I Was Caught Working Part-Time During The Winter Vacation. How Dare You Steal The Tianshi Sword?

Chapter 54 You’Re Trying To Steal My Business, And You Still Have A Personality?

"This... Brother Zhang Fan, what's going on? What's going on with her..."

The cameraman looked horrified and subconsciously took a step back.

Zhang Fan also frowned at this moment and said in a deep voice: "Evil magic, the body has been tampered with."

"Evil magic?" Zhao Kai's eyes widened and he asked in confusion: "Didn't you say he committed suicide by jumping into the river?"

"Now it seems...the body may not be a suicide."

Zhang Fan narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the talismans on the corpse.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were furious when they saw this scene and couldn't help but speculate.

[What happened? Has the body been touched? 】

[Where is the understanding brother just now? What's going on with this rune? 】

[Isn't this a curse? Looks so scary! 】

[It’s not suicide. Could someone control his body to commit suicide? 】

[Not necessarily, it may have been painted by a water ghost. I heard that there is a method of reviving a corpse. This is how it works. 】


The barrage scrolls quickly.

After Zhang Fan carefully inspected it for a moment, his expression became extremely solemn:

"Nancheng... there are moths."

"If I read it correctly, this is an extremely sinister forbidden technique, the work of the Jiuju Sect."

As he spoke, Zhang Fan slapped his finger on the wrist of the female corpse.

"The deceased did not jump into the river and drown, but was poisoned. However, the surveillance showed that she jumped into the river."

"The evil master behind it used this method to control the body of the deceased for a short period of time. While forging signs of jumping into the river, he also placed an evil spell on the body."

"The evil curse not only falls on the corpse, but also spreads to the river. By tonight, the fish and shrimps in the river will be as ferocious as piranhas..."

"This..." Zhao Kai looked up at the river and said hesitantly: "Brother Zhang Fan, after people see it... nothing will happen, right?"

Zhang Fan shook his head slightly and said solemnly: "Everyone who sees the corpse will be cursed...including the netizens in the live broadcast room."

As soon as Zhang Fan said this, the netizens in the live broadcast room were immediately frightened, and they hurriedly asked for help in the barrage area.

【What? I just watched a live broadcast and was actually cursed! 】

[Holy shit, help me, classmate Zhang, I don’t want to die yet! 】

[Damn, is it so evil? If you can kill me, who are you trying to scare? 】

[Jiuju Sect, isn’t it the notorious evil sect next door? 】

[Don’t panic, Brother Fan must have a solution! 】


While netizens were worried, Zhao Kai also asked them their doubts.

"Brother...this curse won't kill people, right? Is there any solution?"

"This kind of curse is meant to kill you!"

Zhang Fan said seriously:

"Thankfully, we discovered the existence of the curse in advance. Otherwise, the power of the curse would spread in the river and eventually reach every household. By that time, the power of the curse cannot be underestimated."

"Of course, the reason why everyone was affected by the curse early was because I fished out corpses during the live broadcast. I will naturally find a way to resolve the curse, but everyone must follow my instructions for the next three days."

"But don't worry, everyone, I will try my best to compress the curse's casting space. Even if you are unfortunate enough to encounter the curse, you will only get a cold at most, but it will be more uncomfortable than an ordinary cold, so I advise everyone not to challenge the impossible."

After a few brief explanations, Zhang Fan pulled out a piece of white cloth from the bag and wrapped the entire body.

Then, Zhang Fan used a blade to wipe open the rooster's neck, dripped the rooster's blood into the ink pan, and then used a brush to write a talisman on the white cloth.

Then, Zhang Fan pulled out a special hemp rope from the bag and tied the body head and tail.

During the whole process, Zhao Kai and the host Xiao Ma were frightened, but they did not dare to interrupt.

After all, they are so close, if there is a curse, they will definitely be the first to be spread.

At this time, Zhang Fan, who had finished everything, amplified his voice and said:

"This spell is called the Two Poison Door-Slamming Curse, and it hits the gate of hell."

"One of the poisons is a centipede, and the second poison is a local poisonous insect of the Jiuju Sect. The evil master extracts these two toxins and combines them with an evil method in their sect to refine the poison. After poisoning the deceased, they carve a knife Contaminate it with insect slurry, carve talismans on the body, and finally cast an evil spell, and the curse becomes complete."

After explaining the source of the curse, Zhang Fan began to explain to everyone how to break the curse:

"As for the way to break the curse, it's very simple. Centipedes and poisonous insects, their natural enemies are chickens."

