"Hahaha! This place is so beautiful, but it's a pity that it's messed up by all this garbage! Ah!"

Garp laughed heartily, glancing at the pirates running around, and said something meaningful, still eating his favorite donuts.

Aokiji didn't comment, and directly found an open space to lie down on his side, ignoring the slippery and sticky resin on the ground, and said weakly:

"How about you lead the enemy here, Mr. Garp? Anyway, this place is close to the sea."

Garp laughed and said,"Kuzan, you can't be so unmotivated at such a young age! The justice of this world still needs you young people to maintain it!"

Aokiji pulled down the blindfold to cover his eyes and murmured,"Justice?"

Seeing this, Garp didn't say much. He kept eating donuts in his hand and asked his left and right,"Where are Noah and the others now?"

The local naval officer saw that it was the hero Garp, his face was sweating with nervousness, and saluted,"The previous message was that at the root of tree No. 13."


Number 13?���Donut paused for a moment, then he smiled and said,"I see!"

Just when everyone thought that Cap was going to arrest Noah and his gang at the 13th tree root, Cap smiled and said,"I remember Noah and his gang's ship is at the 17th tree root, right? Let's go there and wait for them."


Although this is a good plan, everyone doesn't understand why Vice Admiral Garp doesn't just go and capture him.


But just as everyone was about to go to the root of tree No. 17, the Den Den Mushi in the arms of the naval commander in front of Garp rang.

Almost at the same time, the Den Den Mushi in Bogart's arms also rang.

This naval commander was a colonel of the headquarters. After he took out the Den Den Mushi and answered the call, he only heard one sentence and the whole person was instantly petrified.

"Colonel! The Celestial Dragons were attacked at the root of tree number 15!"

At the same time, Garp's Den Den Mushi was connected, and it was Sengoku's voice.

"Garp! Now! Hurry to the root of tree number 15! The Celestial Dragons are being attacked!"


Noah stared at Shanks with dissatisfaction and said,"What are you doing?! Shanks!"

"Don't think you can get me to give you face again and again just because you have a good relationship with me!"

Shanks looked helpless. He was obviously doing it for his own good, but he didn't appreciate it.

Time went back to a few minutes ago...

Noah and the others left the tavern after a short chat with Rayleigh.

Mainly, Uta and the girls wanted to go shopping in the shopping street here.

Because this is a unique transportation hub, and it is also the back garden of the Celestial Dragons, the business here is the most developed region in the world.

There are all kinds of goods from all over the world and even the New World.

So it attracted the attention of the girls.

As a fashionable little princess, Uta was no exception. She forcefully pulled Shanks, who was resisting.

As for Beckman and others, they went to other places to buy supplies, and some went to see other things.

There were guards on both sides of the ship, so there was no need to worry too much, but some people who were chosen to replace the ship were a little anxious to go shopping.

Joanna stared at Michelle with an unlucky face and said,"Why am I replacing Sister Alyssa?!"

Michelle smiled with a gloating look on her face and said,"Lucky, I drew the best lot."

Vanessa smiled gently and said,"It seems that my luck today is not very good. I have to go to the shopping street as soon as possible to check out the bookstore and the herbal medicine store."

Rosalind also stuck out her tongue playfully and said,"It seems that my luck today was used up during the practice."

Irene, Guina and Elisa were left on the boat of Noah and others to guard the boat. Of course, they all volunteered to stay.

Seeing this, Liya also smiled and quickened her pace, saying,"Then let's hurry up. I heard that the amusement park here is also very fun."


Shanks also smiled and said,"The amusement park, I haven't been there for a long time!"

Noah looked at Shanks with contempt and said,"Hey, hey, hey, you are almost 30 years old, and you still like to go to the amusement park."

Shanks smiled indifferently and said,"What's the matter! Noah, the amusement park is still fun!"


Noah curled his lips in disdain.

The group of people were all masters. Uta was held in Xibeier's arms and did not fall behind. Soon, the group of people came to the root of the 15th tree.

Just as everyone was rushing to the connecting bridge leading to the root of the 30th tree, they passed the root of the 15th tree and saw that there seemed to be a group of people gathered in front.

To be precise, it was a group of people kneeling on the ground, with their faces trembling with fear and their heads lowered.

Even the pirate who usually looked unruly complained with an ugly face at this moment:

"How could a celestial dragon come to this lawless area? Are they here to attend the auction?"

Not far away, a man dressed in a space suit, with a fish tank on his head and an ugly face like a stupid son of a landlord came over.

It's not right to say he walked. He was sitting cross-legged on the back of a fierce-looking and sturdy man, and even kicked the sturdy man below him in dissatisfaction, shouting:

""Climb steadily! If I fall, I will pull you to feed my treasures!"

But the strong man was covered in wounds and looked haggard. Every step he took was painful.

Finally, his hands softened and the Tianlong man was about to fall to the ground in horror.

The black-clad guards beside him flashed under the Tianlong man and used their bodies as a cushion to catch him.


The Tianlong touched his body and found no pain. He turned his head to look under him and found that it was his own guard who made a meat cushion. He also touched his head like rewarding a dog and smiled:

"You are very good! I will go back and ask my father to give you a promotion!"

