"Boss Han, you can rest assured. Although he is no longer my brother-in-law, he is still an employee of our Roman Company. For what he did to your friend, our Roman Company is willing to compensate."

"And I will handle this matter properly and give you an explanation."

"Jiang Danian will be fired from today, and I will also use all my relationships and connections to permanently ban him from the industry."

"I can guarantee that as long as Sun Le is in Haicheng, Jiang Danian will never find a job."

Sun Le patted his chest and promised, cold sweat on his head kept flowing down. He didn't dare to say another word, and squeezed the phone hard, waiting for Han Zhe's answer.

"Boss Sun is really a sensible person. I admire him very much. Let's do this."

Han Zhe smiled and answered without saying much.

"Of course, I will definitely do this well. Boss Han, rest assured."

Sun Le's heart, which was hanging in his throat, finally fell.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately called his wife and asked for a divorce in a tough attitude.

No matter how much his wife cursed or frantically tried to keep him, she couldn't change Sun Le's decision.

Later, she spread the word in the industry that whoever dared to take in Manager Jiang would be against him, Sun Le.

The company also terminated the labor contract with Manager Jiang as soon as possible.

When Manager Jiang woke up, he dragged his injuries to the hospital for treatment, and then received a call from the company, telling him that he didn't have to go to work in the future.

And not only did he not have to go back to Roman Company to work, but there was no place for him to work in the whole Haicheng in the future.

Manager Jiang was so scared that he was sweating all over and fainted again. He knew that his life was over.

So the next day, he hurriedly left the hospital, took his little savings, his wife and children, and fled Haicheng overnight, vowing that he would never come back in this life.

And he must be a good person in the future, never be arrogant, and bully honest people again.

He was really scared, afraid of his future life. If he encountered such a thing again, he would not have the good luck this time, and he could still keep his life without his family being broken up.

So, pretending to be cool has risks, and you should be careful if you want to pretend.

Of course, these are all later stories.

At this time in the underground garage, Han Zhe glanced at Xu Liang, who was covered in blood, and asked with a smile.

"How is it? Can you walk?"

Xu Liang nodded, and then suddenly bowed deeply to Han Zhe.

"Thank you, Mr. Han, you changed me."

Xu Liang is definitely a smart man, otherwise he would not have done such a difficult software development job so well.

Although at the beginning, he was also like Zhang Shuhui, and he had some resentment towards Xu Zhe, forcing himself to chop people.

But calm down and think about it carefully.

Xu Liang found the key.

From beginning to end, this matter had nothing to do with Han Zhe, and Han Zhe could have ignored his life or death.

He thought that a big boss would not drive here for nothing and provoke him to commit a crime.

He had chopped so many people, especially Manager Jiang, such a person with such a background and identity, and Han Zhe solved his worries with a phone call.

This shows that Han Zhe is really helping him.

The reason why he forced himself to chop people was just to give him the courage to face everything.

Just like what Han Zhe said at the beginning.

If you want others to save you, at least you have to prove that you are worthy of being saved.

If you have always been a cowardly soft egg, what is the point of Han Zhe saving you?

So he not only did not blame Han Zhe, but was very grateful to Han Zhe for completely releasing his dissatisfaction and grievances in his heart for many years.

It also made him find his high-spirited self again.

"I'm sorry, President Han, I misunderstood you at the beginning."


Zhang Shuhui also felt very embarrassed and came to apologize to Han Zhe.

"Okay, you two don't have to thank and apologize here."

"Everything has passed, just work hard in the company in the future."

"Especially you, Xu Liang."

Han Zhe looked at Xu Liang seriously and said solemnly.

"Mr. Wang and I are classmates and good friends. He has placed too many expectations on this company. I hope you can help us make it stronger and stronger."

Xu Liang nodded seriously, his eyes full of responsibility.

Han Zhe was good to him and helped him solve such a big problem. He had long wanted to work for Han Zhe and his team for a lifetime.

Zhang Shuhui did not object, and nodded with a sense of responsibility, indicating that she would work hard with Xu Liang.

"Okay, let's do this for now."

"You two should go to the hospital first and go to work tomorrow."

Han Zhe instructedAfter saying this, Xu Liang left the underground garage with the help of Zhang Shuhui.

Han Zhe just returned to his car silently, lit a cigarette, and said softly.

"I've been following you all the way, and I've finished watching the show."

"If you don't talk, I'll drive away."

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he saw a young man in a brown leather jacket appear at the corner. He was tall, had sharp eyes, and a smirk on his lips. He sat in the back seat of the car without saying hello.

"So you've already discovered me, why didn't you say it?"

The girl was Bai Wanqing, the female criminal police officer who had chased from Jiangcheng to Haicheng to find out the truth.

"You haven't explained your identity and purpose yet, so I don't need to answer your questions."

Han Zhe responded very coldly, and Bai Wanqing snorted in anger.

"Hmph, stingy guy, just say it."

"My name is Bai Wanqing, I'm a police officer from the Criminal Police Team 1 of the Jiangcheng Police Department. I came to Haicheng specifically to find you."

"I thought you were so crazy in Jiangcheng just because of the pressure from your original family."

"But from what happened just now, it seems that you are born a crazy person."

Bai Wanqing's eyes turned cold and she said seriously.

"Han Zhe, do you know that I can arrest you right now for instigating Xu Liang to chop people, not to mention the cases you did in Jiangcheng."

Han Zhe smiled and shook his head, expressing his disbelief.

"If you really want to arrest me, you wouldn't say so much to me."

"I can feel that you don't want to arrest me, so don't say these words to scare me."

Bai Wanqing was seen through, a little embarrassed, and a little angry, but she calmed down in an instant, and asked Han Zhe again after calming down.

"Let's not talk about this for now. I have a question for you."

"I have investigated your files and life experiences. Before you returned to the Han family, you were always an optimistic and cheerful student."

"I want to know what happened in just one year that made you so crazy now."

Han Zhe was stunned, thought for a while, and answered with emotion.

"If you can be stable, who wants to be a madman?"

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