded him of the time when Roger was with him.

"Shanks, you really look more and more like Roger!"

Shanks touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly. Xia

Qi smiled and brought several glasses of wine, saying:"Young men, if you want to drink, go to the back warehouse and get it yourself"

"Oh! Thank you, Sister Xia Qi!"

Xia Qi smiled, took a puff of cigarette, and slowly exhaled:"Brother Noah doesn't need your introduction, Shanks!"

"After all, it has only been a month or two since the news of Golden Lion being defeated by Brother Noah, and Rayleigh was amazed at Brother Noah's strength at that time."

Rayleigh was a little bit surprised, and laughed:"Yes, Shanks, Brother Noah is much better than you."

Shanks did not deny it, and said:"Noah is indeed much better than me."

Rayleigh was surprised to see that Shanks was convinced.

You know, although Shanks always looks unreliable, he is a genius, not worse than Barrett.

Although the arrogance of a genius is restrained, it will never disappear.

It seems that Shanks was defeated thoroughly.

However, Rayleigh did not ask much, and said:"Shanks came to me for coating." Shanks was stunned for a moment, and smiled gently:"Yes, I found a teacher for Uta." Rayleigh smiled and said:"Uta, it's been a long time since we last met!"

When Uta saw this handsome old man, he knew that this was his father's deputy captain, and he was not afraid. He smiled and nodded and said:"Hello, Uncle Rayleigh!"


Rayleigh was so shocked when he heard this, even Noah shuddered.

What a strange sound!

Shanks joked with some pride:"Uncle Rayleigh, you seem to like girls so much, why don't you and Sister Xia Qi try hard?"

Rayleigh laughed and changed the subject:"Which number is your ship?"

Xia Qi nodded seriously and said:"With Shanks' support, I will definitely work hard."

Rayleigh stared at Shanks with a resentful face.

Didn't this single guy just adopt a daughter?

He is still young after all, and he doesn't know how terrible a woman in her fifties is!

Shanks shuddered when Rayleigh stared at him, and quickly reported the number, saying:"Number 17! Both of our ships are on Number 17, and Noah's ship does not have a pirate flag."

Rayleigh nodded and said:"I remember!"


The Sabaody Archipelago is very close to the Navy Headquarters, and it only takes a few minutes by boat.

"That is……"

A muscular man with a pirate tattoo on his shoulder had lost all his ferocity and looked like a frightened little white rabbit.

He was sweating and trembling as he stared at the naval warships approaching from a distance. One of the warships with a dog-head bow was particularly eye-catching, and the size of the two warships reminded everyone that the newcomers were of high status.

He stuttered,"That's the hero Garp's car!"

His words stirred up a huge wave, and the pirates around him were so scared that their legs went weak.

"Nani! Kap?!"

"Which warship is that next to it?"

"How many marines can stand shoulder to shoulder with the hero Garp?! They are either admirals or candidates for admirals!"

"What is the Navy going to do? Are they going to clear the Sabaody Archipelago?"

"Did someone attack the Celestial Dragons?"

"How can it be?"


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