"In the next three days, all netizens who have watched the live broadcast must eat 'chicken' every 24 hours. It can be chicken, chicken feet, chicken blood, or even chicken essence."

"If it is really inconvenient to buy meat, or you cannot eat it for other reasons, in the next three days, do not use soap or any cleaning tools to wash your face. Just pat it with water, and do not wipe it hard with a towel. It is best to Let dry naturally.”

"Because there is also a poisonous insect nemesis on the human face."

"Although Jiuju Sect's evil method relies on local luck, judging from the map, the little poisonous insects are not a deterrent at all."

"As long as everyone follows what I say, you will be safe and worry-free, and things will be back to normal in three days."

"By the way, if I am a chicken, I can pretend that nothing happened."

After hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhao Kai immediately knelt down, pulled a handful of chicken feathers and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although it had a bit of a fishy smell, for the sake of his own safety, Zhao Kai still swallowed it while suppressing his nausea.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fan suddenly looked surprised and asked in confusion: "Brother Kai, what are you doing?"

"I...I'm anti-curse..." Zhao Kai was stunned for a moment, "Is there any problem?"

"What kind of curse are you guarding against? The three of us are so close, and I just broke it for you." Zhang Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Ugh~ Bah, bah, bah! You didn't tell me earlier!" Zhao Kai looked depressed and felt nauseated immediately.

In the live broadcast room, netizens breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Zhang Fan said, and at the same time, they also started a heated discussion about these two vicious fans.

[Have to eat chicken every day for three consecutive days? Does it count if I eat chicken in the game? 】

[Classmate Zhang, you are such a disaster! Do you think everyone can afford chicken? 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, can I have a chicken? 】

[Uncle Ba, please don’t scare people in the live broadcast room, okay? 】

[Brother Cameraman, you have such a strong desire to survive, haha. 】

[Classmate Zhang Fan is easy to understand, he can't...can curse, can he? 】

[Wo Cao, the Jiuju Sect is too owed, can Brother Fan find them out and kill them? 】

[That is, not only did they cast a poisonous spell, they were also murderers and must be caught! 】

[If you don’t believe it, I will go on a hunger strike for the next three days and even curse. It makes me laugh so hard! 】

[Don’t take it seriously. This is the first time that Mr. Zhang has not talked to us about science in the live broadcast room. Don’t seek death! 】


In the live broadcast, the host seemed to have something on his mind and asked in a low voice:

"Classmate Zhang Fan, you just said...this is the Jiuju Sect's method, are they doing bad things in Nancheng?"

"That's right."

Zhang Fan nodded slightly: "If I guessed correctly, these people have been hiding in Nancheng for a long time."

"Then... let's call the police?"

"You definitely have to call the police, but... there shouldn't be anything the police can do."

Zhang Fan turned sideways and glanced up the river: "Right now, the police are probably still salvaging in the city center. They probably don't know anything about this matter yet, but I feel..."

At this point, Zhang Fan paused slightly: "There should be police officers watching in the live broadcast room right now."

"Let's go, return the body to the family, and leave the rest to the police."

After saying that, Zhang Fan bent down and picked himself up, walking towards the car.

"This...Classmate Zhang, aren't you going to take action on this matter?" Xiao Ma said somewhat surprised.

"Take action? What should I do? I've helped you remove the curse, and let me handle the evil master's affairs as well? Let's talk about it when the part-time fee comes."

Zhang Fan said without looking back.

Are you kidding? Can this kind of thing be mentioned openly?

No matter how you say it, you are still a 'friend of Waiguo'. He died in Nancheng without any explanation. This has nothing to do with me. I am still busy working part-time.

"This...is another part-time job fee..."

Xiao Ma didn't know how to retort, so he followed him with some dejection.

In her opinion, Zhang Fan definitely has a way to deal with these people.

But... there seems to be nothing wrong with what they said...

If there are people with evil intentions in Nancheng, they should be dealt with by the police.

And as far as she knew, in addition to the police, there seemed to be a special department in the country that dealt with this kind of thing.

Mr. Zhang is proficient in so many methods, and he doesn’t know which sect he belongs to.

If something like this happens... he should help, right?

"Classmate Zhang Fan, where are you going now?"

"Qingyang Street."


at the same time.

Nancheng Security Bureau.

After Liu Jun came out of Zhang Fan's live broadcast room, he rushed to Xiaoshan's office immediately.

"Boss, something big happened!"

Xiao Shan raised his head and asked, "Are you talking about the girl jumping off the building last night? Has the body been found?"

"We found it, but we didn't find it. Our people couldn't fish it upstream. The family entrusted Zhang Fan to fish it up." Liu Jun explained.