The guard nodded and smiled with sweat on his face:"Thank you, Saint Charlos!"

The other guards around him did not envy him at all, but looked at him with sympathy.

As the saying goes,"To be with the emperor is like being with a tiger." The Celestial Dragons are not a species that remember favors. The higher the position, the closer you are to the Celestial Dragons, and the more time you spend with them.

Saint Charlos nodded with satisfaction, then his face changed and he kicked the head of the sturdy man lying on the ground fiercely, cursing as he kicked:

""You bastard, you actually made me, a noble man, fall down. Can you afford to pay for your worthless life?"

After swearing a few more times, Saint Charles took a deep breath and said,"Well, forget it. I'll ask my dad for one of his Captain series collections later. It will definitely be better than riding this rubbish."

After that, he raised the golden pistol in his hand and pulled the trigger mercilessly.


The sturdy man groaned and fell to the ground with a smile.

Seeing this, Saint Charles did not stop. Instead, he laughed wildly and fired all the bullets in the gun.


Bang, bang, bang!

Noah frowned and said,"It seems like there are gunshots."

Then, he looked towards the crowd and saw a pig holding a pistol that was still emitting gunpowder and pointing it at the bruised and battered strong man.

After the fight, he was still dancing with joy.

The strong man was covered in blood. Noah felt it and thought, well, he was dead.

""Oh, what an ugly pig!"

Noah complained with disgust, and even took out clean water from the King's Treasure to wash his eyes.

Shanks also stared at it, his face suddenly changed, and whispered:"Let's go first, don't worry about them, it's a big trouble!"

Leah also reacted and asked,"Celestial Dragons?"

Shanks nodded.

Leah took a deep breath, and then led everyone away quickly.

Noah didn't care. He felt that his eyes seemed to be seriously polluted, and he didn't pay attention to the Celestial Dragons.

However, there are unexpected events in life. According to Murphy's Law, we should all understand that the more you don't want something to happen, the more likely it will happen.

In fact, it was not a sudden incident. After all, it was just a group of people. Suddenly, this group of people knelt down, and Shanks and Noah and his group stood there clearly, not close but not far away.

""Eh? What are those people doing? Why aren't they kneeling?"

Saint Charlos sniffed and inadvertently saw a group of people standing, and he immediately felt unhappy.

The guard cautiously guessed:"They are probably newcomers who have just arrived here not long ago."


Saint Charles nodded and agreed with the guard's point of view. He saw a few young men every year, and there were also some at other times. It was just that someone around him reminded him, or he forced himself to stop.

"As the price for offending me, I will kill them."

Saint Charlos nodded indifferently.


The two guards nodded respectfully and were about to kill Noah and the others, but Saint Charles quickly stopped them.

"Wait a minute!"

Saint Charlos narrowed his eyes and stared at the women, not even looking at Uta, and said:

"I have decided that I want them to be my wives. The little girl is also very good, a good doll.

The guard also had sweat on his temples and felt sympathy for the future of this group of people, but he quickly wiped it off.


Saint Charlos looked at the pistol with some regret. In fact, if he had not just used up all the bullets, he wanted to kill Noah and Shanks himself, so that he could show off to his father and sister.

The two guards disappeared in a flash, and the next second they appeared and rushed towards Noah and others. However, they did not use martial arts such as Storm Kicks. Instead, they wanted to deal with Noah and Shanks at close range. After all, they were afraid of hurting the women that Saint Charlos wanted.

Noah saw that the two men rushed towards him without knowing whether to live or die, and his face was filled with anger. , he materialized a knife and slashed out two times.


The two guards were confident, after all, they were able to be guards, and their skills were more than enough for pirates except supernovas.

But today they encountered an extraordinary enemy.

They were shocked, their pupils shrank, and they quickly dodged sideways, but how could these weaklings avoid Noah's slash.

The two slashes landed firmly on the two of them.

The bright sunlight reflected the figures of the two, and suddenly they turned into four shadows for some reason.


The other guards were also stunned, because they didn't know how long it had been since someone had been so brave to attack the Celestial Dragons, so they were stunned for a few seconds, but soon they realized that Noah was an opponent they couldn't afford to offend.

But they still stood firmly in front of Saint Charlos.

"Saint Charlos! Please step aside!"

The guard of a higher status said respectfully to Saint Charlos, and at the same time ordered the other guards to call the Telephone Bug.

"Hey, call the Navy Headquarters immediately to send an admiral for support!"


He then said to Noah in a stern voice:"Do you know who is behind me?"

"This person is the descendant of the Creator of the World, the Honorable Saint Charlos!"

"Don't let your ignorance bring trouble to your family and friends!"

"Just surrender and hand over the woman and little girl next to you."


Noah was shocked by these words. He had never heard such a fresh and refined way of persuading them to surrender. Moreover, they were clearly in danger, but they spoke arrogantly like the winners.

At this point, Noah couldn't help but laugh. He grabbed the golden hair in front of his forehead roughly, stared at his scarlet eyes, and asked indifferently:

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"Miscellaneous cultivation!"


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