Han Zhe did not hide anything and told Bai Wanqing everything that happened in the past year.

He even did not hide the fact that he had a terminal illness.

Han Zhe could clearly feel that Bai Wanqing was a kind person.

But he was definitely not attracted to this woman, he just treated her as a little sister.

Although in fact, Bai Wanqing was a few years older than him.

"It's unbelievable!"

"It's hard for me to imagine that your biological father would treat you like this for an illegitimate child, and your sister with the same father and mother would actually help that illegitimate child."

"The most bizarre thing is your mother, she is simply invincible in love."

"He believes everything your scumbag father says. He actually believed what the fortune teller said and abandoned you directly. This is too inhuman."

"You are so unlucky."

"It's bad luck to meet one of these extreme family members, and you actually met five at once. How lucky are you?"

Bai Wanqing asked half-jokingly, she also found it incredible.

Thinking about her happy family, her eyes unconsciously showed sympathy for Han Zhe.

"Yeah, with this luck, you should buy lottery tickets, maybe you can win five 10 million in a row."

Han Zhe also said jokingly, although there was a smile on his face, his eyes were full of sadness.

Bai Wanqing could feel that Han Zhe was really hurt by Han Zhenghui's family.

Unfortunately, Han Zhe would not tell Bai Wanqing that he was reborn, otherwise, if he told Bai Wanqing about her past life, Bai Wanqing would probably be so angry that she would pull out a gun and kill people.

The reason why Han Zhe did not say it was mainly because rebirth was too fantasy, and Bai Wanqing would not believe it.

Besides, Han Zhe did not like Bai Wanqing, and did not need Bai Wanqing's help. There was no need to exaggerate his tragic experience to gain Bai Wanqing's sympathy.

"How about it, are you still determined to arrest me now?"

Han Zhe suddenly asked.

"No, there is no need."

Bai Wanqing shook her head and smiled and gave an answer that surprised Han Zhe.

"I thought you would say that although I am pitiful, my behavior is indeed illegal and cannot escape the punishment of the law."

"That's the result?"

Han Zhe looked at Bai Wanqing curiously. This decision really surprised him.

"You underestimate my knowledge."

Bai Wanqing rolled her eyes at Han Zhe with disdain, and then said seriously.

"My father is the chief of the police department of Jiangcheng. I have seen too many bizarre cases since I was a child. Innocent people are imprisoned, and guilty people are at large. This is child's play."

"The biological mother killed her son out of helplessness. The junior high school student in his teens killed nine people in a row to express his indignation for his mother's humiliation."

"The retired veteran who had endured for fifteen years killed his neighbors just to avenge the murder of his mother many years ago."

Bai Wanqing talked about several cases like a treasure, which were indeed bizarre and sad.

Then Bai Wanqing took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"So, I don't mind people like you escaping the punishment of the law. I even hope you can get rid of more criminals, such as those in the Tigers and the Gunners."

"There are corners that the sun can't shine on, and the law can't punish all bad guys. I think it's a good thing that people like you exist."

"Besides, you only have one year left to live. If I catch you and bring you back, you will probably die before you can be sentenced. Why should I bother with that effort?"

Speaking of Han Zhe's physical condition, Bai Wanqing couldn't help but feel sad.

For Han Zhe, he initially thought that he was a rich kid who relied on his powerful background to do evil things. As a result, after learning the truth, he saw Han Zhe's way of doing things and thought that Han Zhe was indeed an interesting person and not a bad person.

So she also felt sorry for Han Zhe's experience. It would be good for the stability of society if such a person continued to live.

At least the things that they, the police, couldn't handle could be handed over to him.

Let the sky where the people live be cleaner.

"Since you don't want to arrest me, please get out of the car."

"It's already this time, I should go home. You don't want to go home with me, do you?"

Han Zhe smiled and ordered him to leave.

"Tsk, as if no one wants to stay with you any longer, let's go!"

Bai Wanqing didn't show any weakness at all, she said something, got out of the car generously, returned to her car, started the car and prepared to leave.

But as soon as she inserted the key, she heard her cell phone ringing. She took out her cell phone and saw that it was her father, Director Bai.

"Dad, do you have something to talk to me about?"

This was not in the Jiangcheng Police Department, and it was not working hours, so Bai Wanqing didn't use his official title to call his father.

"I really have something to talk to you about."

"Are you still in Haicheng?"

Director BaiThe tone was serious, and Bai Wanqing knew that it must be something serious.

"I'm still in Haicheng, you give me your orders."

Director Bai immediately began to issue orders.

"It's like this. During this campaign to crack down on gangs and eliminate evil, we eliminated several corrupt officials who protected them, as well as several underworld bosses. We found that these people had contact with a woman named Liu Tingting."

"According to the effective intelligence we have obtained, Liu Tingting has arrived in Haicheng and is preparing to flee overseas."

"Go to the Haicheng Police Department right now and explain your purpose. They will give you Liu Tingting's relevant information. You cooperate with the comrades in Haicheng to take action first and pursue the arrest first. Our people will arrive tomorrow and join you."

After hearing this, Bai Wanqing immediately became energetic.

"Got it, Director Bai, I'll go now."

Bai Wanqing hung up the phone and immediately started the car, intending to set off for the Haicheng Police Department.

As a result, the car could not start for a long time, and he was anxious. He jumped out of the car and ran to Han Zhe who had not yet driven away. He opened the door roughly and sat in.

"Officer Bai, what do you want to do?"

Han Zhe asked in confusion.

"Don't say anything. I have an emergency. The car broke down. You should take me to the Haicheng Police Station now. I will treat you to a meal later to thank you."


Although it was a bit of a first-come, first-served act, Bai Wanqing was very polite and did not act in a bossy manner. She also begged Han Zhe for help equally, which made Han Zhe feel very comfortable. It didn't matter if he helped.

"Buckle up."

After giving instructions, Han Zhe started the car and went to the Police Station.

Han Zhe's driving skills were good, and Bai Wanqing urged him to go. The Police Station was not far from Roman Company, and they arrived in less than fifteen minutes.

"Officer Bai, I'm glad to see you. This is Liu Tingting's information. Please take a look."

Bai Wanqing had just gotten out of the car and hadn't closed the door when she ran into the Haicheng police officer in charge of arresting Liu Tingting, who handed her a document.

"Thank you."

Bai Wanqing took the document and began to read it impatiently, completely forgetting Han Zhe's existence.

Han Zhe smiled speechlessly. This woman is really focused.

Han Zhe didn't care about her and crawled over to close the door himself and leave.

But when he crawled to the passenger seat and was about to close the door, he saw Liu Tingting's photo and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is this Liu Annie!?"

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