"Zhang Fan again? Nothing weird happened this time, right?"


Liu Jun nodded and said: "It seems that the girl last night did not jump from the building, but was poisoned to death."

"Poison? Have the autopsy results come out?" Xiao Shan asked doubtfully.

"No." Liu Jun shook his head and said hesitantly:

"According to Zhang Fan... this may be a kind of evil magic of the Jiuju Sect. They first poisoned the deceased, and then manipulated her to fake the scene of throwing herself into the river. When the body was fished out, everyone who came to the door couldn't understand it. of runes.”

"Jiuju Sect?"

After hearing this, Xiao Shan frowned and his expression became very serious:

"The leader of the Jiuju Sect has just died during the Chinese New Year, yet he still dares to come to Nancheng to cause trouble! Does this rune say anything?"

"There is a curse, but Zhang Fan has broken it."

Liu Jun explained and asked: "Boss, what do you think about this matter... us?"

After a moment of silence, Xiao Shan said:

"Since there are clues about the poisonous murder, let's investigate further. As for the information about the Jiuju Sect and the curse, I will report it to the relevant departments. You don't need to ask any more questions for the time being."

"By the way, be careful when investigating. People from the Jiuju Sect are very vicious."


After Director Liu left, Xiao Shan stood in front of the window and fell into deep thought.

The information mentioned last time... Zhang Fan and the new head of the Jiuju sect were fighting over each other...

Is this female corpse incident the revenge of the Jiuju Sect?

Or is it that these people are just simple and want to come to Nancheng to cause trouble and harm people...


On the other side, the live broadcast room of ordinary models.

After Zhang Fan handed the body to his family members halfway, he arrived at Qingyang Street.

Zhang Fan's refusal to take action just now has been controversial. At this time, netizens are still arguing fiercely.

[No, I always thought Mr. Zhang was a nice guy, but he actually stood by and watched this kind of thing? 】

[Brother, everything must have a cause and effect, and Mr. Zhang must have his reasons. 】

[Come on, he’s the one talking about money! 】

[How much money you take, how many things you do, no one owes anyone! 】

[If it weren’t for Zhang Fan, would I have contracted this curse? 】

[Is there any mistake? That river is a freshwater river, and it will flow to your house sooner or later! 】

[Stop arguing, let’s go to Qingyang Street and watch Mr. Zhang’s fortune telling. The official will take action on this kind of thing, it’s not your turn to worry about it! 】

[Let me go, why are there so many fortune tellers on Qingyang Street today? 】


In the live broadcast, Zhang Fan has arrived at the place where he usually sets up a stall.

However, around Zhang Fan's Gua stall, there were several more Gua stalls that were not usually there.

There are senior magicians with graying temples, and young people with fresh Taoist robes. Of course, there should be a few serious fortune tellers among them.

Ever since the news about Zhang Fan's uncanny accuracy in fortune telling spread, fortune telling on Qingyang Street has become a hot topic in Nancheng.

Colleagues adjusted their positions one after another, and Qingyang Street turned into a fortune-telling street overnight.

What Zhang Fan was seeking yesterday also attracted many seeking families.

They got the location from netizens. When they arrived, they couldn't find Zhang Fan, so they could only try to ask other masters to help them take a look.

"Are there so many colleagues today..."

Zhang Fan laid out the Bagua chart as usual, opened the maza and sat down to observe.

At this time, across the road from Zhang Fan, there was a Gua stall with extremely prosperous business.

Seven or eight customers gathered around and kept saying words of thanks.

"This fortune teller is so amazing. He immediately figured out the location of a child who was lost more than ten years ago!"

"Master, this is five thousand yuan. You can take it first. If I really find my son, I will be very grateful!"

"Master is merciful. He helps people find their relatives for free, and he doesn't charge a penny for fortune telling!"

"Yeah, he's much better than that Zhang Fan. That guy is just after money."


In the center of the Gua stall, there is a man in his forties, wearing strange coarse clothes and carrying an eye-catching sign on his back.

‘Tell fortunes, find relatives, read fortunes, and measure characters, all for free! ’

"I'm going to knock you and steal my business, but you still have a good reputation?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and carefully looked at this philanthropic master.

"Classmate Zhang Fan, today's fortune teller... seems to be a little confused." The host Xiao Ma sighed.

"Isn't that true... I don't know where this colleague comes from."

Zhang Fan narrowed his eyes, then quickly put away the hexagram booth and said calmly:

"I won't do this part-time fortune-telling job today. I've been doing fortune-telling for so long for others. Let's find a master to look at it."

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